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What (did you/will you) make this weekend edition

>Guides and resources

>Official Discord and community links

>How much does VaM cost and can I play for free?
The full version is $8 on Patreon and buy-once for each major version (currently 1.22). There is a free version but it is very limited.
>Can I play VaM without VR?
Yes, you can play in desktop mode. VR is a different experience and highly recommended.
>How do I install/load appearance/scenes?
Watch the tutorials.
>How do I animate stuff?
>How do I save my CustomUnityAssets so I can easily load them again?
>How do I share a scene/look with my vambros?
>When is VaM2 going to be released?
Probably not anytime soon.

Previous thread: >>8272227 (Dead)(embed)(memes)
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very nice anon, the cellulite is a plus.
Face is pretty generic looking. Hope you didn’t spend a lot of time on that!
Post your girl
Ass fags are the worst
They are okay but then some take it too far as with fake plastic booba and go cellulite
I like a nice ass like anyone else but for some people with ape brains bigger means better. Some of these girls are half the size of a fucking car.
What are we making this weekend?
Just tweaking the girls more
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This model is absolutely fucking cursed
I think its the eyes
look up a photograph of a doberman on google images
then play around with the scelera settings
>not an Alsatian
talk about slumming
Are there any decently animated twerking scenes? I appreciate the TIDAL WAVE of kpop and mmd dances but can i just see a woman shake her ass please
want to make a new scene but its hard when you're horny
and then you have no motivation after you rub one out
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She's killed millions
Marie Rose isn't a killer, unless you mean all the semen I've spilled to her
making a scene wouldnt be so bad if 3d animation wasnt the most painful thing in existence
I want to make a scene but I'm addicted to Elden Ring now.......
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it be like it do
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Setting up decent lighting is such a fucking pain, even when im satisfied it feels like a fluke and I can never replicate it.
I don't create I only consume. Do consumers dream?
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this chin/jaw
mentally ill
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Fucking Sunday again
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>make a new scene
>go to fap
>spot some misalignment
>cannot finish until i fix it
make it a subscene.. load a lighting or save your lighting to it and also thin about tonemaps and colorcorrection
get back to work wagie
how complicated is it to import a daz 8/8.1 model into VAM?
one of the best plug ins in the game

lighting in VAM (and hair also but thats another subject) is 90% of the formula to making models look good

note this plugin will rape your FPS
There are guides on how to convert genesis 8 into genesis 2 then how to port a genesis 2 model into vam. Just takes time. Look it up.
i thought genesis 8 was drag and drop into VAM?
Vam is on genesis 2. Genesis 8 morphs will look really fucked up
do you recommend a guide in particular? i would like to export morphs and textures
There are a handful on the hub that all pretty much get the same end result. Any of them will work. Just search for converting genesis 8 to genesis 2.
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How do you make a webm?
“Webm for retards” on gitgud or whatever GitHub alternative
Thanks I'll have a look.
cute dainty women with hairy meaty axe wound pussies is my thing but im also a deranged coomer
a man without a beard is like a child, a woman without hairs.. is the same
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>wanting a perfect smooth shaven elven pussy
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Does anyone have this look?
you have to also download a set of encoders or something
if you think any of the downloads are sus, just throw them in virustotal though
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RE5 Jill is the best version of Jill, the remake is going to butcher her.
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This on the hub?
Not anon but I think that is on the hub...but you have to pay to get her.
I used some parts from CZGT's version but the textures and morphs are mostly custom.
Made a really nice scene if I do say so myself

Let's see it.
Absolutely pristine. Maybe its just the angle or overall quality but I swear my pubic hair never looks that good. If you don't mind what package/var are you using for it?
It's not quite done yet, with any luck I'll finish it tomorrow
Okay looking forward to it.
Dear Anon,

it is really hard to create an open world renpy game, I now have 107 variables just to show different things and when I test html games, they are by far easier to play and organize than renpy.

Renpy is a text-tool after all, a true visual kinetic novel and if you keep it simple, it wont ruin your last brain cells.

I have now read 67 "short-books" on amazon and some other places to get my story right and I dont know why people like lolitas that much.

They are inexperienced, might be a virgin and have nothing to offer than their holes.

The loli scene is degenerate and more than that, most gays are lust controlled like those monsters molesting premature children.

This world is going to shit, Dr.Disrespect as example.. exchanging messages.. and on the other hand, we have Epstein and even more dudes who would do the same at ATF..

Someone should put a stop to it but I dont think our current World Government can do it.

It's too, inexperienced.
Based schizo anon
Who can I commission to make my custom waifu?
Find some creators that create with a style you enjoy. Then look up their patreon/twitter/pixiv/etc. to see if they are accepting commissions.
Good advice, thanks.
I might just be starting to get addicted to making blacked scenes...
Mr pervs teen wild bush preset with the anal hairs removed
But I turned down the hair width by for or so increments of 1e-5
Most hair in VAM is way too thick I don’t know why no one sees this but me

I’ll post screenshots when I’m at my pc
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1) https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/full-grown-bushes.39818/
2) load hair preset "pubes teen setting"
3) deselect anal hairs object unless youre a filthy degenerate
4) 'width' setting to 0.00005 for the three remaining hair objects
5) ???
6) profit

for all pubic hair objects expect to have to play around with the settings a bit to get what you want although this is true for most things in VAM
Nose morphs, anon?
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New clothing on the hub
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Hold it traveler. All who pass through tribe lands must pay the toll.
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Kinda crazy how much lighting matters
Where do you guys even get shortstack scenes?
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There was one on the hub. was it taken down?
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hub is down?
not on my end, but there has been outtages here and there in the last 24 hours
i dont think i tweaked the nose morphs
the model i used is one from the hub, i can get you the name in a bit
but i tweaked the skin textures and added a little bit of a morph called "angie face 100%" or something
i think its supposed to be a childish face morph but if you add a little bit to mannish safe horny models it makes them cuter
works on my machine
one of the most popular scenes on the hub is a gobbo shortstack scene
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Good to be back after my forum vacation
what did you get a vacation for?
replying in a porn thread lmao
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Looks like there's a CDN issue with the hub
Hello, Tifanon
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Hello, I made a new character so I don't have to answer the weekend question
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Nice! She dance too?
There's plenty, but most of them look like shrinked humans. Look for midna/yordles/imps and some goblin/headscale/etc morphs and you can cook something up.
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Probably not, didn't make her for dancing but we'll see
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>now kiss..
Yeah, one, but that gets old eventually.
Trying to jack it to yordles gets real hard when they don't work in 99% of scenes.
Anyone knows of some nice nail vars for feet?
I kinda want some slightly longer nails so that they just barely protrude from the toes but most nails are either some massive coffin bullshit and/or they become unusable if I use any kind of feet morphs.

Am I missing something here or am I just fucked?
Not even a foot fag entirely, I just like to do a lot of work on the body in general.
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Hah. Shortstacks don't even work in other shortstack scenes. You gotta do everything yourself if you want a change of scenery.
Aren't shortstack scenes just a guise for p*do
Nigger what
I just want to fuck yordles
what are some morphs to make a good shortstack?
P*do x thicc morphs, then slap on green skin and call it a day
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i just looked
its riddler daphne mainly
Does anyone have VAM_GS's updated Diaochan look? I only see the old version on F95zone
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What are you trying to say?
why do so many of czgtldd's looks have errors about missing body textures?
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im a bit of a degenerate
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What (are) We Making This Weekend?
I will keep tweaking the girls.
Who isn't?
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So what is everyone making?

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