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Anything goes unless it has a specific thread
Does anyone know any good detailed muscular female models with rigs/bones etc that you can pose around in Blender?
Some of the muscles I want to be detailed include these https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serratus_anterior_muscle
I looked on Smutbase and the muscles don't reach that level of detail I wanted (Or at least, not on women anyway).
Maybe these models are either custom made/personal or available for Daz only.
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Another example.
Maybe these are closer to hypermuscle stuff, but i want something that isn't too hyper.
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Your pic is a perfect example of my sweetspot when it comes to 3d muscular women.
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more oc

could try the basemesh
think there's some bodybuilder and fitness morphs in there.
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Great pov. Futa lady D is always a treat
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i'd love to make more once i figure out how to use nyls models. expressions are a pain in the ass to figure out.
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Baby steps anon. You cannot rush progress. Let it happen naturally through practice. Also, be sure to post more of em! I really like them.
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Requesting futa Scrag Pacifica receiving a blowjob from Raven.
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that's also mine :p
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lol I just snatched it of rule34. Lady D is just perfect as a futa. I'm glad nyl2 helped created the trend for it.
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Newest amusteven tifa animation was good but christ alive can we put an end to male voice actors? its NEVER good
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>3rd art love
incredibly based

i hope i can do stuff like that one day.
fucking sauce now faggot
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im trying to make some stuff of my own (im starting new), however it would require me to make an investment into DAZ morph shaping packs etc, of quite simply I dont want to pay out for in case I give up

would anyone be kind enough to possibly share any?
im after this one specifically (https://www.daz3d.com/eyedeas-5-extended-for-genesis-8-female-s)
as well as any morph packs that can alter the breasts, ass and belly (fat, not pregnant) of a model

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just check out 3d-load and render-state (you're welcome)
sculpt it yourself broke ass nigga
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Fuck yeah
Futanari all the way
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Resident Evil has the hottest women of any gaming series
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Thought I told you to piss off back to Afghanistan or wherever the fuck it is you came from, Ashmonkey.
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i can get behind a futa fucking a girl because it's just straight porn without the m*n

but when it's two of them fucking each other in the ass, then it's just gay.
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These right here are my favorite!
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i think i'll try doing a few pics in that style soon
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Good idea
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