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posting the three chapters of this comic
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That was awesome, thanks bruv
No third chapter?
The second chapter starts around page 15, I just couldn’t find the cover art for it. To my knowledge, only three chapters exist and the story kinda ends after he suggests going back to his home planet.
Classic. This artist is doing "The Rock Cocks" now?
I shouldn't be such a fucking nerd about this but... Where did the artificial gravity suddenly come from? I mean, at first it seems like a side effect of the alien ship docking with hers, but then it remains even after he leaves.
cute alien
cuuuute alien
he is a cutie, especially when she started to touch him and we got to see all his reactions to it.
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They've been working on the Rock Cocks for about ten years now, and I believe this comic was posted while they were just getting Rock Cocks off the ground. This comic was a part of their Tissuebox comics blog. I used to follow it years ago, before Tumblr decided to not be horny anymore.
Not sure. There seems to be a switch, but I dunno when or if she ever really hits it.
is this a comic for women or men
I'm assuming that just like Rock Cocks, the answer is "yes"
both. the artists are a male-female team, so they've got all their bases covered
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Found it!

Great comic. It lacked kissing otherwise it'd be perfect.

Is there more art of these two? If so, could you please share it?
sweet. I didn't know there was a nude cover of her! anything else you find of this comic that wasn't posted in the thread?
>It lacked kissing otherwise it'd be perfect.
Kissing would be nice, but I guess they'll save that for future scientific discoveries. Also, some people just don't like to kiss their hookups, because it's "too intimate" or whatever.
>Is there more art of these two? If so, could you please share it?
I've got some stuff. I'll post them here. Sadly, I'm sure the best stuff is either paywalled or gone post-Tumblr purge.
Also, gotta give the artists their due. Naming your horny OC characters Jack & Jill was pretty clever.
This page is the second to last one. This >>8332858 is the last page.
I wish there were more art of the main girl from this comic or the alien but sadly couldn't find much of her. It's a shame, I think she's a really cute character and the alien guy is hot. I did find some Rock Cocks stuff, like this picture which was neat though. I love Elizabeth, the shy and horny assistant.
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>sweet. I didn't know there was a nude cover of her!
It's the cover of ch. 2.

>anything else you find of this comic that wasn't posted in the thread?
Yeah! There are some missing pages. Pic related is page #6 of the first chapter.

>I've got some stuff. I'll post them here
Thank you!

I think so too.

>I did find some Rock Cocks stuff
Could you share?
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Last page of the first chapter.
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And the second cover of ch. 2.

In total there should be 54 pages.
Her face is so cute! I love her progressively more confident smiling.
>Could you share?
I got you.
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I'd like to study her human anatomy
>In total there should be 54 pages
Gotcha. I'm glad we have all the pages posted now!
Thank you!! :)

Me too.
Someday I'll make a drawing of them kissing.
neat! looking forward to it!
Same here.
keep us posted
Thanks for the storytime
I'm glad people enjoyed it. I just wish there was another part to it. Or it would be cool if they ever did more stuff with these characters overall.
I wish I knew.

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