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Post the newest art you can find here

AI generated art is NOT allowed
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I don't get the fuss about AI art
It's really easy to distinguish it from drawn art since AIs are always generating the same poses/artstyle and it's quite frankly becoming quickly old.
no AI art
it's the new trendy thing for non artists to mess with because it's an advancement in technology
"Robots can generate art now? WOA!"
Give it a couple of years and the novelty will wear off
Then why real artists are freaking out about it?
File: file.png (1.2 MB, 920x1455)
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1.2 MB PNG
> New Art
> 4chan file names
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2.21 MB JPG
they're from the drawthread
File: moxxie millie futa poke.png (32 KB, 926x1728)
32 KB
Tango deserved better.
where are these characters from?
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Because some of them are stupid
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2.26 MB PNG
fresh from the drawthread
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584 KB PNG
another drawthread fill
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Cuts into their immediate profits, along with the piles of art the generators learn from usually including stuff used without consent from any of the actual artists.
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>since AIs are always generating the same poses/artstyle
>since people are always generating the same poses/artstyle

Fixed it for you.
AI can do any pose or artstyle anyone can imagine.

Shouldn't you be busy telling 14yrolds posting AI art on Twitter to kill themselves?
Shouldn't you be calling actual artists 'artoids' while showing them a nine-fingered abomination you think is perfect?
Very nice. Thanks for sharing
would be better without the pasties
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more drawthread art
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alt ver.
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this is very obviously AI slop.
fuck off.
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OC drawthread always delivers
Very good indeed
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sapphire delivery
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an anonymous drawfag
File: mini sloot.png (1.44 MB, 1680x2193)
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who's that cutie?
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File: DextersMomAgain.jpg (1.11 MB, 1935x2500)
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This is AI
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Pretty cool
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Unfathomably cringe
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more drawthread deliveries
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nice bush
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I know right
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Sharon is the sexiest cartoon mom ever made
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she really is
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Amazing. She's beyond gorgeous
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Same thing was said about the cars and the internet.
It's ogre, we have won.
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/tg/ - /aco/ pipeline
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It's bleepideeboop I think.
Uncredited Kamala stuff are usually from them...

Or some just assumed it's them.
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Yeah and "immediate profits" might mean paying rent for the month. I don't necessarily have a problem with ai "art" but I sure as shit have a problem with how it's being built behind the scenes and how users act so non-chalant about it not being a big deal.

For personal, non commercial use, idgaf. If someone wants something in the style of Incase for their horny d&d campaign, they're sol cause he doesn't do coms anymore. But for commercial use, it's bullshit.
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And a followup.
is that Jerma?
absolutely based, can't believe someone turned this into a comic.
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Happy 4th

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