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Previous Thread: >>8167145

>No futa
>No male on male
>No racebaiting
>No gas or onara
>No drama
>No AI 'art'
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>silksong never fucking ever
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Fresh bread
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At least there's the porn
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Fantasy or sci fi?
Why not both?
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Definitely both but I've found that Sci Fi seems to be much more prevalent.
I can't believe how very little art there is of Violet on top of her model still not being ripped from the game.
>masked character has mask removed in the scenes where you interact with her romantically
Tale as old as time
i know, >3dpd, but i found someone into this irl and i'm so happy bros
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idk if he's drawn more vex but the artist is @monty_smug
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that anatomy hnnnng
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>Every week that silksong's release date doesn't come out, I'm going to increase Hornet's ass

>Week 1
Let's hope it takes them a while then
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good for you anon!
a cumbrain made this
You know the rule: post mask or gtfo
where do you think we are
there are degrees to degeneracy
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non-mechanical reproduction simulation
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dat anatomy
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Thanks for keeping the thread alive anons
i love this thread son
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A great offer
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god I love Arty
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The mystery is so appealing. We don't know anything about who they are under there. They could be any age, any ethnicity, any social standing. All smoothed out and reduced to a function and a role. Hell they could even be just robots underneath, who knows. The not knowing part makes me diamonds, especially if the suit stays on during sex so she never gets to step out of her assigned function even in the most intimate situation.
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vex guy from last thread is in luck
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I am alive
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I always see these threads and was never really interested but holy shit I get it now
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One of us! One of us! One of us!
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And I did another fempyro drawing
I really should draw something else some time
god i fukcing love fempyro
who's this hot momma
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Love the straps on the breasts, that's a very good feature.
Vex from Destiny
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>Give her the god roll
>Use the light to fuck her silly
>While she's doozy steal the god roll back and make off
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Can't go wrong drawing the women from Risk of Rain. Everyone loves Arti (except hopoo)
she's an absolute HOTTIE post more of her
i'm glad the time honored tradition of hot masked soldier babes has been passed onto helldivers
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She is pretty neat but I've also never played Destiny lol
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>direct had no silksong news
oh man that's going to be a big ass
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Week 2's change was very small so I guess he's prepared to be in it for the long haul
I'm trying to practice artificer's head but it's such a fucking weird shape
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I think it's a shame there isn't that much Shovel Knight stuff out there, I really love the body swap stuff
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unfortunately it seems like the shovel knight designers prefer to keep the female characters unmasked for the most part
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fem shovelknight is cool, she has a Samus quality about her
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yeah, shovel knight was sadly one of those indie games that never got the porn bug like other games like hollow knight or shantae got. the genderswap designs are all great and have lots of potential
damn she got curves
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fem propeller knight has got to be my favorite, really wish there was more porn of her
she's got HUGE BOOBS
Prime 4 Im so fucking ready
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this anon understands it
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how big is the mfg/robofucker crossover exactly? i frequent both threads.
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weird sisters
One made an onlyfans the other became a scientist and both are very nice.
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probably pretty significant but I think people in this thread are less interested in the transhumanism aspect or they just dont want to stick their dicks in a toaster as much
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I never really thought about it, but yeah a featureless egg shape would be pretty hard to draw in a 3d pose, huh
>Weird slave complex
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Is this self-cest?
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Why is there such a major overlap between masked, bottomless and tummy?
Outside of basic conditioning (I had a crush on Tali Zorah during puberty and the rest is history) one of the main appeals of masked stuff is the connotations. Sometimes dehumanization, almost always focusing on putting a character into a certain role.

Bottomless is just an extension of that, a knight helmet signifies active subservience and being bottomless signals sexual availability and it's pretty obvious/hot what those combined result in.
That's like the best part of it. My mask fetish is basically just an extension of my mind control fetish.
ER DLC has some nice fem armor, it'd be swell if any artists wanted to draw some
:/ bit gross
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I dunno but it is a fucking kino combo
That fucking bitch literally took me at least 5 hours to beat, I dunno it I can bring myself to lewd her
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Got a link to their blog?
it'll be like hatefucking her anon, think of the hate sex!
>His eyes have been opened
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I'm not gonna tell you how to feel about anything bro, especially not what makes you hard. I will say though for me the main appeal is that the ladies COULD refuse, they COULD take their mask and suit off but they also come to find it hot after a bit of initial doubt. I'm not terribly into situations where they're irrevocably forced or locked into something, the idea of them seeing it as a strange form of liberation or empowerment makes me diamonds.

Like a buttoned-down army chick who finds it fucking hot to slip into a full-body bio-armor or advanced stealth suit and just let it all hang out with no concerns of her real identity being reprimanded for it? Fucking hot.

Once again just my personal view on it.
>we're already mutuals
Oh lol
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Source? I'd like to ring her bell if you know what I mean
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healer knight is INSANELY FERTILE pebbles should've blown her back out to kingdom come
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>plague doctor
any other characters that you would consider emblematic of these threads?
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Female spartans
that's a pretty good spread
thinking about doing a simple group pic for the next OP or something
this hits different now that we know what they actually look like outside of the pot
i'd say haydee is a good emblem of the threads too (no we are not including that ugly face from haydee 2)
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Anyone know what picture the thumbnail is based on? One of the comments said he knew but...
Haydee is kind of a bland design, and I say this as an Arti lover. I feel like there's an oversaturation of Haydee images; I like the idea of the group pic promoting the other characters
that's entirely fair, i definitely prefer the group image idea more because group images of hotties are big fun
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Haydee, Queen Tyranee, too
also not as emblematic but I like when I see r63 Veigar from time to time.
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don't forget warframes like mirage, mesa, ivara, etc
shit i was gonna mention "basically all female warframes" but forgot
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Samus Aran is up there.
the dread suit is pure sex. looked up r34 of it as soon as it was revealed.
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mesa prime is pretty cool
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I think I've got her head figured out now
Getting this drawing done has been harder than it needed to be. I've only really got the time to commit to a drawing like >>8317523 on the weekends but I was having a bad art day on sunday so what was intended to be a 1 week project has turned into a 2 week project.
Have a doodle from work in the meantime.
>Love the straps on the breasts, that's a very good feature.
Thanks. People reacted positively to my fempyro design the first time I did it so I tried to refine it more with that drawing
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rellana's twin moons
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arti head geometry sexooo
why is she venom such literal sex
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so sad that they felt compelled to nerf the femspartan asses in infinite
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name seems familiar
cool art
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fempyro is the savior
Drew this YEARS ago, posting it now because I edited out what you could see of her face just for this thread.
here's the original
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>souls artists are collectively deciding she has massive tits
this is good
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cultist from dead estate is THE BEST. when hooded
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would (shamefully)
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I don't like it but I did finish it
They were nuts for making the elastic bands around her leggings visible on her model (in a good way)
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fit railgunner is cool
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artist source?
this is the literal greatest scenario in the world
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They are pretty nice true
Did the artist keep up with this or not?
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Kindred narrowly managing to avoid getting deleted by jannies is funny
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>Pebbles blew his chance with Healer and goes off to pine for some girl who doesnt even know he exists
Im mad, at least Healer found her calling
Healer's great but I hope Thief gets some love
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Don't worry he'll realize the error of his ways and bang her to kingdom come and marry her and have lots of babies
oh thief is an absolute treasure of a babe, pebbles quest in general has a lot of hot babes, it's worthy of being a TRUE cartoon because it has great character designs acting and slapstick n animation as well as the most important thing: hot babes
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I really hope Jade and her motherhood theme results in a cascade of pregnant warframe lewds like how that concept art of an early male Ember caused an influx of futa years back
Cool! Thanks for sharing
I like it and I'm glad you did. 'Arti is fat' is memed too much imo, it's nice to see a skinnier take
What's this from?
the pyro artist is twistedgrim
the bell knight is from a series called Pebble the Knight
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>that rhythm is infectious!
Why're Spider-Women such insanely fuckable bitches?
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Jannies can be based sometimes
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Too god damn much. We have threads for robo fuckers and xeno fuckers but they still raid this thread and shit it up with their garbage. It's too late though, they should have been gate kept instantly but it's been going on for so long. Why can't we have just ONE thread dedicated to masked ladies that aren't a fucking toaster or an ayyyylmao. We could have more ninja girls in kitsune masks, or shy gals or some shit, or just anything with some ladies actually showing some skin
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be nice to your brethren, homofaggot
the thread is supposedly "masked/faceless" but 99% of the content in these threads is medieval fantasy or scifi military helmets and never leather or latex gimp masks, luchadors, gas mask fetishism, or literally faceless with skin covering the places of where eyes or nose or mouth used to be
what purpose is there to such semantics we're all here to jack off
The thread is indeed called Masked/Faceless and has been called that since it's inception. Also since it's inception, it has been primarily comprised of the content you're complaining about, as the threads were initially derived from the threads you're asking to be gate kept out off this one. These threads were built on fully clothed plate/power armor and faceless nightmare girls, if your specific taste is more in line with leather or latex bdsm gimpsuits, feel free to post those here too, but do not assume that your tastes are what this thread should be catering to over the tastes that they began with.
The thread should have probably been called helmeted/faceless but it's been called masked/faceless before it was a common thread
I know that, but it seems a bit late in the day for >>8361263 to begin bitching about the content of a general that's been up for how many years now? 7?
Again, that's really just semantics. No need to get all pedantic about shit when again this is hot babe posting territory, not the place to argue with a thesaurus
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god i love ingrid
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Of all things to drive me wild, why is it Spartan ladies?
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spartan ladies are INCREDIBLY SEX
your shit looks all retarded and ungoonable maskfag
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It's the heirloom skin for Ember in warframe apparently
Artist is @_AlgoOriginal_
ahhhh algo, the legend. SEXO

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