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Stickmen, minimalist designs, Corporate art- if it meets that criteria it goes here
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see >>8309057
what about it?
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This is actually very useful for a project I'm working on. It's best for me if there's many different sex positions in the same simple style.
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I could really use some more too
Pictogirls revival when?
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I don't know what that is, my thing is different
Cuckquean is so hot
More of this
be the change you want to see, anon
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Mmmm, stick gf...
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which episode is this extra credit women from?
shall this be the 4 thread of simple artstyle/stick figures then or?.
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I guess so, old thread is on its way to archiving

That's being said, making this the defacto Request Anchor post
maybe soon.
thread already exists move there
request: a nude female dominating a clothed female? (sex or otherwise).
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Burdie does a really good job at that sort of thing.
Getting my hopes up
please FUCK OFF WITH THAT SHIT, i don't care if the artist good at it, the subject matter he obsessed over SUCK MIGHTY BALLS.
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Anyone got the mind controlled gf?
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Ignore them anon. Post them simplistic cuck art pieces!
Who is Deku for 600$
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She's brainwashed, but yes.
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Oh, I didn't know there was a new thread already. Time to post this one then
This is utterly adorable, did you make this?
>red girl gif
>more cuckquean
Good fucking shit
hot af
nah, this was drawn by kamkisktch on X
Which one anons?
Left can make some pretty fucking hot facial expressions that makes me diamonds, but right has more "weight" and I like the consistency
Right for sure, sometimes less is more when it comes to facial expressions.
Yeah, also this too, sometimes LESS is more
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When anon isn't home, she plays Mario kart. If she beats anon at Mario Kart when he gets home, she gets rewarded with sex. If she loses... She has sex anyway.
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I did a color edit of anons xuckquesn picto from the last thread
Amateurs. What is a sticc without the sticcness?
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ENF signage is something I didn't know I needed more of. These are great
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only a matter of time before an onara edit happens
Good stuff anon
Please keep making more of these
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Throwing my hat into the ring
Chubby goth girl sitting on a guy's face with a "Warning: Suffocation Hazard" sign label
>belly dipping over panties
At first you had my interest, but now you have my attention
i realize now the entire request was probably a stealth brap thing
Requesting like a MILFication warning sing? "WARNING: RAPID AGING MAY OCCUR" having a regular girl become a super stacked MILF?
Anon who originally requested it here, never even crossed my mind. That said I have now realized the grave error I have made.
the one on the left can swallow but can she on the right?
Idk if the guybwhobdraws the red girl is still here but if you are I have a question. Do you have any accounts elsewhere
Bonus points for some form of gentle femdom
Here u go enfbro
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I'm not the best at accurate proportions.
Thank you anon, I will
I was pondering wether make a twitter account or not. Whenever I make one I’ll let you know, but I basically only lurk on the simple/stick figure threads so you’ll always see me here for the time being
>pictogirls are back

Blessed, thanks man
Request: Something futa
This artstyle is so much better than stick figures.

Female chastity. Bonus points for humiliation.
The bikini hugging the pussy lips is sexo, and the one of her crouching to hide her nudity is cute as fuck.
this album art belongs here
Made this in order to help me to get back to sleep
Thanks anon!
wow anon great work! This is very cute and sexy. I'd love to see more " sex tips" like this
Requesting an edit of this where the female stuff is pushing away a dog bowl filled with cum. She should be wearing a dog collar and have more noticable breasts. Also there should be a fully erect cock just barely off screen oozing cum into the bowl
Im gonna have to make a folder and start saving these bc they are surprisingly hot.
Just imagining that made my cock twitch
Can you make her a little bit chubbier around the belly? Soft tums turn me feral
I could probably remake this if you don’t like the proportions/linework anon
not the one who made the request, but this came out a lot hotter than I thought it would, this sort of thing normally isnt my bag
nice work anon
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ENFanon again, this might needs some cleanup due to to the shitty crop job, but anyone got any fun signage ideas for this?
That belly on the last frame is really doing it for me
>actually got a goth response in a thread
Fucking sweet
Not really into it, but I can kinda see them working in a breast expansion type scenario. (Left) Her chest is acting funny -> (Right) Chest explodes in size -> (Centre) “I’m stuck like this now, aren’t I?”
I can definitely see that, possibly with a label like one of those X-ray warnings saying something like "BREAST EXPANSION RAY IN USE" "DO NOT ENTER IF OVER C-CUP"
That was a pure coincidence, but I’ll pretend I paid an homage to Angstrom
OR here
You did an excellent job anon, good work!
Requesting a sign that says something along the lines of, "Warning! Futa pheromones may be present in this area!" With a hung futanari figure.
request: sign saying "Warning: Exhibitionism Incidents May Occurred, Process With Caution" with the middle being the naked woman around a shocked crowd around her.

bonus point if you add the "No symbol" around the naked woman.
Request: A sign showing a naked woman in a pool (so it's like her and then with water waves across her shoulders) while her suit is being sucked up in an underwater vent. Her with a shocked/surprised mouth.

The sign could say something like: Warning! Active filtration inlet
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This music video seems like it'd be on topic here.
Cuckquean it is
>tfw no horny 24/7 diy goth robo waifu
Thank you, it's perfect!
Best picto girl, hands down. (I really like huge, round, and gravity defying tits.)
Hot, gotta get her worked up until she's cumming hands free and squirting down her legs, then fuck triplets into her
Amazing work anon! And that belly was a great touch
Requesting a "caution beware of over swallowing" sign with her mouth really full
Makes me look at >>8352429 and imagine a request:
Chubby girl taking another swallow of cum from a cock with a caption "Caution: Excessive cum consumption may cause weight gain"
I'm here for this
Requesting a warning sign showing a female picto with their skirt being grabbed by a monster or some kind of ape like creature in a cage with the label reading "Warning: Female visitors are to stand a min of 5 ft from enclosure"
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Reminds me of https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yp1rTnqmF-g
So ahead of its time
Did you just make this anon?
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If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear
Nope, found it on /co/ there is a whole thread for this meme. I haven’t been able to draw at all today, sorry. I’ll try to deliver some requests once I’m able to :D
Noice work anon. I can definitely see this sign existing in some matriarchal dystopian society
Looking forward to seeing more, this is fast becoming one of my favorite thread types on /aco/
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I'm back to taking requests! Hopefuly I'll get some of the ones on the anchor done!
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Blessed bounty, beautiful work
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Sweet! In that case can I get a picto request of Jenny that goes something like
Pic related, in terms of how much ass we're working with, but you definitely have free reign on the poses and design.
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Don't breathe the aphrodisiacs!
>tfw on mobile and not assed enough to post the "my favorite" superman pic
You get the idea though
Nice. Thank you very much.
imagine the smell
Need more of her. Well more than the artist has already made anyhow.
Why is this so fn hot????
I can't remember being this turned on by even the most well drawn dounin
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Anyone remember ENSOLab, loved his style even if it was mostly futa, wish saved all his stuff back then.
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>900 lbs
would still
Sankaku has a bit but there's a couple pictures you need a paid account for.
Got a link?
A sign of your choice where it says "Unaccompanied men will have their balls drained"
I like the femdom matriarch stuff that has been made lately and want more of it
Thanks. :)
Nice job anon! I was already working on my version so here it is
OR here, these are both great, thank you both!
Anybody saved those ss pics? Also requesting more of em. Sorry for the lack of art, on mobile
Aw shucks. I’m absolutely chuffed to hear that, thanks mate
I’ll repost what I made but I think I’m done making redsticc stuff, sorry anon (ironically, I make all my drawings on mobile).
I apologize if what I posted is in too high resolution. Should I tone it down? (Also, sorry to that one anon who didn’t want to see ss stuff in this thread)
>too high resolution
There is no such thing as too high resolution.
>swarmed by preggies while she's desperately trying to rub one out
Holy shit thats good
Not a request but felt like making this
Dont apologize for the ss stuff, you did the Lord's work with redsticc girl
Requesting the cuckquean being teased by a remote controlled vibrator, in a situation where she absolutely can not afford to cum. Like giving a business presentation or something.
Lol I love it
Tagging anchor with >>8349110 in case you dont personally feel up for it but if you feel like taking requests can you do more pink cuckquean girl, with a very smug pregnant girl on either side of her?
Meanwhile cuckquean herself is practically on the verge of tears throwing a stompy little tantrum, rivulets of girl-lube running down her legs, with a ton of speech bubbles over her head featuring things like getting fucked senseless by her hubby, multiple eggs being fertilized, an absolutely enormous pregnant belly.
I can hear the squeaky glass noise in my head and it's sending me
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Honestly I love the sexual warning signs, I'm just going to post some stuff I've commissioned a while back.
I’ll see what I can do but you can bet your sweet ass I’m doing this request
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No need to apologize, God bless the red /ss/ girl
>Commissioning sticc girls
Nice, another one for my collection
>do not fuck the goblins
become fucking ungovernable
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I really like making the red shotacon ladies, so these requests definitely take priority for me lmao
Based redsticcs, though you have a spelling mistake in "unattended"
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Thanks for soothing my autism, sticcanon
Can I get a red stick girl as a teacher in front of a classroom, and a lad at the front row in a desk cumming his pants messily, with laughter coming from off-screen classmates behind him, with a message like
Holy FUCK man have mercy on my penis
If any other drawanons are up for a request:
Requesting Purple sticc >>8353107 >>8355934 in a pose kinda like this one, her face covered in spunk and a thick string of cum bridging from anon’s penis to her tongue plz
Glad you like it anon!
If its not too much trouble, in the last frame, can you give her bigger hips, and titties like >>8356445
It feeds into my whole "cum turns you into a very fat, fertile pagan fertility goddess" kink scenario
Based and Willendorfpilled
Unfathomably hot
Thank you so much for the edit!
>tfw I'll never be able to explain my kinks to my gf
>tfw my gf gave me the cuckquean kink that i never knew i had
fuuuuuck these are so good!
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If the red shotacon artist is still here,
please made a warning pictogram telling ppl what to do in the event of a lust shotacon home invasion

Have two girls doing the poses of pic related, trying to unlock the door to get to a terrified shota on the otherside with the caption: "warning: in the event of an SS scenario hide and do not make a sound. Older women can smell your fear
man now i'm imagining this whole thing as a gif, from gulping to bloating
Lucky little guy
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>Get to class after recess
>Couldn't go to the bathroom to rub one out, all stalls were full
>Just go to class, I think I can keep it in my pants for the rest of the day
>The history teacher is stacked as shit, and you're pretty sure she teases all the boys just looking for an excuse to give out detention
>She bends over right over your desk, shaking her ass practically against your face
>Oh no
>Dick is fucking diamonds
>She notices
>Spend the rest of the class getting a blowjob from her, it's embarrasing to have the whole class hear you moan like a bitch at her sloppy toppy
>She stops right before you go over the edge
>Ruined orgasm shooting through your pants

I hate school.
Very nice!
and the green text was also a sexy addition
With all the SS requests would folks be OK with making some cunny requests?
Middle school social studies teacher, but this one fucking resonates with me. I''m pretty sure most of the boys were given MILF complexes by her by the year's end.
How about a bus stop sign, with an annoyed (or smirking), stacked, redstick bare-breasted bus driver, with a couple shotas running off the bus holding their crotches trying to hold their cum, and maybe one more walking with his head hanging in shame and his pants creamed.
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this is like an edit of another drawing made by anon from the past thread
have there ever been dedicated emoji threads? i feel like they'd have enough for at least a one off.

Holy shit more cum weight gain please
Sorry for the late delivery anon. Probably could have executed this a little bit better but do tell me if it needs any tweaking
Hot. This thread needs more Chick Figures
I wouldn’t know since I almost exclusively lurk in this thread
I think I saw some emoji movie threads a long time ago but I'm not sure how serious they were
OR here, this is almost perfect.
Only change I can request is another preggo girl on the right, maybe giggling at cuckquean with her hand over her mouth
Regardless, this is incredible
Same energy as Marcille's tantrum here
I can see Marcille having ovulation-induced autistic tantrums when she can’t get laid
Now its perfect, thanks again based cuckquean anon
>something something wailing sob of defeat as she has a massive squirting orgasm while the others laugh
good lord this is great
nice job anon
Swinging shitpost lol
they both need to go deeper
just a blue male and a pink male having sex with a massive creampie and impregnation
no cucking or cheating of any kind
Monster girl zoo warning sign that says "the glass is there for your protection" or "do NOT antagonize the girls" with a guy showing his dick to a monster girl who is pressing against the glass hard enough that it's on the verge of breaking
Nude version of this?
>live sticc reaction

The context doesn't matter, but can I get more smug pregnant girls?
>mpreg [fujo sticc edition]
Sorry for not delivering any requests i was too busy sticcposting. I’ll get some of them done tomorrow
Don't worry anon, you've already done some distinguished service cross tier work. Definitely made my upcoming 4th of July
one of these has got to be the next thread image
More of her doinig gross fujoshi neet things
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>tfw developing an alarming addiction to thicc sticcs
Someone please give me another dose.
what is pictogirls?
Happy freedom day, everyone
Can we get some sticks doinig 4th of July things?
This is great
this is sex
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Here's some fresh OC, I'll post more of my work upon request, don't wanna flood the thread tho
If whatever you post has tits that big, by all means post away
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Happy murica day, americanon
Is there any like this, but with cuckqueans instead of cuckolds?
I wish this dude drew the GOOD cuck stuff instead of this shit
What, interracial?
No, cuckquean
>when it's dick flattening day
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Cumflation is so fucking hot
Can we get an "after" pic showing them both like picrel, except with a couple more kids, and with pink stick being plump and busty/Willendorf'd like >>8357159 and very heavily pregnant, with a smile?
The smug faces on CGP Grey's stick girls tickle my brain in a good way
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>Enter class
>Get's bored as usual with boring subjects
>Suddenly get's a boner out of nowhere
>Tries to calm it down by thinking of things to make it go away
>Teacher calls me to get up and write the answer since she thinks i'm not paying attention
>Get's up and everyone see's boner
>Teacher get's mad and punishes me for breaking a rule on class and humiliates me in front of the whole class
>Massive wave of laughter from students seeing me huge boner as it doesn't die down because the humiliation turns me on greatly
>cums super hard
>Class burst with laughter with all kinds of humiliating slurs
>Spends the rest of the day in detention getting bullied for it

Good lord this has me in diamonds!
>school with horny, strict, dommy, stacked-as-shit teachers that expect you to control your boners and hold your cum
More sticcs and greentexts like this
Do the flag girls from GDP Grey videos count?
Only if they're being smug and cute
>Cali produces more milk
Tragic, I hate that bitch
>I hate that bitch
don't we all?.
Don't worry anon, that could be fixed with some simple photoshop anyways
Wisconsin will always be our dairy queen, anon
don't understand it but I really like this style
simple heavy lines but just detailed enough to convey solid shapes
I want more
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Can I get a restroom sign with this pictogram, except bigger tits, ass, and overall proportions? And a desperate mouth expression?
Tall woman getting bred
I love stick figures with large breasts
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>big titties
Would with no hesitation, but I'd hate every second of it
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Thanks! Don't worry about trying to understand it, there really isn't anything more to it than that.
Not him, but gotta say, not a huge fan of the cuck stuff you drew, but this curvy pink girl you've been drawing is lovely. More of her would be great.
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Cuck stuff? I don't draw cuck stuff, at least not knowingly. If anything I've drawn came off as cucky that wasn't my intention
She DEFINITELY lewdly bullies/teases CGP Grey with those fucking honkers.
Oh, I thought this was you here
Yeah no, that's not me
Word, in that case carry on. Does she have a name?
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Their name is Mobile!
Sweet, are you taking requests atm, specifically for Mobile?
I wasn't planning on it but I suppose I can. Im at work tho so apologies in advance if it takes a while
No problem if you cant get to it at all, but can I get some thickie fuck-me-eyes Mobile with proportions a la >>8361480
Would the second pair of largest milk producers appease you more then?
>Cali trying to seduce youtube sexyman to convince him that her flag isn’t that bad
Oh yeah, would absolutely breed Wisconsin till the cows come home.
>not realizing he fucks New Mexico between classes at the risk of losing his job
She's awful at almost everything else, but her flag is just too bomb
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Here ya go!
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Soft and blessed, thanks!
Requesting an instant loss 2koma of a mating press followed by a pregnant sticc

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