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Guys being forced to crossdress, forced feminization/ sissyfication. The more humiliating for the guy the better. Furry stuff accepted too
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I love all the forced by woman stuff.
its a real shame that there is so little compared to stuff things like futa.
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It's been a while...
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That's all for now.
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Dov's art really runs hot or cold for me, but Voloh's art style is really cute and sweet while still being kinky.
I like stuff like this where both parties seem to be having fun.
>Furry stuff accepted too
I'm not entirely in love with Dov's art style, but I really like how varied their scenarios are. They are one of the few artists involved in this fetish who know how to make the most of these fantasies.
Pink-Horizon is an excellent artist (who sins a bit of same-face, but that's quite common in porn art), but most of her images are related to transsexuality, which is not what I'm looking for in this fetish.
stupid lgbt activists and their tolerance crap, ruining my fetish.
I miss the humiliation aspect of sissy over femboy. Also the Dov sissy clloth have their charm of over complications of the sissy outfit.

Also been reading Masculinity lost on literotica and got into fake boobs on chest that Dov does.
there was this really intimate comic where this woman feminizes a guy and lets him have sex with her even telling him "good boy/girl" but i cant remember what it was called
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Volohs art definitely has its charms
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I the realm of Galaria, a young knight named Sir Aldric received his first solo mission from the king. His task was to journey into the dark woods and evict a witch rumored to be causing trouble in a nearby village.

Determined to prove his worth and valor, Sir Aldric set forth on his quest, clad in shining armor and armed with a sword forged by the finest blacksmiths in the land.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of wandering through the dense woods, Sir Aldric stumbled upon a secluded cottage nestled among the trees.

Pushing open the creaking door, Sir Aldric found himself face to face with the alleged witch. But to his surprise, she was nothing like the terrifying sorceress he had imagined. Instead, she appeared to be a kind and gentle woman, with a warm smile upon her lips.

"Good morrow, brave knight," the witch greeted him, her voice as soft as a summer breeze. "I am Morgana, the keeper of these woods. How may I be of service to you?"

But before Morgana could finish her greeting, Sir Aldric interrupted her with a disdainful sneer. "Save your lies, foul witch," he spat, brandishing his sword threateningly. "I have come to rid this land of your wicked presence once and for all."

Morgana's smile faltered, replaced by a look of mild amusement. "Is that so, dear knight?" she replied, her tone tinged with a hint of mischief. "Very well then, if you insist on calling me names, let's see how well you'll respond to the same treatment."

With a wave of her hand, a gilded birdcage appeared floating in mid air. Another wave of her hand and Aldric's cock was levitating inside it.

"Now..." Morgana said with not only a little bit of glee in her voice "... until you decide to remember what my actual name is, I'll be calling you... Sissy..."
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Have you tried with Jackysis, Rino99 and Poochygirls? It sounds like a story any of them would make. Pic related is Jackysis, by the way.
Pretty cool story and idea. Our of curiosity, who made that picture? It's pretty good.
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who the fuck keeps cereal in the fridge
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OC That I'm posting exclusively here.
First time poster. Don't have handle.
Story written by ChatGPT so I can only take credit for the picture.
Bathgate 21. He is missed.
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He did have an appealing style except for his looney toons characters. Can't get into furry stuff.
I'm not usually a fan of Devin Dickie's content, but he has worked on some good images.
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why can't i just have a normal fetish like beating women or something?
There are no normal fetishes.
>Furry stuff accepted too
Go back, furnigger tourist.
Wasn't it Oscar Wilde who said there are only two tragedies in life, getting what you want, and not getting it.
well now that just seems like your enabling male chauvinistic behavior..
ill tell you the truth, if i wasn't fat, tall and hairy, i'd be all in on this, I'd totally troon out.

basically the only reason i don't is because i'm fat and ugly.
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anybody have the latest of Dovsherman's artworks?
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forced feminization doesn't always have to be humiliating.
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It kind of does though...
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sadly intense humiliation isn't my thing and yet I like this kink
check victor serra works some of them have forced femenitation.
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who's art is this? it looks cool
and then he got aids and died.
the end.
characters in comics don't get aids
Is this your OC? I searched 4chan and suacenao and it doesn't show up anywhere being posted before.

Is there anywhere we can find more? I think your style is really neat.
When I'm dressed up I'm not humiliated though. I'm just happy that I finally feel normal.
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Yes, and thanks anon. It is OC. I use pen and pad when I have spare moment. I’ll try and draw something over the weekend to keep the thread going.
It's really cool anon, thanks for posting more. You should start a deviantart or whatever people do nowadays. I've never seen porn drawn like this and it's really unique looking.

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