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Anon's Lewd Guide for Dummies
LE: https://rentry.org/oicfh
SE: https://rentry.org/vgxyh

Recommended skin and body suites

Recommended mods for lewd screenshots

Recommended sites for outfits

Butthole Compendium

Link to old OP

Elder Thread: >>8302668
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yarti and bosmom and synthia having a lesbian 6some with their daughters who are very shy and awkward at first but then get very much into it
>>8335970 why the goblin anon don't use more makeup options like on this post?
someone please make this happen
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Frolicking in the shower with bf Serana.
iddy biddy tiddies
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Waifu variance is welcome. Should get that wrist fixed though. Post a few more eh?
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pp got hard mid creation
Damn, didn't even notice the thing with the wrist. I don't have a lot of lewds with Indaria but I should take more.
I took this other one earlier, almost forgot about it.
i fixed the saggy droopers
Just got back into Skyrim in over a decade. First thing I did was look to see what lewd stuff has been added. How do I use OSA? I have everything I need installed I think. But when I go into the menu and look around I can't see how I actually engage in lewdness. I just wanna watch my smol Breton mage get plowed.
Put your crosshair on whoever you want to fuck and press the up arrow.
More please, dunno why but she just does it for me
I am retarded then since no fugging occurred
Never gonna happen, half the characters involved aren't even public followers to begin with and no one wants to go through the pain of posing or animating 6 actors
Really.... Fuck. Well that's disappointing
Best you'll get is bosmom and her daughter doing the sex, and synthia and her daughter being lewd around each other without ever really doing anything serious
Yarti will never sex her daughter. Probably
Valerica has an enticing aura according to shadowman2777.
Time to kill myself
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The mod page for CBPC says cracked versions don't work with it because it uses a particular memory address to hook onto and cracked versions are different in that regard. Is that true? I bought the original version when it came out and I'll be damned if I'm going to fork over more dosh for skyrim 9.0 just for some bouncing tiddy.
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reminds me of line trap
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gonna pretend I ain't read that
futafag frens, floating cock fix for TRX + cbbe?
Never had an issue with it. Did you create the meshes with bodyslide?
Yeah, i created meshes for the base female body as usual (I added new clothes)
I built the penis meshes too. I've had this issue before but I don't recall how I fixed it.
Do i need to batch build the dick or do I only need to make sure the dick is checkmarked when i batchbuild the cbbe body?
Knowledge once gained is forever stuck.
I fixed it. I don't know how I fixed it but I fixed it. just replying this last time in case your come back and try to help again
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nta, but i'm also having issues where the dong is a bit behind the skin when naked, and only shows up correctly when wearing certain armor.

ignore the seem on the right, that's how it's supposed to be since i don't have a patch for the latest rsv.
nvm, i fixed my issue too. just had to suffer the 20-30 minute batch build with trx.

i still have seems though
my issue was that i didn't put bodyslide output at the end of my load order so that it overwrites everything, like a fucking nob
Update: I figured out why OSA wasn't working mostly. Apparently the latest version of racemenu breaks OSA. Now when I hit the up arrow the characters stand inside of each other or next to each other and are frozen. So I am at least making progress on getting it to work.
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Make some webms or something, faggot. I don't care about who's the worse waifuposter, but you're clearly the most boring. Just a spam of shitty screenshots, do something else.
he's autistic, don't expect anything good from him
he's not even aware the rest of the thread exists
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boring is fine
Acceptable effort, carry on faggot.
You always do the weirdest shit and I feel like I need a soul-deep shower anytime I ogle. Like I'm inadvertently participating in something dark and corrupting. Quite the dilemma. Nice tits btw..
lel, my job here is done. But thanks.
Two weeks of this shit still haven't figured out first person camera or futa cock. Why's it so hard to get a good blowjob in first person? Animations only treat my futa as a regular girl and ignore her dick.
This is canon if you don't beat Harkon.
what musclemap is this
also how do you get the scalp model to show up with shaved hairs, none of the ones in my game have them
ir's racial skin variance
damn she's cute
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you can't handle the truth
But what about the Dawnguard interrogation of Serana?
Bigger tits
Get rid of the rosacea on her face
slapping Katt butt
Seems like a surefire way to a foreshortened lifespan but far be it from me to stand in the way of a dream.
post more of her and nayan pls
I've only ever done the one set with them, likewise for Witchcat. I've kinda been wanting to do a second though, perhaps with a few more extremities flying around.
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Impregnation with seeker through the mouth isn't possible.
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Egg laying please
by ze lady,burn them
me underneath nayan
Birthing eggs is a bit on the extreme side.
Don't worry, Jeannne will have her turn next.
You're mentally ill. Seek help, faggot.
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I'm not an expert anons but I don't think the pull of gravity should be attached to my pelvis.
Why are my boobs pancaking instead of hanging like normal?
From a different angle they're squished into chest.
>Birthing eggs is a bit on the extreme side.
Hmmm. I want to complain about some of the stuff you've posted that was a bit more extreme but I'll leave it there.
Nah you right. Don't let that slide.
He clearly doesn’t want to do that kind of content so there’s no reason to harangue him about it.
You're disgusting, end yourself already
He clearly does, he just won't post it because he fears the backlash. And he's right to fear it. Suffer no mentally unhinged beastfuckers.
He should just fuck off to loverslab at this point. His once decent waifu has mutated into a monstrosity not unlike the ones posted there, and he'll have a space to post his abhorrent degenerate fetish garbage.
I know, I like to switch it up sometimes. Pretty sure people got tired of my pinups.
Sounds to me like you should just keep trying. :^)
I want to blow a thousand loads into synthia and never pull out
I don't see anything with this aside from the fact you'll have to wait in line behind me.
maormer look leik that1?
They don't, but they should
I think that's just a balloonmer.

Isn't the poor thing bloated enough?!
She may be a thunder thighs, but they happen to be silky smooth and paler than an albino.
i always pictured dunmer women as having small but perky breasts. youve given me something to think about. really shown me something.
It keeps on calling me. Enraptured on this train to hell.
I love her but what's her name?
Dagoth Melisa
I want her to dominate me
what a fool you are
a thousand is a bit much.
the bloatness comes from high quality food High Rock food and exercise.
>start sexlab scene
>it always starts with the same animation
Isn't it supposed to start with a random animation? Anyone have any ideas why it's always starting with the same one?
press N, then cycle animations with O. You want to make sure you have sexlab animation loader also installed and set up the annoying MCM with that.
I have that. When I start a scene, it's always picking the same animation even though I have a bunch of them installed. I use Baka's defeat and I have the option to bring up the list of animations and it always starts at the very top of it.
that is just how it is. It's not truly "random" because it always picks the same few in the list every time.
You have to use SL animation loader and in the mcm menu hit "register animations" then make sure it's ticked.
lel. Variety is good for the soul.

...oral seeker impregnation? Fair enough. Gotta love a tentacle.
Hugging ventra
kissing ventra
impregnating ventra!
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close to perfecting them
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What's wrong with her body here lol
She's as thin as a

bag of bones
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the possibilities with screen archer menu are tremendous. a new waifutism revolution has begun.
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this isn't even my best possible holy fuck
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she looks fucking awesome. Nice body as well

hell yeah

I still havent tried it out yet, really want to though. Is it generally easier than using commands or just tedious in a different way?
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you're not doing a good job of showcasing what's so amazing about it or what couldn't be done before, retard
My queen of boobs has returned
It makes screen archery 10x quicker and tools unified into one mod. No more poser hotkeys, freeflycam, niopa. It does everything older mods do and better. You don’t have to use mfg commands (except in sexlab scene) theres sliders in the menu.
You can add a shadow casting light wherever you want in screenarchery, move it wherever you want, adjust its settings. NIOPA is blown out the fuckin water by sam, you can move bones like you would in NIOPA or move entire bone groups (arms, legs, etc) and everything will move. NIOPA is a mess of hotkeys and this does it all in one menu with sliders
SAM is just a FOTM tool
So it's a handholding tool for retards, you say
OWIE! my dick does not like being rubbed with sandpaper stone hand!
much better
>synthiashitter garbage spam
Can we go back to posting good waifus? Let's see more good stuff like >>8354503 and >>8353782
fuck off, faggot
>captcha stops working

The forearm feels like sandpaper, not the palms
Last one
need this but with Synthia please and thank you
Synthia is going to be put on retirement for lewds for now.
Don't say that. I'm going to die without my wife.
My other waifus need more time to shine.
Anything valuable on this old modlist or do I bin it and start from scratch? https://rentry.org/yhernubv
Mod that allows my character to proportions like girl on right?
any body replacer
bodyslide post 100¨%
Now retire your other trashfus too
Get some taste, faggot.
It would be better if you stop posting and either get a job or kill yoursel.
So, since this is the lewd elder scrolls general, any saucy or funny stories from your smut playthroughs? Just had one I felt I had to share.

>Install fertility mode for first time
>Find out it has a setting that automatically has random NPCs inseminated in the background, only alert is a line of text in the corner of the screen
>Leave it on for a bit because I'm stupid and the novelty of it is kind of funny. Most of it's surprisingly lore accurate
>Alvor came inside Sigrid. Makes sense, they're married.
>Eorlund came inside Fralia. Damn, guess the old folks have still got it.
>Balgruf came inside Irileth. Huh, no wonder she's so protective of him.
>Lucan came inside Camilla. Wait, aren't they sibli-
>Lucan came inside Camilla
>Lucan came inside Camilla
>Lucan came inside Camilla
>Camilia is pregnant!
>Slightly disturbed by this. Still kind of amused since it makes the quest with the two dudes trying to woo her funnier.
>Eventually turn the feature off when I realize it randomly inseminates companions too, and some invisible Riften guard keeps cumming inside Eriandel when she's right behind me.
>Fast forward and I mostly forgot about the incident, go to the Riverwood Trader for stuff.
>Camillia calls me babe and tells me excitedly that she's pregnant
>She thinks it's mine
>I've never fucked her
>Apparently fertility mode on it's own just doesn't know what to do when someone gets pregnant and it's not the player's, so dialogue assumes it's the player's anyways
>Nothing I say to her can convince her it's not mine

>Mfw I realize Lucan raped his sister until she was pregnant
>Mfw I realize Camillia's gone full mind-break and convinced herself it's the dragonborn's child to cope
>Mfw nobody in Riverwood knows this except for me
>Mfw I still never caught that ninja guard that kept fucking Bosmom under my nose
the miserable whiny faggots making their daily rounds to the lewd thread
this is why I keep random inseminations off when I play a male character... It just gets too competitive when I'm trying to outsperm every guy in Skyrim before they impregnate my followers. For female characters playthroughs it's good for immersion though
Ventra's canonical home and canonical activities seem a bit cramped and a bit busy.
You heard what he said Synthiafag. Go get a job or fuck off.
>How do I use OSA
Don't. OSA is an outdated frankenstein's monster of a mod that's since become obsolete. Get Ostim Standalone instead, it's the newest version and has less problems. Make sure it's Standalone, because unfortumately the devs put out like two other versions between OSA and Standalone that will conflict if you use the wrong ones.
So I took a look at the new general site to see what followers are still there, if there's any new ones since I last check. I got to Morgane's mega file, and I'm confused. Morgane's follower mod is a single file, and there's a bunch of screenshots and webms of some big titty witch slut named Maerie.

Thing is, I'm not seeing a file in the folder for Maerie as a follower, even those she takes up 99% of the mega link. What's the deal with that?
>there's a bunch of screenshots and webms of some big titty witch slut named Maerie
that's weird as hell, probably some idiot went through the MEGA for Maerie and packed it with the follower?
>finally cave and try out ostim standalone
>it’s better than sexlab in every single way
>most of the addons that don’t also have sexlab support suck
I was happier before I knew what kino truly was, lads
And you wonder why people refuse to post content.
Don't worry it's a dream. Everyone knows that in the 4th era with the war going on and the absolute state of standard nordic housing is terrible. heh
Content is fine when it's good. Yours isn't good.
So what about Marie, does she have a follower mod somewhere? Cause Morgane's not quite my type but I'm a big fan of titty witches.
When it's happened it becomes canon. Sorry, I don't make the rules. A good sex life is healthy for body and soul, she should be proud.
Yeah that's the downside of Ostim, the interface is better in every conceivable way but it's severely lacking in add-ons. What little it does have is very vanilla, no idea why nobody's made a proper defeat mod for it or any of the other non-vanilla stuff that sexlab can support.
Neither is this faggot >>8355057 yet you keep harping about Synthiaanon's hags & ignoring that trash heap.
Don't think he ever made her into a follower.
The other guy is trash too but Synthiafag has been here for too long and his stuff looks like shit from the moment he started.
Modeled after somebody you know? the hair seems specific as does the body type.
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Her >>8356315 face is modeled after Ena Satsuki, the body is based on Ashley Red's, but I haven't made her face yet.
really wish the good waifus would come back
really wish you'd kill yoirself.
these waifus would still be poop
post a good one then. or are we playing the "chef analogy" card today?
>invisible Riften guard keeps cumming inside Eriandel when she's right behind me.
She's a pro, anon. You'd nut in seconds in her hands, and the Riften guard is also jhust a regular guy.
Strong girls succumbing to their horniness is hot.
>Don't think he ever made her into a follower.
Damn shame, we always need more titty witch sluts draining balls across Skyrim.
Gotta celebrate after a successful hunt and a lonely night
Are you saying miss orc doesn't just have that as her default state? Because I've seen a fair amount of proof otherwise.
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Horny is a spectrum
this is only going to produce MORE orcs, we can't let this continue. We'll be overrun with Orcfugees in no time if we allow these breeding habits
These are some weak looking orcets
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They're plenty toned if you ask me
Try and stop them
when I hunted for a link of her I found two, one of them was bundled with tittywitch's album
I guess that was the most recent version of her
keep in mind she was lost even before the old site died
And she's on every bar of it. :^)
Mods to make strong female characters?
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bnp, rsv, cbbe 3ba, and some trial and error in bodyslide.

if you want a dif skin besides bnp, you'll either have to make an rsv patch for it or instead use cbbe muscle solution and a patch for neck seems.
I like her alot. name?
aye she looks like Candace, my first adult kiss. half mexican girl who was 6 years older than me. odd how waifuist can drag something out of the ether that is my brain and remind me of something so long ago.
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melani bulwark, though this isn't a canon look of hers.

she's missing something
Absolute fucking garbage, retard even took the shot with a notification popup in it.
i know of janebod for fallout 4.
there's also a janebod equiv for skyrim.
i know that there's also an amazon mod out there as well.
Holy fuck the last 5 images posted are ugly. Why did the thread quality just plummet so hard all of a sudden?
Last time I played skyrim was before bethesda fucked everything up with 2 more random patches after releasing AE
I had been using 1.5.7 SE before that
Do people still make mods compatible for that version? If I wanted to remod my skyrim and get a bunch of creature/sex mods would I be able to find a good number (like bakafactory content) or would I need to update to post-AE-updated skyrim?
Because good waifus left, and all we get now is abhorrent trash like that autist and synthiacancer.
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As nice as these are, shouldn't it be possible to get them even bigger?
you honestly can go as big as possible since bodyslide lets you go past 100
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But that seems to just make them veinier and more shredded which isn't what I want. I want to make their arms bigger, make them bulky, to the point where they still have plenty of fat on their bodies. Im also not a fan of the textures on those models. I think Muscle Solution from the pictures I've seen gets it the best, but it SE only it seems.
still achievable with custom bodyslide presets, you just need to play around with the size sliders and tweak past 100 by manually typing in percentage.

also there's probably an Le version of it somewhere, though imo SE is a superior modding version.
You can make shoulders/arms/hands bigger using sliders in Racemenu. You can also edit the skeleton of the player character, but that's a bit more in-depth and best done only if you use a unique skelly (or else everyone else will also have the big arms or whatever you edit).
This manages to be gayer than futa somehow.

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