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ITT: Post Gender Bender relating to comic book heroes and villains
Previous threads: https://desuarchive.org/aco/search/subject/cape%20tg/type/op/
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So, on /co/ we came with the idea of both role swapping and genderswaping the heroes, take Batman for example a scary brooding superhero based on a flying rodent.

We swap him and what do we get? Madame Butterfly a charismatic villain who dress like a beautiful butterfly
Genderbent Teen Titans, quick descriptions:

On a good day leads through sheer charisma, positive vibes and being an example to all, on a bad day she becomes broody, evasive and keeps people at arm's length.
King of the himbos, a larger than life personality and a magnet for the tightest, most revealing outfits. Through sheer enthusiasm can be very physical, but never in an offensive manner. Also has the massive hair from the Wolfman/Perez run.
Yes, cybertiddies. A cool babe and a gearhead, who doesn't let her angst about being mostly metal and not having biological bits to have fun with get in her way of having fun with her friends.
Broody goth boy who is plastered over the bedroom walls of many a 13 year old girl. Apprehensive and standoffish when it comes to relationships, but if he could and not have to deal with the off chance of him nutting so hard it summons his demonic mom he'd be pursuing...
>Beast Girl
An absolute gremlin of a woman. Think Uzaki-chan except green and with a normally sized chest. Tends to tease Raven a lot in an attempt to lure him out of his shell and maybe smooch a bit.
>Kid Flash
An absolute sweetheart, but used to be kind of a bitch before meeting Leonard Park (and yes, Captain Cold is Linda Snart in this universe) who promptly fucked some manners into her. Where Beast Girl is the heart she is the soul of the Titans, and a honorary sister of Nightwing
>Wonder Boy/Troy
The younger brother of Wonder Man, his love for all that lives is matched only by his willingness to fight to defend it. Got ara ara'd by college professor Terri Long, a redheaded MILF with a taste for younger men.
Is she also a femme fatale?
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i'm thinking of a scenario something where a hero becomes a debutante for a mission and then ends up seduced and fucked
Fucking disgusting.
But still better than the current Ivy/Harley.
You know I feel a female Superman hooking up with Lobo would be one of those situations where the woman fix the man.
>Making him shave
>Putting on a clean shirt
>Failing to make him sober up
Such is the fate of all genderbent protagonists...
>"I won't lose to the cock! I'm still a guy!"
>"I love cock...<3 There's no way I can go back to being a guy...<3"
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TG all heroes into sexy secretaries, all heroines into brawny goons.
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Now I can work with this idea
Which superheros and from what villains?
Here's a story you anons might enjoy!
The ones I feel make sense having secretaries are Lex Luthor and Norman Osborn.
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Nice, what program did you use?
Brenda Wayne hasn’t quite been the same since a run in with Bimbotron. She tried to keep up the crime-frighting but it was totally hard, and she always got all sweaty EW! So instead, she’s been Moonlighting as an exotic dancer at Birds of Prey, an upscale gentleman’s club in Gotham.
She started there on a stakeout, waiting for a Big Boss, but… when she saw him and gave him a lap dance, it was love at first bone. Since then, she’s been the kingpin’s arm candy during the day, and on the pole at night

From: https://www.deviantart.com/wrenzephyr2/art/The-Bat-s-New-Beat-738595786
Interesting, thanks!
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Oh neat a dedicated thread.
Always liked your stuff carolvenom poster.
Too bad Mighty Man didn't also get to sleep with his female form's BFF.
That would’ve been hot. Might just either save up commission money one day or learn to create content so he can finally get some action.
I should commission art of Mr. V too.
She's been dead for decades, the Mighty Man has been with a bunch of other hosts since, several of which aren't women either.
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I know and like I said it's a shame Ann didn't get to (didn't want to) sleep with Phyllis as Mighty Man.
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I did a wiki walk out of curiousity and there was a universe reset, and Ann might be back as Mighty Man? Pending how outdated it is.
Guess I should catch up.
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I dunno, there are other options. Peter Parker could make for a cute little bespectacled reporter as Penny Parker.
She could have a kind of nerdy straight A student personality, always desperate for praise
Does The Boys count? I’ve always found it weird how it’s so popular with so little tg art
That's what this thread is all about, feminizing and fucking heroes
If anyone is interested in some RP, I'm willing
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Smells like AI.
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Hope this doesn't sound weird, but this thread is great. I was looking for "Sexy Supers, but not just straight up porn panels" and this thread is full of just that. Ecchi stuff. Sure some porn is great but I was convinced I'd either need to skirt the line on /co/ or come here and get a couple sexy imahes amid a sea of just superman fucking people.
This thread's good.
Jock Flash starts talking an interest in Petra/Penny
That would be nice. We should let her keep her spider sense, it’ll give her a constant sense of anxiety
Elaborate, what disgusts you anon?
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Sometimes the ecchi is unintended.
I'm just sayin.
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Are these supposed to be implied post-TF?
Sauce on this image, and moreover, context?
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Warbird (Carol Danvers) as Venom, the fan version where it happened in the 90s when the symbiote got forcibly separated from Eddie at the same time she was hitting rock bottom and kicked off the Avengers. (Instead of the canon version that happened in the 2000s).
Does anyone have Thor spanking fem-Loki?
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Any more NSFW by Ian?
Is any Shazam/Black Adam TG/Corruption stories?
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Just perfect
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for what
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A girl and black.

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