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A thread for the Golden Oldies
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No clue who commissions these with their futa oc, but whoever it is has great fucking taste.
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He would have great taste if his OC wasn't so repulsive
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yes! more cartoon gilfs!
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nothing better than saggy tits, fat asses and cellulite.
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Muscular gilfs
I respect your argument but I present my counterpoint: chubby gilfs
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As rare as it is, why not both?
I kneel.... you really are a visionary amongst us......
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I'd Spank her hiemer, if you know what I mean
>I present my counterpoint: chubby gilfs
I want more porn of Bertha and Agatha...
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This guy's work gives me 'the strangest boner' ^_^

He goes by the name Zenmai.

I like how he draws curvy Milfs/Gilfs.....as long as they are in their clothing.

Out of their clothing, however, he draws what I think are monstrous nipples/areola, and the women all begin drooling worse than a Goddamn Xenomorph 0_0
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Here is the comic these came from. You can search his name for more.....if you dare 0_0
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wish there was more stuff for her, woefully under represented
Alma Madrigal? Just gold.
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Not enough old Ana porn, too much young
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Really good
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>Fairy godmother
>The dragoness
>Fiona (Ogre form of course)

Shrek gave the weirdest boners
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Who is she
source please
69 on Pixiv.
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cooked this up a few days ago
thread is about to die just like me gran
Working in the medical field with the elderly is kinda killing this fetish for me
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gianna bianchi from Miraculous Ladybug
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Fucking love this lady. Her nervous smile is too cute.
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it's better if you read it in her voice
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that got me thinking, what flavor do you guys prefer, vanilla or chocolate
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Why choose?
idk it was just a hypothetical question
gun to my head I would choose chocolate, but both are equally great
i am all for Lady Tremaine!
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yeah, she's both a gilf and she has fem villain vibes
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forget the hair dye, a few strands of grey hair make them hotter
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Happy to contribute to the bloodline
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Imagine blissful sensation of breeding a divine granny's womb
Imagine how much experience a goddess GILF has
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Drawfag here, genuine curiosity, do people actually like this narrative stuff? I don't always see it, but when I do it's always wordy as fuck.
A drawing on its own no matter how good it is, how much time it took the drawfag to finish it will always get more appreciations/eyes on it if there is a story told alongside it. In my humble opinion.
Huan GILF Slappy is the best thing /co/ has come up with in a long ass time and just as quickly as she appeared so too did she disappear.
>I don't always see it
I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be banned.
That's a good Agatha, I want porn of her LGPE design
Doompypomp draws the best Genkai porn I've seen
I always found Genkai very attractive. She was quite the bratty old lady and that turned me on.
Bratty old ladies are the best, I want her to berate me

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