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I wonder if edit anon is still active
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Is mega anon here?
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Yup, what's up?
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Do you or anyone else in this thread has by any chance have the folder with his older stuff?
Pre 2019 if I remember correctly
Yup, the mega collection is on the Discord
Got a link?
Got a link to the discord? Is there subscribe content there too?
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Which Discord?
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Fat fuck my beloved
So nobody saying what discord?
There are two servers, in both is forbidden invite more people

If there's no way to enter the discord what's the point of bringing it up in the first place ._.
In one the invitation is still avaible, let me send it here
I may be banned after this, the link will last for less than a day because is dangerous to keep it live for much time here
The link is dead lol
Well if people can’t join why bring it up and why not just share the folders here. Does it have any SubscribeStar content?
The megalink is a personal collection of everything gerph has draw made by an anon, the archive can be reported and deleted if the wrong person have access to it

They can always make a burner account
I have subscribestar content, but it's not up to date. Only till January of this year, idk if there's been anything new after that.
There's gofile too
Voice headcanons?
Can you share? Better than Kemono’s out of date garbage
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Link's dead
lol that's from collector anon's mega folder but it's outdated
I think the discord server was obliterated
Rip the Mega link I suppose
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Mega link is still there
Uh, then why don't more anons host content? Or make back-ups on other hosting sites?

Well I'm not seeing it rn
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Hey guys, what's up?

Anything good happening?
Also, can you guys help me with something?

I'm looking for a author/writer to make a story.
How's everyone doing?
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Anyone there?
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Sup guys.
How's everything?
Can anyone help me with something?
Wholesome and Hot!!
Does anyone know a good writer/author from fanfic, wattpad or AO3?

I'm looking for someone who happen to be interested in making a SkarpWorld fic.
Go away Veng
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If only Gerph’s SubscribeStar content was more public. You don’t see the Sub content on R34 or other sites. If only archive anon got more of that stuff
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why not catbox it
Beautiful and Breedable
man, I wish there was more of Witchy mum art, she is really underappreciated.
Write it yourself.
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How's everyone doing?
Fine, bored
Anyone has the latest 5tier link?
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Anyone still here?

Does someone know what's the latest colored Skarpworld chapter? I wanna know if my I'm outdated.
The last chapter colored in its entirety was chapter 11 (Le petite mort), however Gerph omitted the Milk Crisis arc (chapters 7, 8, 9 and 10) promising that he would color them in the future, although years have passed since that promise

Seems I'm missing a couple colored pages then.
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Anybody has the latest comic link?
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