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Thread for posting art involving some humor, be it dry or zany, within the art.

No futa, gay allowed but one must be trap or femboy, no gross stuff(scat, piss, vore, etc.)
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where's the comedy here?
You need to be 18 or older to post here
If you watched DBZ and understood how fusions work, you'd understand.
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This is rather romantic too
Anon I get this is a porn board but damn that’s actually degenerate and not funny. What were you going for here?
they're fucking each other's wives
ANon, while more or less sharing your opinion that it isn't actually funny, you shopuld know that the answer to your question is, there IS infamously a gay version of that.
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But it is!
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reminds me of this one comic where Dragonborn uses a bunch of mods to turn an old woman young again to fuck her in her prime. Turns out she has the title of The Manbreaker and Sanguine shows up to give you a deadric metal pelvis to keep up with her
I always liked the "dipper has chad potential" idea with his character being grown up.

>He wasn't "manly enough" in the show because he was just a kid and puberty goes crazy
>He's fairly smart and does have some guts about him, just inexperience with women at such a young age
>He definitely has the drive to improve himself
>Probably pretty fit with how much exploring he does

Man would grow up to be pulling chicks left and right
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Such erotic girls
natural born sluts is more like it
Sluts can be erotic too
when married demons have sex
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Suddenly having a ZZ Top song go through my head...
>Follow the recipe
Yes master!
kek this is quite hot
>kek this is quite hot
Agreed. It's funny too that she's essentially calling her boyfriend her lightly used sex toy. The little hair at the top just also gets me.
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which one?
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I love these two and their third
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Current Gf had a hard time throating me because she just has a terrible gag reflex. She bought some numbing spray for her throat and I remember her going exactly like this to test it out, making me lose my shit for a solid 2 seconds at how off putting it was before the feeling of leg shaking euphoria. Shit gave me a deepthroat fetish..I'm missing her being away for 2 weeks.
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I remember posted on here quite some time ago, there was some comic, called something like "smokey gets laid" or "sharky gets laid" I cant remember. It was a couple of pages, she sucked his dick till he came, then he eats her out then they fuck.

I wish I could find it again.
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when a creepypasta mario taking the form of the main character's girlfriend goes wrong
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Mod makes me feel so many things
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>that filename
marky is a legend, his whole Dragonborn Cometh series is amazingly hilarious
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This one is funny but it’s also sweet.
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I warned you about the stairs bro
i like both of their drawings

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