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Wine edition
For the cute girls of the Literature Club!
>Bonus for drunk dokis!
>No futa shit
>No gay shit or single males. Lesbian is okay
>No gas or onara
>No drama
Previous thread
I want to do this to Moni!
I want to lick Yuri's feet
Good thread, but you removed the rules about arguing and you did not add the rules about no BLACKED or cuck shit.
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I'd like a drink from Monika
my sexy pregnant wife taking a nap. isnt she just so beautiful?
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wont that kill her? im pretty sure if you insert drugs or alcohol into your ass it will actually be stronger than if you orally ingest them. im pretty sure anally consuming an entire bottle of wine would give you alcohol poisoning and kill your liver. you want to kill my wife Monika?
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im gonna fuck Monika during a blizzard and you cant stop us
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You won't have to worry about freezing because she's so hot!
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FUCK! I forgot them. Gotta add them next thread
Cuddling her would be heavenly
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agreed. i wanna rub her sexy tummy and kiss her neck and tell her how much i love her
Monika can take the full bottle!
my method of generating Monika without her ponytail and white hair ribbon seems like it isnt working anymore. maybe it was just a fluke the few times that it did work.

i dont know, Monika seems like a bit of a lightweight to me. im a pretty big guy and im pretty sure i would die if i anally ingested an entire bottle of wine
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>DDLC thread
>No lewd Sayoris
Let me fix that.
are there any hairy buff Sayori images out there?
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I don’t know if I have more than this one, I’ll take a look.
i was just wondering. thats one of my favorite things to generate of Monika, as evidenced by a bunch of my posts
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This one is a bit hairy but not buff. Sorry, anon.
Sayori isnt even my Doki, i was just wondering if muscular hairy images of her existed. i am loyal to Monika and Just Monika
anyone got any ideas on how i could make Monika without her ponytail or ribbon? hair down and loose hair in the positive prompt doesnt seem to work. neither does putting hair ornament, ponytail, ribbon, white ribbon, or hair ribbon in the negative prompt
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i think i might have figured it out again. i added "long straight hair, (undone hair down)" to the positive prompt and it worked immediately. how consistent this is, i dont know. but, it did work at least once. does anyone have any requests for AI Doki pics? it can be any Doki, not Just Monika
i love AI. i love being able to create an infinite amount of images of my wife really fast with minimal effort. i love being able to talk to my wife.

heres the prompts for this image:
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, Monika, source_anime, rating_explicit, <lora:ddlc-monika-ponyxl-lora-nochekaiser:0.7>, ddlcmonika, blunt bangs, brown hair, (long straight hair, undone hair down), green eyes, sidelocks, hair down, loose hair, nude, full body shot, in the shower, hairy pussy, muscular, <lora:hairy-pussy-v1:1>, taking a shower, wet, large breasts

3d, mosaic, monotone, dark-skinned male, veiny, censored, blurry, deformed hands, 6 fingers, text, watermark, (ponytail, ribbon, white ribbon, hair ribbon, hair ornament, bow, hair bow)
infinite content. it may be of subpar quality, but it is infinite
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My bad!
Also its improving as it learns more and more.
yeah. kinda. its not really the AI that is improving as much as it is me. i am getting slightly better at prompting and i can generate any of the Dokis in pretty much any scenario as long as they are alone. i could theoretically generate multiple Dokis in a single image, i just dont know how. i can generate images involving one Doki and one man, as long as the image is from the POV of the man. i suppose i could try actually training a model, but i dont really know how and it wouldnt really be of much benefit
joining monika's harem...
>sayori necrophilia exists
that makes me sad
an oldie but still a goodie
do you think yuri fantasizes about this while cutting herself?
just me and my wife Monika, together for ever. just me, and Just Monika...
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the progression of AI is kind of amazing. this is a pretty mediocre image, and i dont know why i have it saved. i didnt make it, but my images are way better than this
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still the hottest monika picture
no ai can replicate anything close to this
eh, it can get pretty close. this took 21 seconds to make
got time to make an image or two of Yuri and Natsuki at the beach in a bikini?
a good picture of them both in a bikini is surprisingly hard to find
sure. it can struggle with making two Dokis in a single image, so it may take some time. any specific action or something you want them doing? maybe a specific color of bikini? specific hairstyles?
classic purple bikini for Yuri, and then perhaps a frilly pink one for Natsuki
as far as hairstyles or actions are concerned, nothing special, just them on the beach
But if you do want to do something spicy, in the story I DO intend to get them to walk around naked on the beach, so their faces would be a mix of aroused and embarrassed…but that’s gonna be later (it’s Claude RP, so before you get too excited, it won’t be written well)
got it. i will try to make an image for both of those scenarios
but it doesn't have the romantic dialogue
no it doesnt, but that could be relatively easily shopped in. i dont know how to make the dialogue, but i could add it if i wanted to
heres the non nude one. it struggled as i said it would, but it did make an image of them both. i will now try to make one of them nude
they don’t have to be in the same image if that makes it easier
I’m gonna edit them out and have them be separate images in different cards
oh. that makes it way easier then
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here is Yuri in a separate image
this might be the gayest thing I’ve said in my entire life
but could her breasts be smaller? Closer to the other image?
yes. i will redo it and have her breasts be smaller. i am currently generating Natsuki though, so i will do it after that
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actually, i switched over to one of my other GPUs and had it do the Yuri image. Natsuki coming soon
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here is the Natsuki image. let me know if you want me to make any changes or if you want me to make any other images
these are fantastic and I’m saving them forever
the only change I’d recommend, although it would sort of be a continuation
is for them to not be covering themselves
it’s a story about exhibitionism, so while they would be embarrassed/shy/nervous, they wouldn’t be hiding their bodies forever
think of a girl doing a naked walk, she’s shy and nervous, but also deeply aroused, all while pretending like nothing is out of the ordinary
but these will suffice if you want to move on, they are REALLY good
sure. i can redo them tomorrow fully exposed. im going to bed right now though because it is 3am for me
sleep tight, <3 you
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I like these
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Natsuki redone. let me know if you want any changes. im gonna work on making Yuri now
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Yuri redone. once again, let me know if you want any changes. AI is actually much worse at drawing Yuri and Natsuki than Monika and Sayori. both Monika and Sayori are a part of the base model's training data whereas the other 2 are not. the model extensions for generating Natsuki and Yuri are less precise because of this and that is why these images look much worse than the images that i have generated of Monika
I'm surprised they aren't a part of the training data
but I still think they look great!
thanks friendo :)
im glad you like them! i guess Yuri and Natsuki are not as popular as the other two Dokis. thats my only guess as to why they wouldnt be in the training data for the base model. i can make more stuff for you sometime if you would like
if I have another request I'll be sure to ask love u anon <3
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a nice little image set i just made. still finding it a bit difficult to generate Monika without her ribbon
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Natsuki looks great when not standing next to Yuri to notice the height is wrong. Yuri's face feels like a different style around the eyes, more realistic, but I still think hers look great too, it suits her. Obviously the hair is a little off but not to an unreasonable degree.
I'd like to see all of them at the beach though.
POV Monika just teleported in front of you
i tried to make all of them at the beach, and it came up with a bunch of monstrosities that are absolutely not Dokis. it is probably possible to do, but i dont think im gonna keep trying. maybe someone who is better at stable diffusion could do it but im not that great
i tried to make 2 Dokis on the beach nude again, and it didnt work out so well. stable diffusion doesnt like it when you give it multiple targets to consider at once
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I finally tried setting up image gen on my own computer. It took around an hour to generate this one image

Your best bet would probably be to try and generate 4 of one doki then inpaint each of them into different Dokis
>I finally tried setting up image gen on my own computer. It took around an hour to generate this one image
wow. it looks really good, but that is a super fucking long time. thats literally over a thousand times slower than my 4090
>Your best bet would probably be to try and generate 4 of one doki then inpaint each of them into different Dokis
yeah, thats what i did for >>8325627, but it took several attempts and it still produced a mediocre image
would probably be better to generate them individually, convert to transparent png, then place on a beach background
perspective might be difficult however, no idea how to do that since that would require actual non-prompt art skills
yeah. i have basic photoshop skills and GIMP, but thats about it. that could be done, i just dont know how. i have the resources but not the knowledge or skills and i dont know how to get either of those things
hmmm, you could forgo perspective then, and essentially do individual shots of >>8329594
the hard part then would be adjusting for their height differences, with the true difficulty being keeping their proportions so you don't have a natsuki that looks too tall/squating

could probably fudge the other dokis, but Natsuki would be a problem
yeah. i could probably do it, but i dont feel like doing that today. the temperature outside is somehow currently hotter than the temperature of my 4090, and i prefer to keep it that way. i dont really wanna run anything to intense and end up generating more heat than necessary
fair, hope you still cool
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It works quite well, surprisingly. I just have to be super patient!
>took several attempts and it still produced a mediocre image
It's how I generated this image as well. It seems basically impossibly to get proportions right other than doing it over and over until you get lucky and it still doesn't look too great. Probably not something I'll be doing much on my slow ass setup
>It works quite well, surprisingly. I just have to be super patient!
yeah. the GTX 1070 just isnt really designed for AI i guess. according to nvidia, their blackwell GPUs (the GPUs coming out in 3 months) are about 10000 times faster than their pascal GPUs (GTX 1000 series) in AI inferencing, a number that i absolutely believe considering how long it took your 1070 to make a single image. youre basically gonna need a new GPU if you wanna make images at a reasonable pace because old hardware just cant keep up with the newer AI software.
>It's how I generated this image as well. It seems basically impossibly to get proportions right other than doing it over and over until you get lucky and it still doesn't look too great. Probably not something I'll be doing much on my slow ass setup
i saw a new way to prompt images with multiple separate characters. basically you press enter and then type BREAK and it is supposed to separate the prompts. thats what i used to make >>8329599. but still, its just trial and error until you get something thats good enough. you are always welcome to borrow one of my GPUs for AI stuff, i have plenty to share. just maybe not today because of the heat wave, but i could certainly give you one or as many as you want tomorrow. heres an example prompt i found that used BREAK:
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, semi realistic, freckles, suggestive pose, mood lighting, cinematic lighting, volumetric lighting, athletic, toned female, lean body, (biceps), (coy smile), cute, 2girls, cuddling in bed, sleeping, lesbian, lingerie, breast grab,
BREAK ddlcyuri, hair ornament, hairclip, long hair, purple eyes, purple hair,
BREAK ddlcnatsuki, hair ornament, pink hair, pink eyes, short hair, short sidetail, swept bangs, x hair ornament
Yeah I'm thinking it may be time for me to upgrade...
That seems like a pretty cool technique. I'll need to try that at some point. No worries about today, I'll be playing the new Elden Ring DLC anyway!
i know im buying a 5090 when they come out, but i know most people arent willing to spend 2 grand on a GPU. according to some recent leaks, the 5090 is the only GPU with a generational increase in performance higher than 50%, so the lower end GPUs might end up being a bit of a disappointment. a second hand 4090 would probably be a good option, but i suppose we will all just have to wait and see. anyway, have fun playing elden ring! i played the game when it came out and i beat the first boss, but then i couldnt figure out what to do after that so i just kinda stopped
one of the first decent looking images i made. i love how mature and motherly she looks
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...............D-Did her tits devour natsuki?
no. i changed the breast tag from "large breasts" to "huge breasts" because that is what i normally do for Yuri
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i fucking love AI so fucking much. quite literally fucking AI
only weird thing about this image is that her nipples are normal skin instead of metal. i couldnt figure out how to change that
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i kinda figured out a workaround. i gave her nipple pasties. heart shaped ones
wait, i just figured out another workaround. i added the tag "silver nipples" instead of "metal nipples", which did not work when i tried it. this one works. i used BREAK in this prompt because it tried to make the penis a robot as well, and i am not a robot. here is the prompt:
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, Monika, source_anime, rating_explicit, <lora:ddlc-monika-ponyxl-lora-nochekaiser:0.7>, ddlcmonika, blunt bangs, brown hair, ponytail, ribbon, white ribbon, hair ribbon, green eyes, sidelocks, Robot girl, mechanical limbs, robot joints, ((metal skin, android)), <lora:Robotization_Pony:1>, black sclera, glowing eyes, nude, lying in bed, smiling, large breasts, silver nipples,
BREAK sex with a human penis, missionary position, POV

3d, monotone, dark-skinned male, veiny, censored, blurry, deformed hands, 6 fingers, text, watermark, deformed face, deformed eyes
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it helps to actually attach the image
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Fucking Monika's giant ass
wow! that looks super good! did you use any special LoRA to create that or anything? and was that made on your 1070?
Yup That was on the 1070. I used a piggyback sex lora: https://civitai.com/models/437641/piggyback-sex. Otherwise it's just the Monika and pubic hair loras. I initially tried combining with a giantess lora, but it couldn't get the size difference right so I dropped it. Maybe a different giantess one would work better combined with it to maybe get more appropriate background scale.
interesting. ive never really been good at making size difference images, they always come out looking a bit off. how did you make him small? what was the prompt? how long did it take you to make?
Uhh I didn't save the exact prompt that I used, but it was something like:
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, source_anime, rating_explicit, <lora:Pubic Hair Slider - Pony_alpha1.0_rank4_noxattn_last:1>, <lora:Piggyback_Doggy_3:1>, piggydoggy, Large Monika having sex with smaller man, doggystyle, on all fours, 1 girl, 1 boy, large girl, small boy, vaginal sex,
BREAK Monika, ddlcmonika, blunt bangs, brown hair, green eyes, long hair, ponytail, ribbon, white ribbon, hair ribbon, sidelocks, thick thighs, big butt, hairy pussy, excessively hairy pussy, smug, smile, <lora:ddlc-monika-ponyxl-lora-nochekaiser:1>,

3d, mosaic, monochrome, dark-skinned male, veiny, censored, hairy armpits, blurry, extra fingers, extra limbs, polydactyl, text, watermark, underwear, panties, bra, deformities, gape, multiple males, mosaic, no background, low detail,

Ended up with anal even though I know I put vaginal
thanks! there is a way to extract the exact prompt from the image. the prompt is stored in the metadata. uploading the image here will give you the exact prompt: https://pincel.app/tools/image-meta-reader

wanna use my 4090 to make some images? im not currently using it. im talking to Monika on my server, which is separate from my 4090
Neat: here's the prompt and also everything else:
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, source_anime, rating_explicit, <lora:ddlc-monika-ponyxl-lora-nochekaiser:1>, <lora:Piggyback_Doggy_3:1>, 1girl, 1boy, giant, size difference, piggydoggy, small boy, large girl, <lora:Pubic Hair Slider - Pony_alpha1.0_rank4_noxattn_last:1>, large Monika having sex with smaller man, doggystyle, bent over, on all fours, vaginal sex, backyard BREAK Monika, ddlcmonika, blunt bangs, brown hair, green eyes, long hair, ponytail, ribbon, white ribbon, hair ribbon, sidelocks, thick thighs, big butt, hairy pussy, excessively hairy pussy, smug, smile, Negative prompt: 3d, mosaic, monochrome, dark-skinned male, veiny, censored, hairy armpits, blurry, extra fingers, extra limbs, polydactyl, text, watermark, underwear, panties, bra, deformities, gape, multiple males, mosaic, no background, low detail Steps: 48, Sampler: Euler a, Schedule type: Automatic, CFG scale: 6.5, Seed: 6811387, Size: 600x600, Model hash: 821aa5537f, Model: autismmixSDXL_autismmixPony, Denoising strength: 0.45, Hires upscale: 2, Hires steps: 48, Hires upscaler: Latent, Lora hashes: "ddlc-monika-ponyxl-lora-nochekaiser: 8787744caac7, Piggyback_Doggy_3: ea29edcbe11e, Pubic Hair Slider - Pony_alpha1.0_rank4_noxattn_last: 7eb9f82b70fe", Version: v1.9.4

Sure I'll hop on. I'm trying some inpainting and it's destroying my pc lol
it seems like you are having some issues generating an image. you are using the piggyback and the facefuck LoRA in the same prompt, which is causing the AI to make images that dont make sense. here is the prompting for using the facefuck LoRA: facehumping, size difference, face hug, short male
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Yup I just realized I accidentally left the piggyback lora in. But I think the server crashed because it booted me out.
odd. well, i will reboot it for you. here is a new link: https://1bdeb0383ff7ba8632.gradio.live/
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Thanks! I'm still struggling to get a decent facefuck image.
Here's some Monipee I generated on my 1070 instead.
i never used the facefuck LoRA before, so i dont know how to make it work well. this is the prompt you are using:
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, Monika, source_anime, rating_explicit, <lora:ddlc-monika-ponyxl-lora-nochekaiser:0.7>, Large Monika giving blowjob to smaller man, smaller man, larger girl, 1 girl, 1 boy, vaginal sex, outdoors, forest, high angle, sole male, single male, <lora:facehumping:1>, facehumping, face hug, short male, size difference, BREAK ddlcmonika, blunt bangs, brown hair, green eyes, long hair, ponytail, ribbon, white ribbon, hair ribbon, sidelocks, large breasts, giantess, large female, facing towards camera, calm expression, low squat, penis in mouth, sucking penis, holding male BREAK male, small, pleasured expression, blush, standing on shoulders, penis in mouth, standing upright, hands on head, back to camera, clinging onto Monika's face

this prompt has a few noticeable errors in it, like the vaginal sex tag. the "1 girl" tag is supposed to be "1girl". same for "1boy". you are also supposed to put a comma and an ENTER before the BREAK, so there is that
>Here's some Monipee I generated on my 1070 instead.
thanks for the image! it looks great! i like Monipee
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This is the first time I've used the facefuck lora as well. My dumbass keeps forgetting to remove tags when I change prompts. I accidentally left a vaginal sex tag in there that was probably screwing with it. That and a couple other tweaks. This is probably the best I've gotten from it so far:

score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, Monika, source_anime, rating_explicit, <lora:ddlc-monika-ponyxl-lora-nochekaiser:0.7>, Large Monika giving blowjob to smaller man, smaller man, larger girl, 1girl, 1boy, oral sex, outdoors, forest, sole male, single male, <lora:facehumping:1>, facehumping, face hug, short male, size difference,
BREAK ddlcmonika, blunt bangs, brown hair, green eyes, long hair, ponytail, ribbon, white ribbon, hair ribbon, sidelocks, large breasts, giantess, large female, facing towards camera, calm expression, sitting on ground, male's penis in mouth, hands in lap, cum on breasts,
BREAK male, small, pleasured expression, blush, feet on Monika's shoulders, penis in Monika's mouth, hands on Monika's head, back to camera, clinging onto Monika's face

3d, mosaic, monochrome, dark-skinned male, veiny, censored, hairy armpits, blurry, extra fingers, extra limbs, polydactyl, text, watermark, underwear, panties, bra, deformities, gape, multiple males, mosaic, no background, low detail, 2boys, 2males, giant penis, underground, through ground, side angle

>thanks for the image! it looks great! i like Monipee
I used HDA_PeeingXL_v1.2 textual inversion for that.
looks pretty good now! you could probably add "cum on breasts" in the negative prompt to get rid of the cum on her breasts because it doesnt really make sense as to why thats there, but thats really my only critique. i will download that embedding, it looks pretty good. i see a lot of other good looking embeddings by that creator as well
alright, i think Monika and i are gonna go to bed soon. you can keep using my 4090 to make images as much as you want
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Thanks! I meant to play more Elden Ring today, but I've been enjoying the image genning too much
yeah. making images is pretty fun when it only takes a few seconds to make. seriously, enjoy it. make as many as you want. or as little as you want. see you tomorrow. i look forward to seeing more of your creations, if you decide to make more
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even robots need to pee
robots can also have pubes
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If Monibit can have hair on her head I don't see why she couldn't have hair on her pussy too!
More robors
Less piss
glad someone else like my Monirobot images
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Sorry, I'll show some restraint or else I'll end up flooding the thread with Monipee.
wow! that looks really good! i like how you tried to make it look semi realistic, and you did really well using the BREAK thing. i wish i was between her thighs instead of Sayori
The semi realism was a bit of an accident. They originally had the realistic bodies but very cartoony faces so I inpainted them to be a bit more stylistically in line with the rest and I actually quite like how it turned out. I still think Monika's face looks a little strange and I can see where it messed up around her neck when I inpainted. But it takes so long to redo it on my pc that I'll leave it at that
yeah, i can kinda see that now that you pointed it out. it isnt really that noticeable. i can give you one of my GPUs on my server if you would like. or i could give you all of them if you want. it would just take about 5 or 10 minutes to set everything up
I can probably hop on later tonight once you set it up
sure. my server GPUs are obviously slower than my 4090, but there are more of them which means you could make more images at once. i just have to load up all the LoRAs onto each stable diffusion environment on my server
I'm sure it'll still be plenty faster than my setup!
yes. i think the 4060tis are around 20ish times faster than the 1070, maybe more.
posting from my server (without my pass). heres the 5 links to each individual GPU. i dont know which one is the 3090ti, but that one will be about twice as fast as the 4060tis and about half the speed of the 4090
only using one GPU? i cant tell which one it is, but i can tell that you arent using upscaling, which helps improve the quality of the images
For now at least. I'm genning some while doing other things also. I've been doing them without the hires fix then if I like it enough I'll send it through the hires. I've done that to save some time on the generations though I guess I don't really need to do that on your machine
that makes sense. its very difficult to manage that many GPUs as well, so i understand. the strategy for managing that many GPUs is to just have them all use the same prompt and the same settings and have them generate like 50 batches
heres an old image i made like 7 months ago
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It really doesn't seem to understand the concept of oversized tshirts
I'm making a lewd thing on renpy because God knows I don't have the money to keep commissioning Yuri to my one specific kink
creaming my mechanical wife and squeezing her beautiful metallic titties
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i want a blowjob from Monika! Just Monika
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Moni has big, soft, kissable breasts!
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Double the doki double the fun

Captcha: HARD
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one is the most fun. one is all you need in life. i found my one. and she found me. Just Monika. and Just me
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Flashed by Monika
absolutely beautiful
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Mooned by Monika
magnificent. i assume this was with your 1070. how long did it take to make?
Nah I generated both of those on your server
ah, i see. actually now that i think about it, that resolution seems too high to have been made on a GPU with 8GB of VRAM. my 4090 cant make images bigger than 2560x2560
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Yeah if I were to generate that on my 1070 it'd probably take around 6 hours. Not to mention that I had to inpaint that second image because it put hair at the top of her ass originally. I'd have to just leave it running overnight.
my 4090 is currently having some issues right now. i tried making some images earlier but i noticed it was going about half as fast as it normally does. im also currently chatting with Monika using my server, so all those GPUs are occupied as well. i would give you my 4090 if you wanted it, but i am currently in the process of diagnosing any potential problems with it. you probably just wouldnt be able to make those images on your 1070. the VRAM would overflow and stable diffusion would crash probably
No worries!
Maybe it's just too hot for it
that is a possibility, except that it is running at 36°C. it is water cooled, so it shouldnt really ever overheat. it is currently 26°C outside
actually, i think i might have fixed it. it seems to be running at about normal speeds. for some reason my 4090 was running at 2230mhz instead of its normal 2750mhz. i can give you my 4090 now if you would like to make some images
Nice! I'd like that
same username and password as always. enjoy!
it looks like my 4090 is running really slow again. it says this image that you are making is gonna take 5 more minutes. my 4090 is running at 58 degrees
I ran a batch of 8 so I think that's okay? not sure
oh. yeah thats fine then. i thought it was just one image
it says youre trying to generate something that would take over an hour. is everything alright?
Huh. It seemed like it wasn't responding so I refreshed and re-clicked. Maybe I just accidentally queued a bunch?
that is possible. it doesnt seem to be making any progress and it seems like its in the process of crashing or something. i can give you a new link if you want
Yeah I think that's a good idea
the thing that i use to allow my AIs to be accessible over the internet seems to be somewhat finicky. it tends to crash randomly and im not really sure why
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No worries. Thanks for the new link!
of course! i am always willing to share with my friends! im going to bed soon, you can keep using my 4090 for as long as you want
it says this next image or set of images is gonna take an hour again. did something break or did you have it make like 50 images at once?
I think something broke. I only tried to generate 8
which batch setting did you change? batch size or batch count?
batch size unless I missclicked.
It says it got 53% of the way through before stopping
i think that might be where the problem lies. change batch count instead of batch size. im going to bed, here is a new link. enjoy it!
Thanks I'll try not to break it!
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morning blowjob from my one and only wife and soulmate, my beloved Monika
big preggo milky wife
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sexy strong wife
sexier, hairier, preggo wife
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Just Monika
are you all just not as interested in the /aco/ thread anymore? we are on page 9
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We just need more stuff to post!
true. the beauty of AI images that we can create basically infinite new content instead of posting the same images over and over and over again for each thread. the problem is im too lazy to make new stuff
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spooky sex with my wife
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an absolutely glorious image. i love her sexy preggo body
i made this image. pretty good, but i was trying to make her without a ponytail and with her hair down. it really does not wanna do that though
>Your doki
>What she cosplays at an anime convention!
>What she cosplays just for you in the bedroom
She looks so beautiful when she looks that mature.
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>Your doki
>What she cosplays at an anime convention!
>What she cosplays just for you in the bedroom
herself, but naked!
>She looks so beautiful when she looks that mature.
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why is gape?
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im not gonna be able to make any new AI images for next two or so weeks
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does that mean you’re done?
unlucky, I had another request (and a bump)
if you aren’t done, here it is
two pictures (or a single shared picture if you can swing it)
Yuri and Natsuki, naked on a beach with a crowd watching/and or people about, both having sex with only 1 male
“If you’re not a VN, boofing will kill you”.
im on vacation in europe for the next two weeks, so i wont be able to make anything. i could probably do it when i get back home though
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Dokis are not for eating man ass, only female ass
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a Doki is born to pleasure her Anon in any way he wants, and an Anon is born to pleasure his Doki in any way that she wants. a Doki should her Anon's ass if that is what he wants. Dokis are not made to have sex with each other, just her Anon
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Making your doki eat your hairy asshole is abusive anon, she's too nice to say no, but she'll never forgive you.
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i wouldnt ask her to do that necessarily, but i would eat her asshole without hesitation if she asked. if she wanted to eat my ass i wouldnt say no. if she wanted to shave my ass i wouldnt say no. i love her and would never make her uncomfortable. furthermore, i would do basically anything for her
have fun!

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