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Previous: >>8139193
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Best girl
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wow that's an old pic.
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I always love how Pearl gets depicted as the dominant one in other's drawings
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I wish she was real so she could ruin my life
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this is the good stuff
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out of 10!
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Since when does this guy double censor?
That's wrong, according to lore, turflings reach human form at the age of 14, the age at which they leave rural areas to travel to cities

The turflings, being avatars, didn't have a defined age or sex, which is why characters who canonically are already of legal age, such as idols, have a body similar to main character, to didn't set an age

So turflings could be in their late teens or early thirties and they would still look the same
The player characters were also originally intended to be at least 17 but they subtracted 3 because the boys didn't look rebellious enough for 17 or some dumb Jap reason lol
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8-Bit-chan was was wearing nothing but a Splatfest tee, but unexpectedly won a 100x battle and was ushered onstage
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Marina would never willingly cheat on Pearl
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This is very true. Sorry for slandering such a beautiful couple.
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Wow, you're fast
That's what she said.
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They didn't make Summer Nights Shiver barefoot so she wouldn't sweep
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yeah because that clearly worked out for her in splatoween huh
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lol also she had the objective worst choice and big man looked too cool
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Do squids tan or just darken their skin tones on command?
as far as we know they can only change the colors of their ink, the tips of their fingers and their "hair".
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Why did we have to stop Mr. Grizz? Fuzzy Callie is too perfect!
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Thats a cool mask
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that was me by the way
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Love the bush
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Based Man
Thoughts on 3D NSFW models of the inklings/octolings that have accurate bodies? I would show an image but I'm scared the mods could ban me. Anyways, on SmutBase a user named CatDreamer made one and I guess it's okay? The genitalia should be made from scratch and not copy-pasted from another model.
You can always use catbox dot moe
Eh, I use them. The only real issue imo is that their spines are a bit too curved inward, so making them do crunches and shit is kinda awkward. Otherwise, I'd say they're pretty good takes on what "real" woomies and beebs would look like.
I'm not quite a fan of how the male models are basically just flat-chested girls with dicks though.
I don't mind an octo-sissy here and there, but it'd be nice if there were male models who actually looked like men.
I like to imagine that Big Man is just the Jack Black of the splatoonverse lmao
would love to see the full body examples
Am I the only one who remembers her?
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I so so wish I had all his printed stuff. I know there's another image like this of Shiver that's so good, but I only know of it in his books
I think this one is available in his Patreon right now, surprised no one has posted it yet
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>still no compilation videos of all the h scenes
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