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/aco/ - Adult Cartoons

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General for western YouTuber lewds, mainly relating to Storytime Animators (STAs) and related creators, but any and all youtubers are accepted.
>All YouTube related content, including avatars, OCs, etc. are welcome.
>Don't spam/beg for a delivery of any request you have.
>No direct uploads for real life pics of any creators. Use catbox for those, especially if they're hot.
>No flaming.
>No drama spamming. (Seriously, stop)
>No diaper or scat porn.
>Have fun and happy fapping.

Fanfics: https://pastebin.com/uSr5FFSc (last updated circa. mid 2023)
The OSP Archive:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lGGqaV1thjD4BKYe2ZitrE5xMHzU4SVU?usp=share_link (last updated April 2024)
Previous Thread:>>8327181
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Lets have a good thread everyone and happy 100th
annnnnndddd its chaos anon :(
Sorry I made the thread I guess.
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I'll post some non chaos as well
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wouldnt she classify as furry? (i know im barely scraping by,but just curious)
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Don't know what it is but this character in this look just works for me.
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i just hope because it's youtube related that i get a pass :s
Your character really isn't furry but yes >>8331239 is furry
it's over for me then, may zeus strike me
I gotta ask, is it an issue that I'm the guy who made it?

I saw people wanted a new thread and weren't happy with the rules in the other one so I made one, but your reaction makes me a bit sad
A lot of people wanted 100 to be a celebration.
Unfortunately the arguments in the threads meant that there was no time to create group arts.
Despite this, you could have at least posted a variety of Youtubers, rather than focus on Chaos.

I still thank you for creating a thread that doesn't allow for the sexualisation of minors such as PinkInk.
I can see your point there actually, probably should've given more variety, sorry on that. Was just excited

Also on the topic of celebration images, I still think someone should do the beach idea, I think it'd be great for that. Maybe we need more youtubers for it tho.
So any suggestions on youtubers and what swimsuits they'd wear?

Current idea is https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8265381/#8267313
Yeah. Idk why but I like this version
Yeah, I getcha
Hey arachna do you have any art you could post to help get this thread going
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Nothing new, just same old same old
I'll post~

Also wanted to make a lil point out of it. I remember some anon trying to make a point out of me only rendering my nsfw pieces and using the "simple" style on sfw pieces but I just use the style I feel like :D

I hate how everything needs to be conspiracy. Everyone is trying to prove something
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It didn't attach the image cause it's too big :')
Hadda screenshot and crop. It's arguably sfw compared to other things I've done ^^
Chibi TopSpin still makes me smile
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much better
Somehow you made an even worse thread.

>Don't spam/beg for a delivery of any request you have.
And that's literally the first thing you do. Yeah, I'm not supporting this. Fuck you.
Gentlemen, consider if you will.
Your favorite STA playing Warhammer or Battletech with you.
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Howdy, I know y'all didn't miss me, but I'm still around!

I want to post something sooner, but I'm away from my setup and I'm in the middle of buttfuck nowhere at the moment. Hope to get back to work soon though.

Have a lil' preview of what I was/still am working on. (it's Snapcube btw)
who are you
Funny, cuz someone who became more famous thanks to being part of Snapcube's bunch, PaperBoxHouse, is amongst the Shenanigoons
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Im glad people like these drawings
Shadowleggy, my beloved.
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Hey, guys

My phone is running out of space, so I've been sharing art I had saved to free up some space until I find apps and files I won't need anymore

At first I thought of posting it in the /brap/ thread, but due to the more niche subject matter (YouTubers) and because the rules of this thread allow it, I finally decided to post it here, because I consider it will be more appreciated here

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I'd rather accept rape anon than this dawg...

Why? Farting is as natural as breathing. Rape, on the other hand, is a horrible thing to do to someone
I know its natural.
But when its sexualised its really uncomfortable.

Additionally, rape is occurs in the natural world dude, take it from me, an ex-Zookeeper.
your rules suck too

You are not an animal, are you?

Raping is a choice. You can't choose when to fart unless you want to risk cramps
If I wanted to be pedantic, then yes I'm an animal.

But just... fart fetishes are a stones throw away from scat fetishes.

Maybe I should change my analogy.

I'd prefer hair job anon in here then.
I hadn't requested anything. I had posted art of my favorite youtuber to start the thread.

As arachna pointed out earlier yes I should've posted more variety and I'm sorry but this wasn't a request spam.
I'm certain it was posted to sabotage the thread. Best not to interact with it arachna
>Fart fetish posting and discussion
Well I wanted to try and restart my doodling journey somewhere, but that is one of the few things I'm not into. Didn't remember that kind of stuff when I last time was here but times change. Have fun everyone.
Ps.Red cute
Fart art is as old as Jaiden porn itself.
>But when its sexualised its really uncomfortable.
As someone pointed out the other time, Jaiden's character design is like the least sexual thing ever and yet people sexualize her
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Holding out hope for the Shenanigal lovers
wait anon please come back we have a thread that isnt farty i want to learn to doodle too :(
Man... I know my fetish is weird, but at least I don't spam the thread with it. :/
Well that and it isn’t absolutely disgusting. Like, odd? Sure, but it’s not offensive to the eyes
Yo lonlon anon, are you working on any art?
We're all trying to get our favorites lewded
You are also a fart fetishist?
No, LonLonAnon is a Lactation fan.
I must admit they draw some good art of it.
Hell ye
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need her pregnant NOW
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>Shenanigal lovers
I'm here but both threads sucks, so I'm sitting out.
>both threads suck.
Alright then, why is this one so shit
fartfag spam and moralfag op
The Fart posts and Chaos OP image, only one guy is obsessed about about her here.
Thread 100 should've been a collection of YouTubers.
I'm not this guy >>8333671
>fartfag spam
I'm still convinced the fartfag spam was an attempt to sabotage the thread. The wording with "and because the rules of this thread allow it, I finally decided to post it here, " feels deliberate

Ohhh I get it now, you're the pinkink guy
Yes, i should've picked a better start image. Again I'm sorry on that.

Although to say this thread is as shit as the other with its unnecessary rule additions is a bit much.
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We honestly should've rode it out, we now have 3 threads.
And the other thread is gonna be kept bumped up, so...
>And the other thread is gonna be kept bumped up, so...
But why though
Because you can't stop them from doing it.
So why wouldn't they do it just out of spite?
I've seen this happen many other times before.
I just wanted to make a good thread and themis cretin had to ruin it

The bigger the cheeks, the louder the sound
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Beyond the farts

If I find more, I will let you guys know
when in the ever lasting jesus fucking christ will we get brap of of emirichu god dammit?!
Mm. Starfishface... Exposed midriff beggin to be punched...

Glad to see a civil war here.
Wouldn't call it a civil war. Just a bunch of people who hold a grudge needlessly shitting up the thread
Is it because some guy provoked happy?
Oh no :( I can't goon to kids. We're doomed
No I'm not part of this wtf the fart stuff is disgusting I'd have gotten bored after 1 image

Says the girl who drew scat
Man... I didn't want arguing on this thread... I wanted 100 to be the one without this bullshit
I knew yall would bring it up and I'm just gonna say I will draw it again if it pisses you off so much.
The thing is that people needlessly bring me up, then proceed to bitch about X character being posted, while not contributing themselves, and then there's actual pedophiles deflecting with that having morals is a bad thing. It's actually fucked. I can't fathom people can't simply just post what they like and... Well yeah just do that
>I can't fathom people can't simply just post what they like and... Well yeah just do that
Its what I'm trying to do but people have an issue with it.
Please stop feeding into this shit. I really don't want the arguements to continue.
The thread already has enough problems with the fartfag
Why do you keep feeding them?
I'm just saying I'm gonna do whatever pisses them off if they keep bringing it up. It doesn't look like much is posted rn anyway
Anyone here excited for Lythero's new upcoming DBFZ ShenaniganZ video?
But they'll keep coming back for more responses from you; not only that but your actions will piss other people off who aren't them. Why not ignore and starve them?
>I'm still convinced the fartfag spam was an attempt to sabotage the thread
Gee, you think?
>Ohhh I get it now, you're the pinkink guy
Believe it or not, no, I'm just able to differentiate between actual abuse and someone drawing cartoons. While the latter may be gross or weird to some, it's not abusive. The powers that be have made multiple statements to stop reporting 'cartoons' as PDFilia because it draws resources away from actual victims of SA.
>Why not ignore and starve them?
because she's a woman
they act based on emotion instead of logic and are near incapable of reason or accountability

Also she'll randomly just hate what she's doing again and again and again
Because it's proven time to time I don't actually need to be here for them to talk about me day and night. At least now I'm having some fun with it
You seem so pissed about it and it's so funny to me
If you take your simps with you, no one will talk 'bout you without you being present. Just talkin'.
Man at least contribute some fucking images if you're gonna keep bitching and moaning!

I wish lonlom anon were still here btw
it's an STA thread, why wouldn't they mention you? all you're doing is continuing to show you literally can't handle any negative comments. if there's one or two people who actively dislike you, then that's on them for not knowing any better, no big deal. they'll complain once or twice like any other detractor, and thread goes on as normal - you however, who should *know better*, knowingly come in here and throwing gasoline on the fire so that the entire thread derails into shit-flinging back and forth for a hundred posts.

please, for the love of god, stop feeding the fucking trolls
She won't, because then she wouldn't be the center of the discussion
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>Because it's proven time to time I don't actually need to be here for them to talk about me day and night
Ma'am this is an STA thread where people post and talk about Youtubers.
Taking drawing requests, though they might be kind of bad since I'm just starting out :(
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>now I'm having some fun with it
Yes and now they talk more, and take up more space. This means the threads die off faster and less art is made overall.

As I said earlier please just stop feeding into it it only serves to make things worse. Yes they will always be here but your provoking of them makes them louder and more obnoxious.

What if we make a YTG Telegram instead of being here on 4chan
The shortstack version of chaos55t.
There are plenty of drawings of her here but >>8331200 >>8331202 >>8331204 and >>8331201 were officially made by chaos herself so I'd suggest using those as the references

(Uncensored art can also be found on kemono
Do a 9000% sexier version of Jaiden Animations
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wish there was more like this
Motherfucker at this point just post the uncensored versions yourself if you know where to get them.
he just does it for the sake of spamming his waifu, he doesn't care if he gets a delivery or not
Literally false, I am trying to get art made.

If you have an issue with me posting art in the thread though you're more than free to actually contribute something
the way you're doing it makes it so that no one wants to draw art

You're like that annoying anon requesting that pool art
Yall constantly talk about me even on whole days when I'm not here. Stop lieing
Yes but people actively run threads into the ground by constantly relating stuff to me even when I'm not here and then I still get demonized as result. It's literally not even an attention thing for me cause I try to just post drawings most of the time

But this stuff is getting literally absurd
Honestly when I don't reply to them they still go "go away" constantly at normal art.

Or they tell random anons that it's me without my trip.

My point is that whether I interact with them or nothing doesn't actually matter because they're paranoid as shit
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Run away, Happy, run away and never return
^ example

Ironic how she became a regular here because of paranoia
It's obvious you're not loved here. Go away and leave us have our drawthreads in peace.

Looks like she has finally understood

I don't think so she's unpredictable
Yall having an aneurysm again about my existence and then complaining about thread space? Haven't added that one to my bingo card yet

I miss the few minutes of peace we had here without your presence
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Bit late to the party, but perhaps you could try drawing me?

I am a bit complicated, but it would be good practice for drawing hands.

No need to worry about quality, and go at your own pace.

Isopod queen!!!
why does the second image only have a single pair of arms?
Do you mean the behind shot? thats because the shell covers it

For the side profile, that was just the artists preference
What anon are you talking about?
Well then what should I do if not post my favorite
I wanna see a STA make a video on Doraemon. Been playing Doraemon Story of Seasons for the first time and I wonder if there are any STA YouTubers who like the show and all other accompanying media
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Roxy, the threads will ALWAYS have toxicity and people trying to start shit, its 4chan its as to be expected.
I do still believe you provoking them does make it 100 times worse tho, I genuinely think you need to stop feeding into it

Lets test it actually, roxy how about you stop showing up here for a few months, I'm confident the ammount of people trying to start shit will decrease since they aren't getting the reaction they want.
Nice try but no
Roxy, this is detroying you mentally. They will hate you no matter what. For your health I suggest you stop falling for their trolling.
I'm having fun

She's a sadist you can't stop her
Hell, I can barely find reviews on the game
I request Fart porn be added to the rules, alongside Scat and diaper porn
Big sad
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Farts always ruin good butts
Despite everything else happening on this thread, it's cool seeing a drawing I've commissioned pop up here.
Have you gotten feet art of other youtubers made/arebthere other youtubersnyou want to get feet art of
I had a big boner fantasizing about fucking a drunk TopSpinTheFuzzy...

What am I doing with my life?
Good question. What ARE you doing with your life, anon?
More like a masochist
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You're just gonna fully disregard this, not even willing to test it to see if it might work or anything? Honestly I think thats kinda foolish, you'll never know if it wirks if you never try.

(Also I wish this guy would do chaos, I just know he'd do great feet art of her)
Not much. Exercised for 2 hours and got some new games
where's the lie
LOL, all you guys obsessing over happy, pls just get yourselves some rope or a gun and get it over with already, be sure to record it for the rest of us :3
The games were...

Doraemon Story of Seasons. A game I always wanted to try out cuz I love Story of Seasons, especially Friends of Mineral Town AND the Doraemon anime since way back in 2014.

And this cool shmup called Daioh.
>fantasizing about fucking a drunk TopSpinTheFuzzy...
I too would develop a drinking problem if I were sick in the head
I'm assuming the board wants Arachna feet pics (preferably during a feetjob baka)

They've been requesting since 94 iirc
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Oh. Oh I think I know what's going on now.
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Laughter is the best medicine except for an upset stomach
I wasn't talking about arachna feet but yes I think it was around thread 94 that started being requested.
reminder fart shit falls under scat and you can report all of it as such
i made it like 1/3 of the way through but got tired of waiting for captcha cooldowns
it's all up to you now
The fact this isn't considdered spam is insane to me.
Also we are absolutely adding farts to the banned list next thread right? I don't want to deal with this cretin and his grudge against the threads again
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I appreciate the advice although I should let you know that announcing reports is also banned on 4chan.
ok, good thing i didn't do that
Well, I recently posted a Happy feet pic like 2 or 3 threads ago, but the majority of them have been just Shgurr related. I am getting a commission from Vendetta892 that's going to feature Shgurr, Jaiden, Happy, Claire, and Red, but it's going to be a while before that drawing gets completed.
Vendetta is a pretty good feet artist
Hell yeah. They're very cute
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TopSpin's so lovely
Yep, he is. He's able to draw the feet so well. He's typically the artist that I go to for youtuber feet art. Well mainly Shgurr, but the other YouTubers he has draw are also nice as well.
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I'm still certain he could donsome great chaos
He could do some great chaos*
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A small Summer gift to the Shenanigooners.
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is that these two
you draw that?
Nope, that's by Bluejr
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nice. do they lurk here? I'd like to see them draw this bitch more often.
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He does and has drawn Lily before.
Heh, of course she gets a backless bikini. She's been taking it up the ass in 2 pics already.

Thanks for the gift
Oh for sure! He's done the other YouTubers pretty well, so I don't doubt the fact that he'll also be able to do chaos great as well
>Try watching shenanigoons for the shenanigirls
>Mostly men playing some dragon ball fighting game

Fahkin hell where be fair maidens?
Get tricked nerd!
It's fine I was tricked too. Came for the maidens, stayed for the bros.
I think that goes without saying. Probably as an addition to the no diapers/scat rule
is it me, or is this the only thread on /aco/ that gets consistently trolled without fail?
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The Youtube community is pretty unhinged with parasocial types that take R34 as an affront to their online bestfriend and will target those that create or even enjoy it.
The bros rule, too.
Do these rules ever actually prevent anything? Or are they there just because?

Lethal Goonery, the L4D2 video, UMVC3 and cameos in Silver Campaign
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Cant find em on r34, that sucks
Us Shenanigooners are yearning for more lewds of them
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new cum dump just dropped. Everyone, I'd like you to meet sakura stardust. https://www.youtube.com/c/SakuraStardust
I'm really hoping he does some of her someday.
The tall version has better feet btw imp
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I'm back! Sharing some more drawings
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What do you mean?
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Hasn't it happened to you that sometimes you hit that right angle and then

If you're at a party and you see a girl alone in a corner, she's probably farting
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These belong to a wholesome comic about Jaiden getting comfortable with farting in front of her partner (You)

I just found it in my gallery and was about to post it when I realized another anon had already posted two images lol so I'll post the rest of them
I just have no idea what he's saying, so I said my best response
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Did you know that smelling your partner's farts is good for your health?

>Researchers at the University of Exeter, have revealed that inhaling your other half’s farts could actually provide countless health benefits.

>Research indicated that hydrogen sulfide, one of the egg-like gases prevalent in wind, can reduce the risk of various life threatening diseases.

>According to the report, the microbial byproduct can lower the chances of heart attacks, strokes, dementia and cancer.
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That's impossible, Jaiden
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Well, it's your lucky day
Responded to the wrong dude. Meant to respond to >>8337151

My apologies
Yeah I accidentally responded to the wrong post and thats why it doesn't make sense. Sorry
Understood. Have a nice day
How much are you willing to bet someone's drawn gore of Holly after she was outed as a total conspiring bitch?
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>A small Summer gift to the Shenanigooners
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No problem.
Now here is the true final Luvvucy pic from the comm queue.
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Text version.
The fart stuff is being cleared up
To celebrate, here's some Goddass
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I will continue the request of that one anon
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Thanks anon, you are the light in this bad thread.
I like there's two versions, cheers to the final image
Good, I'm that anon and I want to see it drawn.
Don't jinx it.
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Here's something to look forward to in the future.
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I really hope he draws more youtubers/writes more descriptions of their milk
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Nice, that's the other reference I made.
So wait, who is this? Maybe I typed the name wrong?
Isnt this a screenshot of a animated video?
TopSpinTheFuzzy, they have no porn on rule 34. Maybe that will change soon idk.
Yes, it's multiple screenshots and porn edited together for artistic reference.
I linked the wrong video oops
I wanted post an actuallyrae picture I commissioned loosely based on that one scene from Heffalumps and Woozles, but the file size was too big.
Catbox it
Here it is
Who's Chaos?
No idea what I'm looking at but I wish you'd done this with her original avatar instead
I dunno. I'm here for the gals that appear in Lythero's videos.

Especially with this banger in the making.

It's niche fetish porn. Also, thanks for the idea. I'll try asking for that next time I get in contact with the artist.
theres a lack of TF and inanimate TF art of youtubers compared to Vtuber TF art ratio
Someone post Lu
i really need lu
Inanimate TF is my personal favorite desu, but I don't know many artists willing to do that, especially if it's a Youtuber.
*desu not desu
>He doesn't know
Instead of 'T B H', ya should say 'honestly'
Some delicious Lu fap material right from the tap
I was actually hoping to see you do a write up of Snapcube back when you were doing your tuber tierlist she rules
She's one of my top 30 white women.
Yeah. On another note, I'm planning to ask for one with both of Ginjaninjaowo's avatars. Got any ideas?
Hehe, bnnuys
inanimate tf art? how about inflatable og rea sexdoll?
That doesn't sound half bad. I might do a cum alt for good measure.
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that'd be great, excited to see it
Chaos is the girl here >>8331200 >>8331201 >>8331202 >>8331204 they are someone I am trying to get more porn of.

>I dunno, I'm here for the gals that appear in Lythero's videos
Then why the fuck did you respond.
I wanna spread Reagan's legs and sniff her pussy so fucking badly before running my tongue along her most intimate set of lips and inviting myself inside
Boys! Helpe identify this YouTuber who's a colored green girl, or I think her color motif is green but has a VTuber model as well. Cannot remember her name but have actually stumbled on her Twitter account and remembered her being posted here AND apparently is one of those female creators who's okay with her OC/avatar having porn made out of.

What is her name? I recall stumbling on her Twitter randomly and can't get it offy head.
I don't think it's Fionappolo 'cause the shit this tread does is not something she'd like.
Their name's June now, which is way cuter, in my opinion.
Cuz eventually I'm planning to make an entire set of a porn parody of Heffalumps and Woozles using YouTubers. At least, if I have enough time and money.
I was just making a response to other things and wanted to be a smug ass, so I replied you for shits and giggles, not knowing what you were yapping about
Ah so you were just trying to be a cunt for no good reason.
I'm starting to regret posting here... Y'all are way too weird for me man. And I'M the fuckin' breast milk guy.
Maybe Vannamelon?

Otherwise if it was blue that sounds like me XD
That and I was also oblivious
I agree, as the inflation gal
Honest question, if you want porn of chaos so bad, why not do it yourself?
Well, whatever. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
Because I'm not an artist, I have no art skills to speak of so I request it here
I prefer going with Rea/Reagan because that's the name she used when she still used she/her pronouns
You aren't that weird tho, then again that might just be because we share a kink
Aww, alright
Your presence here was great while it lasted
no no im tsyaing here, im sayin that what ever the fuck anon posted was horrendous
And eugh, yeah, whatever that is was horrendous
Look on the bright side, at least it can't get any worse.
dont jinx it dude
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Heh, thanks for the suggestions, sadly no. The one I cannot put my mind around I think has a green motif, dark skin and sharp(?) teeth or that anime sharp fang exposed. Anywho!

How about Renalucent?

And her little porn account:

She has a YouTube. She's a VTuber plus makes porn of herself(?)/her avatar being sex'd or fucked by groups of men and occasional carpet shagging.

I often used to think it's horndog male artists who make female OCs for the purpose of porn and other porno stuff. But I sometimes can't fathom how women manage to cope or handle overtly sexualizing themselves in the most compromising and sometimes dehumanizing sexual situations imaginable. Man, women are so weird and inconsistent sometimes. And turns out a lot of depraved smut that looks like is drawn and written by men is actually made by women!
I don't want to come off as overly dickish, but...women can like sex too.
Ayo Arachna, how much for a thighjob from you?
idk dude

im not going to commission it though, thats on you or anonther anon
I don't mean in terms of a commission
u dont want a thighjob from me lmao, im not sexy enough XD
Then I'll just have you facing the other way
Isopod feet when
Hey now. It's my decision. If I want the thigh job I'll want it no matter what
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with the amount of time you've been begging you could've learned to draw at a professional level in photoshop with a $10 mouse
We're already at "worst", we have fartfags and trannies infesting the thread.
>But I sometimes can't fathom how women manage to cope or handle overtly sexualizing themselves

Think about it like this, would you rather sezualize yourself, or be sexualized by some random incels on 4chan that would be more than happy to rape and kill you if they could?

I know I would choose the former.
Nah, see, I think trans people are hot. So I don't see the problem here.
Because it's my fetish.
That's one reason why I became an artist. I don't have to spend months begging on 4chan for someone to draw my favorite youtube girls in cow bikinis, instead I can just spend months drawing it myself!
>my favorite youtube girls in cow bikinis
Cow bikinis are super hot so I support this
How hard does that Scottish 30-somethin' brat sloppy toppy go?
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Rock Hard
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Smol update.
Aw, Hell yeah!!!
Will you ever do other OSP girls like Cyan or Indigo?

I really like Cyan
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Penny Parker (Snapcube)

Milk Production Quantity: A
Milk Taste Quality: S

She tastes like Strawberry Cheesecake. Yes, it’s different from normal strawberry flavor(Emirichu). It’s like a mixture of strawberries and cream cheese. It’s very good and one of my personal favorites!

I’ve mentioned it before, but yes, trans women CAN produce breast milk! With our patented hormone formula and a little of our famous “hospitality”, any femme presenting body will be able to produce white gold at a record pace! (I’m really more of a scientist than a farmer!) Penny herself was skeptical at first, but after a few doses, she was hooked! Today, she’s one of our best and most beloved dairy producers!

Also, on a side note, for transwomen, we extract *both* kinds of milk as well. It tastes the same as breast milk the provider normally makes, if not a bit more bitter. There are multiple reasons for this: We sell to those who want it, surveys say that it makes a good substitute for butter on your toast! We also keep multiple samples around in case of emergencies. In which we run out of our hormone formula for whatever reason, in which we would have to resort to the old fashion way of getting the body to produce breast milk…

But the most important reason is simple: it just feels really good to get milked! According to our research, a happy cow gives the best milk. So we put in the extra effort to make sure our providers have a satisfactory and, most importantly, *pleasurable* milking experience!

Art by lil' ol' me!
Looking good
This is quite a delight. I wonder if ya got a sort of archive of these milky drawings and, *ahem*, lore
Very nice. Keep up the good work my dude.
I hope we see more art from you in the future
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'ere ya guys go.
In hindsight I kinda wished I had the generics be green to represent anons but eh.
Good shit, anon!
Would love to have fun with her while she's being milked.
I wanna fuck Alanah Pearce
New thread:
Ignore this one
He removed the "no underage youtubers rule"
Plus he made it at page 3 so I have a hunch who this is
Removing redundancy isn't a bad thing. This only shows the real issue of people not even reading the initial rules of this whole board before talking shit.
Yes I know it's redundant, but because of faggots like the pinkink anon, we all agreed that having "no underage youtubers" being explicitly written in our rules was necessary, because clearly that ano didn't read or didn't care for the board rules
Having it be a thread rule makes it explicit that he's both unwanted and gives the rest of us deniabiliy
I got a strange feeling you didn't know until it was pointed out or else you would've made the argument referencing it during all the nonsense. Not once did I see it mentioned. Instead it was all low quality posting and personal feelings being flung around. Just report it, it's even a specific option on the report page.

>Having it be a thread rule makes it explicit that he's both unwanted
Already a board rule. Unneeded. Utilize the damn report system.
>and gives the rest of us deniabiliy
Which means nothing when we're all anonymous. You know what does a better job at that? Reporting and having it all deleted with the poster banned.
I've known for ages that it was against board rules
I'm just telling you that because of past experiences, we all agreed that it'd be for the best to make it very explicit that underage youtubers are not allowed on her, because we can no longer trust common sense and decency
Why the hell did you make such massive changes to the rules anyway? The rules we had here were fine as is, just with the added 'no fart' added to the no scat and diaper stuff. The changes to that new one are completely unnecessary
Common sense would be to not feed trolls, report and ignore; Not by being redundant about a rule already being ignored and certainly not by having thread-long Internet slapfights about it thus feeding more into it.
I didn't change the rules but I like them more than this threads' first draft quality that was only seen as good compared to the other one with the garbage additions
Here is it fellas, new Arachna porn
Man that rule change fucking sucks!
Who is the other one?
Nice, gay bad bitches

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