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Every day is a mahou shoujo day edition.
Prev >>8299800

Ignore and report AI and hyper.
AIfags can fuck off to their own thread.
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Really not sure what to think about the Bambino Magnificos. The stretchy side panels are very interesting, but exclusively velcro "tapes" make disposal very difficult, and it's the only diaper I've worn in recent years that's actually leaked on me before reaching near-max saturation. Maybe I had the fit wrong or something.
Bambinos as a brand haven't really aged well.
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d'awww that is adorable
not a diaperfag but this picture in particular is cute
Furry trash
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Important reminder to play Turkey Handle in a week.
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filing false reports is against the rules, announcing a report is against the rules, AI art isn't against the rules
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>anons clearly posting AI art in different styles
>"hurr all AI is the same"
two more weeks indeed
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chat please color this, gotta have the padded dark mage
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and the cat too
Ok this is a touched up AI image right? What even is the model?
Nobody cares about your AI slop. It's funny that you're trying to post two of this shit every hour because you're assmad at the OP, now kill yourself.
>AIfags and Hyperfags can fuck off to their own thread.
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>new Nia art
I HAVE BEEN SUMMONED. I'll get to Tharja soon.
Ah its going to start samefagging again. Now we have an obnoxious hyper and an obnoxious AIfag. Remember when the worst thing this general had was Nazoc and Cya?
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Got any more with the child leash?
Seconding the request for aifriend post cute diaper boys.
Are you genuinely retarded?
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All I think about are diapers
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cute and diaperpilled
There's multiple anons posting, again everything in your paranoid brain isnt real. Also you cared enough to respond so at least you care. You also care enough to try to keep the drama alive, just post pictures fuckstick
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Yeah, The hyperfag always samefags it's always so apparent.
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Did a grade schooler make this garbage?
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someone update piece of soap kemono, andyabdl, the padded room, add their subscribe star stuff and pixiv shit. no im not a minor just need something to rub my pussy to that im not fucking paying for lmao, my husband can see what kind of shit i spend money on
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it'll be out when it's out
>my husband can see what kind of shit i spend money on
gay? or just didn't come out to him about being a diaperfag before getting married?
Rotfl! Your mircodick will never be a pussy
Your requests will never be fulfilled
>A kangaroo nanny
>Fuckin talking animals
idk why 4chan is insistent on assuming everyones a tranny prob why you cant get laid lol, i have a uterus incel lmaooo
im a natural woman, what do you mean gay? of course he doesnt know im a diaper chick its weird for anyone to be into not just men
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there are no girls on the internet, anon.
>of course he doesnt know im a diaper chick its weird for anyone to be into not just men
maybe it's time to come out to your husband...
I'm sure he has a few weird fetishes of his own.
> im a natural woman

Tranny pilled beggar confirmed
you should be castrated faggot youre more of a woman than me haha
>getting triggered over shitposting
>isn't open about their kinks to their lover despite claiming to be a cis woman
you need to go back in the playpen
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spam and low quality shit is tho :)
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Fixing AI with more AI.
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Guess you're getting banned then
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>turned pile of shit into a big pile of shit
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i think whether or not you like AI art depends on if this is a paraphilia for you or just a tangential fetish
to me, I really only care about the way the diapers look and visualizing my fantasy which is why I'd take AI art over stuff like
because even though that art has more soul artstyle wise, AI art has more soul diaper/ABDL wise
Plushies, not furries, you dolt. Learn to tell the difference.
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AI still struggles with minor details sure, but a "flawless" abdl pic drawn in a dogshit art style is always going to look objectively worse than an AI with an extra finger or some shit
>dogshit art style
Such as? Name and shame
FYI some of these ai images are of a troon img to img'ing himself
I'm not even joking either
hey AI person, would you be willing to put my OC in proper diapers? best I could get was puffy bloomers with the low tier AI I had.
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I don't use img2img for the AI diaper pics I generate, just txt2img prompts
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I'm feeling charitable, gimme your OC and I'll give it a try
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translation fag from a few months ago, I translated a few more ckaoto posts.
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The little blurbs in these are really cute!
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yeah that's what I mean, of course though a lot of what some AItards have posted in this thread is genuine slop and I'm not the biggest fan of the samey SD artstyle either. It only works if the diaper aspect is decent and not some twisted amalgamation like most LORAs. NovelAI is the best because it's trained on Danbooru/E621 but no one uses it

decent drawings, terrible ABDL art
Well you're acting like a dumbass dude without fallopian tubes.
>Talking animals that have human characteristics because they're put in positions that humans would usually be

There's no difference, just a lot of cope.
There's no such thing as perfect art. Just a lot of shitty artists
Why's she on her period?
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>Age them up
Kill yourself, spineless faggot
No coping necessary when it's true.

Plushies =/= Furries.
Nice! Ty anon!
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yay, her diaper's too heavy, so she's about to fall outta the swing and embarrass herself!
Thanks for making the ai do it right.
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kill yourself
Stars get off 4chan it's bad for you.
>check pics
>barely any diapers
many such cases
do you think everyone has a single fetish they obsess over like autists? i think it's just you
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If an artist only has one or two pics with diapers he was prolly just commisioned.
Plushies don't fucking talk or move or want to take care of you or put you in diapers. That's what people do. The mixing of human traits onto non-human objects is called anthropomorphism or commonly called furry.

Cope harder furfag
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you are trying too hard
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#1 Shut up, #2 you're gay, #3 scroll past it if you don't like it, #4 you're still gay.
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>please ignore my cancer spam please
yeah you'd like that faggot
Being inflammatory is so gay
>Non response
You're still replying furryfag
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Really really cute pic. Max is always adorable in diapers

dumb dumb blinded w/ misdirected rage
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>aifags are diapedos. it figures
but >>8323055 >>8323056 >>8323057 >>8323058 >>8322054 >>8320315 >>8320303 >>8320302 >>8320301 >>8320298 >>8320297 >>8320292 >>8320287 >>8324814
aren't AI
The amount of effort you idiots put in to keep the drama is impressive. Fucking stupid, but impressive, i can't do that autistic shit. Don't want to as i have a life
i feel sorry for all the lurkers who use this thread just to jack off, as a usual lurker myself I will try my best to post pics for you all more frequently
How is someone above 18 wearing a diaper pedophilia, exactly? Sounds kinda retarded.
This feels like a falseflag to fellate the AIfag's superiority complex. I don't see any reason why the term "pedo" should be thrown here besides real kids potentially being mentioned.
Post more sixonesixone if ya got it. Miss most of her old art
Yeah, because everything is a psyop or false flag or some conspiracy. Grow the fuck up and take your meds
>Hyperfags delusional again
wrong, I'm using only 5% of my brainpower to make you upset
what superiotity complex? the only one saying x is better was you.
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The fact that you're trying to make others upset is exactly why you're the problem here
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An absolute waste of space, as content, and as a person
Unironically imagine the smell
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which danganrompers are best suited for diapers?

Where the fuck did you get the conclusion that I'm a hyperfag? I'm not posting chibi characters in gigantic diapers.

I did mention that the pedo insult came out of nowhere, so it's not like this was some baseless conspiracy theory.

The AIfags always say that their "art" is perfect and they always seethe whenever they get called out.
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Where the fuck does Diver post these days?
It's called Magic, you dummy. Ever heard of it?

Magic talking and moving plushies.

Wow, you really are blind. Cope somewhere else, plz.

Plushies =/= Furries.
>only medicals left in my closet
Anyone ever tried to buy ABDL clothes from Etsy?
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Good or dogshit? What stores?
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Obviously Shuichi, considering you just posted him, silly anon, although Kokichi is a close second
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maybe DR boys and girls should be brain drained and babied, rather than executed...
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I fucking love diapers.
Honestly, there's a lot of stores that look ok, but like you, I'm hesitant to order from most of them.
I've ordered from BabyYourDoll and BigTots. BYD has nice stuff, but is a little pricey. I'd would be careful with the sizing, because their stuff is morr female oriented. BigTots is an older store from the ebay days, but the stuff is p. top.
What does a DL buy when he has money other than diapers
Anal toys
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does anyone have the wet version of this, the link on the artist page expired
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no joke this indistinguishable face of bladder relief gets me hornier than any real porn out there

There's just nothing hotter in this world than peeing yourself on purpose
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not a messing fan but I know most of you are
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Yeah I just want some shorts+shirt pj combo. i'll check those out.
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Anyone wanna take a crack at editing in a gina on this? Cute pic & outfit other than the dick desu
No we aren't, we also don't generally enjoy sketchman either
You have bigger problems, like that uncanny as fuck face little bro
>I'm totally not into this guys it's my friends who get them
>willingly replies on here
He really is another Taiga
Only reason the huge diaper here makes sense is because no way in hell would a Little Kings look appropriately sized on Futaba's tiny body.
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not even a photoshop jesus could save that abomination
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Example I will be jerking off to this >>8327443
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It's not even close to a dress dumb baby
Do you have any draw ideas for a DR character?
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I like that artist's style
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>anon is French
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Fuck off hyper shit fag
I genuinely wish I knew who was the artist behind these. They make such good stuff.
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Hyper diapers are just... what kind of retard do you have to be to be into that autistic shit.
>what kind of retard do you have to be to be into that autistic shit.
>implying being into diapers is normal
>still forcing this argument
Diapers is a degen fetish m8, stop coping anytime
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Doesn't make hyper less dosgshit. kys.
A furfag.
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>Kiss yourself
maybe later
We already know the autistic hyperfag is a furfag
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super cute
Maybe Chihiro or Celestia getting brain drained and properly pamped~
There are levels of degeneracy; a spectrum, if you will. You should already be well versed on spectrums since you're on one
>You should already be well versed on spectrums since you're on one
Sir, did you forget where you are right now?
Odds are you’re on the spectrum
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They probably don't want to be public about it because of the fetish if they ever pop off(most likely won't) they would rather not deal with it.
Honestly I'd just enjoy it before they go scorched earth.
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>They probably don't want to be public about it
>comissions six million art
Sir, I've been tested so tough titties for you
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It looks like they commission A lot of art in general.

Whoknows (or cares) just enjoy the art.
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I want diapers so bad. Fucking hate the boxers i’m wearing, I like my underwear brief shaped and pushing against my dick and ass. My parents would never stop making fun of me if they knew. I like diapers the most because they’re soft, comfortable, warm, convenient and kinky. Honestly, i’ve had this fetish since I was 7, when I outgrew pullups and my brother didn’t. I missed their softness. Sorry for the ramble, but I fucking emotionally need diapers
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cute post
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Honestly I'm tired that now a days everyone and their mother are coming out as some form of adhd or whatever. as someone who isn't mentally deficiant, I hate seeing the youtube trend of coming out as autism. and no, before some intelectual says, I'm not claiming that you aren't, just pointing out an annoying trend I keep seeing.
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This has been going on for at least a decade. Just like before snowflake parents produced "dyslexic" kids and shit, then it shifted to autism and now this is being replaced by trannyshit.
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Whites just wanna have a minority pass of some kind, so they just decided to larp being mentally ill.
what are your medicals of choice?

I tire of pissing exclusively in premium piss bags recently and don't have consistent enough access to laundry to use my cloth diapers as much as I would like to.
I wanna buy some diapers but I'm scared my family will find out. I've been so stressed I just wanna cuddle something :(
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iD Slip Maxi
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If any of you anons have discord tags, i'd be willing to listen to your problems.
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Kill me yourself, you big baby
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Rope yourself, faggot discord groomer.
you sound miserable
I just like hearing about how other anons got their diaper fetishes, or how they feel about diapers.
I cant remember what got me into diapers I think I've always just liked how they made me feel
I just remember suddenly having the urge to try on my little sister's diapers when nobody was looking when I was 6, and it all went downhill from there...
im so tempted to just buy goodnites from ubereats but even still that sounds risky to me
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>goodnites from ubereats
you can order diapers/goodnites from doordash/ubereats but everything but goodnites are expensive as shit
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>from ubereats
anon what the fuck are you talking about
im being dead serious lmao
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prove it then
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Uber eats (and probably other delivery services) can also deliver from select supermarkets or convenience stores. If you really need baby diapers right now and can't bluff your way through the checkouts
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>anon wants uber to dig in the trash to bring them goodnites to eat

sicko, you could just ask for one of mine.
nta but can I steal some of yours so I can feel cute and silly
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I was saying they could have the used ones, but I'll let you have them too!
this week they've all been poopy.
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nooooooo, never mind!
>anon orders goodnites from Ubereats
>6'5 mommy shows up to deliver them
>she forced herself into his house and makes sure he wears them
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I need more tall, mature women either pampering me, or pampering themselves
pretty hot ngl I'm just debating if it's really worth it
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Not to waste an image slot but this is from Doordash. Was able to even go down to my size for this shit.
Depends on if you have free delivery. I wouldn't pay $10 extra for a bag of $12-15 diapers unless I really needed to restock before bed.
cute boyish diapers~
I'm just afraid of getting caught since I live with family still
>You don't reach to the door quick enough
They're great but they're not as comfy as Goodnites.
Leave instructions to hide them with no contact delivery?
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I just found out they make huggies nightime pull-ups in size 5t-6t, OMG the ones I was gifted that were too smol (3t-4t) felt so squishily fun, I can only imagine if they fit me better. I'm wearing the daytime ones RN with a extender cut from another, and it almost covers my underwear area. also my little sea-shell almost went away a moment ago as I watched cartoons, but my smiling ariel on the front makes me feel okay for the close call. until the next potty, anyway.
>They're great but they're not as comfy as Goodnites.
sounds like it's from experience. Are you just a manlet or a femboy, if you can fit into diapers that small?
I try and avoid girly things so no
>I try and avoid girly things so no
What, are you afraid girly things are gonna give you cooties or something?
But femboys were made for diapers
You WILL wear the cage, anon.
This but unironically
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We all know it's you, shut the fuck up. Nobody likes your cancer oc, you'll never be taiga.
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>retards still falling for the pullup/goodnite scam
>you'll never be taiga.
As if he's any better.
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They're cute and surprisingly better than depends and they're cute. It's a perfect first step down the diapertroon rabbithole.
i don't get the obsession with taiga
just seemed like a depressed person who easily forgets people
their friends are nice that's where my limited knowledge of them ends
Lived with nothing but sisters. You sorta get tired of girly things around you.
I'm not stopping you.
Taiga is a furry, he's already worse than most not counting his Vtuber status.
For day wear they're pretty useful. I don't have full blown accidents in the day generally so they do the job of getting any small squirts of pee plus they're cheaper than Small adult products and fit perfectly. No reason to pay more for day wear.
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Go have your hate boner somewhere else legit no one cares
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>small to medium ninjamas
It's a dude you can tell by the way he types
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Cages are for fags, are you a fag anon?
Yeah, an underage dude who shouldn't be here
I'm not a girl I'm just a skinny manlet.
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not with that attitude.
Questions for any oldfags here

when did AB/DL, the term, start being used? I know modern diaper fetishism really took off from San Francisco kink parties in the 90s but ab/dl sounds like an internet-era term. When did we start to "officially" refer to ourselves as adult baby diaper lovers?
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The term's existed since the early 2000's.
Why are you gay
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>not wanting to see cute boys in diapers
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cute boys and cute girls (male) belong in diapers!
I've done this too, just had them leave them at my door and used a half of coupon.
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I'm not underage lmao. Im well into my 20s
Yeah you can live out your femboy fantasies by yourself. I prefer actual girls in diapers.
Dpf was using the term in the 80s
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I've been using large goodnites already when I was 16 and I have a fucking slenderman body. Fuck off underage.
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Alright bro, that's enough. Wtf
>designated autistic LoL character gets diaper art
what is it with autism and diapers, anyway?
>nooo you can't be smaller than me
their goals align
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>Ended up using four diapers with my new diaper pail
>Was able to neutralize the scent with an Arm & Hammer baking soda disc and an activated charcoal bag
>Still want to wear more
>Don't need to poop today
The call of diapers is strong.
Hyperfag strikes again
>There's people that don't know about DPF

Yeah, they used to be called diaper pail fraternity and put out a physical mailing lint and mailed newsletter, had cute stories and lots of bojay art. When the Internet hit and to be more inclusive they changed their name to Diaper Pail Friends and was one of the first online communities
Garbage YWNBAA
We were potty trained late
?? I'm 24 and medium goodnites work fine for daytime wear? 5'5, 120lbs
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My earliest memory is when I was changed.
Me too
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>day 650 of making mediocre edits
28, 5'2 and currently 96lbs myself
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Eat a snickers, holy shit.
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Why does being diapered feel so right to me?
because you are a natural-born pissypants
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Anyone got more of Max in diapers?
Y the thread die
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slow discussion
patreon banning ABDL content means a massive slowdown for new art
discussion for the past few threads has been trash
>muh patreon
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This isn't even mentioning most artists moving to subscribestar, which is much tough to crack for kemono.party. There hasn't exactly been much too discuss, either.
Most people who cared to post and talk about diapers fucked off to other areas. Most of this thread is generally people shitting it up like Hyper, AI or some shitty edits. Not to add to the fact that our drawfags have moved on from here.
>Most people who cared to post and talk about diapers fucked off to other areas
such as?
now he's going to pretend how discord is epic and cool place to chat
i wish there was more cute gentle mdlg stuff, feels like most of it is teasing/hypno shit. still usually better off than mdlb though, in that respect
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Diapers are great <3
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Some move but people also probably don't like getting mocked because they post any art (ignoring AI they deserve to be mocked).
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So where is everyone if not here and not discord
>traced 3d slop
checks out
>what the fuck this isn't a horrible cartoony deformity! must be traced
ninjamas or goodnites?
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real diapers
Shut up LP
I finally pulled the trigger and ordered from uber

kinda nervous
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>why do people want cartoons in /aco/
So you are saying w*stoids can only draw formless blobshit?
mv anons* /board/catalog/new-thread
omg I never realized how comfy goodnites were, im always so used to wearing undersized diapers/pullups.

I should've bought these along time ago
If you don’t like western artwork, why are you here then?
Lp wouldn't post GuP or Kolibri art
Shut up LP
Who the fuck is LP?

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