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new game? edition

THIS GENERAL ISN'T JUST ABOUT SLAVE TRAINERS OTHER GENRES OF GAMES FIT HERE ALSO (Please read the next part for further clarification).

This is a general about slave trainer games and the creation of games where you play as a male and dominate women. Discussion about games not being created here is also acceptable as long as it's related to the topic at hand(i.e. playing a male and dominating women). Futa belongs in weg not here. If it has a dick it's not a woman. If you let others fuck her, you're a c u c k and you don't belong here either.

Just use f95zone fag

Tropics list

If I forgot you please mention it

Maverick wrote a guide for scripting. Shows how to write/structure scenes for coders. Good for idea-guys & script-writers:
Contact info for major contributors:
Some of these people are looking for writers and artists. If you're interested mention it.

Report & ignore shitposters, people that scream proxyfag/samefag/waifu/waifufag, people that post beast, multi-male gangbang shit and futa spammers
Previous thread >>8162533
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Null Hypothesis is probably the #1 game atm
I'm having so much fun with it
If I was oni, I would kill myself knowing how much I've been usurped.
That AI Gen?
Ok desu I didn't know about this game and I actually played Rogue Like last night and the cowgirl Storm scene is so fucking lazy and weird looking with her legs/hips seemingly detached from her torso.

Anon I'm taking you at your word here because I'm about this download this and if it's shit then well........ shame on you :)
If it's good and you love it, you better kneel.
>cuck general is now praises ai garbage
Man I hope this is good
Impregnate sluts
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>Yours to Conquer
Hey, I know what that is! It’s a classic!
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>new game
That's my game Yours to Conquer: Hearthside Stories or just Hearthside Stories. Appreciate sharing the art. It is almost ready for a public release. I've been working on new windows, features and scenes. Pic rel is the new guide selection window. You get to choose which girl teaches you about the game (tutorials, faq), they also greet you each time you open the game and I'm adding another feature where they comment on your gameplay periodically. The previous thread has all the details.

If you are interested email support@ytcgame.com for access to the spicy discord.

thank you king
Nazi sluts
witch sluts
does anyone have any of the old mod guides for the stregic dress up system? I found an old hard drive from years ago with some items that are not in there, but I am blanking on getting it setup locally and modded
elf sluts
top tier
i have one question
will there be foot fetish scenes?
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Yes, plenty of feet content planned. Currently, the demo has a footjob variation with a foot fetish dirty-talking scene as well. Just for you, 4k sample from the demo.

The previous thread (in OP) has more details, here is a repost of some:

Fetish content (most optional)
- impregnation
- feet, armpits
- dominating the girls
- femdom (ultimately you own them but some scenes where you can worship the girls)
- exhibitionism
- mild hairy pussy and armpits (optional)
- more planned as well

NO hard-core(futa, homosexuality, ntr, beast, rape, scat, vore, etc.) fetishes, ever.
i will now buy your game
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I autistically design every aspect of the girls, their feet, armpits, hands, etc. Down to the flavour of their breast milk. Email me if you'd like to try the demo and provide feedback early >>8278218. Another foot chad in the chat might be enough for me to do a foot promo for >>8274361 (Op's pic is a girl from my game, Sirena). I gave her some really nice soles.
Here, another Akabur clone. Trouble with it is that the (fr*nch) fuck doesn't draw and commissions art from different (not that good) artists. Game itself is pretty elaborate, but nowhere near finished.
Going to sleep because chatgpt is unresponsive and I need it to double check my grammar :(
I'm new, and it seems to me that the cuck denouncement doesn't quite mesh with the whoring screenshots from Something Unlimited in the OP. Is it an inside joke maybe?
>I autistically design every aspect of the girls, their feet, armpits, hands, etc. Down to the flavour of their breast milk. E
I'm more of an ankle enthusiast. Toesies are also cute. Soles are cringe and femdom. According to Freud, "a sign of immaturity".
hulking sluts
Looks good, include a thiccfit muscle mommy orc to break & i'm sold. Bonus points if any girl gets stockholme syndrome
im gonna buy it
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Well, there are plenty of ankles.

>muscle mommy orc
It is low fantasy, so there aren't a lot of races and I'm not into muscular women. So there will not be orcs or muscular women.

Currently, there are 4 companions
- ditzy genki shortstack
- haughty uptight elf
- cold dominating dark elf
- cheeky spirit girl

- frilly tomboy knight
- unkempt neet goth girl
- depresso white pantyhose ghost girl

Rune the cheeky ghost girl has a few planned forms:
>>8274368 goblin/gremlin
Mature 'cake'
You definitely mentioned "tutorials" and "gameplay", so what's the gameplay like? Roughly. Wegs with gameplay good, far as I see it.
So the main game is Yours to Conquer a 3d adventure RPG with romanceable companions. I previously linked some old 'gameplay'

I'm splitting the main game into 2, the second game being Hearthside Stories. Hearthside Stories is a story ONLY VN, sharing all the scenes from YTC but with additional H content.

Right now Hearthside Stories has no gameplay, it is only a VN. I'm prototyping gameplay ideas, to see if I can fit in something fun between scenes. I'm a bit autistic about wanting it to be fun, so I'm only adding gameplay if it is actually enjoyable.

The main game (YTC) is travelling to POIs exploring, combat, crafting, and hanging out with the companions at the homestead. It is almost mechanically complete, the webm I included is a bit deceptive about the game's depth.
I definitely can't parse your post, dude. I'm assuming you'll be aiming to release the pure VN first then? If so, it's perhaps more prudent to shill your game by that other name.
Yeah, sorry, it is a bit weird to explain.
- main game is 3d adventure RPG split into 2 games
- the second game is STORY only with H
- second game might get some gameplay

>aiming to release the pure VN first then?
The second game will be out first to generate funding. It shares story scenes, so I will always be adding to it.

>it's perhaps more prudent to shill your game by that other name.
It isn't out yet, and I've not fully decided on a name for it.
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I like rogue Lite Evolution a lot. I always stayed loyal to her despite the new characters that have been added, I always did the max love route and the lowest addiction route, and I always did all the nice options.
I'm going to try the "Null Hypothesis" that was posted earlier in the thread.

I like games where there is a happy ending where you can be nice.

I loved the art of Something Unlimited, but this is why I ended up not liking that game much overall. It's all very exploitative and it's very sex orientated. I like Raven a lot so I gave that game a try but I ended up not playing much once I met her because it wasn't really my jam. Not a criticism of the game per se, just that it wasn't for me.

Any games with themes like what I'm describing?
A trainer (BDSM-y) type WEG with "nice" monogamous character endings, then. What an ask. All I can manage:
I'm sure you'll get more recommendations eventually.
I think that's part of why I seem wacko. I actually like bdsm and bondage especially visually, but I get turned off by actual pain or fear or suffering or those sorts of things. For me bdsm is most fun when it's two people having fun. The girl actually likes it, and she's engaging in it with a loving partner who is interested in making her happy. The bdsm stuff is just details of how to accomplish that.
So I like these sorts of games for half of what they offer, but then when one starts going into like nonconsent or manipulation or coercion, I actually don't like it. I also tend to dislike ntr, polyamory, and a few other of the common themes. So I download a lot and play a bunch of them, but end up disliking most. I feel like this wouldn't be a rare problem there's probably lots of people who feel this way but maybe not.
a little known fact about freud is that he was a massive retard
You'll immediately get more content if you decide to tolerate harems instead of pure monogamy. For example:
Even "vanilla" WEGs typically don't do routes or character endings, so you're generally out of luck.
harem of sluts
that fucking summertime saga update my sides
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bitter image
Thanks doc.
Tech update sluts
summer time sluts
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Finishing Sirena's art. Working on her H scene next, impregnation, bent over, hotspring. Here she is with a new expression and without her cape


and yes
no pissing ?
Anyone Know Any Trainers where you fuck female centaurs ?
Neither of them join the harem and are breedable, however, but you can fuck them. It's a "trainer" only in a sense that all fucking is maledom by default though...
any other games where you fuck centaurs
even if it's not a trainer
Be the change you want to see?
Tech update finally dropped after like 2 years? Let me guess? Half the content is now missing or doesn't work?
lel yes
who the hell is maverick?
impregnate drow sluts
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Redoing the high elf
thigh sluts
butt sluts
thick thighs
Okay, but if this is a slave trainer, are they going to end up subservient and docile? If not, what's the point of shilling it in this thread?
Man I hope I can hop on the /weg/ train soon enough and make some money while drawing tiddies, you guys making these games get me so jealous. And you're the type to have an eye for it. So many porn games feel so uninterested in themselves. No effort into the artstyle or presentation because "it's porn". But it's not about being realistic or even cohesive, to me it's about being able to tell people cared and were trying to do soemthing different.

Your art does show that a lot and I like some of the designs a lot like >>8283913 even when I hate feetfags.

>mild pubic hair
awww yeah anon, you're the best. That unkept neet goth girl better have a bush big enough to hide Nosferatu from the sun.
I think he already said yes.
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Slave trainer doesn't mean warping all the girl's personalities into the same thing. It is 100% a maledom game. The main character is a man who owns his women. They will all bow to the MC at the end of the day but their core personality won't change. I'm writing it correctly, don't worry.

A lot of porn games are made solely for money. I'm making mine because I love my girls, making games and the main game is my life's project. We need a real RPG to explore and have a homestead of cute companions to return to.

>awww yeah anon, you're the best. That unkept neet goth girl better have a bush big enough to hide Nosferatu from the sun.
It's not often I mention it since people go ham about in the West but I love bushes. Nina the goth girl is going to get a nice hairy one.
tomboy sluts
You are a woman, right?
That's good then.
>It is 100% a maledom game.
Right. I'm asking because so often developers advertise their game in such a way only to be far from it in practice. Like they slide in femdom under a "the mc WANTS her to do that" pretext, as if this would change anything about the dynamic. Anyway, good luck with your project, you seem motivated and driven, which is good.

Everyone has a different view on the idea and how it should be approached. I believe in the MC owning his women, doing what he wants with them, and them being 100% subservient to him. I also enjoy femdom and it is going in as an optional sexual activity you can do. If someone doesn't like its inclusion, they do not need to play the game.
>I also enjoy femdom and it is going in as an optional sexual activity you can do.
What a peculiar specimen you are
>If someone doesn't like its inclusion, they do not need to play the game
Thank you for granting permission to not play your game, you are magnanimity itself. Seriously though, it's weird you are like this and not... female. Artists are meant to be fucking weird though, sometimes it works. Sometimes...
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Well, so far this dev/shill has talked about footjobs, soles and femdom, all very passionately. "You don't like it, don't buy my game". No detailed mention of the other side of things at all. At least spanking (the girls) or something.
>has talked about footjobs, soles and femdom, all very passionately.
That's a bit of a stretch. People are asking/commenting and I'm replying. In the previous thread, someone wanted to know about the male domination and I outlined it . You get to utterly dominate Vivienne, break Sirena and turn Rune into your personal toy. The domination isn't just sexual, you have them cooking for you, you get multiple girls and they are obedient to you.

>has talked about footjobs, soles and femdom, all very passionately.
Ask and I shall answer. There is spanking, Rune loves it, and I'm planning on it with Vivienne, with her secretly being into it. Sirena is openly into the player being bold and dominating her. You can have Vivienne and Sirena kiss while you bend them both over. Or blasting a load over Sirena's face and have her call you king.

Someone mentioned bushes and I replied, you want more domination details I can provide. Ultimately, I'm making what I like and want, come play and join in on it if you like it as well. And yes, if you don't like it, no problem, no one is forcing you to participate, comment or play.
>break Sirena and turn Rune into your personal toy
Now this reminds me of VenusBlood, so it might be too malevolent for me kek. It's a good thing you do what you want though, every time I see devs put out a survey I groan. People rarely know what they want.
I put out a ton of polls to my fans, I know what I want but I'm decisive on the smaller details. I gather all the things I like and see what people are leaning towards.

>so it might be too malevolent for me kek.
It is well-balanced, IMO. Players didn't like how passive the player was in the first reading of Rune's content and I revised a lot of it. So, I'm always open to making sure the content is well-made. I'm very self-aware, I want the content to flow and not feel heavy-handed.
Add some goth bitches and I'm sold
gothic sluts
Fedora sluts
Clown sluts
Does that include lesbian/harem/FMF content too?
>You can have Vivienne and Sirena kiss
Oh my bad, you answere already sorry. Good to see.
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I want it and it will be an optional thing. Rune being the main candidate for playing with the companion you are fucking.
>Tropics not updated anything in more than a year
What's the point
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Too busy yiiking out
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I'm going to roooooll
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Fuck yeah!
I should change the symbol for greater-than or equal to ≥
needs loli
is this a point & click adventure with RPG mechanics?
if you ever do costumes, Rune needs a Ly the Fairy getup
I'll consider the style for her fairy form. Her fairy form will have a pixie cut
Rolling sluts?
Tropic why
What legend 2 years since last update sluts
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You wouldn't get it
Only once you immersive yourself in true Yiikality can you transcend and call yourself a true life dev
They are the final steps you take from boy to dev

"Gamers don't understand art" is the quincentennial quote of the modern day and once you start to truly embrace that meaning can you finally place SOUL into your game
YIIK is not just a game—it’s a journey.
all I see is a "boy" word, that means we get a cute trap trainer from you, right?
Dark Elf milfs are one of the greatest creations
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More new Vivienne stuff
hopefully not
clearly not
Fuck yeah
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Yik sluts
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yes! plain point & clicks don't work anymore! people want numbers going up!
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more like midget sluts
What does the thing in the bottom left with the girls and numbers mean?
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They work like the skills from Disco Elysium.
If you level them up, they relay information to you when you click on stuff or talk to suspects.
For example the green girl in the screenshot before is your knowledge about everything that involves plants, so her dialogs will trigger if you click on trees or look around the kitchen, every dialog you trigger will give you exp you use to level up more skills.
That’s a neat idea.
If only disco wasn't made by actual losers
Unironic asshurt commies
Love all of these designs! Would stuff Sounet and Sirena
top tier
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Thanks, the demo is almost ready. Testers are getting it on Tuesday.
sad, but you-have-to-go-with-the-times pilled. i like your ideas and design a lot, you seem to be around the corner to produce a masterpiece.
tester sluts
princess sluts
not sure how well Japanese games are loved here, but just finished "The Patient of Maro is a Muscular Type" and had a blast, hopefully the second part will be "translated" as well.
Jap/anime games are discussed on /h/, /d/ or /e/. Aco is generally for Western erotica.
the thing is, that /weg/ specifically has Western in the name, but stg hasn't. i understand the implication of having 2 separate boards /aco/ and /h/, but when they both interact in specific generals, it think it's within the limit.
No one except complete autists care if you post about related japanese games
looks really good, fetishes right down my alley

what is it coming out in? f95? steam?
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F95, Patreon, and the community discord.
PC, Mac, Linux, and maybe Android.
I was under the impression the whole thing is NTR, so. That's one thing that meshes with trainer/maledom thing even worse than femdom.
the game (no gameplay just text and some choices) is about a pseudo gynecologist, who slowly corrupts a housewife who is his patient. it has a short scene of the housewife giving her husband a blowjob, but he ejaculates prematurely, so the scene is only to show how pathetic the cuck is. the MC corrupts her with a good pace, and in the second part of the game, which i really didn't see coming, she becomes sort of the housewife of the MC. i would recommend everyone here to give it a try. the only reason why it flew under my radar, was because it misses the pregnancy tag, but there is a lot of "preparation for pregnancy" going on in the game, and i suspect that the second game (which the translator of the first part said is nearly done) will have proper impregnation and stuff. i have a feeling that the PLAPPLAPPLAP connaisseurs will be eating good soon.
also, there are some animations, and they are S-tier, can't think of anything else in that league, but there probably are others too.
Loud sluts
rogue sluts
Well, sequels. Third game in particular, judging by the tags.
Not a fan of any cucking
When are they ever going to release the remake.
spoken like a true cuck
Thread's 100% ironic in every way imaginable, I get it. RIP.
Can you fuck her toothole?
loli sluts
Not trying to be an ass but if there are two different kinds of elves, whatever floating thing Rune is and that blue gremlin thing, why would orcs be too outlandish?
>Let me guess? Half the content is now missing
More like 90%
Rune is a soul bound to an item, not a different race.
The two elves are the same race, dark elves are different but the same race still.
Hya is a special character.

The total of races so far is 2, humans and elves. I don't want more than that. I want to keep it low fantasy. There is already a plethora of fantasy worlds with a ton of races, it's a style that I find uninteresting. So, not too outlandish, I want to keep the series from being more high fantasy and having a higher race count. Plus you have to factor in the cost of scope adding more races.
>Nina the goth girl is going to get a nice hairy one.
Incredibly based.
It's fine, I'm not saying you should add anything you don't want to, just that the way you use "low fantasy" doesn't really match with the common definition which made me confused.
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Something like this. Also I think I'm going to make the goth girl the depresso and make the ghost girl kuudere.
Welp that's disgusting as fuck dropped. Filith fetishists get the rope.
based and will play
God hopefully this is optional. The bush is bad enough but the hairy armpits is even fucking worse.
Puking on sluts
It is 1 character, the rest are hairless. Plus she isn't in the game for a while and is only a side character, not a core companion.

I could make her hair optional but I probably won't do that. I like it and she's there for others who like it. If you don't like it, don't pursue fucking her in the game.
laggy sluts
hot will that be what she looks like?
Most of the faces I do are either Half Asian or Eastern European so she will look similar but that is not the face model specifically.
picked up
Personally that kind of bush is the hottest thing ever, but armpit hair on the other hand is a complete turnoff. Sucks that there's barely any content where you have a big bush, but bush only. You tend to either have nothing at all, or hair EVERYWHERE.
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A bit of armpit hair is not hair everywhere but I understand your point. I will make the armpit hair optional but not the bush.
Wasn't talking about this case specifically, but like, in general when an artist draws kink level pubes they tend to also draw anus hair, armpit hair, etc. and when you have threads for hairy women they include everything from pubes to leg hair. It's really rare to see content with excessive pubes but nothing else and it kinda sucks to have this kind of autism about it kek.
It is a strange topic that's for sure. Women have always been hairy since the beginning of time. I understand body hair is generally a masculine feature but it isn't so simple. A nice bush looks good on a woman, bit of armpit hair isn't that bad. Lots of women today with hairy arms and no one bats an eye. Also a few first world cultures that accept different levels of hair. Japs rock huge bushes, some indifferent to always completely shaving their armpit hair.

I want my game to pursue feminine beauty and I believe bush and a bit of armpit hair can be part of that. I'm not that into it since every other character has no body hair, but I want it represented.
Samefagging hard
>Forcing your awful bush fetish
>A nice bush looks good on a woman
No it doesn't.
>bit of armpit hair isn't that bad
Yes it is.
>I want my game to pursue feminine beauty and I believe bush and a bit of armpit hair can be part of that.
No it can't.
>Sucks that there's barely any content where you have a big bush, but bush only. You tend to either have nothing at all, or hair EVERYWHERE.
Its pretty fucking obvious why thats the case. Its because the only people really into this utter garbage have a fetish for smell unwashed whores.
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Are you done now?
I see. I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop. This is the monkeypaw curse right here. Great art, awful taste.
It's sad.
Same problem with akabur and his fetish with whoring
weirdo sluts
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Here is some finished Sirena work with her outfit. I'm adding achievements, which players can do to earn currency in the game to unlock special features. This serves as a way to track progression and provides a bit of additional content to replaying scenes.

I think I might do a CG for pregnant Sirena.
Only Nina the goth girl has a bush and she doesn't even have art yet and she is a side character. The rest are hairless
do they have cute unique dialogue and personalities? being like "nee nee ojisan! there's clipped sprigs in the highest branches in the lime tree see! are you proud of me?" so he's like a schizo but a schizo who has cute girls in his head that he talks to.
I like her design
Smithing sluts
autists like you make devs focus on money instead of passion

touch grass
Parents that created people like you should be sterilized so they don't put more fuck ups in the world.
I'm not surprised thats the best you could come up with
Says the guy that says touch grass like his posts are galaxy brained. As expected from someone with horrid fetishes caused from mental illness.
so are they drow or dark elves in this setting
pain sluts
I was speaking truth about you, you were just making a generic insult so you could have said anything but the best you came up with was weak

Braindead as expected
Making golem sluts?
They are dark elves. The game's lore is pretty removed from classic fantasy DnD-style tropes.
I've been out of the loop for a while, thanks for mentioning null.
Legit they just rogue-like but better in almost every way, holy shit.
Having an actual story and some competent character writing for the main girls was pretty nice to see. Oni been slacking and the concept had a ton of potential so it's nice to see this do it better.
You can play null and be loyal to just the one girl and friendzone the other two I think. There're actual like friendship/jealousy/polyamory mechanics and such.
Pygmalion sluts?
Seething sluts
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Adding Sirena as a guide and an in-game store
elf fight
Best kind
CIA sluts
Demon Deals update when?
I mean it had that last update not too long ago
bad sluts
good sluts
is there anyway to play the game?
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574 KB
574 KB PNG
info here >>8278218

It is almost complete and ready for public links
Neutral sluts
insane sluts
what game?
your mother simulator
File: 2.png (1.21 MB, 1075x869)
1.21 MB
1.21 MB PNG
It's my game, Hearthside Stories. Currently, it is in testing and a few features from being done. It is not yet out to the public, only on my spicy small discord server info here >>8278218
Cute feminine boy~
Thats wrong you retard
I see this retarded shitposter is still around
Faithful sluts
cute sluts
mute sluts
cute mute sloots

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