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Royal Slut version
>Bonus for Tyrande Whisperwind
>No futa shit
>No single males
>No gay shit but lesbians are okay
>No QoS/blacked shit
>No gas or onara
>No drama

Previous thread

Thread question
>Who is the Warcraft girl with the highest men count?
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Is that AI?
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Tyrande is such a sexy slut
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Gnomes are a cute
you love to see it
Tyrande was born to take cock in all her holes!
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Shortstacks in general
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Now this is what the fuck im talkin about
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pose/expression confuses me
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Does anyone have the image of the draenei holding a giant glowing horsecock over her head like she's activating some kind of paladin ability?
I tried but sorry anon, couldn't find it. Will keep trying after work.
What's up with draenei and huge cocks anyway?
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I actually just wanted it because it's a funny meme. But it's NSFW so /aco/ is the only board it can be shared on.
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I have successfully found a tiny thumbnail version from an archived /wg/ post.

But for some reason when I try and open the image at full resolution in a new tab, it gives an error.
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Found it!

I keep forgetting Yandex exists...
Okay, so, yeah that's hot but... Like, how do those solid fabric loops on her breast catches attach to the rings on her cloak?
Best post
this should have been anal
post the other two?
I fucking love this slutty elf
it's not that funny actually, my brother died that way
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How many cocks has this elven slut had?
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Why are elves such sluts?
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Men can't stand the idea of powerful, classy women, not even in a video game.
Potentially off topic question buttfuck it.
WoW is a dead game raped by racist hateful SJW DEI hires but a lot of us still like the original WC universe so porn still gets made.
A lot of the OG artists have gone missing, and some may even be deceased. It has been nearly two decades. I have some wow porn from over 15 years ago. In fact a lot of the content that's frequently posted in these threads is from around that era.
I have run into so many pages where the images were hosted on nuked sites like imageshack, photobucket, pomf, tumblr, twitter, etc and while I have most of what I liked saved there's still some stuff I see popping up that I haven't collected properly and it's all plagued with linkrot. Even for artists that are still active linkrot or dead embeds are still a problem.

With a bunch of artists missing/inactive or literally dead now what options are there for preserving this stuff?
I look at the typical r34 sites and realize they're doing a great service to people as a backup for content (and a good way to discover new artists) but they're rarely complete, rarely even close to it.
I've seen artists post their full/hr PNGs to blogspots and then have their accounts get deleted and the r34 sites only have lower res JPEGs.
For example everyone here should know of Ellowas. One of his last posts (and his pinned one) was from 2018 on his twitter linking to a MEGA for people to download all of his art. That's dead now.

We all know we can't stop Blizzard from killing WoW but is anyone able to stop linkrot and site-death (tumblr, imgur, imageshack, etc) from killing the porn? I want this shit to still be here in 20 years but so much of it keeps disappearing and I don't know how to download it all in advance.
You're overreacting and coping hard. It's true that Warcraft has changed, but the game still plays great and the lore isn't dogshit terrible and they're trying. Culture War has rotted your brain

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