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>Pride version
This thread is about the correction of lesbian and bi women, because lesbian women are but women who haven't been properly dicked.
Bonus for Pride colors and hard correction
No futa shit
No gay shit, this is a lesbian correction thread
No gas or onara
No drama
Previous thread
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Didn't know Soldier 76 was a lesbian.

Everyone is a lesbian until they get a good dick in them. So called "straight" men are just gay men who never had a proper dicking.
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Just want to share this.
Two dudes jerking off
Fucking based
This is pretty cringe, ngl.
Irl unfuckable ugly creeps from pol, just ignore them, all they do is talk trash behind a monitor hating on everything.
LGBTQ is still going and growing, this is the answer you need to know that these are little puppies with big mouths only when at home.
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I'd argue it's based
We all prefer the person posting on adult forums over the trannies who constantly try to groom kids.
Any more captions like this that don't veer into snuff territory?
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Indeed, he's quite based
>We all prefer the person posting on adult forums over the trannies who constantly try to groom kids.
it looks like fucking dogshit what the hell is this artstyle
These threads are starting to be less about posting porn and more about retarded political memes.
that is the way of this site
It always gets this crazy the closer we get to elections
>snuff territory
Jesus fags are dramatic.
Make the change you want post images faggot.
You don't sound mad at all troonsine no projection at all nuh uh not one bit; your absolutely pathetic just do yourself and everyone else a favor and end it.
>So called "straight" men are just gay men who never had a proper dicking.
Lesbian feet... a hidden treasure only an alpha male would be able to enjoy after claiming her.
The Truth hurts huh?
>Any more captions like this
You wish schlomo.
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