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No off topic garbage, low quality images, or trolling. ERP is OK!

>About /xivgd/
OG Balless futas, full package herms, and vaginaless transwomen are all welcome.

>Dickgirl/Futa Mods

>Previous Thread

>Vanilla Thread
>Fag Thread
>Off Topic/Fetish/AI Thread
>Drama Thread
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Not sure why the other thread was jannied, but it had 3 nice pics
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Anyone has some recommendations on specific XIV giantess futas? I only know the giantesslillie account but it stopped posting images related to that topic, others seem to have been deleted and a lot aren't really creative.
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Hey there, handsome ~
I'm using this:
The futa dick included isn't posable, am I missing something?
I'm using Ktisis
Well the modpage says that it only has a static futa model and not ivcs enabled yet. Here is everyhting you need to know: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yo-ynhqH-gMTN7SQv55x2yzOe_V2II9dSAJE8FnEghE/edit#
I have another question, how do I get vanilla clothes to reflect the new body?
Usually you need the right mod that upscales the armor to the correct bodytype. At least this is how it is for yab, bimbo, etc.
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Sorry, I have a sweet tooth for futazen
Do you know of any other good XIV size creators in general? Don't know where to start looking for this stuff, but that lillie account was good
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Sorry to burst your bubble, she ain't got a pussy.
good. trans >>>> futa anyway
Do you need to have a meltdown in every thread?
Take your meds, sperg.
just ignore and report
You're right, sorry.
Cute tgirls.
Would frot <3
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How far down the tranny rabbit hole do you have to go before you start being irrationally upset at the word futa?
I guess my post clarifying my own alt doesn't have a vagina made this autist reee.

Very cute.
saw someone on an AI thread making giantess futa pics of their friend's au ra OC but i'm guessing that's not really the kind of content you're looking for
It’s always having meltdowns. Twitter spam reposters aren’t worth caring about.
not your fault, that retard is always spamming
Fair enough!
We love Fah
What's that
A cute catgirl+ with a shrimpy cock
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I'm on the same boat, there was Llawchwith, but it's pretty much dead as well, I think LizzerMaya is alive, SizeKanaffxiv is on hiatus...
Like I mentioned, a lot seem to have been deleted or simply left.

I mean any content would be fine, but yeah I would like more of in-game kind of thing, like I mentioned Lillie had some creative pics like the one she flooded Malikah's Well showing the perspective of some players inside as she rammed her cock through.
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yeah that's understandable, i'll still share the AI pics in case anyone wants them but via links
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I've got an hour or two to kill. Any requests for an oversized duskie?
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Testing an android bun.
I'd be glad to help you run some stress tests
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How do you get two of them like that? Is it a mod or a second, invisible body mashed together? Could I get a link if it's the former?
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Volunteers are always appreciated.
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She made a new friend.
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how do we feel
yeah i'm thinkin based
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Do you have mcdfs for futa Ameliance and Alphi? Maybe also one for Alisaie?
>futa Alphi
alphi with a penis and vagooner
Didn't mean futa Alphi, just Ameliance. Probably should have said Alphi and futa Ameliance instead to avoid confusion.
Oki thanks, well this anon is also correct
Alphi could very well have a vagoo... My fault for thinking of all futa as vaginaless
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Oh, didn't expect people to save my pics
I always found them a bit "eh" in quality
based schizo posting vg garbage on a porn thread
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Which mod for this cock n' balls?
Can’t you just use any cock and increase it‘s size in customize+?
need to breed this trannyelf
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Do it!
not into incest but i think i get it now...
fictional incest is based
I'm completely lost on how to make IVCS dicks work...
oh fuck she tops too, that's so fucking hot
do you have brio or ktsis? there's a section on showing the bones so you can pose them. similar with customize
What is exactly is your problem? Is the cock not moving, do you only see underwear? What’s your loading order?Try to give more details so we can figure out what’s going on.
did you follow the google doc or what
can my miqo join the Blacked Eorzea discord?
i can't find secret invite u////u
Cat cock.
owo more?
qt lizard :3
Why is it that Twitter is full of futas but this thread is so dead?
because twitter is full of tranny characters played by trannies that would wince at the thought of sharing a thread with people who unironically jerk off to futas
you're also at the dead end of an expansion and twitter posters do it for attention, aren't even subbed, and have a massive backlog of pics
Huh, and I thought having people jerk off to your poses is like the biggest compliment you can get.
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dios mio
I'm still subbed and gpose, I've just been playing a bunch of Siege, kupo.
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don't worry, she's not as intimidating as she looks!
Anyone thirsty for Roe gock?
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I can't wait to stuff cuties with Hrothgar gock.
>she doesn't know
Here you go, champ.
Mod, or not to mod...
Creaming white futas with my brown one is so good, I can't get enough!
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/smooch <3

ily2 anon <3 <3 <3
not you though skinwalker
ty! she's so girthy, i love it..
Glad you like her. She’s been described as “girthy and gifted”
excellent cock
can only be described as a weapon of ass destruction
I am going to get knotted by so fucking many hrothgal dicks, it's gonna be great.
It's funny how the bad topology and bone weighting in ff14 posing makes someone forget what an ass looks like
My viera boy WOULD!
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thats a male viera fucking a woman
Always, Roe cock best cock
Made for rearranging every hole under the sun.
What thread do you think this is?
need more shots like this
a whole lot more
God, I love hung Rava shestuds.
I wish I could make a cat that looks as good as your cat
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i'm glad you like her anon, but she wasn't too tough to throw together surprisingly! you could def make one as good if not better once you're in the right mood for it, i promise.
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I love your bun
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What is the horsecock mod, Are there any up to date with current body types?
Honestly ugly
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gok morning
need to see that in my eb
Honestly delicious
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Your eb might die if this gets in them
Thanks. Any requests on pose? I need to get busy before DT.
Something pov holding a leash in hand that leads to the viewer's collar, maybe
Nothing magic and a lot of lube can't fix...
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Crashed twice making this, isn't even as good as it could be.
They'll have to sign a waiver.
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POV: Youve been leashed to the cock
Based, hot and funny
pose a fiddie's face getting slapped with it
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God i love hags
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Another angle
amazing ~ love how fat that sack is every time
Glad you enjoy how fat these nuts are. They sway very nicely with some animations.
god damn they do I am in love
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God I wish it was my viera boy getting it like this.
a decent rava that isn't over compensating. i like. would let fuck eb.
God I need some fat futa aura COCK and balls in my face
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I hope with that plapra you finally got to bottom for once
Need some fat futa COCK and VAGINA on my shemale COCK and BALLS..
She needs her ass serviced by another wonderful shestud
>finally got to bottom for once
Anon... i have bottom more than once :^)
Sadly most of the poses i have where im a bottom are with other people that do not wish to have our stuff shared.
Any bottom dickgirls here wanna meet up?
It's come to my attention that I'm your wife now, please collect me immediately
when are you going to leave her alone
Needs to deepdick my gf
Highlander, Famfrit
shall i give my garlean bitch a gock for dt bros
tiny or hung?
We lack small pps here
if i go tiny my one rule will be nothing goes up her butt...
Make her use a strapon above her microdick to fuck instead.
holy fuck thats a based idea jesus christ
too small to satisfy anyone so turning to toys... could get a cock sleeve mod too lmao
based af
now i just need to figure out what class to play her as...
Nice, I always wanted a wife.
sis do you go light headed and/or pass out when it gets erect
>my one rule will be nothing goes up her butt...
big pp then...
big dick bottoms are based
>nothing up the butt or vag
follow the conversation
no they're shit
Is this timed or actual gpose stuff you can do?
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Actual gpose! Ktisis allows you to control and adjust a pose while still playing out said animation.
I’ve got a lot of blood, I’m fine.
Join croccer
well, I know the lizzer she's fucking at least.
that's a nice looking croccer
Hmm. How many of these animations are there? Do they take into account multiple heights?
earthworm turddog
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>Hmm. How many of these animations are there?
A lot. Here is a link to the whole bundle.
As for the multiple heights you may need to adjust accordingly since the majority of them expects the 2 partners to be about the same height.
So if I wanted to work a small dom on a big sub, how would I go about that?
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First you would have the two actors doing the animation that you wish to do, then you would have to do a BUNCH of micro adjustments to fit both actors in said animation, its not impossible but pretty hard and time consuming so be ready for that. Some animations may be easier to adjust for said height difference and some other may outright be kinda impossible without extreme jank.
Nightlife's honestly missing a lot compared to having them individually. for example, raykie's stuff does actually have multiple size options. the megapack is just the most bogstandard version of a bunch fo them.
haha imagine being caught between two angry vieras in rut, and instead of taking it out on each other, they just spitroast you instead
Hey plapperwife, can you please stop being in P12S 24/7 so we can at least have a chat?
>p12s in 2024
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Is this the bun that's usually in a mask..?
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holy moly pure sexxo
Still into the rava cheese I see..
lucky fiddie...
I like this elf a lot
Hot, would worship
That's what I like to hear.
Looking for something right now?
Can't commit to anything this morning, unfortunately.
PoV: You are a misbehaving schizo miera/cat/elezen boy who refused his meds.

Now you're being forcefed your dose the hard and throbbing way
my wife mayo
Does your wife have a twitter? Cute cat, I'd like to check more of her pics
don't think so, you'll have to find em in game and ask for an album or something.
need to see my eb on top of you like that
ugly sorry
i love your character. do you ever erp or gpose only?
I do ERP, yes! Probably won't be as much with Dawntrail dropping, though, at least for a bit.
That makes sense, and I will probably be busy doing that too but that's good to know! Would love to meet up sometime for the future.
For sure. I'm in and out of these threads so you have a decent chance to catch me. Or if you recognize my pictures from any mutual Discords, feel free to drop a DM.
where did all the big dick lizard mommies go?
NTA but i immediately checked a Discord after reading hat and found your latest pics immediately, lol
I might take you up on that, but I tend to not interact a lot with people not on my region
Still appreciate the pics a lot!
Ye I get that. Offer's open, still!
holy moly
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You're a very cute cat+ too! Thanks for the pics
I like suggestive poses like these, or stuff like clothed futa with bulge or penis peeking out, a bit more than outright plapping
NTA but yes suggestive is usually the best kind of posing. I leave the actual plapping for ERP.
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totally didn't post these in the wrong general
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Nice girl woobers
sneaking around the ul'dahn back alleys at the dead of night may not have been the best idea..
What do you mean? That looks like the best kind of outcome
that's because it is
That depends on who you ask.
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*sucks you're gock*

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