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Doesn't necessarily mean it has to be perfectly rendered (rendered doesn't only apply to 3D, btw), or that you can't post simpler stuff, just that the piece made you think a pro made it. Whether because of its composition, shapes, coloring or the story/concept itself.
clothed alt. forgot to mention these are made by "drills3d" aka "d3dstudio"
by fugtrup
sorry, wrong version.
full res can be found at https://files.catbox.moe/akqyev.png
full res: https://files.catbox.moe/k1yuef.png
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by moonfacer
more like cakefacer
Decent composition but the lighting good be better
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>good be better
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Anyone got any lighting advice for Blender?
Damn, that's really tasteful
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andrew price's lighting course i think is somewhat decent, here's a link https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjEaoINr3zgH9vCr47kSS5W8PEJBNIiwK
bumpin guud thread
have you just been posting that in like... every fucking thread you can
I'm definitely not pressed about it, those are some great asses
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I'm just here to post Princess Bean. No clue if it's artfully made or not.
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how can you tell if something is artfully made or not?
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You can't.
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A lot of these are not artfully made. Some are, dare I say it, slopa
Post good stuff then and stop whining like a little bitch
be the change you want to see, anon
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By what means?
let's see you do better
Alex is perfection
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this thread was alright until this post
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>AIslop in "Artfully Made" thread
jesus christ. mods please 404
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cool thread
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perspective on this is too crazy cool, objectively art
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okay thats it for me im already bordering on /h/
Damn, that's nice
Any more of Ellie?
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Don't know if this was artfully made. But it feels artsy.
what a fucking tragedy of an image. I had to stop jerking off to tell you this sucks so fuck you and tell me what race you are so i can hate everyone who shares your dna. im not a racist but i will learn. The only reason this thread wasnt amazing is so many of the thread spamming faggots dont know what art is. piss ugly pictures here.
>buh buh art is subjective!
art is to communicate idea or feeling, i doubt when these cross-eyed draw pad wielding retards drew most of these they to convey disgust. They failed to communicate their idea; ergo, failed to create art.
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I love the setting with all the nature
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Chel is so artistically cute
not here she isn't, the realism kills it
Nah you're just a faggot
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Very true
Goddamn, tthat's good, who's the artist?

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