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Overwatch Edition

previous >>8255495

Repository Archive
>Active contributing creators



>Giantess clips in media
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Okay, maybe it's just D.va Edition.
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OP is a faggot. Might have to start making these threads
Explain your statement, what did they do?
Hey Anons, I was searching for some giantess videosand came to Giantessa.net. I remember seeing this site a while ago, but I've never been big on making accounts just so I can download a pic or two. Anyway out of curiosity I register and... It's just one guy posting links to some paid file hosting site.
Has it always been like this? Is there some way to download them without buying premium? Or is it some weird filehosting site advert?
I'm so confused bros. Does anyone know tf is that place?
I’d like OYG if every other thing they made didn’t involve giant male incest or some shit.
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I agree in spirit, but I've seen far worse things so it's pretty easy to have it all become white noise. He does good work a lot of the time, not a huge hassle to just scroll past the things I don't care for.
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So what AI image/video generators are able to make content of giantesses pooping? Asking for a friend.
You're not funny.
Guess anon doesn't like Overwatch.
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Okay but the question was serious.
I like some male feet but he uses hairy non feminine men which is a huge turn off for me.
Maybe if you told us your favorite girl we could help
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Not gonna hate on someone for what they like, that's silly
Here's another delivery from last threads requests

Also just really happy ppl liked my deliveries!
Cute and soul

Uh well good choice
I've been seeing some artists draw Lapis with Lewdssonk's raincoat/bikini design which I think is neat. I always really liked Lewdssonk's take on her.
DragonessLife has returned to the giantess scene
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I still remember being mesmerized watching his full tour vore giantess animation some 15 years ago on Dailymotion, always thought it would be hot getting pushed and pulled around in a girls guts while she ignores me, until her morning bathroom break

Pretty sure novel ai/NAi can you do it. It's not censored but you do need to pay like 10$ a month
Fuck off back to /d/ with the AI shit.
I loved Jcalin, but I never cared much for dragonesslife.
A big part was probably because lack of sfx, which obviously is no fault of the creator. Hope he sticks around though
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any cute gts scenarios you really like in art and/or fiction
We're so back...
hard vore
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Holy shit, this is amazing, thanks so much
I'm going to lose on purpose
Kissing a giantess on the nose while she blushes not expecting it
We have far too few pics with people trapped in the platform of clear stripper shoe. Especially given how obvious the scenario/idea is
>Spuski's Kino story for this image pt:1

"I'm was in a Zoom meeting!" your wife hisses as you enter the room, her cheeks flushed. "What are you doing on my phone?"

"I was just checking on my cousin's flight!" you reply innocently, phone still in hand.

"Did you use the Bermuda Triangle app?" she demanded, squirming in her chair.


"Well you teleported his plane into my fucking panties!" she pulls up her dress and spreads her thighs. You can scarcely believe your eyes.

There, tucked in her panties, was a tiny airliner. You just about make out the "Qatar" on its miniature fuselage. It was not in good shape: the left wing had sheared off and your wife's panties were pressing the jumbo jet against her crotch.

You laugh nervously. This must be some sort of weird prank. Has she stuffed a model airplane down her underwear?

Your wife must have sensed your disbelief, because she blurted, "It's an app that shrinks and teleports planes and ships from anywhere in the world. Sophie got it for me."

Sophie was her weird friend. You look down at the phone in your hand. Sure enough, there was a confirmation page. A text box showing a picture of your cousin's flight, Qatar Airways Flight QR9, with a "Teleported!" in all caps. You stare at the tiny airliner smushed in your wife's panties, but your mind starts racing.

Suddenly, it all starts making sense. Your wife, who has never cared about anything military, had asked you last week about the recent deployment of an aircraft carrier. Your were, of course, delighted to provide her with all the knowledge you know, from the aircraft on board to the number of sailors needed to crew it. And she had listened with genuine interest! She had even seemed... aroused. You had thought little about it, and still thought little about it the next day when it was announced an aircraft carrier had gone missing.
>Spuski's Kino story for this image pt:2

Then there was the flight of Navy aircraft that went missing near the Bermuda Triangle. She had stayed up late to watch the news about it, watching the Navy's fruitless search and rescue efforts.

Could she have...? What on Earth did she do with them? Did she... You shudder.

You snap back to the present. Through a miracle or dark magic, your cousin and hundreds of other poor souls were nowtrapped in your wife's panties. What should you do? The front half of the plane had already been pressed into her pussy, her salivating pussy lips threatening to swallow more of the tiny plane.

"Wh-What... do we do?" you croak, afraid that even the slightest movement would doom the plane and all aboard.

Your wife slides her hand down her panties. You feel a tinge of relief that the rescue of hundreds of lives was now in her soft, delicate hands.Then, before you can react, with a decisiveness you've never seen before from her, she mashes the airplane against herself. The poor airplane stood no chance. The right wing snaps off; the front of the plane is buried deep into her pussy; the rear half of the plane is crushed against her clitoris. Your beautiful wife, who 5 minutes ago was the kindest, most empathetic person you knew, had just extinguished the lives of 498 people with her cunt.

You feel your cock throb. You look down embarrassingly at the bulge in your pants. You look back up sheepishly at your wife, only to be met with her kind, sweet smile. She grabs your cock through your pants.

"Let's get rid of the evidence."
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while i'm not particularly fond about the focus on the amount of deaths and what not, i have to admit that spuski's idea of the bermuda app transporting planes and ships into bikinis and panties is really hot, and its even better when the one having the ships and planes teleported into their outfit aren't the ones doing it
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Anyone have Big Apple Trio and willing to share?
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>5+ years later, it's finally over
What a fucking rollercoaster

I have it and it's good. Just too short. I'd love it if Big Apple was like this and she immediately started eating people and destroying the city.
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Her stomach acid is lava but she doesn't seem to be an elemental or hell themed character
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>2024 no giant gf
TFW Born to early for the technology
She's absolutely my favorite character of yours, just wanna be stuck between those lips [fakespoiler]and gulped down but I know that's not your thing.[/spoiler]
Eww, why is he licking her finger lol. Also, RIP your twatter :[
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glad you like her
i still have a dA under the same name, and there you can find my itchio with my older art
Twitter bans 100% gentle fluffy art?
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Ohh, I didn't realize you only liked gentle. That is tragic
I wouldn't have minded the lack of sfx if he wasn't obnoxious about it. "I'M DEAF SO YOU HAVE TO PRETEND TO BE DEAF TOO WHEN YOU WATCH MY VIDEOS."
hot. should design a heel with a compartment in the spike made of clear plastic/glass so the tiny man can be put in there and put on display.
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Now that you mention it, I don't think anyone capitalized on this particular market yet. Macrophilia themed clothing and jewelry. Rings that have planet colored balls instead of precious stones. Transparent platform high heels with a small doll or action figure inside. Amber crystal or cage necklace with a little lego person.
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You talking about irl accessories?
I love this but god dammit I wish he made the other way around
>t. somewhat pious protestant
bet shes really happy to have a tiny husband that loves her and is probably afraid some other woman might take him from her so has to put up the tough act
also that should be me since catholic
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You got Prudence for that, although I only did the Mom angle with her so far. But she found her son's KJV Bible :o
Maybe, I haven't thought that much into it, I just like big girls with attitudes. That one was a comm too
>You got Prudence for that
God bless you thekid, nta but both religious angles are hot
That's right. It's an untapped market to the best of my knowledge and I imagine it wouldn't be too expensive to make some really simple trinkets. Sex toys are an option too, such as anal beads painted like planets or a transparent dildo with a doll or action figure inside.
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Thanks, glad you like! And God bless you as well
Fun idea, but I can't imagine that would be a very lucrative market
Sure it'd be no Bad Dragon, but I can't imagine it would take too much effort to produce. And fetish items tend toward the pricey, so hard to think the cost-to-benefit isn't there. Mabye not enough to live off of, but a secondary source of income with the benefit of proliferating the most kino kink of the entire fetish.
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>most kino kink
Doesn't do anything for me, but if you're into it that much it could be worth it just for the thrill
Unnfff, I hope they all end up smushed in her wrinkles
They make a dildo shaped like a guy tied to a post with a boner. It's not very detailed, so I can't imagine it's that expensive.
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Oh it's definitely the most kino since it works on many different levels. From the micro's perspective it can work on all sorts of different sizes, from miniscule tinies having an entire civilization in a dome attached to a ring, to a doll-sized person hanging from a necklace as an extravagant piece of jewelry. Just imagine the humiliation!
The macro too, from their perspective the tiny/tinies can either be just an object or a precious treasure. Any way you shake it it's a huge power trip.
A scenario I've been drooling over recently is a nerdy mage woman travelling across the world and "collecting" different cultures in her toe ring to study later as a hobby. No regard for other people or even the political situations in whatever region she's in, just sees something she likes and takes it. The ultimate flex. Who knows how many kings she has there? Maybe elves are just a myth in the real world these days, but she has their remnants wrapped around her toe. It's just too good, the whole sub-fetish offers a ton of very creative options.
Yeah, not into it, but I can definitely see the creative potential.
I think it's just too passive for me. I need the giantess to be interacting directly with the tinies, preferably on a personal level. I think I discussed this recently with someone here
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I don't know about all that, but maybe a giantess who turns the skulls of her victims into rings is hardcore.
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I can respect that, most of the time that's precisely why I don't go for nano content. But it kinda hits different when jewelry is involved since it gives it a sense of permanence. The nanos are part of something greater, they're not entirely gone or forgotten. Every time she glances at her little trinkets, she remembers the people she owns.
But even so, imagine if she regularly transports herself into her little realms and appears to her subjects as a goddess. They worship her and she's the doting motherly figure guiding them to do better and personally rewarding the exemplars, or a strict and vengeful spirit demanding constant sacrifices, whichever floats your boat.
>imagine if she regularly transports herself into her little realms and...
That gives them far too much importance for my taste. Then it's like they actually matter to her.
That kinda captures the essence for me
>somewhat removed from each other
>tinies held in too much significance
I think that sums up why the jewelry angle doesn't excite me very much. But I'm just getting autistic now
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who made this? name?
this awakened something within me
This is all me. @thekid_art_
ALL YOU? YOURE AWESOME MAN! TALENTED AS FUCK! I have one of your images saved to my phone but I never knew who made it. you're the king, and you browse 4chan. based. God bless you man.
You should do more like this, hot as fvck.
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Thank you!!! And same to you!
Probably will at some point, I love extreme perspective impending squish. Won't be a regular thing cause I don't draw as much. Glad you like tho
Is this a shot from the hallie late for college animation? Also, how the fuck do hallie's classes go? Does everyone just avoid bothering her because they saw her on the news killing a few dozen people just an hour ago?
I love it. Maybe make the Protestant son lick his gigantic mom's meaty soles
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Yeee it is. And I really wanna do more "story" focused animations at some point to explore stuff like that. I'm not exactly sure how I wanna handle yet, but it would be super fun to get into
Definitely into that. It's a regular punishment for him. Might do that once I make a model for her, not sure if you're into the 3D though
>story focused animations
Based. Love a good horny story. For some reason I have the mental image of her barging in late and everyone just trying to ignore the screaming sounds of unfortunate nerds stuck to her soles (when she shrunk down they shrunk with her). Or shrinking a crowd in front of her to skip a line or get into class
Both kino ideas, especially her classmates trying to act natural in that scenario
You think any of the tiny people that shrunk down with her come off, and other regular sized people get their hands on them?
>Stuck between a bitch and a hard place
>Definitely into that. It's a regular punishment for him. Might do that once I make a model for her, not sure if you're into the 3D though
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Fuck forgot to at u >>8344891
Thank you so much! :3
I'm honored you would do fanart of her even though she's like never gentle lol

Rougher scenarios may not be my favorite but the character is cute
Wish I already had a model of your character there so I could do a few renders.
I'll try to do something for you in the future. Not sure if it'll be 2D or 3D
I'm literally honored to talk to you. I need 3d giantess milf feet. PLEASE! GOD WILLING!
I gotchu
How will I know when you're done? I'm hyped asf
Done with what?
Are these both you?
Whoever this is replied as if they were both people so I'm very confused
based and wholesomepilled
>either OC could step on me though and i wouldnt sue
Nah, I can't draw for shit, I just like mommy feet.
done with milf feet
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Not sure when I will get to Prudence, but you'll know when I do cause I'll post about it
fuck yeah. I'm so in giantess mom stuff, especially with feet, but I rarely see it.
godly gif my man
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Thanks! Okay I'm done spamming my own content for now
good ass content though. Man you're chill asf.
anyone of this?
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Man I miss mamabliss
Peak teasing/humiliation
I don't think I even knew they did giantess stuff. I feel like I only had their vore content
Yeah she had a whole website for it back in the day, maximumgts
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Dumb question, but are there any giantess-specific (or even just 2D/3DCG art in general) torrent trackers out there? Private or public, doesn't matter.
I've got a bunch of stuff I want to upload, but I'm not sure where to put it. I have an Empornium account, but they mostly focus on 3DPD videos. e-hentai is another option, but they make you put everything in a gallery first, and that isn't feasible with the number of comics I have.
Would rather not use a general-purpose public tracker like TPB or KAT or what have you.
Does anyone have the old paid comic JoraBora did with this character? I tried to buy it off Gumroad but it says its unavailable.
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Giantess Torrenting kinda died out, videos get randomly uploaded to porn hosting video sites, but if one site starts getting to popular like 8muses forums, or spank bang did, it gets taken down sweepingly , the best way is to find general porn forums and hope they have a giantess section or and doesn't become to popular as the new hot spot
Tiny Tea
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One more. With sfx:

I only included the giantess portion
Not like this, she supposed to let me swim in her spa temperature tea cup and sip my flavor without voring me!
weird, i was just thinking about her today. her second giganta comic was going straight to the shitter but she had plenty of good violent stuff
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Nope. She's going to burn your flesh off so she can enjoy it's flavor as the water absorbs it.
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>>8358029 #
I Always dig your comfy art

Hopefully it's an elaborate prank by her, it's still kinda funny though
>Hopefully it's an elaborate prank by her, it's still kinda funny though
The only kind of pranks a giantess should play is eating your family.
Cute as always. My unsolicited critique is that I wish her hair was a bit more detailed cause it adds a lot
Was it Depths of the Gerudo? You can find it on e-hentai. The character is Urbosa from the newer Zelda games.
Imagine passing out and going limp in her hands , as she squeezes you like a stress ball with her monumental strength, I would pay for that.
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“That’s it you little slut, hump my nipple like a desperate little dog and cum for me” the giant woman said to her little slave as she masturbated furiously, her fingers working her soaking wet pussy. The exhausted slave bucked at and fucked the enormous nipple that has come to rule his life, she would soon have her orgasm and he would be expected to continue hornily rubbing his tiny body against her cum covered nipple. “I can feel your cum on my nipple you horny little slut, you must love being wrapped around your goddess’s nipple all day, cum for me again!” The tinys owner moaned as he her orgasm was building, every day she ensured the the tinys balls were empty for her, when he was too exhausted to continue humping, she would either knead him into her nipple or put a tight top on, taking extra care to make sure he was pinned against her nipple. Her nipple would take over the fucking when she put her top on, squeezing every last drop of cum out of him before the day was over. The tinys groin and chest was just slathered in cum, sweat and milk that leaks from her tit. The goddess gasps and moans as her orgasm finally comes, she groans as her body is racked with a powerful orgasm, her little slave spilling yet another load for her as she does. The goddess winds down and watches her slave continue worshipping her, having so much power over a man that he’s reduced to humping her nipple just to not be crushed only gets her insatiably horny again. She plucks the tiny and laughs as she sees all the cum he’s shot on her nipple, it sticks to his groin and nipple. “That’s how you need to cum for me, my nipples need to be covered in cum like that every day” the goddess says as she sensually rubs him into her nipple, her other hand beginning to work her pussy again. She was his goddess, why shouldn’t she enjoy herself like one she thought as she felt her slave buck frantically as he cummed for her yet again.
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>be shrinkee but allowed to live at home as a pet
>better than alternatives and just have to do a few tasks a day then relax
>biggest one is waking up family members in the morning since they hate hearing the alarm
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>always teased your girlfriend that was under 5' tall
>but now that you shrunk she towers over you
>still enjoy watching her struggle since have a better view
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Based Booba slave
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Honestly its better when the tinies are bigger
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you just want to get tangled in her hair
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nasty lil pervert
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why would the soles still be pink?
hush, you don't know me >:[
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see that white speck up there? That's not dandruff thats you
Ummm, I am also a colored folk (I get it tho, I would disappear in there :3)
another victory for dark halliests
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