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18+ Avatar Resources:

https://booth.pm/en/items?tags%5B%5D=VRChat&adult=only (Anime models)
https://gumroad.com/discover (Use to find tech, furry thread is down the block)

Guide to Avatars utilizing the VCC

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSwMz4WcajQ [Embed]

OpenVR Advanced Settings (contains playspace mover)


Other resources (downloads at your own risk):

VRC Fury - Simplifies toggles/animations & more
Wholesome SPS configurator - Sets up SPS sockets automatically
DMCustom PCS and LMS - Funny noises for penetrators/sockets
https://files.catbox.moe/jc7ul1.zip (PCS)
https://files.catbox.moe/7rb18v.zip (LMS)
ComboGestureExpressions - enable various facial expressions with shapekeys based on your hand positions
OSCGoesBrrr - Connect your CoIP (Coom over IP) devices to VRC
NSFWGogoLoco - Useful for 3 pointers
Poiyomi Pro 9.0.40 - Up to date poiyomi shader
Physbones tutorial - Give yourself jiggling titties, floppy cock, whatever
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTTnWUkswkU [Embed]
Male/boy model list
How to find related assets for your base

Upcooming events


/trash/ thread: >>>/trash/vrlg

OP template pastebin: https://rentry.org/acovrlgop/raw
Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8166769
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the bottom
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-5 int Velle
which model is this?
Why am I in such high demands
Blue raspberry :)
<3 god I want to meet you
Don't get your hopes up anon, I'm nothing special, but I appreciate the sentiment!
does anyone know that meru avi ive been looking for it!
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not too artsy fartsy right?
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my knot, in your ass
I love plaping goblins
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Hello I just bought a few things to get into vrc with, but I have no idea what to actually do or how to mod the game with sex stuff properly. The OP post is kinda confusing too.
can anyone help me? please...
ask >>>/trash/vrlg/
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Gimme that cake cutie~
Gonna smooch
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Looking cute over there~
<3 your unmet fan
uh oh im stuck~
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not without a dick she isn't
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lunauravrc gumroad com
More brown gyatts, specifically this one
Omg hiii!!!!
I still need to nut in this creature again
I wish I could jerk off to vr sluts
Like you physically can't or emotionally can't?
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Anyone got any more of this girl?
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Then post it, you dummy!
I never figured out who this person was
I think this was W
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They have a lot of outfits, huh? Wonder if they've got an album or collection somewhere.
nah :)
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I like to keep this thread open and see very old photos of me taken without me even remembering them
I still wonder why yall like the slime so much
thats my line!
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Are there any boorus or sites for videos/RP done in VRC?
you can try rule34, tho you will just get TDA crap imo
Fuck them robots until then blue screen
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its pears
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finally something good to eat...
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Need brown wyvern
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lol, the fucking faggot told me he didn't want that avatar shown
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I'm fucking the dog
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catch me if ya can
this is also the slime btw
I have been EXPOSED
Some bitch denied me sex
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I know, and I'm gonna ram them like Korone rammed them in L4D2
its on your twitter
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