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Snolice snutality edition

*Limited futa and A.I., just don't spam it.
**No aliens at level 2 or below, refer to the chart in the imgur link (Replace when needed.)**
>Recent Stories:
By Kaktus
Mycelial Bonds (complete)
Bug in the Stars (in progress)
By Snekguy
By ThisIsARealAccount

>Smut list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11ZTFvrLMY1OnNzxhU0p2UhL1wYmRgOoAjmOzkq8z_gQ/edit?usp=sharing (Needs to be updated)
>Game:http://teraurge.blogspot.com/?zx=e9ef98831783e9e6 (V3 Never Ever.)
>Thread Archive: https://desuarchive.org/aco/search/subject/xeno/type/op/
>Enemy Quest: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/574310.html
>Enemy Quest - The War: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1080085.html
>Previous thread: >>8269565
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>racist human looks on in disgust at new alien immigrant
But he's the immigrant
Reminder that in Halo lore, Unggoy have a thriving music industry and black market for human media in thier post-Covenant society.
There's a nonzero chance that pic related is an actual music video
I wonder if there's an Unggoy who loves Mozart... But I'm not against the idea of sangheili twerking either.
RE: Trek redesigns, the cardies need more robust pred legs. They look silly unless they were on all fours. Didn't care for the Ferengi either. For an acquisitive species they should have hands more suited to grasping. As is, they look barely capable of tool use.

The Bajorans weren't too bad. Wouldn't mind seeing Kira as The Intendent. Or with her.
He still adjusting to eating bugs.
>For an acquisitive species they should have hands more suited to grasping. As is, they look barely capable of tool use.
So you'd prefer something like this but no
Better. One could still have the wings + hands though it might take a bit of finessing.
Ideally the series should have gone with something more like those naked mole-rat looking dudes who trade information.
>Cuddling with your gas-sucker gf in Zero G, watching the sunrises over Balaloo while listening to smooth jazz
deltav is the da vinci of /xeno/. blessed be their heart
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What do you mean? He's never drawn for this place. Plus, he's usually drawing furries/scalies.
love these little goobers
Yeah for some reason the "but no webbed fingers" part of my comment was cut out. And what about this for Cardassians?

Course this makes Major answers much smaller than the other species.
>Major answers
Bajorans. I hate phoneposting
You're missing the rest
Too bad valbarans have only gotten three and a third of a story, none of which really exploring anything beyond the surface level.
This isn't going like her fanfic at all.
Fun fact: The Valbarans probably started writing novels about steamy relations with Earth'nay within a year of first contact, and had a fully developed fanon about humans by the time of the Battle of Ker'guela.
if we're being realistic it's a whole planet there was probably a flock doing a writer's room during the siege of val'bara itself while bugs were landing
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>planetary goon session
Also an improvement. There again it was mostly just those stubby little legs that were the problem with the other design..

>Course this makes Bajorans much smaller than the other species.

Size difference is always good.
Now I have an amusing image of a bunch of rebels swarming a cardassian.
Mmmm lore yes please.
Neither did Da Vinci to be fair
>hyperactive sex crazed female saurian aliens
hell, that comic is practically heaven!
It also makes Dukat's obsession with Kira a lot funnier
this is more dystopian than the looming threat of of a space-faring theological genocide cult ever was
hey wait a minute that's like a french island near one of the poles isnt it
Y'all motherfuckers are species traitors. For real.

How realistic the idea of a xeno waifu being from smaller "proud and noble" species that are coincidentally very pick-uppabble and huggable (but that's demeaning and being seen picked up is grand damage to their pride and honor, and you risk having your eyes clawed out for such disrespect) (but also guilty pleasure, actually likes to be carried around and riding on your neck, as long as nobody sees. Will never admit it, though.)
>tfw alien girl will never display pretty feathers to attract you as potential mate
Guess I'll go blueball ostriches at zoo, closest thing I can imagine.
What's your typical acceptance for altered humans?
I don't mean the aliens, I mean a setting where human augments can change their appearances and capabilities? At what point does it get too strange to be human in your opinion?
For the thread in general or in fiction? Because the thread has been fine with All Tomorrows for awhile. But in most fiction, I could accept almost anything within reason, depending on the setting. If a story has laws and conventional societies, post-humans like the snake people shouldn't exist. If it's a fucked up world that exploits the human genome, it's fair game and more interesting that way.
>At what point does it get too strange to be human in your opinion?
Biologically, if post-humans can still reproduce (without complication) with other humans in any conventional capacity (including artificial insemination,) they are still human. But in my opinion, as soon as they go tier 5 or above, the ship has sailed on being called human.
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Teng here, no new content, busy ass week, but hopefully late today or tomorrow will have some stuff

Been enjoying all those trek alien redesigns, I've always wanted to see more stuff with the tholians, but at the same time I don't want to see how shit the current crop of ST writers would make it. maybe if it were the lower decks writers but I'm guessing they are all getting canned with LD being cancelled. Also anyone got an artist link for whoever did those redesigns last thread?

eyyy whats a drawfag gotta do to get in on the memes?

In fairness I've drawn a shitload of viper stuff and that's basically scaly shit, so who cares. Everyone here is on the "into nonhuman forms" shit, every minor distinction is semantics. I think deltav coincidentally just found /xeno/ made stuff once it broke to an audience outside of this very niche thread.

I always appreciate when someone goes the insane extra route of drawing their meme/ref in the exact style to mimic where its from. Peak disco elysium meme. I'm not a huuuge fan of deltav's style at times admittedly but they're hard working and have fun ideas. Keep on it king
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The only source I can get the trek stuff from is from here. The sign in pop-up is really annoying, though.
>polarwooly tumblr com/archive/tagged/star%20trek
I've shared their stuff in the thread a few time in the past to little interest, but it seems they're more trekies here than there used to be.

As fun as deltav's comic is to read, it's a little sad knowing >>8345260 is probably the most explicit it's going to get. Guess I'll have to wait on the other comic.
It doesn't. While one should avoid chopping off perfectly good limbs just for the robo replacement human is a state of mind rather than a body state to me.
>most explicit it's going to get
Call me a prude but I prefer the more modest tantalization over the more explicit. Having a bit of fun with the story helps too.
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I like softcore too, but getting explicit nonhumanoid stuff is rare as hell. You can have both that and fun moments in a nsfw comic, too. That's what I like to look forward to.
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>In fairness I've drawn a shitload of viper stuff
Or upload anywhere
I have to scour archives and every thread for your stuff REEEEEEE
There's a good chance that your short stack Grunt gf listens to the Unggoy equivalent of Takeshi 69
>ungalo sengrunt
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> trek redesigns

> Ferengi
Good. Having double-jointed legs means they can practically change their height. This gives a very business-like mannerism, where they change how they approach a customer; make themselves smaller for small customers to put them at ease (if they want to be polite to a new customer) and taller for larger customers they might be intimidated by... and presumably reaching products on a top shelf.

> gooey Odo

Being larger than humans would actually make Garak's claustrophobia even worse, as small spaces would be even more intolerably constricting.
Also, >>8345681
>Now I have an amusing image of a bunch of rebels swarming a cardassian.

And i have an amusing image of fuzzy little Kira being on Cardassia teaching the local giant reptile people (who have probably never seen a Bajoran in person) on how to rebel against the Dominion.
> "This is what beat us on Bajor?!"
"Yes, and -this- is what's going to help you liberate your home from the Dominion"
> Kira pulls out a Cardassian energy weapon that's too large for her
lmao, even.

> they're the exact same way when they have sex
> incompetently
nice thanks, they've got good stuff so far, look forward to perusing their gallery

speaking for myself at least been busy AF, and threads seemed slow so perhaps it was the same for others, hence why not much response from people

it seems to be a balance few manage well. often smut goes hand in hand with terrible court of thorns tier writing, and good writing goes along with, "fucking is fade to black only"

I uploaded most of it to E6 a bit ago so you can check there. Will have some new viper content soon for ya.
>bachelor flock only orders out doesn't know how to cook
Get space Gordon Ramsay in here
I ask cause I was writing something that started off as pure smut but...it's getting space opera-y with the way I'm explaining off the original premise. In a nutshell humans take a little after Iain Banks' Culture and something that is a combination of Star Trek's Federation, Borg and Dominion wrapped into one.
>Humans are descendants of a colony ship that punched through to another galaxy, most of the colonists did not survive
>Descendants have a spotty record of their past, so they don't have all the details
>What they do know is that there were supposed to be female humans at one point
>Jury rigged technology let their ancestors assimilate local aliens to be compatible with the human genome
>Men are still outwardly baseline human, but posses adaptations from alien mothers.

And a bunch of other details I'm still working out.
>At what point does it get too strange to be human in your opinion?
Regarding the thread I've no advise.
Speaking to the larger question, you might want to familiarize yourself with the Orion's Arm setting. Some settings are 20 minutes into the future. OA tries to suggest what things might really be like 10,000 years into the future. One of the points they make is Humanity itself has a creative drive to explore the bizarre in what life can be. The few aliens encountered in the setting are prosaic as compared to humanity. Most aliens, on first contact with humanity, Terragen civilization as they call themselves, would assume we're many multiple species and distinct civilizations, rather than a varied group from one original home world.
My limits would be something incomprehensible, or, perhaps, anti-human.
With regard to overall tolerance for strangeness in smut, I much more prefer things like sex crazed XCom vipers. Whereas, sex crazed Mu'uh crabs from OA are comical, but lacking in erotic titillation potential.
>OA tries to suggest what things might really be like 10,000 years into the future.
My setting leaves that up in the air. Some of humanity's technology is leagues ahead of everyone else, in others it lags far behind. Humans aren't even dure if they are in their target galaxy.
>Ine of the points they make is Humanity itself has a creative drive to explore the bizarre in what life can be.
Oh for sure, though for mine it's to see how they can fuck it.
>I much more prefer things like sex crazed XCom vipers. Whereas, sex crazed Mu'uh crabs from OA are comical,
What if I told you I had both?
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>Being a chieftainess's slave
One thing that didn't come up the the last thread (but might've in older ones) is all the surgical alteration that goes on too. A bit more complicated in this context than the usual ear jobs and cranial enhancements.
Yeah. Then one of her tribes eats you. No like actually guts you because brutes don't mind eating human.
Bang a sanghelli or somethin' at least you can survive it.
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hot of the /hmofa/ presses
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I know a thing or two about how slaves were treated. And no, I am not talking about USA.
Precisely why you need to be an excellent servant. In order to survive, you must thrive.
Do a good enough job, and you can eat after her during the regular messy banquets. Just don't think too much about the meat
anyone got hoomanex yautja cowgirl vid?
this one, but the blurred ones?
i think that meme is at least a few years old
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I've posted pics from that gallery for a few years, closer to when the threads used to have more regular discussions, too. Guess it just wasn't the right time for it then.

Smut is often very hit-or-miss. Most artist don't tend to be decent at writing, so we get all the intentional meme-level scripts instead. Although it has its issues, Alfie is a surprisingly nice example. For what it is, anyway. Decent character work from what I remember.

Also, I remember you said you were okay with people saving your work in the past. Would you mind if more got posted on esix?
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Don't remember but I might have forgotten to post this pic last thread

Yeah alfie is top tier stuff. Incase is goals.

I don't care if people save my stuff, I'm not some weirdo who thinks they should or for that matter have the ability to tell others what to do. Do whatever you want, I quite literally cannot stop you. I'm just lazy and private, so don't want to manage more accounts than I absolutely have to.

As an aside on the artists telling people what to do; Holy shit the stuff I have sometimes seen other artists post about like, "no one else is allowed to draw my char and you cant draw it doing xyz" as if they can stop anyone on the internet from doing anything. If you don't like what someone is doing with X then all you gotta do is just not look at it.

Imma be real it just is drawn more like fur than feathers

>There were supposed to be female humans
to be honest, the plot point of having all the f humans die feels like too obvious a contrived reason to have their be xeno fucking. It feels harem anime tier plot point
>It feels harem anime tier plot point
That's exactly how it started. But since then I've been fleshing out the characters so it's more than a 5 minute meetn'fuck and it's sort of ballooned out of control. It's now a 3-arc series about a human overseeing the uplift of a belligerent species on the cusp of nuclear war, a captain investigating a hostile power of equal size, and a scientist whose experiment sent them to the other side of the galaxy.

I've hit a snag as the relative size of the setting has made the lack of female humans a non-issue, but at the same time that was one of the driving forces that founded the civilization that's now expanding in an unknown space. I'm conflicted whether I should drop it altogether, keep it and use it more, or just leave it in the background.
no way
nice eyes!
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The fact that I will never live on a world where one of these autistic worms will happily stand on a street corner all day just waiting for a chance to tell someone a bunch of fun facts and history about wherever they currently are makes me sad
sex with space women
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Its funny to see the soft dextrous hands thing still around in /xeno/ discourse when it was just a one off sketch thing from years ago. More effect from that 3min sketch than anything I've put actual effort in to since lol

I think as a setting grows you realize more of what you want it to be about and that can sometimes mean drastic changes to how it started, I wouldn't worry too much about changing the initial conditions you made for it if it makes it better overall and closer to your vision
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boom, fresh viper content, more to come

there ya go
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Also finished up a Khanivore thing that had sketched up ages ago and only now went bag and finished
Where's the clit?
Deeper in, get that hand up in those guts boiyah
Look at what you did /xeno/
I'm already FTL'ing out of the second closest star system.
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I fucking love these things
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>tfw no Yautja waifu
i want to cuddle the everloving hell out of one
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Any fellow turian enjoyers present?
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Yes, we're just lacking of new content to post.
Paleolithic Venus-tier
do you think their bdsm gear involves tools that look like crab openers?
This is kinda uncanny. Durian but the fave plates melt tmiddle. the closer you get to the middle.
Shoot her
Anon, you're drunk.
These are pretty darn good. Know the artist by any chance?
For the one femxenophile here.
I'll pitch in for them too
>Hey hey people, Sseth here. Humanity. One day we will inevitably reach the stars, and one day we will inevitably reach other intelligent, sentient, yet utterly alien races. We will shake their many appendages, engage in trade, exchange ideas, and even attempt... diplomacy. But we all know, inevitably, how this has to end. Fish tits. It ends with the cold embrace of fish tits.
I hope that Kally gets to fuck her, he's a good lad.
I'm honestly surprised Val hasn't drawn it yet given the Patrons usually jump at the story-wise stuff.
Where do you think the cavemen got the inspiration?
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And yes I know this is elixxer but I forgot to change the file name
Unfortunately that’s all the xeno stuff they’ve made
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imagine deep kissing with a xenomorph and her little mouth tongue thing goes into your own mouth
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I want to massage some Yautja feet
isn't this spl4ts
this encryptid machine?
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>no Pierson's Puppeteer porn
Val doesn't really do explicit porn.
Hold her hair back you oaf!
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Some more fresh content. Any feedback on this or stuff posted earlier in the thread?
very nice work he better be careful or he have explain the scars on his face
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Love the bony rendering for the tough parts. It feels like it'd make more sense than chitin given her size t. not a biologist THOUGH
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no problem

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