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1. Post a bondage image when you request. Ignore requests without images.
2. Post female bondage only. Male bondage posters, you have your own thread, use that.
3. Don't feed trolls, ignore them. Ignore and report their posts for being off-topic. This includes off site drama bullshit, rumors, and politics.
4. If you post AI bondage be sure to say so either in the post or the filename.

Have fun!

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Maybe a silly question but do red lash marks count as guro?
i wouldn't classify them as guro personally, but i'd say it's fair to include them as ryona
I’d say how much/the presence of blood is the determining factor there.
Does anyone have the link to the June Plusout drive?
Anyone have ryner e links?
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Archie's bondage
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Hello gentlemen, I came here to ask quite the peculiar question.
does any of you know where, one such as myself, can learn how to draw mummification?.
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Would anyone happen to have the live 2D for this one?
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I use GIMP
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Hey jam undresser, can you smoothen this part out? The black line seems a bit thick/rough here
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my brother in christ you are looking at pornography on the internet and you STILL insist on being autistic about it?
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You're right, I hope it's better now!
Does anyone have Mugen-Nawashis new avatar pack?
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I got a girl coming over next month who’s into bondage but I won’t lie I’m out of ideas on what to do, she is open minded but I’m not as creative as I use to be, anyone got ideas?
Not sure what to say. ask her what she's into and then crank that up to 11.
One idea which could be fun is Bind her like a kidnapper, Then Stash her in a closet to like toy with her, then return and Play with her bound body

I guess what's most important is that Both of you have the most fun Possible, so Go wild.
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oooooh thank you for passing this! I'm not the same guy who asked for it, but I forgot this was a thing, so thank you!
Still fucking up OP to not say requests belong in request board

Way to go retard, this thread is gonna be trash and beggars again
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Yes it's deranged
Fuck right off you little shit
>Nothing of value to contribute and no counterpoints

Stay faggoty
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Yeah ya seethe
Mummification is one of the easiest ways to draw bondage because you don't have to worry about fingers, clothing or lingerie, rope tension etc..
Step 1. (the hardest one) draw a girl standing with her legs close.
Step 2. remove everything, leave only her outline
Step 3. add tape or bandages. it is easier because in bondage rope art you need to know rope tension.
Step 4. Add details.
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You're right
Unless the questioner is an idiot who enjoys torturing himself
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NTA but yes
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Aw, that's cute- Mugen marked most of those files with 'not for distribution or upload' at the bottom. I really hate to break it to 'im, but as long as something's been paid for, it's free to be shared. First Sale Doctrine, people. Look it up. Know your rights.

Btw: this pic is technically a CiD pic I found on Pixiv, but it's been cropped so only Zelda is visible.
Of course talking about simple usual mummification. Of course you can always go an extra mile like the pic you posted, which is amazing by the way.
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Leave it to a zoomer to come up with the lamest retorts
>has been told why requests are allowed in every prior thread
>never has a response
>still says burden of proof is on everyone else
Fascinating behavior.
Ay, thanks. Much appreciated !
Hey, how did you get this one ? It's not yet colored in the pack, and I don't think Mugen has posted it anywhere.
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I see... why thank you for the useful information fine sir, I shall show the work once it's finished.
Can someone update bondage projects?
You're an idiot. First Sale Doctrine doesn't apply to digital copies of things due to the nature of non-tangible items.

You don't have to stop sharing the art, but don't think you have some sort of protected right loophole.
Looking forward to see your work. Simple mummification should be easy.
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On that one, I actually Just Colored it in myself. It's a fun thing to do when you're horny and bored.
I was Actually going to ask if any artist's in the thread (Like Jam's undresser) Could add a bit of shading, I Only good at flats when I try
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I see. That's some pretty good work actually ! I thought it was a wip from the artist.
Though I admit; I don't really see the point in coloring something if the artist has confirmed they'll color it at some point.
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and remember to post!
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> Kemono hasn’t updated in over a day
> now gives a Suspicious Website Warning

Uh oh
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Sauce on this one?
Keep calm, it's working fine.

The "suspicious website" is usually because of your country not liking the site for whatever reason. I usually use a VPN to browse porn and change the country every new session for shits and giggles. And I noticed Germany allows Kemono but France does not, funnily enough.
Thank you man! I also didn't know he was going to Color them later, so now I'm excited!
Again, I Just colored this one in Myself. Cause Boredom Kills me
If it’s less about role play and more about just sex in bondage then definitely capitalize on that. Fun thing to do is to take your time. You could tell her what to wear, preferably a dress or skirt, then tie her hands behind her back, then tie her ankles. Gag is optional at this point, but then lay her over your lap and just play with her pussy and finger her for a good while to warm her up. Depending on how much she’s letting you know she’s into it, gag her with her panties and duct tape them in there to stop that noise lol. From there, you can move to a frogtie with a vibe for forced orgasm play and just tease and edge the fuck out of her. Make it all about her. Then obviously bend her over and have your fun to wrap it up. Once your done, you can retie her into a hogtie and just let her enjoy herself for a bit then come back to play some more, assuming she doesn’t need some resetting.
Damn man, that sounds super Professional and fun. If I ever meet a Bondage Girl, I'm certainly trying that
(I'm hoping none of that sounded sarcastic)
Got the artist on that? Curious to check out more of their stuff
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As dumb as it may be IRL, anyone got some pics with glue gag/glued lips'?
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based glue enjoyer
I am once again asking ryner e community chat link?
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>anyone got some pics with glue gag/glued lips'?
It's a cool idea so it's really surprising that there's so little content.
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And even then, the quality is usually so bad it's embarrassing.
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that was probably my fav scene from house of wax remake

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hope you don't mind when it's more than just glued mouth because I absolutely adore wonderfully cruel idea of glued gwen hood
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just arms left and we are done
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I wish someone could translate that. and here's the source

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And the last one. I love that glue overflowing from her armbinder. She's not taking it off anytime soon. Dildo gag is going to be glued next. She's absolutely fucked.
This kills the human
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It seems quite innovative, but it's like a lot of peril or heavy encasement stuff. I just can't find it hot when I know you are actually doing severe burn damage to the victim (at the very least).
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Anyone got Sanepersons Action toys page 30+?
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I'm going to take a few posts and share some old pieces of bondage art I have, I've migrated my bondage folder since 2007. Share some classics you might be holding onto as well. Quality and resolution will wary ofc, 1080p was still the hot new resolution back then.
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I forget what this artist was called, but its sad that he stopped posting at one point, he was probably one of the best back then.
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Always did like Piroro's stuff, even if they were very simple pieces
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D2 girls, he was one of my favourite artists of all time.
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can you make this nude jams undresser
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forgot to post pic
It's amazing how few good pics of gagged sailor scouts exist these days.
Only sailor scout pic I've ever wished had gotten a (ball) gag upgrade was the cover of Diver Down.
Now that I think about it Blackdog just doesn't do gags at all, might have had an effect I kinda feel like.
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Man, I blew so many loads to Karyu’s art. That neck chain does it.

Fuck right off beggar
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Gags in general was just rare, I feel. Either we hadn't figure out good ways to draw them well, or they were not really in fashion. Eitherway I prefer todays age of gags
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anyone got ryner stuff or the finished remaster from mag?
There's an old doujin I'm thinking of which I think was bondage themed, not certain but I believe it was. I can't find anything that matches my memories now though.
It was several of the Persona 5 girls, excluding Yoshizawa because this was before The Royal, tied up and put in the Velvet Room's guillotines. I'm about 90% sure Kamoshida was the one responsible and doing everything.

Anyone know the one I'm talking about?
That one, right ?
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I don't know how you just keep at it all the time like this, but good job, man.
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Hey jam could you post a nude edit of this pic made by bagelbombed
or just have the bra off
New fag, you shoulda been here for the jam and blackprof spam of 2023. That blackprof requester sucked dick and some say he still haunts this thread as the anti-request guy.
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Honestly? no.
The one I'm thinking of had them lying flat on the execution table but still with their head through the hole, in black & white(?), their feet were on the right hand side of the pic with the head going left, and the captor was Kamoshida not Crow because his stupid hairstyle was burned into my memory.

The entire reason I'm almost certain it was Kamoshida is because at the time I had yet to play Persona 5 and I went to myself "Shit, that must be the big bad and there's no way I'm fucking going to forget that hairstyle, I've just been spoiled." so at that moment I avoided looking at anything P5 related ever again to try and avoid further spoilers.

Turns out it wasn't too big of a deal but still, now I'm trying to look for the doujin I saw so I can keep reading it and compare it to my memories. I definitely don't remember ever seeing Crow before, but maybe that pic had a hand in corrupting my memories to make me think that it was that pic I saw, only with Kamoshida? I'm not sure.
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Does anyone have Jam-orbital's June 2024 Archive? Thanks in advance!)
I quite enjoy heavy encasement with a lot of the features you’d see is perma-bondage, but I really don’t like actual bad ends. I do, however, really love the idea of a girl getting terrified thinking she’s about to be permanently encased. I’ve never thought about this before, but on the topic of glue being horrible realistically speaking I think it would be pretty funny to coat a gag or something in a harmless sticky substance and scare the shit out of her by saying it’s glue.
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>Mags dropbox
This item was deleted.
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Does anyone have this
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The other two have no bondage.
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Thanks a lot!
I just really love doing it, it's actually an enjoyable and relaxing activity

Sorry no can do, sir!
Bagel's style is too hard to reproduce for me.
I'll try tho!
Anyone have Mag's latest doodle from today?
Do you happen to have Jam's May 2024 Archive aswell?
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Does anyone have the Rikka image from Tiedgiki?
Anyone have Holo the Wise Wolf by Starlite Knight
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Doesn’t matter I just want all of them
Doesn’t matter just want all three of them
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Hey, it's me, SamusBondageEnjoyer. The link I was provided to a Dropbox of MagnoliaDucky's works got got so can someone provide me with a permanent link if that's possible?
Cause your gay
No you
And no cause there when I went to his kemono theres nothing for that peice
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Thanks brothas
Anyone have ryner e stuff? Kindly share
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Jam's Undresser, can you do this one: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/8732675/post/34865015

I prefer if it's just all of them separate. That way, I can stitch them together with GIMP. If you cannot (I'll understand if you can't), I'll just take Byleth, please.
I just realized that the OTM and OTN gag variants might cause a little trouble so try doing separate ones with one of them too.
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Thank you very much!
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Please make a naked version of this picture.
It's not possible since you can't really secure it even if you host it yourself, Mags could just dcma strike it.
Best way to store them is to actually post it in the thread so it gets saved in several archives.
This made me realize there really isn't enough images of FemByleth in bondage and that makes me sad.
Do someone know where i can find this? Kemono doesn't work
Your full of shit
Here you go!

Sure, I'll do it!
But, 5 girls to undress, it will take time tho haha
I'll do all 5 seperated but only the microfoam version, I'll put the variant on a dropbox another time. And I'll let you stich them together, if it's alright with you.
>my brother in christ
while being in /aco/ female bondage?
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Looks like the kemono importer is back on.
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artist name pls
Thanks a lot dude, it looks really cool! Where can I find more naked versions of girls without bondage in your folder?
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Hey lads, I'm curious if any of you were following the frequent releases of the Overkill Didnapper2 mod. It's quite an impressive number of new features.
I fiddled with it a couple months ago and found out they were still adding new stuff. However, I can't seem to make the latest beta patch work for some reason.
Thought I'd mention it here in case some lurkers weren't aware of its existence.
I tried the overkill+Yuti patch on the old version and it wasn't my cup of tea. I just wanted the alternate outfits to show in the escape scenes plus nudity and extra toys. But everything is realtime so you can't appreciate the fanservice. The test dungeon was too kaizo mario for me.
Wow that's bad
Does anyone have Jam's newest drawing of Marcille?
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Does anyone have this namely the Peggy Carter
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Here’s pic for the request
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Yeah, the mod is a mixed bag. I definitely appreciate the nudity, extra bondage, private cell returning, etc.
But the actual gameplay was way too slow and difficult, like winning any of the escape games became borderline impossible. I know it's meant to be a kaizo mod for hardcore players, but the gameplay just doesn't fit that.

I don't remember how, but there's a cheat code to win the escape minigames, so if you just use that to cheat your way to victory like I did then none of that should be a huge issue. I don't think it works in the overkill dungeon though.
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Holy shit if someone has the Patrica, Juleka, or Honey Lemon pic that would be cool.
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It's from pixiv, you can literally just copy the img name, it's the pic's id.
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Here, it was faster than I expected!
I'll let you stich them together as convined.
The gag variants will be done another time, unfortunatly.

There isn't non-bondage naked version in my folder. I try to stick with editing bondage stuff.
But if you want some more, i can take some of your request from time to time
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Don't hesitate to post them, when you edit them together :)
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Thanks a lot!) Then can you edit this picture?
Fuck off retard
You are a godsend. I thank you for this.
I'd curve Byleth's right tit a little more. There's somewhat of a sharp angle on the bottom right corner of it.
Something on my mind
Can Chai turn her fingers into tentacles?
Someone managed to upload the May Daikinbakuju comic and likely accidently set it as free so that's neat despite him being seldomly updated on Kemono anymore.

Anyway, if you want to find it then just search through the image.
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Sorry, something went wrong with the compression on the this photo.

Use this one to search instead.
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You can bring up the cheat menu with (Shift + Pg Up during escape, default keybindings) (Dash + Previous Page)

Cheats carried over from the vanilla game:
win - removes wrists binding, winning the escape minigame instantly
torso, legs, gag, blindfold, hogtie, suspension - removes that binding
lvl## - sets your escape level to ## (replace with the desired number)
sp## - sets your escape skill points to ## (replace with the desired number)

Any chance some anon would be willing to share the latest version of the vanilla game ?
That'd be much appreciated
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Yeah, you're right!
Here, hope I fixed it
Unlucky i messed up your favourite one haha

Sure, no problem. I'm right on it!
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Anyone have the variants for this?
Oh man, that's amazing. I actually did a version of the 3H girls group pic where I reduced the size of the ballgags to non-absurd levels a while ago. I'll see if I can edit it with your own stuff !

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