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Also requesting to draw more with Diana and Presto (they older, 17-18y.o. couple)
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Not being in favor of the superior DnD couple sighhh. Sheila/Diana should be just as welcome OP.
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Imagine their tender first sex
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is this show worth watching?
Only if it'll help you goon to the rule34.
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This is so cute, but is this airing or its already done?
It was done airing 40 years ago.
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>Remember kids, dragons don't just exclusively go after princesses.
>Sheila's age during the series is given as ... ahem.
And, remember as well, it's not statutory if you are a dragon just trying to protect his horde from a potential thief.
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Dragons seem to treat their hostages like treasure anyways, just another piece of the pile.
They made a Dungeons and Dragons cartoon?
It has its moments but its pretty standard 80s cartoon. Enjoy the one scene of canon nudity.
Closest I remember to being anyway near blatant fanservice was the jump up on the horse to ride away action shot. With that underside rear view creep shot camera angle of her panties. Sadly, not enough to tell if she was a real redhead, but a nice raging boner inducing view way back when.
Anyone familiar with the series can dig it up and post, I'm sure.
I've always been a fan of the postmodern princess post-rescue story line. You know, where she beats the shit out of her would be knight in shining armor for the crime of dragging her away from her dragon beau. To which she promptly returns to live in draconian happiness ever after.
Or, also appealing, as one writer so blatantly suggested of modernized fantasy romance:
>How many consciously daydream, turning on a story in which the dreamer ceases to be an employee of I.B.M. and becomes a handsome demigod moving through splendid palaces, saving maidens from monsters (or monsters from maidens: this is a jaded time).
So ... insert rescuing knight with the scaly monster thrown over his shoulder marching away from the princess pic here.
But, with all due respect to Vidal, I'd rather be the cunning dragon dealing with a naive girl dressed in a streetwalker miniskirt and boots, sneaking around under her useless cloak of invisibility.
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not bad for mspaint art
Just a story of how one of the players to summoned, trained, and managed to make a succubus into the second in command of a local faith.
Note this was a smut game with like several fetish moments. Like dragonborn all being pure nudist. Furries just going wild, and my favorite was capturing a bratty princess to become a spanking slave.
The boy is so cute
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She is such a muscular hottie
Wow, what beautiful toned muscules. Were tomboys famous since that era?
The small amount of art is always a weird thing about these old shows in general, because a ton of people did watch them.
And often whatever art exists, was either made by horny boomers over 40 years ago, or in the early 2000s and both of those eras are the shits regarding people's skill level.
we like them that way here
Art for her seems rare.
>Viper RSR scenario
Now, if that were a dragon it'd be perfect.
Nut, yeah. We need some proper hentai pros to take series this for a reimaging.
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Not gonna post the whole comic, go here to see it yourself:
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Sadly, the certain characters look age up from where they should be. Not that it's all bad, and this one pic ... um ... wow.
Not porn, but for those who don't know about it:
Back in 2019 there was a Brazillian Car Commercial that featured The Gang, and it was Damned Good (everyone looked perfect.....except maybe Dungeon Master ^_^)

>for those who don't know about it:
Heh. That was fun. I'll give the Brazilians this, they've got good taste.
What I like is that it even has a 'stinger' at the end, showing Venger made it over as well (the Mounted Policeman with the glowing eyes ^_^).

So, all it took for the gang to get home was Dungeon Master selling out to a car company, huh? ^_^
>Dungeon Master selling out
They threw in some rather sophisticated subtlety there. You know, being that the gang was inhabiting a quazi-medieval civilization as yet to move through the capitalist historical evolution. As entertainingly successful as the one commercial was, one suspects it was ripe for the series treatment. Except, rumor has it, the next commercial involved the gang invoking the redly haunting spirit of you know who as the only means to challenge the now earthbound Venger.
Or something liek dat.
I may be misrepresenting, being so distracted by the idea of a nasty dragon opportunizing an encounter in his lair with a certain ineptly larcenous pair, a thief and acrobat, and, well.
Ahem. Yes. Let us the risque nostalgia roll on...
Way more 'deep thoughts' than I've ever put into it ^_^

Really wouldn't mind seeing a non-commercial continuation of this, though (Venger and Gang in the Real World).

Anyway, here's another image, found here:
Thank you
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That was so cool and a fantastic ending to the cartoon, really.
This would be the perfect ending
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Mind if I use this thread to help build lore for my DnD campaign? I'm using Presto as my Lich's Grandfather and debating on either ut being after Requiem or The kids get out but presto went back.
Some DnD Diana art for a drawthread req back in 2023 that I'm never getting back to
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Hm. Is Presto still in the world, and alive, for the campaign?
Unfortunately they made Shadow Demon male.
A female would have been hotter.
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nice edit!
Back when cartoons had kino orchestrated music (sometimes):
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Mercy, their Diana is gorgeous, but not quite athletic enough
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Nope, he will have passed of old age by the start of the campaign and his Grandson would develop a fear of death around it. To the point he starts going down a dark path to somehow slow the reaper's approach or achieve immortality at all costs.
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They are both best girls
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Not Porn, but Interesting anyway: The show re-imagined as a 1950's style movie ^_^

that was interesting
If you say so.
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link and who's the woman?
Is it really just to chicks on this?
kind of? why do you ask

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