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Thread Question: How strong do you like your futa to be?
Reading List:

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Strong enough like picrel. Your pic is also great OP! That artist does good futa porn whenever he makes it.
I hate how this guy draws ball hair, it looks more like a beard than anything else
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Yeah, he needs to work on that. It looks way off.
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Here is a good story I really enjoyed that you might add to the list. Something about a futa having sexually open parents just makes sense.
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anon from the end of last thread, I would be down for a reading list. it would be nice to add tags or a short indication of what the story is about for each story. if it gets too big we could move to a pastebin. (I just added lots of text now to see if there is interest at least)
I went through some of my bookmarks and these are what I found

starting off strong, this guy (Prime_Blue) has lots of harry potter themed futa stories. this one is short stories about the different girls and their penis size. each one has a different kink.
Harry Potter: Size Doesn't Matter

a village boy peeks on lara washing herself. Futa/Male story, with heavy scent kinks, body hair and others.

After a long day out in the woods, there's nothing the orc huntress Lasrakha likes more than to come home to her boyfriend, Miles, cuddle up, and fuck him in the ass.
I don't remember how this one goes and I'll read it again soon but it seems to also be a bit on the raunchy side looking at the tags (rimming, armpit, sweat)

don't remember this one either so just gonna post the synopsis
Sister Anelia always felt shame and guilt over her special endowment. But perhaps the purpose of it is far more divine than she ever thought. Or, at least, that's what she is told.
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I want to milk a dickgirl badly
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I see your swimsuit bulge, I raise you my Calvin Klein underwear bulge.
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How bold of you
>When exposed to a naked futa, the fertile woman subconsciously covers up, imagining what a slab of cockmeat that big would do to her poor insides
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>reading list
Here's my contribution to the thread:

Birthday Party [3 chapters, finished]
>MC's gf makes a deal with his futa friend to faux-cuck him to fulfill his fantasy but forgets to actually ask the MC if he's OK with it, MC actually turns out to not be a complete pussy and fucks off but they all kiss and make up eventually
>Also comes in audio version (the story is promptly modified)

Unearthed Desires [2 chapter, finished?]
>MC's girlfriend's work friend, a statuesque goth futa, bulls the relationship

Futa Cucks the Boyfriend [3 chapters, finished]
>Comically incompetent/unaware boyfriend shows up to a private highschool reunion with his girl to a futa classmate's house, the title of the story ensues, but the dude gets his happy ending

Futareich [3 chapters, ongoing?]
>Amazon futa empire conquers fictional European setting and enforces cuckoldry laws

Honour Thy Mother [14 chapters, ongoing]
>Narcissistic mother first cucks and then gradually turns her son into a personal fucksleeve as a way to get back at her husband for leaving her
>Also, picrel features the mom from the story

She's the Boss [9 chapters, ongoing?]
>Sort of an inverse to the prior stories, predatory amazon futa boss first offers promotion to MC for sexual favors, permits him to get with one of her female employees as a package deal, and than promptly fucks both of them into submission before and after they start developing feelings for each other

Most of these authors have couple of other futa stories published on Literotica, generally all solid, so do check their stuff out.
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>cuck cuck cuck
let's not
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>cuck cuck cuck
My bad. I made that list for one of the previous "futa is bigger" threads on /d/ and forgot they were all about cucking. IMO, they're decent stories, worth reading even if you're not into cucking.
Shy dickgirls? do we have them?
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A few, here and there.
you are forgiven
>worth reading even if you're not into cucking.
no thanks, I'm fine with raunchy/disgusting stuff but long story short I hate cucking, especially when it comes to futa shit. cucks need to ruin everything with their ntr bullshit, it's insane.
there's too little romantic/gentle futa stuff out there. ao3 is annoying to search through something even with the tagging system so I can't find good stuff there and wouldn't know where else to look

>file too big
>decide to check the 'zone
>see this
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IMO, futa cucking is the most tolerable form of cucking, but to each his own. The authors of "Futa Cucks the Boyfriend" and "She's the Boss" have other non-NTR stories if you're still interested.
No bulli...
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In order to balance out the number of futa ntr stories in this thread, I tried to find a wholesome smut story about a futanari and female married couple having sex, but I failed.
Have any stories where the futa cucks the gf? Aka the futa steals the bf away.

Did you find any wholesome stories about a futa and male couple?
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>Aka the futa steals the bf away.
I'm pretty sure I'd read at least one story (or was it a comic?) with that theme, but I can't remember from where for the life of me. The best I can do for now is two futas stealing the husband and wife separately as a side-plot to the main story:
>wholesome stories about a futa and male couple?
This one I do have:
I like my futa to be more overpowered than any of the most top fit men on the planet combined!
>futa cucking is the most tolerable form of cucking
If I HAD TO choose one type of ntr than futa would be my choice too. only if it's like this >>8284311 where the futa steals the bf away.
that was pretty nice to read. just wish it was a bit shorter (and thus more concise)
It's better than the futa grandma one that's for sure.
>Did you find any wholesome stories about a futa and male couple?
This one is first-person, which I hate in a smut story, but it's otherwise good.

This is one of my favorite ever futa stories, period. While they don't start out as a couple, it is very wholesome.
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>I like my futa to be more overpowered than any of the most top fit men on the planet combined!
Are we talking an extreme sleeper build, or an Olympic god build?
Thanks for the stories anons. I'll check them out.
The natural behavior for a healthy, virile futanari is to pump and dump as many women as they can, leaving behind a trail of single mothers. Futa can't help it, their balls and their hormone affected minds drive them to do it, and it's not like any of the mothers have ever regretted it.
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>that pic
They'd be perfect if the dicks were at least big enough to reach the bottom of their breasts.
It should be illegal for a smut website to delete stories or allow stories to be deleted. I remember this one really good story about a mother who had a daughter who was born a futa. In the story, it's mentioned how the daughter began jerking off so much during puberty, that the mom had to tell her husband to teach his daughter when and how to jerk off. I looked for it for almost an hour today, and couldn't find it.
Maybe I’m autistic, but whenever I’m reading a futa story, if there’s a hung futa and she wears panties as underwear, I cringe. I’ve never worn panties, but i imagine it would be completely impractical and uncomfortable with a big penis and set of hefty testicles.
The flip side of that coin is that whenever the futa wears boxers or compression shorts, it really gets me going.
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Counterpont: Futa intentionally wearing panties is also hot because of an implication that she desperately wants to feel more feminine
I love rampage0118, sometimes I wished I was one of them in picrel
I love smegma on futas
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It matches with blondies too also
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Refusing an offer might upset tho
I love those two. Rampage always does good work futa art work which I adore.
Counter-counterpoint: An otherwise really girly and feminine girl having to engage in the very male experience of keeping your cock and balls comfortable is hot.
(There really isn't that much art of futanari wearing male underwear)
Like this basically
So like this?
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Why does it make perfect sense for witches to be futa? Whenever I'm looking for a story or comic to read, and see one that has a futa witch, 9.9 times out of ten, it's good shit.
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Cuz magic bro. Also, one of my favorites involves a guy going to a forest that belongs to futa witch. He gets kinky with her in order to get a cure for his fiance who is sick.
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Sounds hot.
New thread rule. If you mention a story, you have to post a link.
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Funnily enough, after actually playing Witcher 3 I can't imagine any of the Sorceresses (except for maybe Phillipa) wanting to grow a dick.

The story sounds familiar. Was it on Literotica?
Femanon needs big, black muscular futa daddy cock and sweat-lathered balls bad. Real bad. Please send help.
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Now we're cooking.
Futa? Check
Medical environment? Check
Bondage? Check
Cock milking? Check
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With protagonists as futa
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That DesireSFM's work?
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Fxnsfm actually
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About tree fiddy.
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Those PPs are way too small to be mistaken for Loch Ness monster
>I-it was cold!
>mistaken for Loch Ness monster
imagine a swimming futa sticking out her cock created thousands of sea serpents legends
I really liked this futa alien commission from aka6. He made quite a number of them if I remember correctly.
You are correct
Very cool bro!
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>You will never go over to your neighbor's to borrow some sugar, only to be confronted by picrel
Why even live?
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This is my dream scenario, being the cute sissy cumdump for my futa orcifus
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not for me but I agree with the rest

unrelated but is there an easy way to bypass or circumvent the 4mb file size limit and still upload good quality pics?
If the file is over 4mb, export it into a JPEG, even if it's already a JPEG. You should have the option to determine its size. I did this with picrel.
You'll get abhorrent quality loss re-encoding JPEG to JPEG, which is an interesting way to pretend you're uploading high quality images to 4chan.
Is that DevilHS?
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Nope, BarretXIII.
FYI, there's a small watermark of theirs on the table rim.
>Page 9
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Hey whats the sauce on this?
Picrel is peak futa. The muscles aren't hyper, and she's shredded.
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Weird question, but what specific kind of skirt would be best for a hung futa to hide any hints of her cock? A high-waisted, knee-length, and pleated skirt?
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I've seen this style of slop with these kinds of captions before, anybody know the source? they're pretty good
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this is the upper limit of strong
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That's around my upper limit as well.

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Anybody got the current StevenCarson folder link?
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it is such a fucking shame that most of 3d porn makers can't model a pussy for futas. they only reuse the same shemale daz models again and again, and often even cant adjust asshole.
my ai slop is the only place where I can see a futa pussy more often than once in a couple of weeks, my dick is sore from cooming to those gaping cunts.
and I am not even a futa "purist", I am fine with dickgirls without vaginas. but man, futa pussy is truly hot. especially when it is puffy, gaping from taking cocks and leaking cum
I read mostly all-futa stories (futa solo, futa on futa, transformation to futa), but they are not as common as I would expect. like, if you are into futa, wouldn't it be natural to wish for more futas? and the first thing that comes to mind is shoving more futas into the same story, replacing other characters.
also futa on futa stories have more potential.
for example, 69, obviously, taking turns in fucking each other (futa on male and male on futa are not good, because I am not attracted to males, and don't want to read about men soucking cocks or getting fucked into ass).
or futa fucking another futa in the ass is especially perverted type of story. imagine having a dick, having a pussy, but asshole is chosen for fucking, and purposeful sex organs are ignored, pussy is empty and penis is uelessly dangling between thighs or resting on belly. only prostate hammering is sub futa's primary source for pleasure
>will never live in a world where I have a futa mommy gf with magically nutritious cum I could replace all meals with

I imagine over time every cell in your body would be made of her cum nutrients.
Imagine the smell
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contemplate the aroma
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Who hype on lollipop chainsaw?
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>What are you looking at, step-bro?
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Second this
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Would appreciate it too.
Also, Cerene my beloved
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How do you make WEBMs? I have a ton of futa MP4s saved on my computer.
you can use shutter encoder. drag and drop your mp4, you can clip a specific part if you want, output type is vp9, and under sound make sure you select none to post on 4chan
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Sweet. Thanks for the help >>8353135
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Futachads, we're eating good with the Nyl Animation challenge.

not complaining but what is even going on with them, as in are they gonna just do those challenges now and not release any other content?
It would adjust my expectations if so
>exclusively dickgirl artist
You're eating shit.
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Day 1 of 3
sir where do you think you are sir
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Day 2 of 3
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I forgot the artist name, but there's this 3d animation where the futa was a boba milk-tea bartender and was caught putting cum in the drinks.
Her manager (also futa) apologized to the customer but at the end there's a clip of the manager also masturbating. Does anyone know?
Thank you, you're the best, and I love you. I hope you have a great day.
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Let me help go anon, here's Day 3 of 3
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Thanks. Since you did that one, I decided to try out some of the functions of Shutter Encoder. Added subtitles and clipped a longer video.
Writer here. I have a rough draft of a first chapter of a futa story I wrote. A new OC of my own. A bit of a weird one about a futa dealing with a hallucination. Thought that I would solicit feedback here on it.
Any and all feedback is welcome. Anything from ideas on characters, locations, kinks, and ideas for future scenes.
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personally not a fan of ''mental'' stuff like hypno or hallucinations but it was a pretty good read. my only gripe is that there ''wasn't enough futa'', the main char is a futa but it doesn't seem to add much (the ending hints at it being more involved which is good). If there will be a second chapter I'd gladly read it
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Hehehe nice
Next chapter, Bella is going to fuck the shit out of the redhead, goaded on by Angela. What should the redhead's name be?
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