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Because Calm makes the best art, so good it almost looks computer generated.
>no futa no fags
Calm draws the best cum.
I love this piece!
yeh it's not bad
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For me it's this one. His newer stuff is fun and playful, but it's not as intimate.
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Also, he's always had a lot of stylistic exaggeration, but it's getting ridiculous. Look at the size of this guy's hands.
OK, that just looks wonky.
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I'd buy that book
Calm truly makes the best stuff!
Mid at best
>so good it almost looks computer generated
Bizarre attempt at a compliment.
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The guys' hands just keep getting bigger, jesus christ.
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There, I'm all dump'd out.
Calm truly makes the best stuff
Mid at best
jealous of his talent much?
Not even a hottie
NTA, but while he clearly has the technical skill, in my opinion his style is developing in a way that's getting less appealing. It's just too cartoony and exaggerated.
It's dogshit
Not at all
Why is it so bad
Where does he post? "Calm art" isn't useful when searching.
No one cares
Rule34 under the tag calm_(artist) or her patreon.
Calm is a dude. Says so on every profile he's set up everywhere.
Xitter. calmdraws
She is not
What? Calm is a hot girl, that's what makes her so special!
You've been deceived, how badly did you simp for him
I donated over 50k to "her" account!
Fucking hell dude
When no nut November ends.
Me when ur mom
>The worst bump in history

God the proportions are so ass
I love this picture!
I seriously can't unsee how fucking cartoony and exaggerated everything is getting in his pictures, it's a letdown. He used to be far more reasonable. Look at >>8288818 >>8281534 >>8273429>>8272422
The dicks are big, sure, but the guys' hands aren't the size of the girls' entire torsos.
I can't unsee how fucked up the anatomy is
oh, poor sad for your dicky.
In English, doc.
Calm makes the best stuff!
He really doesn't
what a fucking loser lol
Yes he does
That's cap
Proof that Calm is a woman!
cap what? speak english motherfucker.
That's not proof you dense fuck
Women naturally draw men with huge hands, ergo Calm is a woman!
I like how he draws cocks and those bubbling cum (even in real life it doesn't look like that). But there's something uncanny about how he draws the faces that are always grinning and the facial harmony is all over the place like a polished turd. It reminds me of the titans from SnK.

He's a he retard
Calm always makes the best scenes! Such happy sex and cool worlds

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