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Real muscular/toned men showing how its done and fucking sexy feminine women silly.
>Bonus for female orgasms.
>No futa shit
>No single males
>No gay shit, not even lesbians.
>No QoS cringe but blacks are WELCOME.
>No ugly bastards
>No gas or onara
>No drama
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IMAGINE being this manly!
some of us already are
Ur gay
if all MAGAtards looked like that I'd tolarate them more
Are you a woman?
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no i'm mtf transgender
representation matters sweaty
YOU WILL NEVER BE A WOMAN id tell you to kill yourself but you will lol.
I bet you're the same bitch who made the daddy kink thread, these just seem like an excuse to post brownoids with white men
Not really, in fact I like bleached stuff a lot more.
Chill, man. What's your problem?
You don't need to explain anything. Nothing wrong with either topic.
As a bitch interested in both of these threads I don't care about skin color. (White femanon)
Are you spock femanon? And are you hot?
Spock femanon? And I think I'm alright.
There's a reason he's called BEAST boy!
Oh nevermind then, I thought you were. Spockfemanon is a female anon who is in love with Spock and actually posted some pictures of her. She's quite hot too
...which version of Spock?
Not really an expert on Spocks.
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>I'm on my days of the month
ayo what
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I think it's just a clumsy way to say she's ovulating.
>I think it's just a clumsy way to say she's ovulating.
Post physique
Basically like this but aryan blonde
Leonard Nimoy.
Mr. X is Mr. seX
>buff beast boy
I'm so used to his Teen Titans version suddenly seeing him all buff and masculine in the comic series was a huge surprise
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Ah so you're a man.
>gender is a social construct
Which completely obliterates your entire movement, as there is no fixed characteristics for "man" or "woman" then the very concept of transgender is at it's core false. If anyone can identify as anything and everything at any time then no definition is valid. And yet by your own logic "transgender" people attend to "pass" as their chosen gender, as if their ARE immutable biological, psychological, physiological and emotional differences between men and women, something that you say is purely artificial.
Yes, Bingus is for fags.
This is peak.
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radical lefty idiots hold many hypocritical opinions. Just ask them if they're against racism, and if they support blacks being given their own separate dormitories and graduation ceremonies.
(hint: the left have always been racist, from the time they fought for slavery in the civil war, til now)
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Perfect pairing
Why does that manly man have a womb tattoo?
He is that confident in his sex skill
With good reason too


you faggots are still crying and posting the same stale pasta from over a decade ago, what a bunch of fucking pussies
Being manly enough to conquer an (inferior) race!
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Kamala and Joshua are such a hot couple
The heart wants what it wants~
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What kind of retard gets 'sexgod' tattooed on himself? There a like 1000 better things to choose from.
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I like Kamala & Joshua too. They're quite sexy together
Is that suppose to be Lux from League of Legends?
baras that like women
That is fucking based. I want to be a bara who fucks a woman

The kind so insecure that they have to say "Black OK" when posting about "manly men"
Banjabu stuff:
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Fred Perry stuff:
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Jlullaby stuff (RIP):
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Saagelius stuff:
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Aestheticc-Meme stuff:
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OK, I'm bored. I'm done for the night,
>This trope
>Plus hyper cock
>Plus cum inflation
>All set
Thank you based anon!
Just a two picture comic that Saagelius' uploaded to their Twitter, although there are some other pics based on it. I think it's a sneak peak on her Patreon about a comic she's working on, so there's more in there for sure.

Saag has another comic, also with an Older Man Younger Woman pair, called Phantomland.
Calm is the best for this
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Damn her stuff is good. I even looked up Phantomland which at first I doubted was by the same artist(and then I saw the teeth) and it's actually a really fun comic.
wtf are you talking about? I literally created that reply fag.
Also, a decade ago, everybody knew what a woman was and there were no arguments from psychos trying to redefine words, you lefty retard.
Agreed, people are insane these days.

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