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A eulogy for all shredded and stretched undies


More Communism: https://pastebin.com/VUcQpTZG

Character AIs:

Previous Thread: >>8267566
Minto my beloved
Of all the cartoons with wedgies in them it is bothersome that it never happens in ones with appealing artstyles like Avatar...
Does anyone have the Gif version of this image?
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If I as a child saw a wedgie on Kim Possible or even Totally Spies... it would've been heaven for me
https://e-hentai.org/g/834944/003454edd7/ Do you know if it was ever animated? I reverse image searched it and usually find this comic where a couple of pages are not animated. (Weird that this page is lower quality everytime, though). Though I know this artist has remade a lot of their old stuff (I think) so maybe that's what you mean?
Shame, as Kim Possible had those male ones. But, to be honest I love this Totally Spies one even though it doesn't involve underwear. Expression and dialogue here are both on point. https://x.com/Wedgie1380/status/1765947920308666423
Is this the “talk about a wed-gie” clip
Yeah, sorry, I forgot Twitter is retarded if you don't have an account.
I have one and links have ceased to function anyway. Probably a backend call not detecting auth correctly.

That clip is good, but the pronunciation bugs me
commission in progress
At this point it's a Mandela Effect of mine. I SWEAR TO GOD I saw it in gif form with the blonde one fondling the redhead's tits. Can at least SOMEONE ELSE confirm they also remember that page being animated?
Does anyone have a folder of Flavoredsass's deleted artwork?
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I like wedgies :)
I love wedgie fights, especially when there is a winner.
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Unfortunately for these two women the battle is eternal
That expression totally reminds me of something... SpongeBob? I forget, but it's amusing.
forgot to reply because I'm stupid.
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That artist is very western toon inspired, so it may well be referential to spongebob, but not of my input lmao
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Personal commissions from various artists
Was this made by Lolwutburger?
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The first one with the brown haired oc on the ground was made by him, yea
Yes. The whole thing was animated once in its original form iirc, just like Red Lace
I never realized I wanted this scene with a female character, nice.
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Who are they
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Since i already posted one animation i got of her
Is that the comm that PicknPull wouldn't finish? Who is it supposed to be, Natsuki and Sayori?
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yup, that's post-change too. this is the first sketch.
I asked if she'd be willing to try a different prompt and she surprisingly agreed so I'm gonna try something "simpler". I might also try lining and coloring that sketch myself
also if anyone has any ideas for a new prompt lmk, though I still want it to involve Sayori and Natsuki.
I do have one in mind already but I'm not particularly attached to it yet
Well if it's alright with you, I'm willing to comm Freidesuu to finish it. Are there any other changes you want from the 2nd sketch?
oh for real? I wouldn't mind at all, though I'll still probably try finishing it myself at some point.
the only other changes I wanted were for sayori's head to be turned and for her mouth to be like how it was in the first sketch. there was also gonna be a strip alt but I don't expect you to get that as well
Ueehhrghhh chat I’m such a wedgiepilled prankmaxxer, I’m so swirlity toilet, I’m so panty tax

Her head turned in which direction, to the left of the pic?
Overrated mid characters, as usual.
yeah, turned our left so her face is still visible
hot reaction
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Gotcha. If you want, you can note me on dA(360-Pain-Spike) so I can more easily show you the progress
another commission wip
damn this is lookin hot, who is it?
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drunk tifa giving herself an atomic calling out for cloud

i wanna do more ideas with aerith but none come to mind
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Not super happy with this edit, but I figured someone would like it.
Is that the smelly chick from cunny archive?
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I love it! Ui is the best.
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oh yeah, last thread I was going to share the couple of stories recently posted about blue archive for anyone that cares. Something else came up and forgot




>i wanna do more ideas with aerith but none come to mind
Something involving her staff maybe? idk, but more aerith would be cool. or yuffie, that materia stealing brat
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wow I love ai
Do you have the most recent sketches he posted?
After the fat elf wedgie
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Their kemono was updated
That one ain’t half bad
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was my first idea with her lol, i am open to suggestions if anyone has any
Does anyone have the folder of Cubic101s art? The link he made is long since gone and I can only ever find bits and pieces of his art around
could have one with Aerith laying down (maybe she was sleeping,) and Yuffie or Tifa woke her up with a wedgie? feel like FF7 has a lot of potential for this stuff
people are STILL asking for it?
I'm sorry man, I'm not good at keeping up stuff but thank you
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that was probably cubic and he's just surprised to see people still want to see his stuff :) well, maybe.
snubbed this dude and his two nice stories https://www.deviantart.com/elchapposlazyeye/art/Wedgied-Archive-Blue-Archive-1012582780
already talked about him in a past thread lol. I wanted to share those 4 stories since they are all quite recent, authors maybe coordinated or somthn and posted them the same week. That writer you mention is goated for featuring fem sensei as the victim though.

buruaka is surprisingly rare in wedgie content relative to its popularity even tho its got insane potential
Too many “safe horny” types in the community.
Has anyone ever commissioned Bojinko on Twitter? How was the experience?
Cubic die long ago
have they done wedgie art before, even?
overtly sexually explicit wedgies kinda can lose some of the appeal for me personally
Thats interesting really. Aren't Wedgies already inherently sexual? I'm curious at were you draw the line. Is like blowjobs too much?
I know all the edit-anons are gone by now. Still, I'd love to see this turned into a proper wedgie.
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No by “safe horny” I mean the “bark like a dog for dominant muscle mommies but shy away from anything feminine or youthful for fear of appearing misogynist or pedophilic” types. Blue Archive is like nuclear waste for them because it contains both. Stems from an inability to separate reality from fiction. It’s not that they don’t care for it, it’s that they’re afraid of it or performatively hateful toward it.
Not that anon but I think there is a clear distinction for me when the wedgie overly focuses on the pussy lips and/or anus. Legit can be a turnoff, however paradoxical it may sound

I mostly love the implication alone, and really the ass is what I'm here for and pretty much every prominent artist has the booty figured out
Oh I think that probably how the vast majority in the fetish feel. As long as there is embarrassment present I'm good think the fetish is definitely getting more sexual as time goes on tho
I like women and their private parts, anon
Me too bro
lmao, they aren't inherently sexual. You're forgetting that we have a fetish.

You're coping so hard, it's hilarious
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anyone have that edit of the girl getting an atomic in the elevator? was sent in a thread a couple months ago
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low res :(
but thanks
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>"low res"
> 2030x4680
my bad, mobile is forcing me to get a lower res version. desktop is fine
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lmao where'd you find this? i dont think ive uploaded it anywhere
posted in the last thread....?
Kobeni and ???
touché... my response was the last i figured it was lost

beni and helm from NIKKE

not finished but renderp was the artist.
Based. I love when one girl can put up a fight, but ultimately gets clearly dominated and gets a hanging or atomic
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The vast majority of people see wedgies as a silly childish prank. We just see them as sexual cause we have a fetish. Same way most people just see feet as feet, but foot fetish people get turned on by them.

Personally I prefer wedgies to be pg13. That's where they're the best for me. Clothes stay on, focus on the underwear and the reaction. Bullies and nerds. If there's any gropin or pervert faces or focus on the exposed butt/breast, or anything like that, it's a turn off for me when it comes to wedgies. The more soft core the more I'm into it when it comes to wedgies.

But that's my specific niche in a niche kink. So I get bit everyone is like that and that's okay.
I feel this 100%. When content starts to get into being sexual or focusing on nudity, it doesn't do it for me.
The foot example is really good and makes sense
Nice, Helm gonna be Kobeni's new wedgie partner? She has some fat titties
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Toss a coin to your Freidesuu
Oh that looks really good. Freidesuu did a great job.
doubt it bc i love power x kobeni, but i'm having beni cross over with notable wedgie girls. send ideas if you all want

also update on helm x beni
wrong image kms but one of the girls i've gotten w beni
does anyone have the scott pilgrim girl wedgies that were uploaded recently? seems the artist deleted
I only have this one of Kim getting it.
Well you're in luck. This guy is reuploading all their art. https://www.deviantart.com/chalaylay/gallery
Taking this space to appreciate the best girl and wedgie victim: Kim Pine. I don't know anything of Scott Pilgrim law, but the guy is an idiot for chasing worn out Ramona instead of Kim.
The "summer camp" backstory given in the description of that commission is so hot
Fully with you on Kim, love freckle girls.
I say as I post a freckleless Kim. Shameful
She walks around with all this cake and doesn't share with the class.
Over a span of ten years, Kim has gotten so many wedgies that she is starting to enjoy them.
Does anyone have that wedgie of Jane and Zoey in a Photo Booth?
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Yeah, they did. Also did a version from the opposite angle
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Oh hey that's the pic I traded for, long ass wait time would not recommend working with them on stuff like that.

Otherwise love kim
he came to me with an idea & never followed up lol, good art though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Based. Fuck Sayori
Adult Clementine and her well-worn underwear
Yeah, FUCK sayori
…tenderly, with the kind of loving firmness that lets her know she’s loved while also giving her orgasmic pleasure the likes of which she never knew she could experience…
Does anyone have PhotorealFetish’s full wedgie animations?
Adding boy wedgies.
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Yeah his track record across the board is very not good.

Thanks though :)
Now that's quality.
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Huh that was quick
What do you mean? Is this a reference to something that recently happened in their stream or something?
It's an edit of this pixiv.net/en/artworks/119843341
The format is a pretty new trend too, I think.
This was like JUST posted to vt
Does anyone else give themselves huge wedgies when they lucid dream
what did you traded it for?
No but I give it to other people.
that's where I got it
Huh that was quick
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Sayori is the refined gentleman’s choice for Doki wedgies
The Kim picture is what I traded for, they traded for a thing of Zelda
Hellonearth did the most wedgie fetish pandering pic he ever could we made it
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Anyone want to try editing this?
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I thought someone made an edit of this a while ago
Anybody have a pic/art that was posted to this thread a while back i think? It was of a really buff chick holding her smaller friend by the back of her shorts, while timing herself with a watch on the other, looking almost disappointed while her friend looks back smiling nervously at them. They had colored hair I believe, with the buff girl having short hair and abs
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This is the only wedgie art they have done so far
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shoutout to the guy in these threads who likes ozen
This image reminds me of a girl who was picked on all the time in my school. Not ugly or anything, just a know-it-all. One day we were in French class and somebody drew a crude caricature of her with a speech bubble saying "I HAVE A WEGGIE." I saw her turn red with embarrassment while most of the class laughed, me included.
Some people never stop being filled with spite https://www.deviantart.com/liquidgoopysoupy/art/Oh-brother-1067451595
Oh no. Some no-name twat criticized my fetish...

Anyway! What do you guys think of this one?
Mirror tool my beloved?
Oh if there aren’t two different givers and this is meant to be a pov, the thumbs are on the wrong way
Wish WK had his comms open
Unless it's some guy holding his phone with his left hand, pulling the right leg hole with his right while somebody else uses their right hand to pull the left leg hole.
No, the hand on the right leghole is a left hand turned upside down
Hi goopy
Is there anyone that does like irl photoshop commissions?
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I love you kemono anon
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ok I know I'm the one autist who keeps spamming this, but man I love ai.

I want to touch this one up so it looks better
Not if he's missing his index finger
I don't know what that is
You ain’t slick
bros got no bread for commissions so he hates on everyone that can spare some change lol
And you can't sneed, but I don't see what either one of those facts has to do with anything
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Incredibly common Goopy L
now do Ui...
Does anyone have the full comic for this image by picknpull?
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sure but only if you promise you won't sniff your monitor
kinda blows that theres a few images blocked by a $20 tag but overall decent stuff
What lora's do you use? Just the one's on civitai?
I promised nothing.
a broken clock is right twice a day
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yeah, these two in particular for that one


I still would keep going and throw them under an edit function in pixai with a specific artsyle lora because I've found that site to be better as far as smoothing it out goes, then manually edit the quirks out.
I've yet to install anything to run locally bc im retarded
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Please, somebody, update bimbo6707's kemono.
Where the fuck is everybody?
also drawing
I'm writing
Get creating, fag
was busy finishing writing an autistic death note parody where instead of dying, whoever you write on the notebook gets a wedgie
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Looks like you meant to say this to a mirror
You wanna bet on that?
Judging by how hard you're seething that nobody found your shit joke funny, there's no need.
requesting comms & looking for ideas
I know i'd immediately write L's name in there. Unless there's some loophole where his name can't be written, haven't seen the show.
L is already exploiting a loophole because it has to be the real name of whoever you write, not a title or pseudonym. L is not his actual name lul

my version is more of a genderbent parody, the L stand-in is a dorky girl version of him. Sorry, but I like girls more
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Jannies might be sleeping, time to post stuff.
Pick N Pull adjusted their patreon prices and now their $10 tier no longer gives everything, so fuck them
Hey, I am looking for a wedgie story where a mother gets a wedgie in the park, i think it may have been called "a mother's derriere" and it had artwork with it. If anyone knows what im talking about, thanks.
Wait wtf? 10 bucks not giving everything? Wack
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https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-3o60P8vLP_WxEDIBrSW18DGmk8ZQF83dNEMX3xZ3HQ/edit?usp=sharing Here you are. The writer deleted their dA. There's more stuff, but this is the only link I have for anything. Sorry
My problem isn't that they adjusted the prices, they weren't honest in their update post and it was really shady. They immediately blocked my patreon account when I pointed it out.
Don’t engage with the mentally ill, dumbass. Play stupid games…
We're on 4-Chan, dipshit. Every one of us (Including you) is fucked in the head. It's why we're in this community.
Once again, whiny cunt behavior.
Don't ever expect you're entitled to shit when you're this whiny.
Kill yourself if you're this thin skinned of a faggot.
God you cunts just need to die if you ever want content for this retarded fetish to go beyond being built up by one off artists.
You all deserve to be 'abandoned' by any content creators you get because at least they'd be happy not serving needy, one post away from acting like a damn incel, cucks like yourselves.
And don't make me start having to name names, this faggoty shit is almost always from the same couple of unsubtle retards without fail.
Ok Sarah, thank you for the wall of text
Sorry that happened to you, or congrats. I didn't read any of it.

Anyways you all have a character you know has no chance of getting featured in wedgie art because of how relatively niche it is? Like you are sure that no one is ever gonna commission wedgie art for it, it would have to be you who does it.

Mine is either picrel Angela from library of ruina, or a jtf mob chan from blue archive
Local anger management referral takes out his virgin rage on anonymous form. When're you gonna shoot something up already?
Angela is a great choice for this.
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I wouldn't be so sure that mob chan won't get any wedgie art, she's like the most popular npc from that game.
Anyways my choices would be any characters in games no one's heard of, like the cast of Dusk Diver, or Mind0, Demon Gaze and Criminal Girls, stuff like that.
Faust or Ishmael from Limbus Company would b cool. I haven't played library of ruina yet. And Ichika would give mob-chan the most savagely loving wedging.
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Fucking Pedophile. You can make excuses or call me names but deep down you know it’s true.
Why would you pick Angela from a dogshit game when you could pick Angela from an actually good video game, Lobotomy Corporation, instead?
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I know the jft mobs are arguably the most popular, but everyone who commissions or draws blue archive characters only ever go for named girls. Not that I'm complaining, I just feel that a good mob chan art piece isn't happening in the near future. If I were to pick another girl from the setting, has to be Makoto. She really deserves some yanking

bc the short haired look appeals more to me :P
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I know it's mostly lolicon here, but here's one for the shota fans
Ah that's fair
Thank you for this golden gift.
anyone have all the sabrinathenerd videos/pictures?
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I got one for you
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what a qt
The utz bitch has no shot, but
She’s hot enough to commission
Erm, bloom225?
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maybe? not entirely sure
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would love a small edit where the swimsuit is actually curled around her fingers there, but still an amazing piece
Anyone know what TSO33/AuburnInk/SteveO/whatever's commission prices are?
Nacalfos undisputed GOAT
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He posted it without the crotch view that the patreon version because he's worried about websites and their shitty rules
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what do I say to an artist that hasn't given me an update to a sketch in two months
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Hi /wedg/! :D

Is setting variance a thing people care about in wedgie stories? I find that in a lot of shit I write, the settings don't change too much, and I got curious about what other people think.
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is this good enuff?
It depends really, if the writing is good any setting an work. Though, I like when writers experiment with settings tahta re not that common, like medieval or knight wedgies
I have to apologize. What I moreso meant was changes with scene location within a setting. To use the medieval setting as an example, it would be like going from a farm on the outskirts to a town square. Your reply is still very valuable, thank you.

Plus, I can only hope and pray no one is concerned about panties not being invented at that time, because that is a neat setting.
Nobody cares go away
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Kill yourself
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I have no sympathy for deviantart jannies.
I can excuse them taking down pics with toddlers, or characters who by technicality are children, since they already made rules about it. But why the fuck did they have to take down this one? I unironically want to know the process of whoever the janny was that took it down
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Next month, I promise. Just be plenty of time for us to get married
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perfecttt, thank you!
What's the difference between a normal wedgie and an atomic wedgie? I'm new here.
Normal is when the underwear gets pulled up at all. Atomic is when it goes over or past the head.
Interesting. I just come here occasionally because I'm curious. There's a charm to innocent things like wedgies. I really like underwear as well, so that's definitely part of the appeal.
Depends on scope. If it's a oneshot, you can get away with prettymuch anything. But if it's part of a series, the variance will be much more important.
In honor of the cute Mexican girl I saw yesterday who had the fattest wedge but absolutely refused to pick it out.
I didn't take one, but I stared at her for so long that I seared it into my brain.

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