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Guys pleasuring girls with their tongue. Been a week since the last thread, what is this board good for anymore.
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What's this from?
@brothatslewd on xitter
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>tfw gf is super submissive
>she'll never headlock you into cunnilingus with her thigh
>even if she did, it would feel wrong

We moderns face untold suffering.
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We finally get a good thread and it struggles to scrape by. Agony.
we truly are on the worst timeline
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It's so over.
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We're so back.
I like this artist's stuff, it's cute and lewd
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The hand on the head takes this from a 10/10 to an 11/10 in my book
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Deku does seem like the type to eagerly give head
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Totally. And if you see Jiro gripping Deku like that, shows she really wanted him badly.
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theese are really cute
Poast moar, you apes!
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Love that Jiro is the dominate one.
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>Me and gf making out
>She takes her underwear off
>Think its just so I can finger/fuck her
>pushes me on my back and straddles me head in one motion
>"I think I'll stay up here for a while"
>Grabs my dick

I'm sorry my friend, but I can't relate
Brothatslewd is so top tier
Why dont more artists emulate his work?
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More lesbians please
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be the change
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Why is cunnilingus so hot
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My personal take:
The positioning of someone eating pussy is really close to the action, and there's usually a lot of reciprocity between the two parties. Whether its the person eating using hands, kissing, closing their eyes, etc or the woman receiving grabbing hair, face, or holding hands, there's a lot of tenderness and intimacy involved.
Art depicting it (drawings, film, writing, etc) usually convey how pleasurable it is for the woman, but also show a sense of enjoyment for the one going down. Plus, it's really fun to watch the expressions change when they start to go over the edge a little and start succumbing to the enjoyment.
A lot of stuff can go on. Use of hands, lots of kissing on and around the area, legs doing a lot of different things, etc. It doesn't really have to be boring or vanilla, even if people consider oral sex to be kinda basic.

I'm sure I could think of more, but I'm sure others could probably give their reasons which are probably better.
me in the middle
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Is it better to have eyes closed or puppy eyes?
Bloodshot crackhead eyes
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i love it when a guy fingers a girl while licking her clit
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are povs okay?
I'll allow it.
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i hate the size limit sometimes
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No. Your arbitrary question begets and arbitrary answer, so no, don't post any POV.
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This size limit really suck.
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His drawings are always so detailed.
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I've always wanted to eat pussy so badly
Stop posting dykes, you niggers. OP said guys pleasuring girls.
ive always wanted my pussy to be eaten
wish you luck
I'm sure the time will come for both of us
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wishing my best luck anons. eating is great. don't know how it feels to be eaten out but I'm sure it feels great too. i'm sure it'll come soon enough for both of you.
Thanks! I'm really looking forward to whatever comes around!
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tastes like peaches :)
thank you anon, i really hope it happens to me
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You've never had it done to you? Gotta find a person willing to, shouldn't be too hard
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NTA but there's a surprising number of guys who are just reflexively against the idea of eating pussy but expect to get their dick sucked. Maybe more people are chilling out about it now, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's been an obstacle for some people on this site.
I'm the exact opposite
I've never wanted my dick sucked but I've just always wanted to eat pussy
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For a second I thought she was gonna ask: "chat is this real?"
Having a succubus domme ride my face whilst she teases my cock - ideally with her tail - is my absolute dream!
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>when the head is so good you begin questioning reality
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I was gonna call you an underage but then I realize you're referring to chat noir
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Moar orgasms
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“Foreplay” yeah - whatever “Fore”head. You’re really just gonna sit there seeing her throbbing clit not give her blessed release? What the fuck, dawg. Imagine getting a blowjob with never getting an orgasm. Have you lost your marbles? Sociopath?

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kek I just noticed the mistletoe
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i might get called a cuck, but I think female pleasure is extremely sexy. I would almost rather eat a girl out than do anything else with her. I think there is a little bit of a power trip, too, since women tend to by hyper self-aware. they are always poised, composed, and careful. licking a girl's private parts and wrecking her composure, to have her gasping, writhing, and desperate is soooo satisfying!

But, yeah, I like seeing girls lusting and enraptured with pleasure. I like sex, and I want to know that my partner wants it at least as much as I do
You're not a cuck. Nothing is wrong with you. You're beautiful, and poised to make someone, perhaps many someones very happy.
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Nah, I think you described it pretty well. Watching the girl you're doing it with lose it, even just a little, is super hot (the power thing). Like an "oh, you're really liking this huh" kind of thing. Also, after finishing she's like in a very happy and bliss state and just wants to cuddle you. It's pretty neat.
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That was eloquently put
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sometimes you'll see words of gold here
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it's probably one of the nicer things I've seen one anon say to another on this board, maybe on this site. the pussy eating thread brings out the best in people lol
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