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"A Trip Down Memory Lane" Edition
Small file sizes ahoy.
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Don't have much, unfortunately. Kinda surprising that a cannibalistic race doesn't have much in terms of vore content.
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And that's about it.
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rip to one of the og vore degenerates, Bill Levy
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This dude was the better Kphoria
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This sounds like a boomer joke that I read somewhere once upon time...
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I don't know the origin of pic rel, but it appears to be fairly old
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Speaking of old does anyone have a complete archive of William's stuff?
there's a complete archive of his stuff? since when
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Soul, source?
It’s an ancient piece of vore art, probably from like George W Bush’s first term. no clue who the source is.
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Thanks anon.
>tfw its from 2005
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yesss moore
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Picrel artist (KhelaAtra) deleted all of their stuff and this is the only thing I had saved. Anyone have some of their stuff?
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Thanks anon.
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Many a time I remember seeing this pic all over deviantart back in 2007, it wasn’t the biggest same size belly and is a bit close to hammerspace but it was what we had to get by.
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I guess it's because the fetish was sort of an offshoot of the pregnancy fetish at the beginning before it started it gaining it's own identity over the years.
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>full Vore scene with big belly
>barely gets any art

Why did we fail eel girl, Anon?

Also just wonder why nobody draws any other live action preds aside from Serleena?
Maybe because Eel Girl is ugly as fuck? I mean sure, the vore scene with her is hot, but she herself is designed to look disgusting.
I think the Naga girl from Hiss is a lot sexier.
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My friend jerked me off while watching Eel Girl. Good times.
>live action preds
One user drew this (the girl who turns into an alien and eats some dude, from "My Favorite Martian")
Zelda ripping a fat cig is fucking hilarious
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