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Today, I bring to you Dnise. By spanish artist Jordi Gines "Gin".
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These are great, OP. I didn't know about her or her creator.
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Thank you!!
This character was published in Spain, Chile around the 50s-60s (under El Pingüino) and also Brasil under the name "Lilí Croquet".
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The end! Thank you very much!
Reminds me of Jucika but taken up a notch.
in case someone is wondering, that whole bio is a joke one. Gin was from Barcelona (Spain), did most certainly not have Walt Diney as his student, etc.
https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gin_(historietista) (sorry, no English version)
These were awesome, thanks for sharing!
Like a better drawn more interpretable Jucika
Thanks for the storytime. This had some nice jokes.
This one's actually based
Were these strips part of a magazine or did he release them somewhere else?
Thanks OP, these were enjoyable to read.
the one OP posted is a compilation (first of the "mini pendones del humor" series) by the Spanish humor mag "El Jueves" (longest running humor mag of Spain, of which Gin was the founer, and director until his death). OP's version has the watermark of an agregator website, too.
All the "pendones del humor" and "minipendones del humor" series (sorry for the long-ass name, it's an untranslatrable pun in SPanish) had been previously published in "El Jueves".
They all are
Other than a hot girl with spixy jokes, there's not so much Jucika here. That was a very common trope back then, and this atmosphere is very different.
Very good! I hope we can get fanart of her someday.
Good point
Denise is pretty STACKED!!!
Nice fishing style
>the second strip
Feels very relevant in today's day and age.
>white women
Her hat is cute and distinctive

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