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Previous: >>8182734
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I want to pamper and worship her feet so much
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oh shit
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Holy fuck this image is hot and sexy as shit. Charlie's feet are to die for.
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Season 3 is a go. We got 10 more episodes to see if we see her feet in show
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Those look like the feet of an 80-year-old, ew.
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anyone still have that mega full of chujam's art?
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This thread’s getting too vanilla, let’s spice it up a bit.
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And we end on some cute tickles, hope you all enjoyed!
>I really take care and wash them-

Yeah, I lost interest lady
She’s 17/18 apparently
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>Hate stinky feet
>Hate sweaty feet
>Hate dirty feet
>Hate giantess cringe
>Hate super wrinkly soles

Jesus fucking Christ, scrolling through these threads is like navigating a minefield
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>a.i. feet
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Love black girl feet
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love that artist
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Working on another PM comm, here’s some bonus alts of my previous one to hold you guys over.
Alt version
Always love the detail work you put in the soles and toes
I’m not the artist just the guy who comm’d those pieces, but yeah they’re amazing.
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what if Clark shrank and became her insole?
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Then I have no doubts he would have came on his cousin's foot
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for real
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those sole renders are juicy and fuckable
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I keep seeing her and some other girl with the same PBS Kids design work what is that even from?
Raijin is a foot savant
its the duolingo characters
and Ashley is a foot goddess
Yummy sole
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Does anyone have the other part of this where Ruby's carrying Yang's feet? Couldn't find it anywhere in deviantart or anywhere else.
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Nvm, I managed to find it.
I fucking love black women's feet
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Do you?
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(NTA) Like you wouldn't believe.
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>but she haves hooves tho
The most annoying response I see for Charlie's feet artwork all the time, wouldn't you agree?
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Yeah it was he same for when there was feet art of the sonic girls stuff. I never pay much attention to those.
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or when robot girls who aren't Rebecca or Curly Brace are given feet it's the same WTF THAT IMPOSSIBLE reaction
How that artist renders feet makes me horny beyond belief..
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looking for the rest of these. I have the zips, but they're password protected. I just want to jerk it to some goth toes :(
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Giving her hooves was a fucking stupid decision, it seems like it was made with the intentions of cockblocking foot fetishists in particular.
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VERY true!
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Kiryu just does it for me more than any other artist, no idea why.
for me its the way he draws the faces pressed up against their feet that looks so good
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One yes the level of skill is really impressive.
Does pretty good on model with the character.
This is sort of a complaint, but a lot of same feet when it comes to the actual foot fetish.

What I really like is the one two Kiryi does a comic, and the feeling of humiliation Kiryi can capture.
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Yes, he's unrivalled.
Adding some Sleepygimp
I would fuck the hell out of Marceline's soles
She had it before too I seem to remember some collectable pins that had her barefoot with toes
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I didn't like him at first when he used to draw those weird crumpled up feet, but he's dropped that recently and his work improved immensely.
I miss my sexy jewish nerd girl...
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and this one too
Out of ten!
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Yeah I don't get it
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sexy robosoles
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I really need to get this game
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Does anyone have the other alts of this?
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Lovely mature Drasna feet
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Bumping with some sidewalk slappers i think you guys might like
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Does anyone else have a glitch where if you like foot fetish art on twitter, it is sometimes auto removed from your likes list later?
Bugged X mechanics
That happens to a lot of things I like on there. Foot pics or not
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>sole ped textures
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Kinda wonder if anyone found out which OC this might be, or if he's posted it anywhere uncensored.
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Really fucking weird visual of how he chose to censor it.
I kind of get why he chose this, no defining characteristics or color palettes that people can piece together. Looks unaesthetic as hell though yeah.
> Sidewalk slappers

Now you're talking! Those are the best
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I think he's improving in his art quality as of recently but yeah.
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hot damn he made me feel attracted to this brute of a bitch
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