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Last one got taken down because someone posted Gus so in the future let's avoid that
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Also same rules:
Hard Mode:
No futa
No yaoi
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/it797n.png
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/yzjs6v.png
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we call it 'wincest' here
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/2yui74.png
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I love the eye makeup
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So... white shota dick is fine, while black shota dick instanukes the whole thread? Interesting.
You could debate that he's actually much older than her so it gets a pass
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want to keep this thread going, so posting more of my own stuff.
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You drew this? It's very well done
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Hey! I appreciate it a lot!
I did these two as well.
Just finished this one obviously.
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/bcvwbv.png
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Lilith Best girl
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So what's this comic about?
I wish there was more Owl House porn with satanic imagery like pic related, it fit the Owl House universe so right, that subtext of Amity and Luz being sinful and serving demons as witches do
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/m8n3bu.png
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I'm so tsundere for Luz and Amity
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Is this canon?
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Witch soup
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Waiter, there's a hair in my soup
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What's the source ? I've tried finding it & nothing comes up
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is the "you moan like your girlfriend" piece owl house r34?
What ?
There's a piece of r34 that I'm looking for that has the line "You moan like your girlfriend" and I'm like 75% sure it's owl house content.
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>Last one got taken down because someone posted Gus so in the future let's avoid that
>Gus gets posted
>Thread is still alive

I really like how this artist draws Luz and Amity
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i really like the artstyle in this pic, anyone know the source?
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I like it when dayama draws smut but it's always futa with her. Fuck. why draw penetration if she never draws boys and why always girls if it's never actual lesbian stuff?
I dunno, I've noticed a lot of lesbian artists are really into the idea of girls with dicks, but not like in a trans way. I especially see it with the Amphibia fan community. Maybe the logic is "what if the strap was actually real" or something like that. Maybe a lot of queer women like the concept of dick, just not the gender of what it's attached to.
That's fucking retarded
Yeah, but men did the same when they couldn't get women for so long they started looking for trap "men" with no dicks to look at around the earl 2010s.

I can totally get seeing a woman wanting dick but hate men just like men can hate women but still wants wet pussy lips around their cocks. A symptom of a bigger problem. But then again, fiction isn't real so that should never be something to seethe over.
T. Femcel libchud
That was also very gay but closeted
Why? I'm just saying lesbians are retarded for wanting dick but not men.
It's not just "gay", that's what men do now when they hate women for too long, they just want other men that get them to become women enough to get off to. I've seen this irl. I'm not surprise women, who are as human as men, think the same way.
That's still gay as shit
I'm surprised how much I've come to like Willow
Chubby girls are the best
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Muscle and chub is a beautiful mix
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This guy is great
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He posts on the owl general on /trash/ if you're interested.
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