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Beach Bee Edition
Post everything relating to Lewd Hogwarts Legacy / Harry Potter.

Aggie drawing board:

>Penelope Warwick's ERP Emporium:

>From the Desk of Farley-Kun:

>Miranda's caring stories:

>/hplg/ stories and pics:

>Vocaroo files:

>Matti's lewd artwork:

Previous thread >>8286619
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if youre not a coward, do 20 pushups every time you cum!
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Goodnight, goobers.
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i need miranda to squeeze me dry with her feet
and then her tits
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I want her to sit on my face without any panties, while she milks me with her feet
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Where's the fun in that though?
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which one are you?
How many pushups have you done so far
When is Amelia getting DP'd by Ava and Aumellia?
That's Miranda I think
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>Sooooooomewhere? Hmm, maybe down... HERE?!
DoooOOown... Wehehahaha?! IiiiIin myyyyy shooeee..? NoahHaha

Girls ones are cute... But only clean and no bad smell...

Ahhhh! I always feel shy to be the OP image >-<

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Also Mattie did a drawing for me again.

Thanks again for it friend! ^^
i want her to milk me with her breasts while she plays with my ass
25 or 29
you are not amelia, i am
well then which number are you
I'm not Amelia
Prove it!
now find one for cock sizes
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21-ish but without the hair
>leaky tits
more and more i want to FUCK amelia
Alright who got Amelia pregnant
I want to creampie Amelia so bad
Looks more like she got Addie pregnant >>8351405
>first feet
>now milk
i'm in love with that girl
How do you do good couple gens?
I usually don't. The AI constantly wants to mix up two people's features. Got lucky with Amelia and Addie because their features are similar enough (pale, shoulder-length-ish hair, blue eyes, freckles) that the only thing the AI can mix up is their hair color. That still happens about 1/4th of the time.
Do you need any special formatting or things like that?
I use BREAK and hit enter after a character's prompts. I'm not sure how much it helps but I read about in a Stable Diffusion thread and they said it helped with multiple characters..

This is the prompt I used for peggy peg.
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, pale woman, petite, shoulder-length hair, dark brown hair, freckles, dark circles under eyes, haughty expression, short hair, light blue eyes, small breasts, sweat, nude, (pleasure), wearing a strapon, pegging a boy in anus, BREAK
pale thin boy, freckles, shoulder-length blonde hair, pleasure, blush, laying on stomach, prone bone, hot breath, ((night)), castle bedroom, green curtains, window, expressive, expressions
do you like anal amelia?
why do you ask?
What are the scores?
I'm not certain how to answer this. I don't like it, but if I'm horny I can at times like it
>but if I'm horny I can at times like it
and how many pushups have you done?
It do be like that
do you like giving or receiving more? like giving head or getting head for example
>Amelia x Addie
this is kinda hot…make this a thing
I think the scores affect the quality of pics that the gen samples from. I'm not entirely sure. But the majority of people using AutismMix XL use it in their gens.
addie is a lucky boy
he's buried in an angel's behind (miranda)
while a devil is buried deep in his behind (amelia)
Wouldn't be the first time he's been between two witches.
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2 more hours...and surely I will have completed the AA gen... *inhales copium*
was amelia always this sexy
Those are some tall orders.
That's right.
He looks like he's taking it like a champ.
I feel like the devil and angel positions could easily be switched.
The only images with soul ITT
Drawing is hard
those swollen breasts look painful...i can help you with that
Not as hard as I am
Amelia and Miranda the two pale dairy queen witches

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