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Previous thread: >>8303525
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Danm I need ruby riding my cock rn
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In a sea of awful greg cuckshit one artist stands strong
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Ruby ass is designed for bouncing on large human cock
Yes I've been saying this for ages
I believe ruby makes up the ass of garnet and sapphire makes up the tits
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Somehow I don't believe you
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Amethyst is the hottest character ever made.
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Man I really wanna see sapphire with her mouth full of cum
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The setting of Steven Universe is by far the most sexually promiscuous one in all of fiction
Everyone and anyone on that entire island has fucked each other at one point or another regardless of race, gender, orientation, or even affiliation with each other
Relatives, teachers, friends, bullies, complete strangers who don't even know each other's names, you name it, they've all explored every inch of each other's body to the point that there isn't a single person in Beach City who's a virgin anymore
And with how much Steven especially likes to blow his load in both gems and fellow humans alike, I'm surprised he didn't accidently crossbreed both species' forever with his semen alone.
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cool fanfiction bro
Anyway, imagine having a shower so small a purple midget can barely fit inside.
it's not fanfiction to him
Steven looks very... idk, beefy?

Ps:Not complaining. Looks cool
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