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Aspect Warrior Edition

Previous Thread: >>8227730

Thread Question: What are your lewd headcanons about Eldar and Dark Eldar in a genderbent setting? How do the Phoenix Lords or Eldar Gods change?
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While in main 40k Eldanesh and Ultanash was borned by Isha's heteropaternal superfecundation from Asuryan and Khaine, in genderbent universe, Ish - god of beauty, life and god-father of eldar kind must be well trained walking dildo to serve cockhunger goddesses and including to impregnate twin sisters - Asuryana and Khaina - for birth greatest demigodesses in galaxy.
A second one, while Mor-hermit (Morai-witcher/warlock?) sending his howling farshees for Khaina so she cut his hand off. In gratitude for this, he gave Khaina an aspect of farshees, but Khaina was unhappy than aspect including only male warriors, so Khaina rided and raped him until he agreed allow women to being farshees. (That fucking shame for gw when it's easier for them to call banshees and other aspects transgendres than justify male armor in "mostly female shrine")
The Incubus(now succubus) covens are filled to the brim with muscular, goth, dommy mommies. You are a toy to them, expect to get used(and most likely pegged)

The Succubus(now incubus) Arenas are filled with shojo pretty boy warriors. The most handsome, yet lithe, men perform for women all around. They also cater to the many fetishes that shojo girls enjoy, including fujoshis.

Unrelated question; Are the exodite animal gods gonna be used in some way?
Dark Eldar Succubus leader taking advantage of an imperial capture.
Dark Eldar ladies love to bodymod their captures.
Imperial Dairy is the best foodstuff.
Okay, I'm the wrote who typed out >>8341380 but do you mean the The bodyguard Succubus(the incubi in 40k) or do you mean the wych cult succubus?
I feel like the Exodite gods depend on how the Ancient Ones are handled
You know that all the Incubi can never be assed to raise their children. Only natural to get an imperial cow to feed them.

Either, I guess. Or maybe there's more crossover between Wyches and Incubi?
>"Feed my daughter? Please! That's what the cow is for..."
>Said cow is an ex-imperial guard sergeant bodymodded to be permanently leaking and have an oversized pair of tits.
>"Yeah, thinking of getting some more greens in her diet so one of those Kork cows may be next in the stables, I need to get some exercise anyways so a realspace jaunt may be nice."
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Holy shit he did it. And she looks amazing. 10/10 would let her conquer me.
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Now the down fall
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And now I'm kind of sad, even if Horus/Isis was a complete monster by the end, a real puppet of Chaos.
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And thus the end began
Also so you think the relationship ship between isis and her consort turns into a abusive relationship as she feel down the rabbit hole
I think that after a point, especially once Isis gets the visions of what she believes the Emperor/Emperess will do, she closes herself off to the consort. Even if he was genecrafted to be hers, obedient and loving and everything else, he's another sign of just what kind of things that her parent will do in the name of the Crusade. Maybe she becomes heavily abusive, knowing that he'll still love her near-helplessly because of his conditioning. Maybe she just stops talking to him except for sex and such. Maybe she sends him away and tries to abandon him.
>turns to chaos
>breasts seemingly, instantly get bigger
>tries abandon him
I'll admit, I at first read this as Abaddon and was a bit confused.
Though I could see the consort over time maybe start hang around fem Abaddon more. (Maybe Apollyon could work as the name sounds feminen enough)
Since even in original fluff Abaddon starts to second guess and doubt Horus after the Daven incident.
Like after the gods healed Horus, Abaddon didn't like him and just found Horus be "off", iirc he goes as far as to say what stepped out of that portal wasn't his father, but a being from the immaterium acting like him.

I could see Apollyon also being like this.
And this would over time lead to her and Isis' consort interacting more and more.
Maybe the unthinkable happens and Apollyon takes him as hers. How Isis reacts? Indifference? Open fury? Internal rage?
Who knows.
Hm? Apollyon being the voice of attempted reason and a source of comfort for the consort; so similar to her mother that his own indoctination works for her too. Maybe that's why she starts doubting her gene-mother, just slightly. Once she emerges with the power of all four chaos gods...that is just more evidence. What kind of woman had her mother become, to shed a man she loved simply because the Emperor/Empress made him?
Closer and closer together, the consort latching on to the affection that he was made to give, and her enjoying it too. In the end, she would have to try and claim him as her own. I could see her mother either settling on internal rage or actual indifference. Either the love is truly gone, or she is SEETHING inside that her daughter is trying to steal her husband.
I really dislike the hair.
Then just edit her bald. I think it's cute personally.
I think her consort would have taken the place of Ollanius Pius aboard the Vengeful Spirit, trying to talk her down from her madness and actually succeeding, but then the Chaos Gods are pissed and make her kill him by reflex. This completely stuns her and leaves her open to be soulblasted by the Empress.
Darn, I was hoping to get Alpharia and Omegan first.
Nah bald would look even worse.
Ther are a number of Haemoculi that specialize in the stealing of breasts. Whenever an enemy or a rival is defeated, the haemonculus humiliates them by taking their breast, leaving them and A-cup or flatter. This has also lead to having specialize coven sect that are experts at making petite women
Happy to finally see these and the Temba/Malcador pieces are a great addition, but is it me, or does her face look kind of fat in some of the images?
I would have saved her...
Regular Horus does have a bit of a wide head and is pretty broad, so it would make sense that Isis would be as well.
Honestly I think it's really just these two >>8342479 >>8342485 images, the rest of her body proportions are perfect.

We all would have tried, she truly is the best
>If you impress Khorne she just starts sending stronger and stronger girls at you.
>When you finally get defeated and dragged back to her citadel all the demons you defeated basically become your harem.

And goddamn that is some good thick.
Hipcrusher demons...I had never heard of them.
Still better than Mortaria.
The change from Abaddon to Apollyon is utterly unnecessary. You know his name is Ezekyle, right?
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Eh just wait for her to ping back around to the body type of your preference for the next eternity.
She really deserved the best, didn't she.
>the body type of your preference
Not disease ridden.
Must! Breed! Crazy Nun!
She's naturally pretty resistant to diseases, so your best chance with her is either before she falls into nurgle's clutches or after she recovers herself from them.
But even then, I can't imagine even Corrupted mortaria having very substantial signs of disease past a feverish blush or sweating.
There is an entire Hive Fleet that's elected to specialize in hunting down and preying on daemons and warp entities.
Truly they are an exceptionally advanced species.
For some reason that made me imagine a tyranid forcing a Daemonette to deepthroat a cultist before the whole situation turns into a wild threesome.
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He made a sexy versions too.
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Also a lingerie one.
Oh yeah, that’s best primarch right there.
I would die to see sanguinia like this
Could try commissioning him for it.
I would, if I had the money and capability to do so.
Not sure of his prices, but I do know he has done some commissions.
>Emps, Malcador and space marines are all men
Missed opportunity imo.
Also expected him to stick to the OG concept(s) for her with the white hair as untainted and then wild hair with glowing eyes as chaos corrupted.
I dunno, I think there’s some fun in making the Primarchs the main genderbend; since then it’s just like Malcador’s original suggestion. But that’s probably just cause I don’t like how people make the Empress too much of a slut.
Okay so maybe the galaxy can burn just a little bit
>But that’s probably just cause I don’t like how people make the Empress too much of a slut.
She's a 38k year old mega milf goddess, she was bound to slut around a bunch.
How else would the sensei come to be.

But to be fair, I can't deny that I like the amazonian fertility goddess idea and aspects people do with her.
With me feeding into it with the pics I made...
> She's a 38k year old mega milf goddess
See, I think that’s the exact thing I’m not a big fan of. The Empress can either be the secretive psyker-god-thing that decided to create the Primarchs and the imperium and everything, or she can be a matronly, sexual slut goddess to rival Aphrodite. I don’t think you can do both because one requires lots of secrecy and being hidden among the people, and the other is going full breeding MILF and regularly having debauched sex with mortals for long ass periods of time and probably having kids. A lot harder to be secretive with that compared to a guy who pumps and dumps. Plus after a certain point of aging, she’d probably start to view normal people like animals/so far below her it’d be weird.
I don’t have a problem her being super Amazonian or curvy though, it’s just the mega slut parts that feel too…open and public to work with the normal interpretation of the Emperor. I think my favorite one was the more moderate but still clearly female art someone posted a thread or two ago.
I'd just like to remind everyone that not only can the empress biomancy into the size and shape of a regular human, she can also biomancy into an exact image of the woman from your dreams. Now that I think about it canon emps could do that as well although that might be a bit awkward.
How'd you think male children are raised in the imperium,taking into account that males are rare I imagine their parents being overprotective of their child in fear it could be taken and sold into slavery or something , also how'd you think female children are raised in the imperium, and what values would they be taught,how would they interact with male kids
She could always just erase the memories from the men she had sex with.
Or changed them so they had a really nice dream.

And if she ever got pregnant, not like it'd be hard for her to hide it since Emps in OG fluff can cloud people's perception of him.
And the delivery itself? Well she can just use biomancy and whatever to make it managable or ask help from other perpetuals at the time, which would make sense since OG Emps has been implied and shown to always having some form of companions, both mortals and other perpetuals, in the fluff.
So Empress would be the same likely.

Though what happens to the kids? Probably either raised them as her own or just left the kid with their other parent, kind of like Emps already did the OG fluff.
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>people are still pushing the retarded ‘Empress is a fertility goddess slut’ shit
Almost as upsetting as the fact I just learned Angron vore was a canonical thing
Don't see better ideas.
I’m going to be real man, no matter what justifications come up for it, I’m not a fan of the fertility goddess kind of stuff. At best I see her as something like a more reserved Ishtar figure, where her role as a war goddess took priority over fertility or anything else, and even then her fertility/love aspects were much more toxic and meant as a warning to the dangers of love. You’re allowed to enjoy mega milf empress but I like the other interpretations of gender changing not changing much about her character. Also the sensei were always a retarded plot line. Even taking the occasional mortal lover isn’t the same as mega milf slut, there’s a difference between taking a lover every 1-5k years and going full breeding orgy shit.
Same, not a huge fan of it and as it doesn't just raise more questions but also just...I mean I'm a manslut but not a huge fan of her being a carousel for everyone that seems to enter her chambers.
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Oh well, more for me.
It's just one or two anons' fetish. I think the consensus is that the empress being a whore is lame. Maybe she had a consort but given her terminal autism I doubt it.
>reserved Ishtar figure
Uhh Anon you may want to consider a different example. Ishtar was a notorious whore not to mention the bestiality she comitted.
>Angron Vore
Which time? Lmao
In Betrayer he eats the World Eater librarians who were trying to save him. In Echoes of Eternity, he eats a guardsman whole and alive and ADB was really into him having a demonic human digestive system,
Literally just have the Empress be a female Emperor, who’s maybe better at being a mom depending on how depressing you want the setting to be? There’s no reason to include the ‘idea’ of her being wholesome Slaanesh. It’s needless, unless you’re doing a full on joke setting where the porn is all that matters.
>being eaten by Angron
Brotha eughhhh
>being eaten by Furia
I’m listening…
>being eaten by Fulgrima
Okay, but just hear me out she’s a big space lamia whose body is pure hedonism…
>being eaten by Magna
Off to the giantess thread I go.
That’s why I specifically said a reserved/restrained Ishtar, not to mention half of her myths involved someone talking about how sex with Ishtar was a baaaaad idea because she tended to be a menhera and kill you after. In one of the most memorable myths, Gilgamesh specifically turns down sex with Ishtar specifically because he knows it’ll end badly for him. So for Empress, just keep the war goddess and toss out the sex.

Or what this guy said. Empress doesn’t change much from being Emperor, except maybe she’s a 10% better mom than the Emperor was a dad.
Yeah, that sounds like Black Library for sure. Wouldn’t be them without if some content that seem pretty much the autho: fetish.
I should not make this joke but they will fight the tyranids.
They will eat the bugs.
He's fallen off quite hard since his Helsreach days
>Literally just have the Empress be a female Emperor, who’s maybe better at being a mom depending on how depressing you want the setting to be? There’s no reason to include the ‘idea’ of her being wholesome Slaanesh.
>It’s needless, unless you’re doing a full on joke setting where the porn is all that matters.
Where do you think you are?
I understand the point you're making, this is still undeniably a porn thread on a porn board, but I don't think it's all that unreasonable for people to want a more legitimately sensible genderswap.

Making the Empress and the other chaos gods by proxy just baselessly horny versions of themselves is incredibly reductive of their characters and accordingly defaults the galaxy to loosing to Slaanesh without deliberately tweaking them and their position to maintain the balance between them.
As one of the first guys to write stuff about her having a stint in her past as some tribal fertility goddess, before the age of writing when she was still relatively young, that was always just one aspect, one historical mask of the Empress.
She's been many things, worn many masks, physically and identity-wise, and has over her long life fucked about and found out in many different ways.
It was never the only thing to her. Just one part of her.
NTA but I think that’s better and also not the same as what he meant. Having it be part of her ancient history and something that makes sense if she’s gone through representing all forms of what mankind views a god/goddess as history developed (fertility, motherhood, warfare, chaste purity, justice, etc etc) is definitely more interesting than pure just sex and breeding goddess.
Don’t the canon space wolves eat there enemies all the time?
A lot of space marines do, but I don't think it's nearly as described as with Angron
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So, next Furia work I complete should feature vore then?
I can do that.
Sanguina is in one of her 'rebellious' moods, where she tries wearing something deliberately slutty but it doesn't click to anyone due to her radiant aura.
What was she wearing this time?
I won't stop you, though I doubt there'd be any particular desire for it, at least not here.

Nothing but a loincloth with her wings folded in front of herself in any case she needs decency, but on enough to cover the nipple and outer side of her boobs.
>I won't stop you, though I doubt there'd be any particular desire for it, at least not here.
Relax, it was a joke.
Though sometimes I think we could do with a bit more fetish exoticism on these threads.
Really skimpy robes. Like a light high slit skirt/loincloth, and a tube top that more drapes over her chest than actually sits tight on it.
Though I keep thinking a deliberately undersized and stretched-out crop top, short enough to show the undersides of her boobs, with a short phrase like 'girl', 'sl*t' or 'f**k' emblazoned on the front.
We really could, but people start getting uppity when the agenda gets pushed in ways they don't like.
While the end result is bland at times, it's probably for the best that nothing gets taken too far.
Bumping with an excerpt of one of my Furia works, because I feel bad for having so much half-done.

>“Who are they?” She ground out, as three unfamiliar warriors in Bright red Armour Entered.
>“Sisters Sariel, Cupita, and Seraphina, of the Blood Angels, sweetie.”
>A pulse of anger flared in her heart, at the pet-name.
>“Do not call me that before outsiders, Dog. Why, are they here?” She stressed.
>“They’re the makeup team.” He answered, as if that made sense. “The Blood Angels, in their downtime from training and battle, practise the pursuit of arts of various sources. These three,” he gestured, pointlessly, “took to the study of cosmetics as their interest.”
>She snorted. Predictable. “Why the Nineth?”
>“Well it’s not like you or I know how. Or any of the World Eaters, really.”
>He wasn’t wrong. “Kharn?”
>Her Equerry looked across from adjusting her own formal dress. “...I’ve a passing familiarity with the concepts, Furia. But they’re undoubtedly better suited to it than I.”
>She growled at her mostly-trusted Captain’s unhelpful answer. One of the Crimson Marines stepped forward, and made to bow.
>“Lady Furia. It is a great honour to be chose-”
>“Stop. Shut up.” She snapped.
>“The Twelth is particular on the concept of honour.” Dog cut in, as if he was unfazed entirely, before turning to look Furia in the eyes.
>“But she’s not wrong. This request is a considerable honour to the three of them, as artisans. I sought them out specifically, after all.”
>She growled again. She hated him. So much.
>But he wasn’t wrong.
>At least the hatred, and the thoughts of what she’d do to him, after the party, quietened the nails. It was one of the few reasons she liked him.
>“I’m already wearing this… fucking dress!” She gestured. “Is that not enough?”
>She didn’t exactly hate the dress. The two-part crimson garb was cut much like her armour, and showed off her legs, her abs, and her back.
It's not bad at all.
Though I would like a little more context to the greater situation, what is this "party" exactly?

Aside from that the flow and tone is quite consistent, and I appreciate how unafraid "Dog" -who I assume is her consort, is of her, standing in as a voice of reason against her usual abrasiveness.
For context.
>Party involving multiple Primarchs getting together to catch up (under the pretense of some super-formal Imperial function whatever who cares).
>Being in the region, Furia is given an offer to attend. Typically she could be relied on to never turn up to one of these events.
>So no one expects it when she does.
>Or genuinely tries her best.
Alright, it's an interesting premise, though from the provided excerpt, she does seem to be struggling with some of the areas of formality and presentation, which is quite cute.
You don't need to post the rest of what you have, but if you could provide a summary of what you've completed so far and an outline of what you wanted to do with the story I may be able to provide some more legitimate aid.
And more elucidation on "Dog" would be greatly appreciated.
What's Vect like in this universe?
That can actually vary quite a lot depending on how Slaanesh functions.
If she who thirsts operates the same as it does in canon Vect wouldn't be too far from her own canonical manipulative self.
If we instead interpret Slaanesh as the cave dwelling degenerate as has been floated around before than that gives Vect room to much more openly galavant with her doubtlessly cruel and lewd intentions, given that Slaanesh would be less likely to go into open chase like this.
All in all, she remains the quintessential example, and unchallenged peak of the Drukhari lifestyle, but now with boobs!
Made an edit of this Empress image out of boredom.
SecretlySauce's catgirl Nikki, I just edited the face and skintone a bit.
I guess she's a felinid Empress now.
Full res:
The original for those who want it:
Huh, very neat.
Thanks, glad you like.

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