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Starting a momcest thread here. Discussion about different western works related to mother-son incest.

Post your favorite couples and why you like them, etc.
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OP is from Summertime Saga, in case anyone is wondering.

This next one is a fragment from "Enki's Puzzle" by Rawlyrawls, good stuff, it includes the sister as well.
This next one is from Anything for Robby, once again from RawlyRawls. I really liked the aesthetic of this one and the situations in it were great. Plus, she got pregnant at the end, so that was nice.
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This next one is Angela from the game S.H.E.L.T.E.R. An Apocalyptic Tale. I really like her design, I didn't check the corruption route but the love route was great. It's also one of a surprisingly little amount of VN's with feet related scenes.
Next one is Maddie from Danny Phantom. This screenshot is specifically from Amity Park, a fan game. I really like where they are going with her route but right now the game's future is a little hazy.
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This last one is from Snow Daze. I still need to play it but just the CG is very interesting and it is my understanding it's also got voice acting, so even more interesting.
The game is fun and focuses on hypnosis, making your mom and sisters your sex slaves. It's apparently getting a remake, but the dev is taking his sweet time and only releasing tiny amounts of info every few months. We'll see if it ever actually releases. I liked the original though the actual sex scenes are kinda low quality and the girls look really frumpy in all of them.
Momcest is literally perfect
And then there's also the supposed sequel with the aunt and cousins. I wasn't aware it was getting remade.
Not Enough Milk has been on my radar for a while, his works look very nice but sometimes I feel like they lose track of what's happening.
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Question: Does adoptive/surrogate/emotional count here?
He's been going on a cuck/bl*cked binge lately so I haven't checked in a while
I'd prefer blood-related, but sure, go ahead
I've seen some of that, not a fan as well.
Tropic Haze isn't happening any more. The dev went to a publisher and they're remaking the original instead of making Tropic.

>Getting your aunt/mother/whoever she is a dildo of your dick
Fucking based.
You can't have a Momcest thread, bring up RawlyRawls, and not mention the gold standard of RawlyRawls momcest: Mothership Wilderness
Nice digits, but why is his dick purple?
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Good to know
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What did they mean by this?
He's going to have good dreams about his mom's ass tonight.
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Ursa was born to fuck her son!
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I've not read it, the two titles I brought up are the ones I've read and liked, there are others like "Wish Granted" that I also liked but are very short and aside from that, I've not gone through his catalogue.


This was the best thing that Potato did. Seeing Ursa was unexpected, but also pregnant? *chef's kiss*
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I really like Finn's Island Life by Dezz, it's great
Yeah, Finn + Finn's mom (+bots) is a great combo.
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Good, those are exactly the pills to take when breeding mom
Very based
Mother/daughter counts right? Korra is a tomboy, so I say it counts.
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Fuck, the dialogue makes me cum buckets
>Discussion about different western works related to mother-son incest.
Though I'd say that's a nice pairing and I've not seen much of it
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>is avgn gone
So much this.
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>fuck your mother until you're satisfied
>YOU'RE satisfied
God it's so subtle yet so hot, perfect sub mom dialogue
source? is this Not Enough Milk as well?
That's Jopuari, does mostly m/s but occasionally bro/sis too
Nice, I enjoyed Enki's Puzzle though I may not have read ALL of it, I read most.

I browsed some of their other stuff but didn't quite latch on to any others.
I like post-apocalypse as a scenario for incest, doesn't seem to come up much though. This is from BaldGaben

In fact I think RawlyRawls had a post apocalyptic story but I lost interest after the first few chapters.
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Yo is it completed? It's been a few years
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Momkist really came out of nowhere with that Disney storyboard style. They as well as Jopuari, Not Enough Milk, and Aarokira are the main ones I've been keeping up with.
heh innuendo
Aarokira can be hot but sometimes it's like he's never seen a dick before, atrociously wonky anatomy for some reason
Yeah but damn when he nails it
lord does he nail it
isn't that his landlord?
In the censored version, yes.
This game needed animation badly
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the next update of the lewdest house.
Sure although, personally, I had more of a problem with the writing rather than the lack of animations. I'd start there first.
Lemme guess
They're going to repopulate the whole earth on their own?
Sons are born solely to be worshipped by their mother.
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Even in a damn video game world, this milf is still trying to pressure only her son into sex.
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Her boy's first birthday present to her (his second one is going to cum later at home. Hehe, get it, cum later.....hehe...........I'm sorry).
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I love how the artist of this comic conveyed throughout the story that Tim (the red shirt wearing son) is his mom's favorite son
Of course, Ann loves all her children equally, but Tim is clearly the one she's the most sexually attracted to and also the one she's the most passionate towards in the bedroom. And I find that to be hot as fuck.
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No, dev's still working on it
Momcest is the literal embodiment of "He's my son. I can do what I want with him."
Momcest and cucking the dad is best combination

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