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Post porn and chat about your favourite OCs, be they your own or someone else's.
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I wanna fuck Angie so freaking bad
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I wanna breed this delectable as fuck and utterly sniffable smug as hell sorceress Lana
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Sorceress Lena makes my dick so fucking HARD it's unreal
I should ask the owner if he's okay with porn of her
Reposting my TED talk in defense of us guys and to balance out the previous moral pearl clutching:


>Because female characters getting raped is one of the hottest things for a large number of artists and their respective fans, and why I value artists giving the go-ahead to lewd fanart featuring their hot as hell OC getting raped
There is however one problem or factor I think not many people are considering and that is oversaturation AND the moral taboo and societal taboo that comes with it. Rape, cheating and NTR porn get so much vitriol, hatred and moral outrage is because of the undeniable and objective fact they're very sensitive and morally taboo subjects that WILL offend and put off so many people, regardless of moral faggotry or not. That is simply undeniable, yes you can justify and explain it's just pure fiction and no real people are being harmed and the artists and their fans are normal well adjusted people and not massive SJWs.

That still will not stop the fact that rape, cheating and most especially NTR is taboo and morally wrong, it also wouldn't help that some people were rape/sexual assault victims or had previous failed relationship where their partner cheated on them. Try telling a rape or sexual assault victim "rape hentai is cool because the art makes it sexy", or someone who's had a failed relationship or was divorced because their partner cheated on them that "NTR and cheating is hot because my dick LOVES seeing a woman be so horny that she's not satisfied with her spouse and is willing to go behind her partner's back to fulfill the cravings welling up between her legs." Try telling that those people or anyone- of course you, me and anyone with common sense and more than two braincells are NEVER going to say such vile despicable things to such people. Unless oneself is a vile and despicable sociopath who feeds off the pain and suffering of others.
As for the oversaturation, that is also a factor why cheating, NTR and rape porn is often disliked and hated. Its almost everywhere and normalized in most NSFW places and hentai websites and because it's so oversaturated and nearly everywhere in porn and NSFW places it does give off the vibe that there are indeed plenty of "evil sexists and woman hating rapists in porn and hentai" or "all these nsfw and r34 artists are EEEVIL! and will rape your children ". Of course that isn't entirely true or realistic at all, and sure there are artists; nsfw or not, who were outed as predators and groomers. But overwhelmingly any artist or creator who is outed as a predator and or criminal have been properly ostracized, disavowed, vilified and punished. And I am one of the many people who do believe and have confidence that we nerds, geeks, weebs and otaku already do a good or decent enough job at filtering and gatekeeping actual vile slime balls.

And don't misinterpret me, I'm just being nuanced here. Yes ultimately a lot of the nasty and morally questionable rape and NTR porn we see nsfw R34 artists (and the normal vanilla artists who occasionally make porn) is dumb brain dead but harmless porn and gooning. Most fandom nerds, geeks, artists AND weebs/otaku who have common sense and decency already gatekeep and moderate themselves and tell bad actors and malicious assholes to go fuck off and ban them. But there is just understandable reasons and factors why people can get really turned off at porn that involves violent sexual assault and infidelity, you can thank porn and hentai being oversaturated with those from artists who're young, dumb and immature. AND also being (potentially) sexless virgins who're not in any serious relationship with a significant other whom they love and want to marry and start a family with. Yeah, consider that too! Most people who consume and produce nsfw and smut with rape and infidelity are usually young single and horny to begin with.
>Simply put, because women getting raped, and behaving like helpless rape victims, is fucking HOT.
No moral fagging here but phrasing bud. Archer will always be right that phrasing matters and sometimes people simply forget phrasing... But in seriousness, I think when you mean " because women getting raped, and behaving like helpless rape victims, is fucking HOT" I think it should be rephrased or stated as: women getting raped and being depicted as helpless victims is hot in a braindead and turn-off-your-brain type of sense. Look folks, I agree that the reason why some of the hardcore shit that might not be attractive or "morally right" to some people can be hot and arousing. The rape scenario that an artist draws can be very sexy and simply arousing thanks to their art, their art style and the way they frame. This does not apply to all porn artists however as I frankly don't like it when some artists overdo the rape and go way too overboard in making the rape look nasty, visceral and more violent, AKA; I definitely don't like Ryona or if the rapists who're ganging up on the poor female character are extremely ugly borderline monstrous bastards. I do definitely agree and understand why people don't like that, because some artists can just be excessive like that. But any artist who does a sex scene that might be rape and makes it look hot and arousing is a good or decent artist worth praising.
Also I'm gonna quote this guy too >>8219408
>DoodlePoodle is an artist who's okay with lewds of Angela Palmer/Hawthorne being made. And far as I'm aware only Angela Palmer/Hawthorne, Eriawynn (elf character) and Redwen are consistently made. Meanwhile characters Sara Shirakawa, Agatha Gauthier, Katie Kendall, and Zeke are never involved or extremely rarely have r34 made of them, while Angela's boyfriend Mark occasionally appears and is featured. Do correct me if I'm wrong for this is just a personal assumption. For I highly doubt DoodlePoodle, as much a of a fellowan of culture he is, would ever like or approve of a more hardcore violent rape scenario where the Tales from the Tables cast are in a home invasion during their DnD session as Angela, Sara, Agatha and Katie are rounded up and violently gangraped by the home invaders as Mark and Zeke helplessly watch while their bound and or held at gunpoint by said home invaders.

I'm not familiar with the artist he's talking about but when I was reading some of the past posts in here and saw his. But I think he is right, when people say they enjoy and fap to rape scenes in porn or any rule 34, people only like and fap to the rape scene because other than the fact it is purely fictional and no real persons are being harmed or raped. The rape depicted in a lot of porn is basically hardcore BDSM with extra steps and procedures with a side of Dubcon; dubious consent. That's what they usually are, aren't they? Most rape scenes in porn or doujins is just hardcore group sex with extra steps and dubcon. It's meant to be vapid silly and turn-off-your-brain cooming and not the truly horrific, violent and traumatic realistic depiction of rape.

Notice how "rape" in a porn or hentai sense is just that, an elaborate BDSM group sex with no violence, blood shed or bleeding from the vagina along with the female main character being a stupid moron and the rapist(s) acting and talking like Saturday Morning Cartoon Villains.
Most people with empathy for the character being assaulted and people who want to fap would not like it at all, if the rape is truly and realistically depicted with violence and trauma that comes with it. That is when people start having a problem and start assuming artists who draws that are "serial killers and rapists who target women" or are just mentally damaged South Koreans. And like the guy I'm quoting said:

>"I doubt DoodlePoodle, as much a of a fellow man of culture he is, would ever like or approve of a hardcore violent rape scenario where the Tales from the Tables cast are in a home invasion during their DnD session as Angela, Sara, Agatha and Katie are rounded up and violently gangraped by the home invaders as Mark and Zeke helplessly watch while they're bound and or held at gunpoint."

Rape scenes like that arne't based nor arousing. Its not only super edgy but is just poor in taste, disgusting and morally questionable. And because the quote I'm referring to is talking about some artist's own characters, it can even come off as disrespectful and or as a malicious attack or an insult towards the artist or individual themselves. And like I said, most (normal) people would not fap to such violent scenes... Well at least SOME people might still get an erection at that and fap to it, but such people are an absolute minority and wouldn't say it out loud nor express their arousal for such violent scenes in fear of being scrutinized as absolute weirdos themselves.

What I'm trying to conclude here is: rape scenes in porn, hentai, doujins, etc. is hot and arousing when drawn and executed well by good or decent artist. People enjoy and fap to rape scenes as dumb turn-off-your-brain-and-enjoy type of porn, rape in porn, hentai, doujins, etc. is ultimately hardcore BDSM or group sex with extra steps and dubcon. And most normal people WILL be turned off if the rape scene is not pornographic, not sexy and is violent and traumatic.

End of TED Talk.
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Okay, with that out of the way. Time to post someone's OC:

Pic related is a tomboy delivery driver from artist LungNut at Twitter... I might be cheating here since this is /aco/ for Western content but hey! This is an OC thread and most saved OCs I got are from Asian artists as I find the anime artstyle of Asians more attractive and appealing than 95-98% of Western Artists... So I hope it counts.

Anywho, this is also the artist's "ongoing" Tomboy Food Delivery GalxFemboy Customer. The "story" is "ongoing" because since last year but still had no update to it due to them focusing on other material, I'm guessing.'











Last current picture of Linn the tomboy delivery gal and Femboy MC

Hope this ain't cheating.
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Yo Writer Anon! Am excited and looking forward to my Dea and Estromo love story written by you. New thread's up and am glad you liked working on it.
Now I wonder if our local Serial Commissioner might also commission porn of certain or ANY IRL artists who make literal porn of themselves and their girlfriends/boyfriends because they may or may not be hot. And because the artists and their romantic partners themselves consent and agree to it for fun, shits and giggles.
We can have female self inserts shipped with canon male characters? The ones I have aren't sexual, but I suppose we can imagine and sexualize the female OCs in our minds?
Oh! I think I got this one.
I'm going to miss seeing Susan's fat hips (the old thread's OP pic) at the top of the catalogue, nut an Angie is fine too.
I got to get more stuff with Susan in it. I just have so many characters I'm juggling with commissions.
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Two OCs from my game Harem in Another World. Lorel, the shy ghost who you release from a curse. And Kali the ditzy maid obsessed with sex.
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>arguing in defense of noncon
>meanwhile characters that were made for noncon get none
world is a fuck
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Noncon is already an iffy or sensitive topic AND is bound to attract drama and other unwanted attention... Best just not post excessive noncon and share more OCs/self inserts.

>Two OCs from my game Harem in Another World. Lorel, the shy ghost who you release from a curse. And Kali the ditzy maid obsessed with sex.
You're a Game Developer!?!? Care to share some deets in what game you're making, if you are?
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I dunno what female body type you can call this, slightly chub? Thicc?
Of course :) !
The game is Harem in Another World and is available in early access on steam, there's also an android version on Itch. You play as an everyday pervert transported to another world, find your friends, meet the locals and build your harem. There's fantasy creatures like ghosts, goblins and giants. The game is focused on exploring and completing quests whilst uncovering a wider story.
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NawtyQ is the Queen of the Bimbos!
Point to me the characters that were made for noncon. I need those
The one I posted is datsadfatcat's Raluca from the oc drawthread and https://toyhou.se/3377685.raluca-voss/gallery
There's a handful other noncon/dubcon requesters there.
Others I like are:
dng_5656's Viola.
derpixon's Jean.
galbuscho's Alika.
psychotey's Agnesa.
redraider's Sam.
malberrybush's Malyna.
angelisereiter's Angelise.
assumi_fonix's Assumi.
And a couple nameless ones like po-ar's D&D party and Ogirls' mascot.
>went looking for rapefus to contribut something from the eastern front
>they're all loli
Legit had never noticed, we really are in unsavory company.
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Adler's Natalia
Quick update, Estromo's name is now Everett. Sorry, Everett just seemed to fit the tone of the world and story better. Don't worry, Dea is still Dea. As a consolation, what should Everett's father be named? He's a bit of a patriarchal dick, who bristles at his son's apparent lack of traditional masculinity and brawn.
>Quick update, Estromo's name is now Everett. Sorry, Everett just seemed to fit the tone of the world and story better.
It's all good! I can understand your lack of know-how for fantasy. Yes, I don't mind the name change just make sure and or emphasize that Estromo/Everett is a young man who's 19 or in his super early 20s. Other than that its all good and I'm fine with it.

> As a consolation, what should Everett's father be named? He's a bit of a patriarchal dick, who bristles at his son's apparent lack of traditional masculinity and brawn.

Maybe Eli can do, that can be the father's name. Originally, Estromo's parents were not present or known during that game session I participated many years ago. But I do not mind your creative liberty... You know what? Maybe Estromo/Everett's and Eli's surname is Blackthorne. If you feel the need for a surname for Estromo/Everett and Eli since they are upper class nobles or rich people who own land and have a mansion. Go with Blackthorne; Everett and Eli Blackthorne of the Blackthorne Family.

And lastly as a suggestion, maybe you can have Eli as an initially dickish and borderline assholish father figure due to his son's supposed lack of masculinity and his love for Dea. But ultimately have Eli accepting the woman his son loves when realizing Dea is not a mere commoner woman who's just trying to Gold Dig or leech off of the family's wealth. But that Dea is a honest hard working woman who is managing and tending her family's own farm since childhood and the physical manual labor she does. Thus Eli accepts and welcomes her new daughter in law as it turns out Eli, despite being a patriarchal dick. Is meritocratic and is genuinely impressed at Dea's hardiness and labor making her the very few women he has seen in his life to impress him. Therefore will allow the relationship between the farm girl and his son.

Hope you do that as I figure the world needs way more stories with good or humanized fathers and father figures.
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even sloppy seconds?
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Hey! Let some of us enjoy the fact Angela canonically HAS a boyfriend and is monogamous in a relationship as opposed the already plentiful infidelity, used goods and whoring.
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you're the one who wants to bang her even tho she has a BF.
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I don't care if she has a BF, I still wanna rail her; I don't care which hole I stick it in

Fuck yeah I'd go for sloppy seconds, she has two other holes available for use

Ooooh, Adler's Natalia is designed specifically for non-con? Based. Imma look into her for sure
HEEEEEYYYYYY, wait a minute! My autisms is tingling and I notice your name filing... Doodlepoodle, is that you, good sir? I believe it's you since I so happen to have been browsing and looking at the previous original characters threads and saw the Angela and Mark pics with filenames: "Recording_aftermath" or " bukkake_v2_1080" or " Facial_1080."

Okay OKAY! I might be reaching and I'm just assuming and noticing patterns because of my autism but I can be wrong and you're not the artist himself but just someone else saving those images and giving them your own different filenames. It's just whenever I see an image that is art being posted here with a filename that isn't randomized letters, numbers or the 4chan image filing numbers. I assume it must be the creator themselves uploading it straight from their computers with their filenames. If you're not Doodles and just another anon, I apologize due to my 'tisms.
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hopefully gonna draw some lewds this weekend
I'd bad end her iykwim
BUT if you ARE Him, has anyone ever asked you if it might have been potentially better if you never lewded Angela or make porn of your certain Tales from the Tables female cast, but simply made separate OCs for your NSFW purposes? I recall you had a much older female OC you did post and share to us where she was in a gangbang of questionable consent. Have you ever pondered or thought of never having r34'd Angela, Eria and Redwen yourself and made completely different characters separate and not connected to your Tales from the Tables story? You did admit you had people questioning your choice of letting your characters of your completely normal sfw webcomic be openly r34'd. Might it have tarnished the brand image of your story in someway as it might have attracted some attention you might not like? Or you have no regrets and you're absolutely fine with horny admirers lewding Angela and friends? Still, you think things might have turned out a bit different if you simply made completely different characters not connected to Tales from the Tables specifically for porn and NSFW purposes? Would it have kept the brand image of it clean and completely SFW? Of course it wouldn't stop others from rule 34'ing Angela and friends, but at least that can be hand waved off as fan work and as silly fun from your friends and mutuals while your canon work's """integrity""" can remain intact with a clean brand image.

And another thing I wanna know when it comes to you r34'ing your own characters. Is Angela, Redwen and Eria are the only characters from your Tales form the Tables who are subjected to porn and other scenes straight out of typical h-manga and doujins? From what I've seen in your NSFW profile, it seems only Angela, Eria and Redwen and occasionally Mark, are the only characters from your Tales from The Tables cast you're ever going to sexualize and subject to lewds. I've never seen lewds of Agatha, Sara, Zeke and Katie made or sanctioned by yourself.
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I'm under the belief in the "timeline" of your non-canon porn scenarios involving Angela, Eria and Redwen, and occasionally Mark. Angela's DnD friend group with Sara, Agatha, Katie and Zeke does not exist and have never met to form the friend group that is in your official story's canon. But Angela and Mark seemingly still met and are in a relationship, but mainly for the purpose of the "cheating" tag. As I think you have certain three male characters I have consistently seen in your lewds who practically rape or dubcon Angela into sex with them; A wrinkly faced older looking man, a black guy for BLACK'd and NTR, and I think a Hispanic sounding guy? Yeah, am I correct to believe the Angela and Mark in your non-canon porn scenarios are a completely separate and non-canon timeline where their friendgroup doesnt exist and never met Sara, Agatha and Zeke? Instead, Angela is a typical run-of-the-mill female character in a hentai or doujin who may or may not be a naive or outright vapid moron with zero common sense and easily gets herself into compromising sex scenes. No offense here, I'm just stating the average female character in any hentai or doujin, that is what Angela is in your non-canon porn timeline while Mark is an NTR cuckold or unfaithful cheater too from SOME lewds I've seen a friend/mutual of yours done.

Which might also explain why I don't think I've ever seen you putting Agatha, Sara, Katie and Zeke in similar situations yourself. They just simply never met and never formed their DnD friendgroup. Though your friends and mutuals might make r34 of them as I know another friend/mutual of yours made a nude or topless of Agatha. Am I correct?

But lemme jusst be clear. I'm just simply felt the need to ask this thinking it might actually be you. AGAIN! I'm assuming this is your Doodle, based off on autistic assumptions involving your filenames. If not, I apologize as I end my current ramblings.

Have some pixiv OCs.
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Artist: Aeritea

She tends to do a lot of gentle femdom art featuring oftenly different or unique looking one shot characters
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Not pornographic part 2, but more humorous.
H-how bad?
I just want to knock her out then pin her down and rape her, knocking her up while she's half concious and too dazed to do anything but moan like a bitch in heat.
Sorry, chum, you're totally wrong. I am not doodlepoodle. I rename files so I have some idea of what they are in my folders.
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Bumping with a female self insert
>Ever thought of never having r34'd Angela, Eria and Redwen yourself and made completely different characters separate and not connected to your Tales from the Tables story?
>Might it have tarnished the brand image of your story in someway as it might have attracted some attention you might not like?
>Would it have kept the brand image of it clean and completely SFW while your canon work's "integrity" can remain intact with a clean brand image?

Probably the only few scrutinies or criticisms I can give towards Doodlepoodle. The man did share posts of stupid lustful Redditors giving him complaints and angry comments about the porn of Angela, Redwen and Eriawynn he draws in his nsfw second account is not canon and is just mindless porn not meant to be taken seriously. Maybe if Doods did make completely different characters for the purpose of porn posting and not have "officially" drawn porn of Angela getting spitroasted or Redwen giving a blowjob. Things might have been different, his DnD webcomic would be of a completely squeaky clean image with no porn attached to its name. And he might have not gotten those stupid Redditors screeching at him over the fact the porn of his webcomic characters he draws isn't canon.

Now now, I ain't guilt tripping or trying to shame Doodlepoodle for making porn of his own characters, pretty sure almost every single modern day artist under the sun has done that even for their normally non-porno sfw characters and property. But now, I too also wish he himself would one day come here and stop by to share more smut of he drew, sees this and the posts above talking and or mentioning him above. And that he gives an official statement or his thoughts over the matter. Though I would suggest to him he simply ditches Reddit and sticks to Twitter with his fellow artists there or here in 4chan with /us guys/. At least that way he wouldn't have to deal with the reddit-tards reeee'ing at him with dumb takes over his works, if you ask me.
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>I think you have certain three male characters I have consistently seen in your lewds who practically rape or dubcon Angela into sex with them; A wrinkly faced older looking man, a black guy for BLACK'd and NTR, and I think a Hispanic sounding guy?

Is it something like pic related? Yeah, I think I do recall that in a similar thread where anyone can post and talk about their OCs too... Jaime!!! Pull up those pics drawn and posted by Doodlepoodle himself from a previous similar thread showing said older OC and Angela getting fucked and recorded by an older looking guy and an NTR nigger and only for it to be some horny dream of that older OC.

Because I think that is what you're talking about, anon, though I'm not sure about the third Hispanic guy who also participates gangbanging Angela or not. But I get you and I do notice those particular Doodlepoodle porn "OCs", a mean and unpleasant older looking guy and an average black man straight from a cuck porn. Now I also feel the urge to ask Doodle what's the "lore" of the guys who do basically rape Angela. But something tells me Doodlepoodle is never ever going to show or feature those two guys of his non-canon porn. The guys that fuck Angela are likely never ever going to make an appearance, a cameo or even an Easter Egg appearance or April Fool's joke in the proper Tales from the Tables canon. Since they only serve as those type of immoral male rapist characters you see in any hentai or doujin. Probably would never make an appearance or cameo as generic bandits in the dnd scenes in Tales from the Tables.

Dammit doodlepoodle! C'mere and give us your official Word of a God statements already!
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>only for it to be some horny dream of that older OC.
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hope its cool if I dump somma my OCs
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i like that fj pic of her
Oh? What's her name?
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Sophie, artificial harpy
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Yeeeeah! That's it!!! Thanks for posting that, I was going to ask you to provide me the rest of the image sets but realized I can just simply archive search using desuarchive. And that OC's name is Tina it turns out, also color me surprised that Doodles himself has been posting here even all the way back than I'm aware of, pretty neat he genuinely allows porn of his OCs to be done. Plus I even have confidence the guy's not only a cool dude but is probably also not an SJW given that he has posted I'm 4chan after all AND allows unwholesome lewds to be done on Angela. Glad I've been following an artist like him way before I learned he draws porn on the side and that he may occasionally post here too. Also remembered I do follow him in twitter and his porn secondary recently.

Maybe I can finally ask him what're his Word of God statement on some of the posts above referencing him and on behalf of the other anon with the same concern. You think Anons? H wouldn't mind? Archived post says he doesn't mind a chat through his DMs and his DM is open.

But for something else different other than Doodles, have this big boob elf potion seller character... I think the artist's name or Twitter handle is in the image... I must confess, I have loads of OC art from various artists saved in my phone and laptop. But most of them are sfw and not lewd or nude even if the artists who made them do draw porn and nudes. Reason is because I just find the clothes sfw versions cuter and prettier and safer to be more visible in public and be my wallpaper. Is that a crime, lads and lasses?
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And what's the lore and backstory of your fake harpy? Why she has bird like appendages but no wings? And lemme guess, she was a roleplay character for a tabletop game or homebrew? I swear a large chunk of OCs I have seen here turns out to have origins in /tg/ and have been some people's Dungeons and Dragons or Shadowrun player characters.

...And I swear my pic related IS an OC in someone's porn story. Forgot the name, but I think it was from Twitter artist "Guznoppy"? I know pic related is from a shotacon porn story that is animated but is still in the works and being animated by the artist.
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Lore: She was human girl abducted by a mad scientist who was obsessed with creating monster girls and forcing them into fights/challenges against each other. She had her limbs, eyes, and DNA altered, but escaped before her wings were attached. Burned face is due to one her fights in the lab.

And actually not a roleplay character, mostly inspired by Heather Mason from Silent Hill and Hibiki from Symphogear. Most of my characters are inspired by various horror series combined with some cartoon/anime. My "Main character", (the masked guy) is sort of a callback to Al Columbia strips.

Also, cool design, I love violent milfs.
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>And actually not a roleplay character, mostly inspired by Heather Mason from Silent Hill and Hibiki from Symphogear. Most of my characters are inspired by various horror series combined with some cartoon/anime. My "Main character", (the masked guy) is sort of a callback to Al Columbia strips.

Okay, copy that, looks like a majority of OCs I see here are not always of /tg/ or tabletop origin. So what's the quick TLDR in-a-nutshell summary can you give your story? Is Sophie, those monster girls and Masked Man part of a story or web series/comic you're still working on? Should I assume it is also NSFW with sex scenes? And by NSFW, I dont mean it's 100% porn, I mean it's an nsfw story with explicit themes, sex scenes and other elements you cannot watch with family members.

>Also, cool design, I love violent milfs.

Context, not my character, not working on a story or animation myself. Its someone else's in a shotacon story who's name I don't memorize, but so recognize their art style.
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TLDR best I can: sort of an AU 1960 where demonic possession is such a prevalent issue that exorcism is now a freelance business like exterminators. Masked man runs a business with Sophie being one of his earliest hires after he finds her. General motivation on both their ends is to locate her family.

Dr. Drake ties ain s he's basically a pervert who wants to create a harem of beast girls, but needs fund to operate, so he does commission work for various elites and government figures, who also help protect him. Either that share his kink, or they're possessed who are looking for more physically stronger hosts.

Not too much work in it atm beyond some stories, which are so shit I don't want to post em here. Need to really work on em. Once I feel confident enough, I'll probably post em on AO3. ANd yeah, its a NSFW story.
Bump again!
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Thank you! She's hot as hell. Would you have any issues with me commissioning other artists to draw her tied up and getting raped?
What else can you tell me about Sophie?

Why yes, I'd very much be willing to commission porn of any sufficiently hot IRL artists or their boyfriends/girlfriends (especially if it's two girls in a relationship)

Pic not rel, though, this is just another OC that gets me horny. Her name (the breedable as hell dark skinned bombshell) is Alima Hopkins.
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I made a [spoiler]dick [/spoiler] version too.

I know spoilers don't work.
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Sure! No worries on the Rape bit, I'm cool with whatever, so long as it aint scat. lemme try and get some traits:
>Grew up poor, worked side jobs during HS before abduction.
>Mother was ill and father was often away from home, so matured faster to take care of siblings.
>Used to run on school's track team before dropping sports to continue work
>Deeply religious
>Big fan of dogs, befriended Martin's (Masked Man)'s monster creature that bears resemblance to such.
>Chirps when extremely happy
>Blind in her right eye, left eye has hawk-like vision
>Generally prefers kissing and wholesome stuff, but has a secret turn on for degradation, likely a result of her experience in the Labs, a fact that shames her.
Why are so many rapebait characters redheads?
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>Once I feel confident enough, I'll probably post em on AO3.
Oh! So your story/series is in written text form you submit in AO3 then? Thought it was a comic type format, but I suppose you're just a writer and the art of your OCs is commissions and or requests that help serve as visual aid to help us know what the characters look like. Not planning to read your work anytime soon but what IS the name of your work though?
Red is the color of violence.
High impact sexual violence.
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Here's my OC, Mobile! Just finished a definitive ref sheet for them
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And here's a comm I did recently
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Consider, Trickstaboy's MILF/Hag brown witch woman and her shota partner:


Sorry can't post images, am outside commuting to work...
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Also to Writer Anon! Still working on the Dea and Estromo/Everett love story? Still am waiting and excited when you're finally done cooking. And bumping with an elf boy image that may or may not be Link with shorter hair, still would consider pic related as another example of what Estromo can look like, but of course I know you're making him a regular you g human male, understandable.

Also hope you notice >>8309536
Eli is the name of the Father and Blackthorne is the family name of Everett and Eli... Everett and Eli Blackthorne.
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Here's my character Paige. A lesbian tomboy skater. This is her on a beach day.
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Male OC time for once!

Theo's elf boy in his 1HP Club webcomic:

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Of course they have a Patreon account WITH exclusive lewds of his male and female OCs and others. If anyone's brave and bold enough to screenshot their Patreon exclusive lewds, be our guest.
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I wanna create a female character who is not!Muslim, but I'm struggling with naming the not!Islam.
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what counts as an OC for these threads
jon jon jon jon jonny jon jon
Bumping, for I still await my Dea and Everett/Estromo love story to be done by the Writer Anon.
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My reproductive organs are compelling me to pay this hot as fuck OC Alima Hopkins a surprise visit for some very one-sided lovemaking
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Who is this?
I'm still around. Almost done with the first, short chapter. Work has been a bitch.
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Great to know! :D

Is it just one chapter or more to be worked on? Either way, I'll keep this thread bumped for you to post in.

Twitter artist Argent Moon
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finally drew this oc again last night
Please give any and all feedback. Just Chapter One.
You've done! Yeah!!!
>Please give any and all feedback. Just Chapter One.

Alright, I guess I can give 2 or 3. First of, I pleasantly surprised or pleased you made it into a modern day setting, which I am absolutely okay and have no problems with. Even Estromo and his family being human and not high elves, I'm absolutely okay and pleased with what you're doin'. By all means, I'm happy and greatful you're bringing my OCs to life.

Second, because this is now a modern day setting, I guess this means Dea should now have a surname like any modern day person too. Because back then medieval serfdom small folk don't have surnames, but since this is modern day. Perhaps Dea's family name can be Sallow; Dea Sallow from Holt County. So if you want to have more info regarding Dea and Estromo/Everett, go ahead and ask away since you got more chapters to write.

Third: This is probably me, but I don't think you listed down or wrote Everett's own skills or strengths, at least not yet since this is just chapter 1. So hopefully when you get to the next chapters, you can have Everett's skills and strengths be mentioned or talked about. Especially when he and Dea finally meet again and start talking to each other, since Everett IS based off Estromo; OG Dea's high elf prince husbando. Maybe Everett is a bookworm or a surprisingly smarty pants nerd, not that Everett is a super high IQ genius, but he is a studious man who had very good grades and liked reading literature which can be a make up or compensation for his lack of physical outdoors manliness. Perhaps Dea and Everett have a hobby and interest or two that helps further connect them and help make them fall in love with each other because of; "Oh my god, she/he likes this too! I really am in love with him/her!"

>Will continue

Or hey! Everett can probably be a shockingly good cook and Dea is probably the only person other than his passed away mother to love his cooking. Because Everett is a rich boy with servants, he never gets to cook himself due to the maids and butlers being the ones serving meals and all. Everett being a surprisingly good cook is thanks to his self imposed loneliness and reading many books and cook books from that. Basically I am eager to know what you'll write to have Dea and Everett connect together to strengthen their love for each other. Other than them being social outcasts and them being subversions of expected roles, but I do hope you still get to write in Everett being absolutely turned on and attracted to Dea's beautifully dark skin that is amplified by her tomboyishness and physical hardiness which are reasons why OG Estromo fell in love and married OG Dea.

And Fourth, I finally thought of regarding Eli: I'm also pleased with your interpretation of Everett's noble family who're known for outdoors manliness in a modern day setting, I'm okay with it. But like I proposed last thread, I urge and hope you make Eli the father figure who despite seemingly being a Jerk, has a heart of gold and genuine care and love for his son and family. Hopefully you get to make Eli see Dea to be a worthy wife for Everett once he learns she's a hard working tough gal who works manly manual labor.

>Will continue because text limit
And hey here's an idea; have this Dea have a Green Thumb and that she has maintained a sizable "little farm" which is a glorified vegetable garden, but an usually prosperous one thanks to her natural Green Thumb and free time she had. Have something like that be one of the reasons that genuinely impresses Eli that a young lass like her has been a hard working woman who also manage to have an impressive bounty that no one else has noticed. Coupled with Dea's personal crop/bounty, Everett has managed to cook up an impressively delicious meal made with Dea's homegrown crop that impresses Eli as he also couldn't believe his son is an amazing cook and why Everett has never told him before... Basically anything that can help win the approval of Eli and have him consider Dea a woman worthy of being his son's wife and a matriarch of the Hawkthorne family. Not to mention Eli ultimately being a good or decent father to his son since this world needs more positive father figures... Still, these are suggestions and I still do look forward how you will continue and write this love story based off my OCs.

And Lastly: you decided to make Eli and Everett's family name be "Hawkthorne?" Where did you get that idea, did it just so happen to sound both manlier AND noble compared to Blackthorne? Was it your way of honoring this incarnation of Dea and of Estromo's fantasy origins as my OCs and characters used in the DnD game I participated in? Its ultimately fine, I am more happy you finally got progress done and are still working on more chapters to come. I hope and wish you the best of luck in completing the story with a happy AND sexy ending. You did say you liked a happy ending with Dea and Estromo marrying with and having children thanks to baby making sex. So I am also excited with you eventually writing the baby making impregnation sex between Dea and Everett, I'll be waiting patiently and vigilantly for the next chapters to come. Hope you see this, I am happy indeed!
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Bump, I'm still a happy man thanks to Writer Anon delivering the first chapter of the Dea and Everett love story.

And hey, "Corncob_Smut", if you need more input on Dea and or Everett's characteristics and personality, just lemme know and I'll happily answer as best as I can. Though I also would like to know what "lore" and backstory did you decide to give Dea and Everett yourself? I mean I should be the one providing the backstory and lore but you are the one doing the writing and like I said, I did forget many many things about Dea and Estromo myself a long long time ago.

But might it be safe to assume the Hawkthorne Family engages in Real Estate businesses, which is the modern day explanation for Everett/Estromo's family being the wealthy upper class "nobility" they are. Which may also explain why Eli has been able to purchase a prestigious mansion AND farmland due to him and the family being in Real Estate Development and even Farming. Which might be a possible way for Dea to win over the love of Everett and approval of Eli. By proving she's not only a hardworking woman but might help give some in-and-out info to Eli regarding farm lands he can aquire. And also impressing him with her own homegrown tiny but high quality crops.

And like I also said, Dea's surname is/can be "Sallow", Dea Sallow.
>Perhaps Dea's family name can be Sallow; Dea Sallow from Holt County.
Sounds good.

>Everett can probably be a shockingly good cook and Dea is probably the only person other than his passed away mother to love his cooking.
Don't think I will be doing this. I'll explain later in this post.

>you decided to make Eli and Everett's family name be "Hawkthorne?
I'm gonna be honest. Some wires in my brain got crossed, and I misremembered your suggestion for their surname.

>You did say you liked a happy ending with Dea and Estromo marrying with and having children thanks to baby making sex.
My idea for the breeding aspect is as follows. The first time Dea and Everett have PIV sex, Everett uses a condom that he swiped from Eli's secret stash. Everett wrongly assumes that his dad is just as big as him, and the condom is tight and too-small, though neither Dea or Everett notice due to their inexperience. It breaks during the sex, but Everett and Dea are so caught up in the pleasure and their love for each other, that they keep going and Everett floods Dea's womb with his virile cum.

I am definitely planning a redemption for Eli. Chapter One was the peak of his assholeness in the story, and mainly served to established why Everett was malcontent. Father and son will have a full reconciliation, though I don't know if this will be before or after he learns about Everett and Dea's relationship.

My main concern with this story is making sure I increase the smut aspects in future chapters and keeping a reasonable lid on the amount of worldbuilding and character backstory I do. In smut, sometimes less is more when it comes to characterization.
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NTA but since you and that guy who owns the tomboy and elf prince OC both agree on the tomboy getting PLAP'D PREGNANT, here's a silly thought but friendly suggestion. Make em have plenty 'o kids since you both agree on them having a football team, but not just that. Have their soccer team love children be just like their parents, and by be like their parents. I mean the daughters end up being just like tomboys like their mom or be *"bifauxnens" and the sons be bishonens or prince charmings like their dad.


Since the rich noble family Everett came from seems to have some physically manly man's man tradition and whatnot. The newest generation of the family members are now starting to compose of tomboys, "handsome ladies" and pretty boys who look like they came straight out of a boyband or fantasy princes straight out of a fairy tale and otome. All thanks to that Dea and Everett's genetics, and a funny joke or meme amongst their community where they'll soon be taken over by legions of Sailor Uranus-looking gals and boyband members.
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Hello, owner of Dea and Estromo here. Glad you liked or are interested in the ongoing story and my OCs. And yes a part of me agrees with you idea but at the same time I also leave the decision of Dea and Everett having LOTS of children up to the author writing my OCs.

Even though it's MY OCs being written, it's Corncob_Smut doing most tof the heavy lifting that is the writing as I myself am not a writer. -Or at least I used to actively write in some storythreads from a different board a long time ago but have not written another story ever since for how many years now. But yeah, if Corncob _Smut is able to write the romance build up and drama resolution, I hope he can consider your suggestion. And to you Writer Anon; Corncob_Smut, I also won't mind if Dea and Everett ultimately have a reasonable amount of children and not a "football team" amount of kids. Though it would be funny if the newer generation of Hawkthornes end up being composed of tomboys, traps, those female characters who look like Yuu Kashima is from Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun or Haruka Tenoh. And k-pop looking pretty boys or elven-looking lads, thanks to the genes of Dea and Everett now making up the generation of Hawkthornes, which end up also overtaking and becoming dominant with the other next generation Hawkthornes and Dea's and Everett's grandchildren. Imagine the reaction of Eli?

>I'm gonna be honest. Some wires in my brain got crossed, and I misremembered your suggestion for their surname.
Its okay, whether you feel like having to change Hawkthorne to Blackthorne as a correct or not. It'll be up to you, Im not to taken aback. I just wish you the best of luck the next chapters and completion of the story.

Have an actual human femalexelven male pic I saved as a representation of OG Dea and Estromo.
What type of modern setting are you using? Real world or a fictional modern world like Strangereal of Ace Combat? I may not be that anon who's OCs you're making a story with and I don't have much to contribute as feedback. But I say stick with having the setting of the story be a fictional modern day world just like Ace Combat's Strangereal.

I know this is a romance and smut story you're writing but if I must give some feedback, even a suggestion, stick with using a fictional modern day world. Besides, not like there's a real US state or country called "Holt County", right? If you ask me, setting your story in a fictional modern day world manages to be more fun. Or at least you do not get to be constrained or shackled to accurate details IRL geography, history, the politics and culture.. Thus giving you more freedom to how this fictional state, country or nation of your's operates and behaves without any pesky authenticity or "realism."

I know, I know! This is just a smut story with romance you're writing, just saying fictional setting that isn't IRL is more fluid and more fun and gives more creative freedom IMO.
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Dunno if this is the right thread to ask this, but does anyone sauce to this image? IIRC, it was from some comic someone made
I'm not familiar with Strangereal. Whenever I'm writing smut, most of which I never publish, I never use real places. I usually imagine it's a generic Anglophone place with generic technology and culture. I had one story set in a university, and I just called it Rockland State University. So, yes, Holt County is not a real place. Neither is Unionville.
The story proper will probably end when Dea is heavily pregnant with their first kids and married to Everett. Maybe I'll have an quick epilogue set far in the future. By then, they might have eight kids. Dea would have a thicker and more maternal body, with a heavy bosom, thick thighs and hips, but she's still fit. Eli would be a perfect, loving, and caring grandfather and father-in-law.
He's really trying to have his cake and fuck it too by providing first party on-model porn of his characters in multiple uh let's call them controversial categories and then saying it never happened she's not NTR gangblacked

Should've just made a new comic
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This OC came about when playing the Game of Thrones mod for Crusader Kings 2.

>Vaella Velaryon
>Time is about 100 years after Rhaegar wins Robert's Rebellion in this timeline
>Targaryens still in power but distilled their blood and look blonde
>Marry my 30 yr old Targaryen King to 15 year old Vaella Velaryon
>She's naturally strong, high stats and has the Valyrian silver hair
>Has 2 kids with her husband before a plague that hit all of Westeros kills the King and a majority of noble houses
>Vaella actually caught the plague but survived it from having high health
>Her child son is taken from Driftmark to be raised in King's Landing with his uncle/regent the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard
>With both her kids taken Vaella becomes a hedonist
>Vaella's son comes of age at 15 and there are no good women or girls to marry, so my man marries his 30 year old mom
>Despite being a hedonist his mother-wife is faithful to her son until late in their marriage right when she hit menopause at like 45 she fucks a maester and her son enraged tortured the man to death. Only upset but not hateful of his mom for cheating
>King had all daughters with his mom so he marries his best daughter to his younger brother who becomes king next
>can lactate on command
>womb can "lowered" at will
>can empathetically detect what their lover wants from them
>orgasm always occurs at the same time as their lover
sigh. such a sexual mary sue. you can't possibly tell any story about/with this character, only put them in random fuck encounters with nothing interesting except the perfect sex
you draw very nice, but your writing and character design is mid
>I never use real places. I usually imagine it's a generic Anglophone place with generic technology and culture.
Owner of Dea and Estromo here yet again. If you need some names for a fictional city or two, and a name for the fictional (and obviously North American) Anglo country the story's taking place in. Here's some suggestions from someone who used to actively write in a different storythread before:

The nation the story is set place in:
>The Federal States of Columbia
Or more simply
>The United Federation

The big metropolitan City Everett and Eli came from:
>Malton City

Just some suggestions for a bump as well. So; story takes place in the Federal State of Unionville, Holt County, The United Federation. A historic countryside of the United Federation that is several miles away from the nearest big metropolitan city; Farburg.

I mean, for the sake of dialogue when some characters start talking about location especially for Everett and the city he and his dad came from.
Anyone here ever dabble in making a smut OC that has a medical condition?
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Ehhh on the brighter positive side whether or not her trying to have his cake and eat it to at the expense of the brand image of his (sfw non-pornographic) DnD webcomic. DoodlePoodle isn't an SJW or left leaning nutcase, mainly based on the fact he has not only declared he is fine with his fans/followers, his friends, mutuals and 4chan anons making and commissioning porn and NSFW of his characters that isn't scat or violent guro. Or as said at >>8307224

>I highly doubt DoodlePoodle, as much a of a fellow man of culture he is, would ever like or approve of a more hardcore violent rape scenario where the Tales from the Tables cast are in a home invasion during their DnD session as Angela, Sara, Agatha and Katie are rounded up and violently gangraped by the home invaders as Mark and Zeke helplessly watch while their bound and or held at gunpoint.

In the end, DoodlePoodle at least is a cool and chill dude and isn't or he doesn't appear to be an SJW leftist nutcase. I mean c'mon he did post here in 4chan and discussed with 4chan anons about porn and lewding each other's OCs.

I wish DoodlePoodle can drop by and post or chat here in /aco/ from time to time. And yeah, I am that anon who was/is amazed at him making porn of his own creations as a sfw artist himself...

Any other known artists who're as based or chill as DoodlePoodle?
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Yup. That's the whole point of the character. Never intended to be anything but a relatively easy to draw sex partner to draw with other people's OCs and/or requested characters. Pretty much a total indulgence of everything I love in porn.

Each of their "abilities" are just things people who commission me asked for when I drew them. They don't really have a backstory or any explanation of who/what they are.
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Fresh Hanami Comm

Been slacking on Hanami's lore and world building, fell down a D&D rabbit hole (again)

but had enough disposable to get some quick cheeky art for her.
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A male antagonist (Grima from Fire Emblem Awakening) with a female insert
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Bumping for anyone with an OC to post and also for Corncob_Smut to post any more updates or info for my Dea and Everett love story.
Huh? What? Me?
Doodlepoodle here!
Yikes, I randomly reverse image search my doodles out of curiosity and suddenly find people are asking me stuff XD

I believe you've also poked me on Twitter/X, sorry i haven't gotten around to answering there yet. been insanely busy with TFTT #41 and art assets for our ActualPlay on YT.

Anyway, to answer the question about the random hentai dudes... that's really all they are.

Angela's most definitely an idealistic, one partner for life sort of girl. There's a whole backstory not even seen in the TFTT comic, of where she and Mark were before this, how their relationship developed (and nearly never happened over a silly misunderstanding) etc.

When I doodle the lewds, I like to imagine these might be figments of Angie's imagination. Poor girl's a bit sexually frustrated, understandably. And she's blessed (or cursed?) with a VERY vivid imagination. Same thing that helps her visualize the D&D adventures so well. She's probably kicking herself over having these at all, after she's... done and no longer horny XD

Fantasizing is just a normal, human thing we do and doesn't take away from her morals.

Anyway, back to the random guys - they're just generic random dudes that fill the "male sex partner" role in our innocent Angie's dirty imagination. More often than not, they probably don't even get detailed faces, when the whole focus of the fantasy is, say, a pair of strong hands holding her hips, her spats down to her thighs, and a robust schlong pumping balls deep inside her, the pair barely hidden from view in a side alley. A quick, naughty fantasy triggered from how that random thug-ish dude chillin' in an alley looked at her ass as she jogged by.

No need for that imaginary manly body to even have a defined face, or any sort of backstory. Later that day she'll probably feel utterly ashamed of herself for having entertained such a fantasy in the first place.
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And there he is! He has arrived. Well I guess that finally answers our questions. And yes I say OURS because I was just admittingly repeating and or trying to summarize some previous posts above discussing about your porn and how you sexualize Angie in your non-canon smut. And replying or give my own two cents over the matter

This is actually me btw >>8313160 >>8316282 >>8352137

So yeah man, you did answer MY question. I suppose you also answered THIS take too:

>I highly doubt DoodlePoodle, as much a of a fellow man of culture he is, would ever like or approve of a more hardcore violent rape scenario where the Tales from the Tables cast are in a home invasion during their DnD session as Angela, Sara, Agatha and Katie are rounded up and violently gangraped by the home invaders as Mark and Zeke helplessly watch while their bound and or held at gunpoint.

I apologize if I had to repeat/repost that again, not my post or take. But I do agree with it, you don't mind your characters being sexualized that's true. But you probably do take offense or issue the moment the sexualization and porn being made of your characters is basically guro or the realistic and horrifically violent rape that has blood bleeding down the girl's vagina and the mental trauma that comes with it. That I'm sure any artist such as yourself would have issue with as it can come off as a personal attack. But alas I'm just a consumer and coomer and can't have any definite answer to that matter outside of assumptions. As I don't have OCs or ongoing story myself either.

>I believe you've also poked me on Twitter/X, sorry i haven't gotten around to answering there yet. been insanely busy with TFTT #41 and art assets for our ActualPlay on YT.

Uhhhhh nope. No I did not good sir. Did someone literally DM'd you with the same exact questions brought up in this thread and the previous? Must be another fan or follower.
>I like to imagine these might be figments of Angie's imagination. Poor girl's a bit sexually frustrated, understandably. And she's blessed (or cursed?) with a VERY vivid imagination. Same thing that helps her visualize the D&D adventures so well. She's probably kicking herself over having these at all, after she's... done and no longer horny XD

Alternatively, you think your porn or any porn you may draw involving Angela Hawthorne, Eriawynn and Redwen is Angela, Sara, Agatha, Zeke and Mark literally playing a Lewd RPG? Those do exist apparently, mostly as homebrews from what I observed in /tg/. But yeah, literal Lewd RPGs are a thing complete with sex scenes and hentai scenarios and tentacles straight out of hentai and doujins.

So whenever there's porn starring Angela Hawthorne, Eriawynn and Redwen made by you, with Angela being tentacled, Eriawynn being spitroasted or Redwen giving a fellatio. It could possibly be your TFTT cast playing a Lewd RPG, a Porn Game homebrew where Angela's, Sara's and Agatha's characters are subjected hentai logic scenarios. While poor Mark and his Firbolg player character are the designated "beta male cuck" for the "NTR Scenes. But I guess Katie would absolutely not be in the cast's Lewd NSFW RPG sessions since she's probably too young or too pure and the gang would feel too bad and guilty to subject her to graphic depictions and descriptive scenes in what Lewd RPGs they're playing.

That's what I sometimes think when I see your porn that involves the DnD characters of TFTT. Angela, Sara, Agatha Mark and Zeke playing a Lewd RPG or Porn Game homebrews... But poor Mark though, must be looking at Angela with teary eyes and sadness when Angela's paladin gets into "compromising" situations. Also not helped whenever Zeke gets descriptive in the porn, tentacle and goblin slayer-tier rape scenes as Mark bats an eye and raised eyebrow at him.
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colored this sketch I did a few weeks ago
>Alternatively, you think your porn or any porn you may draw involving Angela Hawthorne, Eriawynn and Redwen is Angela, Sara, Agatha, Zeke and Mark literally playing a Lewd RPG?

Uh... no. That'd be a fair bit too far for most of them I think, and awkward as hell.

I've only posted this one on Twitter I think, not in the comic itself. it was a Valentine's Day special.
>BUT if you ARE Him, has anyone ever asked you if it might have been potentially better if you never lewded Angela or make porn of your certain Tales from the Tables female cast, but simply made separate OCs for your NSFW purposes?

Ehhh... it's not really a simple answer. Sure, there's a part of me that thinks maybe it would have been better not to dabble in R34 with these characters, because of those few who have trouble grasping canon vs just fun, silly dirty fantasies. On the other hand though, it seems doodling lewds let me meet a slew of awesome people, fellow artists or just fans, who may have never seen TFTT otherwise. Some of them I now consider friends, and they've been a wonderful part of our growing D&D community. They're normal, cool people.

Thankfully there's only a tiny handful of people who seem stuck in the odd "it's drawn by THE artist therefore it MUST be canon" mindset. The vast, vast majority though, seem to be on the same page as me in that regard, with zero issues separating the two. Heck, some of the big enjoyers of the NSFW musings are really quick to jump in and defend Angie's honor if needed XD

Ultimately, I think it works out for the best as it is. And, regarding the question of creating new OCs specifically for lewds... I mean, I could, but... I find it's the most fun, by far, to play with the characters you REALLY like and enjoy. I just happen to REALLY obsess over Angie, haha. Can't help it! That's where the most fun is for me.

>I've never seen lewds of Agatha, Sara, Zeke and Katie made or sanctioned by yourself.

Bruh. Katie is a KID. No.
There are lewds of Agatha and Sara out there on Rule34.xxx though. I totally wouldn't mind drawing some myself, I just don't really have the time. Between TFTT and our ActualPlay vids, I hardly ever have time to draw lewds... so if I do find a moment, it'll usually be my top waifu, haha.
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>Doodlepoodle here!
>I believe you've also poked me on Twitter/X
>>I believe you've also poked me on Twitter/X, sorry i haven't gotten around to answering there yet. been insanely busy with TFTT #41 and art assets for our ActualPlay on YT.
>Uhhhhh nope. No I did not good sir. Did someone literally DM'd you with the same exact questions brought up in this thread and the previous? Must be another fan or follower.

*nervously raises hand*

Uhhh that would be me... Yes, I was the one who DM'd you. And maybe you might remember this. Even before I DM'd you in Twitter with those questions and wall of text. I already told you in a previous thread that I think was titled; "Unwholesome". It was in that previous thread that I have learned and discovered you literally drew porn of your own characters of your non-porn comic.

I actually already saved your art, you sfw art. And followed you in Twitter a year or almost two years ago when I recognized some other OCs you made cameo appearances of in one of your comic strips... Is that a habit of yours, when doing chapters of your comics you may often or not draw background characters of other people's OCs as cameos or shoutout references, right? You can say that is the reason why I followed you and simply because I like your art.

And no, I don't plan on really reading your comic anytime soon as I already have alot in my to-read and to-watch list. Still, I follow you for your art and the art of others OCs you make. Plus I have gained even more respect when for you as an artist when you said it yourself. That you're okay with your friends (or is it mutuals?) and your fans making rule 34 of your work and not being too offended at it all while posting in this hellish green (or light blue) messaging board.

And as for my message I originally DM'd to you. I actually just copypasted and slightly revised from these anons

With that said, I hope I don't get accused of plagiarism from anyone here or a leftist Breadtuber in their 3-4 hour long video essay.

Ultimately, my reason for that long-as wall 'o text DM, I'll admit, is I also had similar thoughts and questions I wanted to ask from the artist (You). And maybe I might have given this thread and any of your followers or appreciators in here a favor by asking your thoughts on some subject matters regarding your work since last thread. And what you generally think of it as an artist or content creator yourself.

Honestly, I was expecting you to answer in in your Twitter or most especially your NSFW page. But, all the more surprising and pleasant that you came here again and enlightened us with your *Word of God statements.


Well I definitely now have closure now that you're also answering the other parts of my long-ass DM through other posts. So thanks again DoodlePoodle, thanks for answering the DM.

Rest assured, the next time I DM you again. It should be shorter and simpler questions or something funny I might share. I may not be reading your comics anytime soon, but I'll still follow just for your arts.
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>Bruh. Katie is a KID. No

Yeah! No offense at all. But alas knowing the internet and all the degenerates out there... That ain't going to stop people from UUUOOOOHHHH'ing Katie, regardless if she's above or below the ages of 16-18. Rule 34, ya know?
Good good now draw waaaaay more porn of her please.
Hey DoodlePoodle! Hope you don't mind I share the link to your nsfw account to this one anon.

You could always check DoodlePoodle's nsfw account. But I'll have to ask you in good faith to not spread the link out in the open. Do not openly share the link willy nilly to not attract too much attention and have weirdos be offended at the sight of a modern day internet artist drawing porn of his own creations:

Corncob_Smut here again. Sorry DeaAnon, I was working on a different story this week. A new OC of my own. A bit of a weird one about a futa dealing with a hallucination. Thought that I would solicit feedback here on it.
Any and all feedback beyond "futa sucks" is welcome.
>Corncob_Smut here again. Sorry DeaAnon, I was working on a different story this week. A new OC of my own. A bit of a weird one about a futa dealing with a hallucination. Thought that I would solicit feedback here on it.

No worries, only 1% disappointed, but am generally 99% glad you're at least still alive and breathing XD

You know what, take your time man. I am fully aware and know I should not badger or pester you to complete the Dea and Everett love story sooner and faster. After all, like what that toy repairman in Toy Story 2 said; "You can't rush art." And I surely should not rush you into completing the story too soon. So I'll wait like the good lil' boy I am and I do wish you luck in both finishing that other story of yours AND MY Dea and Estromo love story.

>Any and all feedback beyond "futa sucks" is welcome.

Ehhh. Apologies, that I cannot fulfill or type it in here. All I can just politely and say friendly is; "Futa? Not my cup of tea." And I'll be honest, it seems activity in this thread is slow save for a bunch of anons bumping or posting images or art of what appears to be OCs(?) here and there. And me bumping too as to here from (You) and eagerly awaiting the next chapter.

And honestly, I just simply hoping you WILL make it that Dea and Everett's children and even their grandchildren end up becoming or being/looking like them. The daughters and grand daughters being tomboys like their mom or being reverse traps, biological females who act, sound, behave and dress like masculine men. And the sons and grandsons being k-pop boyband looking pretty boys, (straight hetero) femboys and "elven" looking prince charmings like their dad: >>8347767 >>8348224

>Eli would be a perfect, loving, and caring grandfather and father-in-law.
>Grandparents spoil and dote on the grandchildren
Many such cases with ANY grandparent, isn't it? And lemme guess, Eli would also spoil Dea and Everett's kids with those "Grandma Candies"?
why do female artists always draw white men with brown women?
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A lot of these chicks are Asian, especially Southeast Asian, and fantasize about a cute white guy. Other ones tend to be LatAm and the same deal.
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>Angela's most definitely an idealistic, one partner for life sort of girl. There's a whole backstory not even seen in the TFTT comic, of where she and Mark were before this, how their relationship developed (and nearly never happened over a silly misunderstanding) etc.
>When I doodle the lewds, I like to imagine these might be figments of Angie's imagination. Poor girl's a bit sexually frustrated, understandably. And she's blessed (or cursed?) with a VERY vivid imagination. Same thing that helps her visualize the D&D adventures so well. She's probably kicking herself over having these at all, after she's... done and no longer horny XD
>Fantasizing is just a normal, human thing we do and doesn't take away from her morals.

Hello! You still with us right now??? I think you did actually made a drawing of Angela and Mark literally married in their wedding day, with Zeke as the best man, which I assume likely takes place years after the main story of your Tales from the Tables comic. I only remember coming across that in a retweet or comment from one of your friends in social media. I guess it's up to you if you're gonna post that AngelaxMark wedding day image in here (because it's a literal wedding day image and not porn).

Could you confirm it to be legit or bogus? I swear I saw an actual AngelaxMark wedding day image drawn by you from a retweet but can't find it.

Also ultimately, Angela and Mark are inseparable sweethearts, which I think even YOU said it yourself in a comment o vaguely remember... You think you might do a silly little panel where Angela embarrassingly admits to Markymoo her weird naughty fantasies she had before being officially married in a life of monogamy? Just for the lols, ya know?
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>Bruh. Katie is a KID. No.
Nah man, you should totally lewd Katie. Sexualize the minor!

Think of many new followers you can gain from even just making one or two cute and funny photos of Katie. Think of the accolades and commendations you'll get from your friends and followers?

Give in to the Cute and Funny crowd, twitter x user Doodle Poodle >:)
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>Katie is a KID. No.
Zamn! She's how old!?
>Could you confirm it to be legit or bogus? I swear I saw an actual AngelaxMark wedding day image drawn by you from a retweet but can't find it.

It's 100% legit. Though it wasn't Zack in that scene, it was another friend from that old story.

I'm not 100% sure when the D&D game seen in TFTT happens, but I was thinking it would start sometime after the main story of Disconnect but before its epilogue (where we see Angie's and Mark's wedding, as well as Sara visiting John's grave).

The game likely lasts at least a couple of years, mirroring our own IRL campaign that's pushing year 4 now). So the wedding would happen sometime during TFTT. I might mention it in a future episode, haha.
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>Nah man, you should totally lewd Katie. Sexualize the minor!

Angela: BEGONE, villain! XD

In other words... how about no.
I can't stop y'all, but whatever you do there is on you. That's a no on my part...
So Hag Angela confirmed!?!?! Or at least she eventually becomes one the moment Marky pumps a lovechild or two into Angie's womb? Anyone ever brought up or asked you that? How would you picture a /hag/ Angela?

I bet Agatha is The Hag of TFTT isn't she as she does appear (slightly) older than Angie and Sara and the guys. Does Agatha get touchy or sensitive when talks of age or Her age gets brought up? Her ovaries and eggs probs dries up everytime a younger child calls her Ma'am or Miss. Does the TFTT gang make the occasional "old lady" and "Christmas Cake" joke at her expense.

I mean don't ya know? Hags and Adult Women Aged 30 are in demand.
Dude you're just making it weird. 21 is hardly a "hag"...
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Oh!? That's Agatha's age? Maybe I should read a chapter or two of your comic some time in the future if I'm to talk of your characters that isn't just assumptions.

Also have now officially learned you don't 100% approve of lewding your "child characters" who're below the age of 18. Sadly that ain't gonna stop some people and artists from doing the Cunny meme to Katie by principle of rule 34. In their defense at least its a fictional character and not a real minor being sexualized. If it helps you feel better, some lewds and porn I've seen of characters who're literal schoolgirl minors do get fucked and accosted by attractive or handsome older boys who're two to five ages older than her. I' am referencing and talking about "josei" and or female-oriented hentai and doujins made by female authors. Yes, turns out "loli porn" or any doujin hentais featuring school girls being sexualized and fucked by boys or guys older than them is made by women artists and authors.

Maybe those were the anons who're joking (or being serious) about lewding Katie? Horny femanons? I've seen and read the shit women schlick themselves to. I blame younger me watching and being exposed to Lifetime Originals in Cable TV when I was younger.
>Oh!? That's Agatha's age? Maybe I should read a chapter or two of your comic some time in the future if I'm to talk of your characters that isn't just assumptions.

No, Angie Palmer is 20-21 during the story. Agatha is in her later 20s.

>Sadly that ain't gonna stop some people and artists from doing the Cunny meme to Katie by principle of rule 34.

I'm well aware of that. That's why i said hey, do what you want, i can't stop you. But you won't see *me* drawing obvious children getting diddled.
Okay in a more serious or non-shitposting manner.

>>Ever thought of never having r34'd Angela, Eria and Redwen yourself and made completely different characters separate and not connected to your Tales from the Tables story?
>>Might it have tarnished the brand image of your story in someway as it might have attracted some attention you might not like?
>>Would it have kept the brand image of it clean and completely SFW while your canon work's "integrity" can remain intact with a clean brand image?
I'm not going to try speaking in your behalf or atleast won't pretend to know how you do your work and all.

But I now believe this is probably one of the best and good things about being an independent indie comic artist who isn't beholden to a corporation, comic book company or publisher. You're free to do what you feel is best with your characters and story, you have all the creative freedom that some artists who work for corpos and publishers do not have. You're beholden to your fans and followers who're passionate of your works and the hobbies you engage in and not the soulless corpos and publishers.

Heavens forbid whatever corpo or publisher not only tells you what to do and what you can or cannot write. Imagine the corpo or publisher telling you to make fundamental changes to your characters, your lore and even your art in general because of sequels this, trending that, or collabs with these, etc. And holy shit imagine the corpos or publisher telling you to make Angie or any of your characters gay, fat, ugly and lame for those ESG Scores and Blackrock Funding from Larry Fink-kun.

You definitely must be happy where you're at, your comic series, and the fanbase/following you've garnered and the friends and followers you've made to. You said it yourself, you made friends who're a part of your growing dnd community. Plus the fellow artists in twitter who've quote-tweeted and retweeted You and made art of your work and the fan arts too.
Uh oh. Bro you won't believe this. But I think I've already seen someone attempting the rule 34 lil' Katie Kendall of TFTT in the drawthread as a request. I won't show it to you or quote it nor give you a link to it. But it has begun it seems.

Perhaps thou shoulda not provoked with "NO KATIE IS A CHILD." And that why Katie ain't gonna get the rule 34 treatment. But oh well, what can ya do. It's rule 34. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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>But I now believe this is probably one of the best and good things about being an independent indie comic artist who isn't beholden to a corporation, comic book company or publisher. You're free to do what you feel is best with your characters and story, you have all the creative freedom that some artists who work for corpos and publishers do not have. You're beholden to your fans and followers who're passionate of your works and the hobbies you engage in and not the soulless corpos and publishers.

THIS! So much this. It's actually something I've discussed with Ed Greenwood last year. He (along with Jeff Grubb and other contributors to his Forgotten Realms setting) pretty much lost any control over his creation. He was quite bummed they never consulted with him regarding BG3 and Honor Among Thieves (though, admittedly, they got everything right and he was happy with the results). His advice was to steer clear of formalizing TFTT under WOTC. Angela's story, once it's finally expanded on, would certainly clash with what they have planned post in-universe year 1492. believe me, her story will leave a mark on Faerun.

Yes, it's all framed as a GAME that happens at a D&D table, but in our headcanon it mirrors an actual tale that unfolds far away on Toril, via the mysterious ways of the Weave.

Ed's idea is that we eventually "upgrade" TFTT from following WOTC Fan Content Policy to falling under OGL instead, and publishing it officially in print on their DMs Guild. We'll have to dress it in game content of course, such as battle maps, character sheets and stat blocks of course, but that's something we love doing. We're in no rush to get there, as there's plenty of story we want to get out first.

And just like you pointed out... we retain full control over our story and characters - unlike a very similar comic, Brie and the Borrowed Blade, done under WOTC control right from the start.
>Perhaps thou shoulda not provoked with "NO KATIE IS A CHILD.

LOL 'provoke'?
I literally said hey, I can't stop y'all, do what you want. It's the internet and a free world.

Do what you want, have fun however you see fit :)

You just won't see *me* doing CP, for obvious reasons.
Oh and additionally. Another benefit of you being an independent artist who isn't controlled by a corpo or a publisher or beholden to investors who may or may not "suggest" you make a character gay and lame. Is that you do not need to stress or worry about the brand image of TFTT. Specifically you don't need to stress or worry about TFTT being strictly sfw and squeaky clean, or else some soccer mom karens and low iq social media users will be upset at some of your dialogue being remotely "incorrect."

Again, I'm not saying I know how it's like for you to manage your works and comic. But is it safe to assume you; yourself, have already accepted the fact TFTT no longer has a pure or squeaky clean brand image. Since you have literally done 1st party on-model porn of your your own cast which can't be hand wave off as fanmande rule 34. By all means I ain't saying you done anything wrong or incorrect, that is just a matter of fact you live with now, right?

And again, you're a proud indie comic artist who owns his creations and characters. And you are not beholden pesky corpos and publishers. Which ultimately means you don't have to worry or stress about TFTT having a squeaky clean brand image being enforced by the corpos, publishers and investors.

>No, Angie Palmer is 20-21 during the story. Agatha is in her later 20s.
Ah! Understood now. Angie is still a maiden but Agatha is the Christmas Cake.

So Im still correct in regards to Agatha being the Hag of the TFTT group. She defs is subjected to Christmas Cake and Hag jokes at her expense, I knew it.

Anywho, gudnight from my side of the globe. And maybe this might be the last time I post and respond to you with my username so as to not look cringe or attention seeking. Or maybe just shorten it to my twitter name.

Goodnight thread! Keep them OCs coming.
>ANOTHER recent post just as I posted my supposed last post for tonight
>Yes, it's all framed as a GAME that happens at a D&D table, but in our headcanon it mirrors an actual tale that unfolds far away on Toril, via the mysterious ways of the Weave.
>Ed's idea is that we eventually "upgrade" TFTT from following WOTC Fan Content Policy to falling under OGL instead, and publishing it officially in print on their DMs Guild. We'll have to dress it in game content of course, such as battle maps, character sheets and stat blocks of course, but that's something we love doing. We're in no rush to get there, as there's plenty of story we want to get out first.

Oh? Does this possibly mean one day in the future when TFTT's main story is done and completed. You and your associates will try making a "Complete and Definitive" physical or paperback copy releases of TFTT? Of course that will be up to you and your associates. But I think some independent artists and authors like you have done that with their comics and novels originally in webcomic format.

But if you guys are either super successful or your webcomic's main story and narrative is complete and done. You will probably make a Complete and Definitive physical copy release of TFTT if you guys plan to do so, correct?

But like said/implied in my most previous post. TFTT not having a 100% kosher squeaky clean image due to you literally and "officially" making porn of your own characters might end up being a setback because. Because some publishers and their HR and Public PR teams might be aware of the "official" rule 34 you have made yourself and not want to associate with it. So might that mean most mainstream publishers are out of the question, and probably have to source from other alternate publishers?

OKAY! For real, my last post for tonight in my side of the Globe. Gud night thread, and I don't mind having to read your reply to this tomorrow Doodles.
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>But is it safe to assume you; yourself, have already accepted the fact TFTT no longer has a pure or squeaky clean brand image.

I thought I already answered this??
It's a mixed bag. But ultimately, TFTT remains squeaky clean, IMHO. Sane people should understand canon is canon, and 'fun' doodles on the side are nothing more than that. It's only a big deal if one obsesses over it and makes it a big deal in their own mind...

>But like said/implied in my most previous post. TFTT not having a 100% kosher squeaky clean image due to you literally and "officially" making porn of your own characters

It's just inconsequential doodles, hardly "official" if none of it is canon, as often clarified at every opportunity. There's really no reason to obsess over it. Let artists have fun on the side, but please don't shout about it from the rooftops? It's getting weird.

> might end up being a setback because. Because some publishers and their HR and Public PR teams might be aware of the "official" rule 34 you have made yourself and not want to associate with it. So might that mean most mainstream publishers are out of the question, and probably have to source from other alternate publishers?

This is literally a non-issue, even if I never drew a single pixel of R34, there's no way in hell I'd be able to publish this comic anywhere else, even self-publish, because it's literally set in the copyrighted Forgotten Realms setting that belongs to Wizards of the Coast.

My characters are my own and I'm free to do whatever I want with them, but the setting, places, some NPCs (Laeral Silverhand and others, in future episodes) belong to WOTC therefore the proper, correct way to go about publishing is via WOTC DM's Guild, as already explained...

Again, all of this I've already answered, let's not burn the post count running in circles?

Anyway... back to sharing and discussing fun OCs! I've got more, haha.
Someone should post the /aco/ oc discord, since y'all already here.
>all that legal copyright
Morning everyone! How ya all doin? Oh and hell to you to Doodles!

Okay, so I have looked up that legal hoo-ha stuff and all I can say is; "Wow." Really man, Wizards of the Coast and or literally Hasbro can literally issue any cease and desist and takedown of unofficial content like that? I'll say I must be absolutely ignorant, not only for the copyrights legal shit Wizards have over dnd where literal fan projects that does not profit off of dnd or Magic and is complete work of passion and love for the IP that they can and will take down. But Wizards of the Coast is owned by Hasbro, DND is practically owned by the same people/soulless corporation who own GI Joe, Transformers and My Little Pony, MY LITTLE PONY! Oh no, someone's gonna put an official marketable plushie of Angela in a jar!

But yeah, I stand corrected and you can consider me now "educated" over the matter. Still, kinda sucks you must have to go through certain hoops and hurdles to avoid having your comic not taken down over such zealous copyright. I often thought one has to outright and acknowledge front and center and from the beginning that whatever fan content of certain IPs and franchises has to be credited or acknowledged outright in the first place. As in, have a big block of text saying: "THIS IS A FAN PROJECT OF *insert IP here* AND DOES NOT EARN ANY PROFIT FROM IT. THIS IS A PROJECT OF PASSION AND LOVE FOR THE IP. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THE ORIGINAL CREATOR.*

But I suppose not everything can be that simple can it?

>all of this I've already answered, let's not burn the post count running in circles

Yeah, I think you're right. Maybe this might currently be last post with my username coming from me as you've answered that DM and other's similar questions too. For your right, I think most of my questions regarding the "ethics" and to r34 or not r34 questions others had have been answered. Thanks for stopping by! I pray and wish you luck for the future to come.
Since this an actual comic artist who has engaged with rule 34 with his OCs and with others and not a mere nobody anon. I hope you don't mind replying to this namefag here. Hi there I actually used to have played one dungeons and dragons game with friends and a few classmates a long time ago. Five or six years ago I think it was and mostly forgot 99.5% of what transpired and what the campaign was all about. But I did remember the character I had and her conclusion to her story.

I had an female OC who was soft butch brown tomboy whom I used for a tabletop game session I participated a few years ago. Her name is Dea, unfortunately I don't have too much details of her other than her name and appearance since I used her as my character only once. I never took the dungeons and dragons session too seriously as I mostly tagged along with my friend and close classmate. But you can say I had fun, but was and is never into dnd in the first place, just wanted to hangout.

I do remember Dea was in love with an high elf prince or nobleboy who I managed to remember is named "Estromo". Again, It was a long ass time ago and I suppose this is the consequence of not writing things down to remember them. But I manage to also remember Dea's adventure ended when our party's main goal; which I also fail to remember, was achieved and she went and married the elf boy noble or prince she courted and won his love over and married him.

As my name suggests, I'm THE owner of those Dea the former adventurer now turned human wife of a high elf prince charming and said elf guy Estromo. And mainly my OCs are currently being written by a writer anon as a love story between a choco-brown tomboy country girl and rich urbanite boy from the cities.

Except the setting is not fantasy, but is an equally fictional modern day setting with different names that isn't IRL Earth. The writer himself stated he's not into fantasy, so he made Dea and Estromo; now named Everett, into modern day 21st century humans. Which I don't mind as they are based off of my OCs from a long time ago dungeons game I participated but never took seriously as I never was into it. I just wanted to hang out with friends and classmates, but I still enjoyed and had fun with it for what it was.

And I'm asking and directly posting to you, doodle poodle. What can you say about my DnD OCs from what I can vaguely remember of them? Any thoughts over the fact I did participate in a dungeons game only once in my life and failing to recall anymore details about it? Have you had any similar things happen to you to as an actual DnD player? Where there some games and campaigns you know and only vaguely remember but cannot fully recall in memory due to it taking place a long long time ago?

But right now, for me? I'm happy a character or two of mine are getting some love and attention in the form of a love story being written by writer anon. You know? Breathing life in to them and all?
>Really man, Wizards of the Coast and or literally Hasbro can literally issue any cease and desist and takedown of unofficial content like that?

Well, it's not all that bad actually. Look up the WOTC Fan Content Policy. Artists and other creators are most welcome and in fact encouraged to create all kinds of fan works and share them with the world. The only condition is that we can't be SELLING them, or hiding them behind any kind of paywall other than fan support / tips via Patreon and such, to compensate for our time. We just can't make it into a "product".

That is one of the reasons we're planning to upgrade from the FCP to the OGL instead, as per Ed Greenwood's recommendation. By making it into a GAME product with a bundled comic rather than only a comic, we'll be able to not only sell printed books, but sell them at the official WOTC store, the DM's Guild. :)
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Hey, glad you actually got to see her story through! So many campaigns fizzle out before their completion. Schedules change, players flake or lose interest over time... It takes a good DM to keep the story engaging as well. Angela's story is pushing 4 years now, and we're only what... maybe 2/3 of the way through? We're as excited to see all the various interwoven story threads reach their conclusion, as we're saddened that we're slowly nearing the end...

I hope you get to experience some good D&D again sometime :)
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>Angela and Mark canonically are sweethearts, monogamous and will be happily married

Behold thread!!! I have a leaked image of Doodle Poodle's late game chapter for his web series. Here shows the future of Angela and Mark's marriage and love life. Where did I get this? What's my sooorce? Its classified, but trust me it's a reliable sooooorce.

And even if turns out this leak is not realsies and my trusted sooorce lied to me. I'd say you should still make Angela and Mark be breeders with a football team. Consider it as "atonement" for the unwholesome sex scenes you have put Angela through over the years. Make it up to her by having her and her actual beloved boink and porking each other conceive a sports team amount of kids as proof of their love and loyalty to each other. >:)

(Just kidding it's a joke and all. If spoilers were enabled here that would've been the punchline. Where the explanation of this being a joke is in the blurred out spoiler bars. And I guess in the end, Angela and Mark will have kids, but not a football team amount. Probably they'd have a Track and Field Members-amount of children that is up to 4. But that'll be on you.)
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Looks like someone beat me to it. >>8361191
But it's true, those are facts. You can rest easy knowing that a staggering amount of loli content is actually drawn by women self inserting as the little petite girl receiving romantic and sexual advances from an older boy or even an young adult man in his early twenties. Pretty much the same reason why some dudes like shota and shotacon as to insert as the little boy receiving romantic and sexual advances from older girls and MILFs.

Yeah, while pic related is a Japanese doujin. It is an actual Loli character in a relationship with an older lad and clearly made and drawn by a woman given these type of male characters are often depicted as really good looking and handsome.

Alas, not everyone can handle or stomach Cute and Cunny, such as you. And besides, while you may gain more fame and admiration from your certain friends and followers. It might end up attracting more unwanted attention for you, this not making it worth it.

Not everyone's built for UOOOHHH.
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Hypothetically speaking. If I were in the same world as the Tales from the Tables gang. How would Agatha be like if I confessed my hypothetical love and attraction to her? How would she feels if other than my hypothetical love for her, the other reason is because I do like and appreciate older women past 25? Hypothetically, would she be receptive if I also admit to her that I wanna love, marry and breed her so her womb geta fertilized and her eggs don't go to waste.

Sure, I may also playfully joke about her being older than the rest of her friend group. Yes I will (hypothetically) be a good husband and volunteer to be the house husband so she has less to worry as she works as a teacher.

And hypothetically, will she be appreciative of the fertility aid I shall gift her to increase her ovulation? And I shall hypothetically tell her; "I love Hags! I admire women of age 30. Women age 25 must immediately be married and breed with their husbands and not let those wombs and eggs shrivel up. I love Hags!"
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>But Wizards of the Coast is owned by Hasbro, DND is practically owned by the same people/soulless corporation who own GI Joe, Transformers and My Little Pony, MY LITTLE PONY! Oh no, someone's gonna put an official marketable plushie of Angela in a jar!

AAAAAAND because of that. DoodlePoodle may not be making many official merch- especially smol plushies and any Tales from the Tables miniatures in fear of someone putting the gals in The Coom Jar.
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Heh... well, she's a stressed out teacher, single, and certainly craves a relationship. She'd certainly be happy to go out.

Pic relevant - that's a lovely piece of fanart showing her at work, when she's not gothed up.
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Here’s something worse that can happen to Katie Kendall. FAR WORSE than her being r34’d Cunny meme. Gen Z Brainrot!!! Has Katie been exposed to Skibidi Toilet Rizz Gyat Fanum Tax Baby Gronk? Because ain’t no doubt the modern-day Earth setting TFTT takes place in is late 2010s-2020s where kids have smartphones and tablets and internet culture. And there should be no doubt Katie has gazed upon the famous worldwide web series Male 07’s head coming out of a toilet bowl and the war between toilets and cameramen.
>“Angie! Mark’s been looksmaxxing and Mew Bone Smash ‘cause he’s gonna rizz your GYAT!”
>“Wow! Sara’s be doin’ cringe L-Rizz. She griddy down in Ohio to mog with gooners in their goon cave! W Reactors of Kai Cenat and IShowSpeed have decided Sara’s L-Rizz be livestreamed on tiktok.”
>“Zack! ZACK! Where be Rumples be pibby glitched? Backrooms? Pizza Tower? The Goon Cave of the Rizzler!?”

>narration in the voice of the Baldurs Gate 3 narrator:
Rumples, with vigor raised his axe and charged forth towards the enemy forces. As he began chanting his eldritch speech.

>“Skibidi wap-pa-pa Skibidi wap-pa-pa-pa-pa Skibidi wap-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa Skibidi pa-pa Skibidi boom-boom, ay Skibidi boom-boom-boom-boom, ay Skibidi boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-pa-pa-boom-boom Skibidi pa-pa!!!!!”

Rumples said fluently and flawlessly. The dwarf now being granted such incredible and unholy strength after paying the Fanum Tax to the Baby Gronk. In mere minutes, the entire enemy fortress fell as all adversaries lay dead with cringe and L-Rizz in their faces. Their Gyaats, thoroughly whooped.
Despite the overwhelming victory. The Paladin Angela and her companions Eria and Redwen stand shocked, dumbfounded, paralyzed! At such unholy brain rot. The W Reactors of Kai Cenat and IshowSpeed are pleased with this victory of their latest Avatar.
So it appears creator of Tales from the Tables has not only graced us with his presence yet again. But it seems he has now gained and or learned some new things or insight:
-People are interested in Angela and Mark getting together married as husband and wife
-There appears to be people now lewding the literal child character
-And his /hag/ character is now set upon by coomers and older woman appreciators

I think I'll play along with the hag posting since I too have also been gooning to 2d animated hags and MILFs.

How about this? Agatha ends up being in a relationship with a male student. An older male student of course. More specifically, a drop dead gorgeous and handsome bishonen male student. The School Prince who is the no.1 popular boy of the school, wanted and desired by many girls of the school. Only for him to set his sights on Agatha and confess his attraction to her!

Case example, this shoujo teacherxstudent romance:

Story is a handsome attractive male student who is in relationship with the female teacher who herself is rather hesitant to be in a relationship with him but also wants him and yearns for him. That can literally be Agatha's romance and love, a male student who's a handsome princely boy straight out of a shoujo manga/anime.

And the best part is??? Agatha can get away with it, doubly so as the boy consents due to wanting HER in the first place. And if Agatha's caught or scrutinized? She can get away with a slap on the wrist. Not to mention, unlike not lewding Katie 'cause she's a minor. Agatha and her handsome princely schoolboy-boyfriend is less taboo and frowned upon because its an adult woman with a younger guy. Hooray Double Standards!

(Of course, you probably- MIGHT BE, giving her lover if ever. No wonderfully pretty or hot goth babe like her should end up alone and loveless.)
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Have a set of elf malexhuman female pics. It's a request I got two years ago.
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