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A thread for horny breeders, Futa, Male, whatever; if they have a penis and impregnate multiple women (especially if those women are all very eager to be impregnated), they belong here!
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Post 6, bitch
It's six now? didn't it used to be three?
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Not OP, but willing to help.
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Not explicitly stated, but I choose to believe this was for the sole purpose of procreation.
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Cuckquean Kim stands among Hagfish's finest contributions to humankind.
Very much so. Sadly he is currently on a long hiatus. Presumably from work aking too much time from his art.
Good for her!
didn't he pass away?
No, that's Relatedguy. RIP, because he REALLY seemed to like breeding.
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>Don't cum inside!
I'll be real with you, if you're fucking raw, I'm not really sure what you expect here. "My hips are moving on their own!" is a meme for a reason.
This. The horny is just to strong to even fight against when you're fucking.
RelatedGuy was the master of this stuff. Has anyone stepped up to replace him?
Sadly no. His stuff was some of the best
before/after > internal penis squirting into womb shot > sperm to egg
100% agree, have never got the appeal of the xray shit. makes me think i'm back in middle school sex ed
how the fuck did she even get in there??
Remember to stay out of the innawoods. Hiking offtrail is for chumps
Don't ask questions
I never got any details about what happened, did any new information came out?

also, I have some stuff from my own project I can post if people are interested.
Right. Saying this as a total pervert breeding enthusiast and all, if you're having sex, wear a condom or expect a flood.
I agree it's very silly. Then again, the sperm_attacking_egg tag has brought me such joy.
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I like to make preg edits of stuff. If you have any images you want to have edited post them.
some more from my own projects.
Fingers crossed, love me some Rogue.
Extreme unf. Something about that pose with lactation. ex. I hate Amy Schumer's work, but the bit about feeling like she was getting milked like a cow during sex, bending over as to demonstrate - shameful, fierce erection.
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what do you mean Amy Schumer? lol
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This was difficult due to the clothes and textures used, but I did what I could for you :)
Very impressive anon, thank you!
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Sure, here.
Amy Schumer is a fat lady comedian. Not a great one. She does, however, do that whole “breasts hanging, jiggling like a cow” bit and moos onstage, so …
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Very nice, thank you.
good job!
> not asking for a family discount
come on, the joke wrote itself
I'm not out to fuck with someone's boner, but she'd not deign to do that, unless he won it in a pitched round of Kombat.
What IS the appeal of "stuck in the dryer" porn?
The fact that it's basically rape
The one thing to kill a boner.
Never ask a white supremacist the race of his girlfriend.
Then go back to Germany, microcuck
you have never been loved and never will
who's the artist?
Of course I have. I'm white and raised with two parents. So, you know, white.
The land of "tan Germans"? No.
Or stop being a whiny cuck
Pick one
i miss RG so much bro!
wouldnt need an edit, he would do that naturally!
>Twincest impreg
Boys see this and say, "Hell yeah"
Hexanne's incest is among God's finest.
Moar incest
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how about no
What a strange card game.
I want more of this one so bad
Rescuing from page 10

Breeding is great but it's even better if she thinks she's safe when she really isn't.
be the change you want to see
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I really like this thread ,I think we should keep going until every sexy lady is breeded.
This looks like an edit, but the style looks like this guy.
I like to think it's Perfuma breeding the lot of them. Fertility goddess and all.
Good artist...
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Does this technically count as incest?
I mean, the Omnitrix resequences Ben's DNA to match that of the alien species, right? So even if Gwen does get pregnant, it'll be almost completely unrecognizable to Ben's original DNA, right?
shocking how this isnt nmore popular
Bred the sister to save the thread
Zuko you lucky dog
Biologically, no. Observantly, yes. It's a brother's consciousness in a alien's body fucking his cousin. So while it isn't biological incest it is incest
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If you're fucking your cousin with a stolen dick, she's still your cousin.
This is a great breeding story

I got to read this when I get the chance. Thanks for sharing.
Oh it's good. I like this guy's writing style, it doesn't take itself too seriously but it checks a ton of boxes for fetishes I like. Literotica is usually pretty good about tagging and labeling the fetishes involved as well.

Also, Anyone else have trouble finding good hyper/excessive cum stories that don't shove random hardcore fetishes in with it?
I found some great writing styles in AO3, but they absolutely ruin it by randomly throwing in illegal shit WITHOUT TAG WARNINGS, and it just obliterates the whole mood and makes me feel sick.
Maybe that's just an AO3 problem?
That's the problem with niche fetishes (not necessarily breeding and pregnancy), any produced media is very rarely going to stay in its lane.
[spoiler]I love cumflation but it's like 90% just futa and furry shit.[/spoiler] It's suffering sometimes.
Fair warning, it's futa, it's not finished, and it will likely never be finished. However, if you're into massive amounts of cum and cum inflation, then that's your story.
> Get pregnant!
> Get pregnant!
> Get pregnant!
> Get pregnant!
> Get pregnant!
> Get pregnant.
>pumping a litter into her
Beginning to see why furries exist.
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This is an oddly specific request, but does anyone know of any stories, comics, or anything like that that lists... the demographic aftermath?

Like, a character goes on a breeding spree and there is a page, or at least a mention, showing a population spike or a demographic change or something?

My data autism wants to combine with my fetishes.
Rape is an essential tradition in orc cultures.
Not entirely sure, but it sounds like something they'd do in that old ASSTR story, "The Tale of Ten-Inch."
Interesting, I'll check it out.
this was very good
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Can anyone recommend some good comics/doujin that cater to this fetish? Unsafe sex, risky creampies, especially if they're forced or unexpected are the only thing I can get off to anymore. But it's weird because I find smut where the girl is actually pregnant to be kind of gross and unappealing? I want to see a fit and fertile girl get bred, not a fat sow with a baby already on the way. The trouble is if you search something like "breeding" or "impregnation" on most sites you'll get a bunch of pregnant fetishism, but if you search something like "creampie" or "cumshot" you get a deluge of media where the impregnation angle isn't there at all.
Hung Princes and Horny Elves by Hagfish
Mating Diary of an Easy Futanari Girl deals with this.
Impregnation, breeding, first time, harem

These may work.
Best tradwife
that's debatable
She is naturally submissive, I could use her, impregnate her, have her raise my kids, use her again and she wouldn’t complain
>also, I have some stuff from my own project I can post if people are interested.
Got anymore to share? Please share more, because I think you have posted those in previous threads. But I also recall other anons posting different girls/characters of yours as well.

Should I assume those characters of yours is basically a harem story with the Male Lead being the not so handsome, but decent looking male character who is unbelievably lucky to have harem of hot or cute females?

Post more and maybe a summary of what that story of yours is.
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Whoops, wrong pic

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