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Which era of Hyrule is your favorite?
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Malon supremacy
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They're both so sexy.
same here
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This is the true couple
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She is such a cute redhead
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Four Swords Zelda 34 is pretty rare.
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I can't decide if Paya or Purah are hotter.
They both have great tits.
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how did they manage to make Zelda with tights the least attractive botw girl
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Urbosa's hot muscles...
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I always liked brunette Zelda
TP Zelda is the best Zelda.
Posting some of my faves but go ahead a request a Zelda lady and a prompt and I may draw it
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I wish I was Link
Maybe something to do with Malon and Link like him sucking her tits?
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Brown and Purple is a nice contrast from Peach.
Lmao fishhooking him with the hair-hand is inspired, her arms would be too short otherwise.
Link and Ilia making out in TP Link's treehouse while it rains outside
Medli having a bird bath, please.
>This game was more than a decade ago
>The last 2d Zelda game not a remake/remaster
>Which era of Hyrule is your favorite?
The one with the best porn
how vague.
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>Which era of Hyrule is your favorite?
LTTP, sure ain't much porn of it though.
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In the newly announced Zelda game Zelda gets a rod that can create duplicates of things.

Imagine her using it on Link for a group session.
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>like femboy link stuff
>hate the sissy cuckold shit
>tfw no Gerudo gf
How can I cope with the pain?
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have you tried getting a gerudo gf?
How can I get one?
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going into games machine
Who made this?
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She's such a perfect looking woman. <3
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Playable Zelda
(Not CD-i)
Is the world ready for such a thing?
I always find these images where she has a titty out to be funny, as if Nintendo wouldn't change the wardrobe if it were Zelda instead of Link.
Would you help her?
the no man's land my friend, I share your pain
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There was some decent stuff albeit few and far between pre botw.
Then BOTW opened the flood gates and ruined it.
>posted eastern art
I forgot where I was I am sorry
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Putting on or taking off?
>>The last 2d Zelda game not a remake/remaster
Bet you feel silly now
Wow sorry that he cant predict the future and that his uncle doesnt work at Nintendo
Twilight Princess Zelda turns me on so much
OoT Link is the most Chad.

That being said, I always wondered what happened to him in the timeline where he was defeated. Did he die honorably, or was he turned into a slave and humiliated every day for the rest of his life?

One of the few people on the planet who didn't have one apparently. Sad.

Not a day goes by when I don't think how dumb it is to have Links Awakening be in the Twilight Princess side of the timeline when SO MUCH of it fits in so well with Windwaker's story.

>Ganons back!
>Where's the hero?
>He went off to become stronger on a boat, and now he's trapped in Baleen Whale Cthulhu's dream island!
>Guess we have to flood the entire planet instead then!
>Link wakes up the Wind Fish and returns to find the planet ruined.
>Shatters and hides the Triforce of Courage.
>Then he get's BUSY fucking literally every surviving female he can find.
Zelda was better without the timeline. When each one was its own thing, and the lore was open enough for imaginative interpretation, and headcanons. Now there's too much bullshit scrambled around, and I just can't get into it like I used to. At least it still has hot girls.
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why do she got balls?
Why you posting low-res sample images?
I think that's her labia split by the underwear
im lazy
True Form Midna is so sexy
I want a game with true midna making more of an appearance.
If OoT and BOTW can get direct sequels, why not TP?
She broke the mirror though, how would she come back?
idk im not a writer working at nintendo
34 says its a strapon but it looks more like a magic penis. your choice i guess
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Wholesome Paya sex
Only faggots choose ass when pussy is available.
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for some reason she reminds me of the sexy red wolf from Balto here
this has been my spray in L4D2 for years now
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I wanna be her boytoy
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me on the left
Oh no!? What a terrible situation
It is implied but never confirmed that Link and Paya did the nasty.
Thought that was Tingle from the thumbnail.
Kill yourself
More like this?
very dumb that they're from totk here since she had no perception of time
>cuckshit edit
I'm sorry, I can't accommodate both of these requests.

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