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No futa no dykes
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did you draw this?
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I love femdom!
Love how creative this is. It's like the opposite of denying am erection through chastity, but on the other hand, there's really no chance he won't get zapped within minutes.
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I want to be beat up by a stronger woman and pissed on as a form of humiliation!
I really really need this!
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Women roughing up men is always so good!
I NEED this!
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I want more!
This artist draws some good rough femdom sometimes. Shame about the ntr focus.
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who is the artist?
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Apparently goes by soraoraora
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good looking out
sauce plz
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Love the idea of feminine women dominating/enslaving big muscular guys/beasts
Agreed, its just the best feeling. I want a feminine woman to torture me!
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Part 2!
How is this femdom
Nta but you could argue she's in control of the situation and more assertive?
That's a reach. It reads like a 2koma-esque sequence.
Right? There's no strap-on anywhere
>It reads like a 2koma-esque sequence

I wouldn't say its instant loss just because she's getting dicked, I agree its pretty vanilla though
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She's a power bottom anon
I'll power your bottom
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>fufufu silly boy, little does he know I'm dominating him by pleasuring his cock until he cums
I thought the gfd bandwagoners were all into tomboys now
I fucking NEED this!
>no dykes
But that's half the fun of femdom threads
Agreed, dykes are based
do the mario
God Samus in armor is more hotter
Cause ur gay
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Love Noi sm
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I need this!
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why are the cock and balls so pixelated?
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Japanese artist probably. Looks like it was run through a mosaic remover.
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