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Previous Thread >>8325860

No Animal Genitalia (Specifically Dogcock Futa), Slob, Inflation, Fart, Grotesque art
If you want that - post somewhere else
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Fishie built for sitting on (my) face
How fat should Vriska's tits be?
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James Roach told me this is what happened to Vriska after she was absorbed by the Plot Point
Groady, but at least the AI is getting a little better. Why the elf ears?
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Tumblr doesn't like gross insectoid humans so they made the trolls more mammalian in their headcanons, and cow ears/elf ears just stuck around.
Ah. That explains a bit.
Another headcannon I never liked is the Bulge\Nook Combo. Also that the Bulge is a tentacle. Or hemo-colored cum. Our cum aint twinged red so why should theirs be blood colored? But thats me pissing into the wind.

Vriska. Titties. Fat. How large is too large?
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Obviously the Serket lineage has the mutation wherein every troll from this bloodline will have tits bigger than their head. The physical limitations to this abnormality is that the tits can never be wider than the wingspan of the troll. This allows the breasted to fondle and grope their boobs without issue.
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As you can see this image is fake and gay because those titties are too damn huge and obfuscate Vriska's field of vision. This was clearly caused by Jae Harley being bratty.
Interesting. I am only a real scholar in Vantas biology. It is nice to meet someone else who knows their stuff; tell me, what more have you learned from studying the Serket line?
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yeah its true
for a while xenopavilia was homestuck twitter's character of the day and it even got so bad that i think she was almost doxxed
most of the "big name" porn artists immediately jumped to her defense and just parroted "how dare you accuse a transwoman of doing anything bad ever, also pav only draws problematic content for commissions because she has to pay her bills!"
Checks out.
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Wether intentional or not, a Serket will always be within proximity of a Pyrope. Physical contact between a Serket and a Pyrope is often rare and dangerous, but both families have a known prescence for each other.
Theories for this phenomenon connect the taste both troll bloodlines have for their male mates. Serkets often prey on well intentioned kind men, who have problems exerting their will in the more traditional fashion. (See exhibit Egbert, English, and Nitram) while Pyropes often go for rebellious men or loud brats (See exhibi Strider, Vanas, and Captor) however cross-mating has been observed with Serkets also teasing bratty men in platonic partner activities (Exhibit Ampora) and Pyropes have also been attracted to the qualities of a male's vulnerablilty (See example Egbert and Captor)
Speculation believes that a Serket uses a Pyrope's abnormally large ass to attract mates that the Serket desires, but has not yet developed the posterior to attract. Likewise, the Pyrope symbiotically benefits from the Serket, attracting mates with her mammaries, at the detriment of an average-sized butt. Between 9-12 sweeps both troll lineages undergo a change near the end of their puberty wherein a Serket's ass becomes twice as wide as their head and Pyropes obtain breats that on average, are 25% smaller than a Serkets, which for a human female, would be an I cup at minimum. No longer needing each other to attract mates, the Serket and Pyrope part ways with their mate, and drain the cum out of the male until he can only say her name in a hypnotic trance.
Interesting. Very interesting. In my studies of Serket Captivity, I have found that being deprived of a member of the Pyrope Family, the Serket often has little in the ways of "Bouncing off someone" personality wise, and more often than not becomes something of a shut in with her abrasive personality or nonsensical babbling. In these cases, the Serket was often found withdrawn and quite reclusive, coming out of her den to find a Mate and, more often than not thanks to poor social skills, failing to find a suitable male to impregnate her, even despite a large bust.
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You guys are cooked, Vriska's got b cups and no ass. Nice hips and legs though.
Ah-ah. Drawn images on here, if you will. Such high definition photos are unbecoming of the scientific pursuit of this board.
>Fires upon you with a fancy smoothbore musket.
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Good observation, Serkets have developed a neurological development wherein a Serket is consistently aggressive and flirtatious with a male, and with her type of preference will often mutilate or scare away a male partner, especially when her preference is males underdeveloped in their confidence or self-interest. Most studying the field of troll-family-sociology note that a well-trained male that has incredible strength, a strong sense of sympathy, and the assertiveness to talk back to a Serket are ideal traits in a partner. Obviously this bias comes from subject Egbert being the only consistent male partner that a Serket successfully mates with, and all cases of successful Egberts underwent training by the Sburb program.
There have been cases where a non-Egbert male successfully mated with a Serket. This example is one of only 8 known successful Nitram mates that survived the initial encounter with a Serket. Note that he has incredible musculature, which indicates brute strength, but also complete submission to his partner. Likely this troll was mind-broken by the Serket and became her boy-toy.
I think they’re quite fun to make (especially for fancasting porno women as homestuck characters) but I will abstain.

We already have terezi and meenah at home.
There was one example I discovered in my Dreambubble pursuits wherein I found that a small and rather diminutive Serket, raised away from the hostile enviroment of her Lusus, was more receptive to the gentle flirtations of a Nitram. This Serket, never exposed to the diet necessary to produce the required fat, remained very slim and became more akin to what >>8350711 has suggested. This Serket's aggressive level or "8itch Factor" was reduced by about 88%. She was also more likely to settle down with that Nitram and copulate a moderately sized family, rather than simply seeking random mates and leaving a string of orphaned Trolls as most other Serkets do.
I thank you, and request that you remove such an image posthaste.
Since this is the only place with homestuck discussion I've got a bit of a predicament, alright so I've been showing my sister homestuck for the first time and she's enjoying it a lot already, but her favorite characters are John and Jade who she already ships together and well she doesn't know they're related yet and I don't want to spoil that either but I need to find some art of it so I can at least share it with her or something else to comfort her after she learns the truth. If you have any better ideas I'm open to hearing them, cause I got into the comic after the ectobiology crap so I didn't actually see the fandom reaction for those that were unknowingly shipping incest and how they responded.
Let me see what I can find in my ancient harddrive.

Sorry, all porn. Have this instead. Also, why would you get your sister into this?
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I suggest you publish this work, as it could bring excellent support to the "Alternian Brothel Theory." This theory suggests that due to the violent, jingoistic, and combatative regime of Her Imperious Condescension, the culling and breeding program has artificially selected the most salacious of trolls to survive the Alternian environment and pass on their genetic material to the drones. Very little has gone into the research of Alternians who are raised beyond the conditions of the Alternian empire. Most of the Alternian Brothel Theory has been supported by comparing beforan trolls to Alternean trolls, and noting how the average bust size compared shows a 33%-50% decrease between beforans and Alterneans. Your case will be especially beneficial with a picture of the incident. I have scoured to find small-busted Serkets, but I found this one case here. This serket was believed to be raised by a Maryam, whos isolation and difference in hours of activity allowed the troll to live in a low to moderate stress environment with a female partner.
wow homestuck fans really go out of their way to erase all of rose's like and interests and personality traits outside of "is kanaya's girlfriend" don't they
>Sorry, all porn.
Yeah that's what I expected thanks for your help at least.Yeah I'm pretty sure sending your sister homestuck porn bars you from heaven.
> why would you get your sister into this?
She some crap about homestuck 2 on tumblr and asked me for context which got her interested in it, so now every so often we've been calling on discord and read it together.
It is something to be explored. At the moment, I am currently studying the reproduction of the Megidos at the moment, and have concluded that when paired with an appropriate male several castes higher, copulation results in instances of twins more often than not. While considered more conventionally attractive with less exaggerated features than a Serket or Pyrope, they are never the less far more aggressive in their pursuits for copulation, even attemptingat several times to mate with research staff. Such displays of affection occur in the six-to-seven sweep timeframe before advancing into far more flirtatious and suggestive advances near the nineth sweep. More tests are ongoing.
I think this is an extension of fans problems with understanding Rose and Kanaya's personality traits. People think Rose and Kanaya are made for each other because they are both grim and super serious. Obviously the whole point of both characters seriousness is a farce as a means to be taken seriously by other characters and exert a sense of control and confidence.
Rose of course, loves to be silly when the time comes, even as far back as Act 1 Rose had moments of word banter with John and uses her grim farce to sarcastically joke with John.
Kanaya also likes to play aound, such as her smug "impromptutations" greeting to Karket, her love of shitty vampire romance, and her playful attempt to understand and join in on human sarcasm. Flanderization happens in every fandom, Homestuck fans just need to re-read Acts 1-Act 5 Act 1 to refresh their minds on the Beta characters.
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>modern homestuck fans
>read anything pre-act6
You might as well ask them to sprout wings and fly, desu.
If it were possible to clone a Troll from the comic into real life, who would you wish to purchase from the Clone-Vat?
I am not as deeply researched on Megidos, but I do remember I had to take a study tour of a lowblood troll breeding facility. Megidos are a special case wherein they are the lowest legal caste in all of Alternia. Administration at this breeding facility say female Lowblood trolls often court mates of higher castes as a sociological means to attain privileges from a higher caste and the protection of the highblood partner. This phenomena has existed for thousands of sweeps and has even been theorized to evolved rustbloods to secrete pheromones when in heat that release an odor that activates highblood libido. The smell is compared to a mix of the ocean shore and the stables where highbloods store equine lusii. This pair of pheromones attracts seadwellers and the indigo class, and attracts the purpleblood class to a lesser extent. It is noted that when urine from a capricorn lusus was applied onto a lowblood troll... with their consent, purplebloods began getting insatiable towards the lowblood. Megidos are an important subject to study because her biology releases a smell that is incredibly strong and lacks a lot of the oceanic or fish smell many lowbloods release. Megidos are often paired with the Zahhak family to measure their mating capabilities. Unfortunately many Zahhak cases end with the highblood bruising the Megido's hips while she rides the Zahhak's penis.
We have learned at our facility that such Megidos are, if not at the very least tolerant of the higher castes, often held down and forcibly bred by a cadre of the others. There was one instance of a Damara so overwhelmed by an entire room her mind snapped, and she became catatonic well into her first pregnancy.
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I'd rather have a human, but if I have to pick a troll then probably Vriska. Or any of the girls short of, like, Terezi and Nepeta.
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I don't talk about this trip much. Initially when lowbloods were brought to earth as part of the Alternian-Earth exchange program humans thought lowbloods would have their libido damaged around an alien blood color and a society that divides its class by geographic location, skin color, religion, or income. Alas, it went the opposite way, since humans can be high or low class with the same blood color, lowbloods treated humans as all high class citizens, and their libido skyrocketed! Humans are also a getaway from the discriminatory policies of Alternia, and trolls are known to court human mates and seduce them into releasing them and escaping into reclusive areas, with recapture having limited measures of success (especially against a psiionic goldblood).
Protocol now is to have small circular windows along large steel walls so theres a viewing port from multiple angles and protection from troll aggression.
I was in one of the older facilities that used thick glass walls to observe the troll unobstructed. I was at a desk in a study hall where a Megido was being stored at the end of the hall on the opposite side of the door as a way to study how trolls adapt to human literature.
So I'm here writing in my notebook when I see a shadow behind me, and I see the Megido stood up and stripped her clothes. I was the only one there because I procrastinated on my exam so I was crunch studying. She pressed her tits on the glass and stuck out here tongue and winked at me, and I had to put a hand over the side of my eye to ignore her.
So then she starts rubbing her body on the wall, repeating "am i g00d f0r y0u?" and groping her pussy, and she started sweating hard, and I mean... I was sweating too. She was trying really hard to get me, she did this for what felt like forever until she got down on her knees and started groping her breasts and said "cum all 0ver me if y0ure g00d en0ugh f0r me"
Pic related, but in a white room.
I had to leave, I got a C on the exam.
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The detriment of highbloods are that they often assume dominant positions in coitus with a lowblood. It's a means for highbloods to keep control of lowbloods when such lowbloods use the higher caste's privileges to survive culling. Humans lacking the violent tendencies is probably another reason who lowbloods constantly try to court humans. We got to get this human-troll dynamic under control because I swear we're gonna become whores for these aliens if we don't control their sex drive from time to time.
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Love me a light player, Vriska or Rose for me.
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vantas biology? do tell us more...
>AI trash
Stay in your containment thread
This is wholesome fun for what's supposed to be porn. What are John and Rose even doing fighting? Are they training for a big fight?
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people doing immoral shit for money is never a good look but that tracks
sex fighting for sex
She didn't draw anything "immoral" though. She drew a foursome that had Nepeta and Meulin in it and a group of nu-Homestuck fans came running yelling incest. The edit posted in the last thread was originally a commission of OCs that was poorly edited into Yiffy and Jade. Nothing is tracking, the thread just hates that she draws big dicks on girls.
lol lmao
Incest is hot, other people can and have made it work. The problem is he’s a asswipe-tier artist
boohoo-ing about money to justify it is weak shit lmao that goes for anyone using that excuse
He should start drawing some straight art that would help their community standing
pav straight up will not draw cishet amab/afab sex unless you pay them and even then there's a nonzero chance they turn the commission down "on principle"
All hardcore Leftists are inherently evil because their ideology is a series of loopholes to bait retards into getting caught in.
boo hoo honky
sounds like they should get over it and make good porn
Jumped straight from roleplaying to schizo seething over artists again, huh
Classic Homesmut thread moment.
for what it's worth, I do like xenopavilia's art, just not their blatant extreme cock NTR raceplay fetish
It's so sad you have rejected class consciousness for getting mad at white women with dyed hair, lumpenprole. I promise to give you the choice to join the revolution, or fihgt on the side of a dying, degenerate empire.
Xenopavilia makes good art but she refuses to draw a woman without a penis and this is a superficial complaint I will stick by until I die. I want people with god-tier stylization like her and welwraith to draw just a guy with a dick fucking a chick with a pussy, and I will never find Futanari hot.
I do have ONE valid complaint about xenopavilia. She blocks anyone who calls the women she draws with penises "Futanari" even though it's not obvious to the viewers the characters are trans or intersex. She is trying way too hard for a moral high ground that the porn she draws fetishizing women with dicks is not futa, but rather intersex or transgender women. It's okay to say you want a cis woman to have a cock, and either way she spins it, it fetishizes women with penises.
ACKshually, the woman needs both a penis and a vagina to be a futanari, so she's not wrong.
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Hey anons, remember this is a thread for posting porn, reply with smut if you got it!
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anyone read any good smut lately
is there anyone of note still writing smut or is it all godfeels and dirkjohn crap
You're just as much of a retard as the fags who won't stop crying over futa, how about that?

All of you are goddamn insufferable and if there was some way that I could browse these threads without reading the monotonous word diarrhea you spew day in and day out over whatever's caught you in a sperg rage today, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Except you, you're a rare gem of sensibility.

And you, you have the right idea.
There's only one Archive Of Our Own fanfic I consistently go back to, and it's pretty vanilla. https://archiveofourown.org/works/20785373
Futas and tranns people are not the same.
Anyone trying to conflate the two actively malicious, transphobic, and probably pretty stupid.
I haven't looked in a long time but I still really like the Strip Pokerstuck fics and a handful of Lalondecest works, typically with one or more Maryams included. There was this unfinished and lost Ms. Paint/Reader fic from HSG where she had a cute New York accent and a grey cock that I wish I still had.
>She blocks anyone who calls the women she draws with penises "Futanari" even though it's not obvious to the viewers the characters are trans or intersex.
Them having balls is what makes them trannies
That is true. What annoys me at my core is Xenopavilia being so against futa but then all her art is chicks with dicks. It seems so hypocritical. I don't even know what gender these trolls are unless I have to read some obscure tweet where every woman in Homestuck is trans and confirmed by the artist. I'm looking at the porn, not searching for lore.
See - this is you >>8351275
What? I'm just saying only trannys care to give their futas balls
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Okay folks let's get this show on the road
That’s something you’ve pulled out of your ass anon. It’s got no basis in reality.
The only thing I can think of that’s sorta related to that that’s true is that older artists were a lot more likely to draw “clit-dicks” and ball-less futanari, whereas that’s largely fallen out of style now - especially in the west.
Big titty Nep is best Nep.
big titty nep
big titty nep
I'll meet you down at the big titty nep
>That’s something you’ve pulled out of your ass anon. It’s got no basis in reality.
Sure it does, no vag then it's trans, March Eridan literally is a tranny
>that’s largely fallen out of style now - especially in the west.
yes because the west is trans now
>She blocks anyone who
So you got blocked.
There exists a city full of catgirls of all shapes and sizes.
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>actual communists defending a porn artist
>and calling other lumpenproles
>in a porn thread
Based on your post I don’t think you read the conversation that was happening, or at least you didn’t understand what you read.
So how do we feel about Tennohsmantra today?
Stop bringing him up faggot.
There isn’t going to be a magic moment where the guy who draws gore, snuff, raceplay shit, and infant fucking is going to suddenly not be abhorrent (just like his ugly fucking art).
Person who draws gross smut I don't look a, therefore I pay no mind.
Gore is cringe
NTR is cringe
BBC is cringe
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ugly porn
Jane being a ghostbuster and John being a candy corn vampire still pisses me off about those Halloween snaps. John is the big Ghostbusters fan and Jane is the big Problem Sleuth fan.
Why not send her prospitcest smut and then have sex with your sister?

this shit contributed to my sexual awakening
>tanlines on gray skin
Sexy as fuck and just as underutilized in homesmut
That's a good one.
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I still think it's funny that Xamag drew porn of his own characters.
(I know this is not Xamag's art)
Will we ever get to see this smut Xamag made?
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>his sexual awakening wasn't walking in on his mother in the shower at an all too impressionable age
I didn't realize Freud was considered a freak full of shit for years, and now that I do know that's the consensus on his body of work, I'm forced to presume people fervently deny and dismiss his theories because they're ashamed of how accurate they were.

I read this. Pretty good overall, I think. Characterization is...fine. Well, John and Rose are, at least - no one else really talks enough to show any personality.

The beginning does kind of meander. John musing over Judaism with the other Harleyberts is a nothingburger and the fic does that thing where every one of the author's favorite characters has to be present and have at least one speaking line.

It is a bit weird that both characters keep stopping in the middle of fucking to look directly into the camera and say ROSE IS A LESBIAN. ROSE MARRIED A WOMAN. ROSE IS A LESBIAN AND SHE LOVES HER WIFE, WHO CONSENTS TO THIS ONE-OFF ACT OF HETEROSEXUAL INTERCOURSE. There's also the constant, constant pausing so they can continue to consent to each other, but what can you do. Maybe that's just how smut fanfic is nowadays.
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it would be really really funny if this wasn't even actually drawn by him but someone tagged them wrong
wtf man
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fuck my worthless life i need to bury my face between a pair of thighs like that
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You gotta understand that people used to send death threats to johnrose shippers a lot
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>AO3 is down for maintenance
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>that bush peeking out
I'm starting to catch on what this thread wants porn of...
snarky, manipulative light players?
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Took you a while.
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Here's a classic. By capydiem. https://x.com/CapyDiem/status/1464316744189763589/photo/1
Honestly crazy how good some Friendsim characters were, considering that the game also had DIEMEN or ARDATA.
I think you've been reading too much homestuck dog, siblings don't actually have sex with each other lmao
Can you blame them when Hussie did it first?
bad opinion
Gotta be Meulin
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Didn’t Tennoh groom somebody

Confirmed every black guy schlong fetishizing weirdo is a babyraper
I NEEED Skylla missionary
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The closest I got is cowgirl.
Gettin' real tired of seeing Vast Error bullshit everywhere.
Oh yeah? Get ready to see some again.
i get so much vast error crap recommended to me on twitter because obviously if i like homestuck then i must also like dogshit fanfiction
well, twitter's probably thinking you already like dogshit, so why not some more?
Ugly art
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don't worry man I got other artists saved too
That's not a Homestuck troll, you don't deserve dubs.
Still missing the old strip pokerstuck theme, but it's one of those ones that requires people to really get into, writing a whole bunch of affectionate scenes and such
cute slime bath girl
are those bandages or ropes?
That's not Aradia. That's the womansona of a Tumblr user. Kind of weird but it's probably more likely the person knows about and is okay with this than the alternative.
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Feferi has the fattest ass among all her friends.
>cute slime bath girl
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Its a shame Meenah doesn't have Feferi's genes.
hes a creep and a retard and a cunt. endlessly funny watching him and aldrasil both try and call each other out over and over again and expose each other for more and more heinous shit
Do (You) ever stop thinking about retarded twitter drama
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Now that’s a name I’ve not heard for a long time and by that I mean like a year or two
Did they pull some sketchy shit too or what? Spoonfeed me on drama please anon
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>poonfeed me on drama please anon
How about you go to a fucking Discord instead
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Peixies bust size in the genetic lineage is inversely proportional to the Maryams. Porrim got the juicy breasts and Meenah got perky roadbumps. Meanwhile Kanaya has C-cups and Feferi is carrying 2 bowling balls over her ribs at all times.
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I've worked on similar theories in the past relating female dancestor sexual characteristics and the seemingly inverse relationship that some of them have across blood castes.
Please take a look at the chart that displays this relationship - though it doesn't account for T/A differentials and instead works on a general thickness quotient, on the whole It holds up rather well.
At least she draws futas. Just futas. It could be way way worse tho
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have we truly come to the point where coomers think a c cup is a small bust
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Isn't C-cup an average size?
has been slowly becoming garbage lately
literally just hyper cocks 90% of the time and they become more humorously hyper with every new drawing
hyper is a dogshit fetish that always gets worse over time
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I love this sleuth midget.
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except he's a moralfag and would just as quickly call someone a "proshipper" for drawing meulin and nepeta in a foursome. the fact that he had to justify it post hoc is proof that by his own retarded standards, its untouchable porn
Could you post less ugly art? Thanks
Terezi herself is cute. The giant cock isn’t.
Only in countries where being overweight has become the average too.
rent free
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Oh aka H, another victim of learning to draw a dynamic artstyle with simple shapes and incredible shading, cursed to be scared of drawing a woman with a pussy.
Welwraith's stuff is getting better, he recently dropped a Porrim with a fat ass and no cock.
Look if you draw jade with a dogdick I just accept that you can't really be a good person

simple as
I would amend that to -
>if you drew jade with a dogdick past 2018 …
I understand this is a more restrictive take but I seriously think the problems associated with it largely only came following the Epilouges
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You know what fine, I'll accept that.
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the funniest thing to come of HS2 is jade cucking the franchise's most darling lesbian ship with her neon green radioactive dog dick because she thought a baby would fix her depression
and then jade framed herself as the victim
and then the nufandom bought it wholeheartedly
i'm not one to judge a person based on what they like in fiction but imagine what kind of person actively likes any part of this
> and then the nufandom bought it wholeheartedly
Mmmn. No. You’re over-exaggerating that to push gen-warring too much.
Plenty, and I mean plenty of new people were also extremely off-put by it. At the time of release there was a lot of contention coming from all directions.
I think the reason fans were so forgiving of Jade was because Hussie brought on a new less abraisive team, and as a community starved of new official content (even though it's insisted Beyond Canon and the epilogues are Fanon integrated into official Homestuck property) fans needed anything so they weren't stuck with an adventure game in limbo for 11, nearing 12 years now.
The other reasoning was Kanaya stood up to Jade and point blank scolded Jade and Rose for their infidelity, plus the character dialogue is great when you don't think about it too hard. Mostly Homestuck has fans that have low standards for when they feel like they should sympathize with a character. This is after all a sequel comic to Homestuck, where Vriska gives a heartfelt tirade to John about how even after killing Tavros, thousands of unnamed trolls, and killing and blinding members of her friendgroup and traumatizing the other half of her friends, she does believe deep down that killing is le bad and she was just raised and expected to be the highblood she was, even when it made her feel uncomfortable and frustrated.
You can also see why people like Kate Mitchell tried to make Vriska a trans woman and Eridan Gender nonconforming.
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Yeah yiffy is what killed HS2's patreon entirely and most people cite it as the reason they've dropped HS entirely.

You're looking at the ruins of a great city and saying it was always this size and level of destroyed. The truth is that everyone left.
>plus the character dialogue is great when you don't think about it too hard.
It's not. Someone posted a thing from rose's old walkthrough and it was like
"Oh wait this is way better written"
>but imagine what kind of person actively likes any part of this
trannies the answer is trannies
>the character dialogue is great when you don't think about it too hard
nigga you literally have to have read homestuck even once to realize that none of the characters even sound like themselves
EVERYONE is ooc, the dialogue is not good at all. There's no possible suspension of disbelief to any of them talking like that, at this point you're just accepting runny slop in your trough.
I was trying to imply that yes, the character dialogue was stilted and awkward at many points in Beyond Canon, and the authors love shoving in phrases that were popular memes a few years ago into the comic so the language seems fresh. What my conclusion was is that I don't think Beyond Canon will have a Yiffy moment the way Homestuck^2 does.
4Chan hated Homestuck^2 from the start, going on desuarchive you see old threads and the anons are all dunking on it with a few voices saying "I dunno this might be gould, and then get 5 (you)s saying "you're delusional"
This more or less comes from 4Chan's Homesuck fandom being pessimistic and stronger critics of Homestuck media since the [S] Act 7 ended the way it did. Tumblr and Twitter had detractors, but it was a minority, most fans ate it up and believed things got better with each update. Once or twice a comic making fun of Homestuck^2 would make the rounds and get 100 or so engagements but get dwarfed by all the Homestuck^2 theories and fanart. Yiffy broke that chain by completely changing the direction of the plot and ruining a popular ship. Beyond Canon doesn't have to do that again, and fans are even more aggressively on board since the old team was harassed and doxxed by Twitter users, and people still trust James Roach. There are still detractors of the new team and updates, but they won't get the popularity or foresight fans have for the new team. Beyond Canon rebounded from total failure and we're stuck with shitty fanfiction for years to come. Maybe we can try to find a nugget of gold in this pile of shit.
It's 4chan buddy.
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>Maybe we can try to find a nugget of gold in this pile of shit.
You can't. You need to stop trying.

BD was right some of us are just too fucking invested and killing yourselves in something that will never be good.
I don't even know what I'M still doing here.
You're retarded buddy it's the same shit just doesn't have a tranny calling haters pigshit
breedingduties is the most biased retard on the planet who can't let go of hussie's alleged mistreatment of some amateur game devs nearly a decade ago
the man can't see past his own seething and its going to give him an ulcer someday
>I don't even know what I'M still doing here.
For me? It's the porn.
>hussie's alleged mistreatment of some amateur game devs nearly a decade ago
Oh you're a hussie apologist. Nevermind then.
absolutely not, but there are more valid things to get mad over than some shit bd has "personal investment" in
Well maybe it's true BreedingDuties is a pathetic spiteful and standoffish prick who does amateur 3D art to fulfill his shipping fantasy of John x Rose and Dave x Jade.
It is also possible that BreedingDuties is everything I said before, and still correct.
Don't forget threatening youtubers with legal action
Or demanding that the homestuck reddit and discord give control over to him
Or making HS2 to get out of his debt to viz and not disclosing that to any of the people working on it.
Or writing a giant ass article and making a whole game about what a victim he is
Hussie's shit and a hasbeen, his comic's shit and it's weird that people still defend any of it.
He’s not the *most* biased retard
There’s lots of other ones too (some of them here!)
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>making a whole game about what a victim he is
Was that Psychocolonials? Is that what that game is actually about? I never got around to 'playing' it.
Biased retard, on duty!
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One of the funniest thing about Hussie is him hiring an actual toddlercon artist and somehow the toddlercon artist was the victim in all of it
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It's basically 4 hours of Hussie saying he did nothing wrong and it was all the community's fault for being insane, which he 100% did not cause. Also really, really tired and bad messages about American politics.
Yes. The entire thing is his self insert starting a cult and this big thing about him whining about all this
Because as we know the biggest thing about cults is how much they hate their leader
What the fuck? What did I miss?
>his comic's shit
it's not though Homestuck was good until tumblr tranny pandering act 6
Fuck off newfaggot
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Jittenshaw was one of the original artists for Hiveswap, they drew >>8355347
They're also a toddlercon artist and wrote a big journal post about how their life was completely and honestly ruined because a certain big time webcomic author hired them to work on a big game and made all these grandiose promises and convinced them to move out to new york and convinced a bunch of other artists and people to abandon their entire lives to come there and work for him

In the end the studio folded, their entire life was upended, and they were left without a job in the one of the most expensive city in the world.
I have no pity for this person? Like zero
BD is absolutely right
At the end of the day Hussie is still in charge of Homestuck and Hussie is still convinced the current tripe is misunderstood genius.
He isn't going to change, and the people he'll appoint to be in charge of Homestuck are all people who fall in line with him and think like he does.
The guy in charge won't change, so the people working on the comic won't change, so the comic isn't going to fucking improve.
This whole thing is a waste of time.
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I alsways knew Hiveswap got into tough shit when an official artist made porn of a beekeeper troll, and they had to scrap that troll.
I had no idea they drew toddlercon, Homestuck attracts the strangest people.
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I don't either, pedos get the rope but the fact is that like they were known for toddlercon, like it's not some hidden thing

and hussie just hires them
and somehow still is the one who fucks over everything in the process.
There's enough receipts for the shit Hussie's done that saying "alleged" is just willfully ignorant at this point
oh shiiiiiiiit
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>This whole thing is a waste of time.
There are always the trolls, sire.
Swifer sexo…
Trolls are the worst
Good. Let this be a lesson for them.
>Grey skin - hot
>Yellow eyes - hot
>Horns - hot
>Optional big wings - hot
>Black lips - hot
>Pointy and/or Megido teeth - hot
>Propensity towards aggression and intense emotion - hot
>Bathes in slime every day (good skin) - hot
>Intense physical strength oftentimes coupled with supernatural powers - hot
>Culturally encouraged and acceptable dynamic of loving, supporting partner and hatefuck, rival partner - hot

I love trolls man. No offence towards the humans, but I certainly wouldn’t be sticking around in the fucking porn general for years just for them. And I’m definitely not here for the high quality conversation lmao.
Trolls are hot as fuck
This. I want to cum in a girl-next-door type. Not a alien
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the people with the money commission it. as long as you're poor you'll have to cope with having bad taste
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>Trolls are hot as fuck
No word of a lie in any of these points. Plus every troll is a psychologic train wreck (hot) that will be putty in your hands with the slightest human affection.

I still want a troll gf so bad
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Felt like Roxy today.
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kanaya seems relatively well adjusted compared to the others, all things considered
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Did you draw this?
The pic you posted, I mean, I meant to say "did you draw that"
I aint that good. Nope.
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Some fresh Skylla.
southern accents turn my dick into a flagpole so a (mostly) canon troll girl with a southern accent is fantastic
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I can’t, used to be in Aldra’s but one of the mods was being a cunt and kicked me out for standing up to them
started flirting with and tried dating the same minor that tennohs was encouraging to draw and write smut. has a history of trying to date as many people as possible and then treating them like shit when he isnt always their centre of attention. both tennohs and aldra have this habit of throwing anyone under the bus over any disagreements

>twitter drama
this is more than twitter drama, i was THERE
Beyond Canon is exactly as official as Vast Error. They're just fanfics Hussie asked to take a cut of the merch money from. There's no reason to pay attention to them over literally any other fanfic.
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I'm thinking back and that one anon who drew this after I made a post about using Aradia's butt as a fetch modus was still pretty kino.
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nepeta wearing this
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>Plus every troll is a psychologic train wreck (hot) that will be putty in your hands with the slightest human affection.
SO fucking true. Imagine being in a world where you're basically expecting to get into a fight daily, and even your partners are split between emotional support and sex, so you can't even get both from a single person, then a human shows up. Normal, sane, without a retarded relationship system.
God bless. Love me some Skylla.
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Literally just say you see their relationship like brother and sister. There cute, platonically.
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all thigh-highs are hot
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I've said it before and I'll say it again: if we have to deal with 3 million pictures of futa Jade then we should have a proportional amount of cuntboy art. I want to lick troll boys' pussies
Jades post partum muffin top
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Nooks are basically already that, aren't they?
>post partum
isn't the whole fanon version of character jadefans have whipped up is that jade is perma-partum
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Fair enough.
Headcanon: horn size correlates to bulge size, so Karkat and Kankri have the smallest bulges but the tightest, wettest nooks
How can niffy exist if she's perma preg
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Since we're talking troll anatomy anyways, where do you reckon the bulge comes out of? The nook, making it similar to a cloaca? A separate hole above it?
What a boring fetish, why would anyone want that when actual tomboys are right there?

Although now that I think about it, are there any tomboy Homestuck girls?
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not really. most homestuck girls are pretty girly.
jade can be a tomboy if you squint hard enough
just pile it on top of her already being a seven foot tall ultrafertile amazonian muscle mommy mega milk nudist poly sex goddess or whatever other extra kinks are being stapled to her nowadays
I mean the most you can say with jade is her being an outdoorsy type. But she's too girly still.

Vriska maybe? That's the closest I can think of.
Terezi and Nepeta are tomboyish
Their interests are still too girly (stuffed animals, drawing, playing dressup, making romantic stuff of their friends)
Vriska is probably the closest, Roxy sort of but Roxy's pink as shit.
Vriska's kind of a tomboy yeah but she sucks
Yiffy is the same way
Besides the stuffed animals Terezi's interests and mannerisms really aren't girly. The only dressup she does is as a lawyer who kills people. Her normal outfit is a tshirt with generic pants and boxers for underwear. She never wears makeup or a skirt.
She does furry roleplay with Nepeta.
So does Karkat. The narration outright states that she's half assing it and it's a joke to her.
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>most homestuck girls are pretty girly.
Ironically, Jane is the most tomboyish aside from her love of cooking. She alchemized a fake mustache into her adventuring outfit to better embody her detective and funnyman idols.
>Alpha kids kill Dirk and then all fuck each other
Best possible ending for them
To define a tomboy, I believe you need to have a character be a woman with masculine traits, be it physical, or attitude. Hussie never drew Homestuck characters with defined muscles, with the excepion of Equius, but overall many of the Homestuck girls have personalities that I would have a hard time describing as manly.
Nepeta and Terezi are generally aggressive from their roleplay stance, and Nepeta is an apex huntress while Terezi hangs people in court roleplay. I consider them to be soft Tomboys. Their behavior is masculine, but the attitude and behavior is more androgynous for Terezi, and feminine for Nepeta.
Vriska is more of a contender for a Tomboy, aggressive gamer, competitive, hobbies include extreme roleplay and pirates, very manly. Vriska would absolutely count as a Tomboy.
Latula is a self-described gamer who loves skateboarding and being radical, but she does present herself and her personality in a confidently feminine manner, she is more of a moderate Tomboy.
The Tommiest of boys for me is Meenah. She is aggressive, steadfast, stoic, brave, nonchalant, and athletic. Meenah is a strong Tomboy.
To be fair Hussie's Canon-if-you-want-it-to after ending fanfiction he calls an epilogue makes Dirk literally Doc scratch 2 and leaves Jake English in a broken relationship with Jane across 2 timelines, he's an asshole when power goes to his head.
I’m bisexual so I find cuntboys hot because it’s like the best of both worlds. Also, I think some of the troll boys just look cute that way.
>ITT - people who don’t know what the word tomboy means anymore argues about which aliens are tomboys
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Do enlighten us then, because I'm pretty sure a tomboy is an avowed girl who dresses and acts boyish
Isn't nothing on the chest and nothing on the crotch the worst of both worlds?
Oh yeah Meenah fits, duh
I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree on this one. I respect your opinion but nothing will stop me from wanting to shove my face in Karkat’s nook
Bridging the gap from Alternia to Earth food (i.e. not having everything be based on grubs and/or raw animal products) must be huge in terms of the foodplay experience.
Forget the many, many different phallic fruits and vegetables you could put inside Aradia for one sex - you just introduced whipped cream to a whole species.
They’d be overwhelmed
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Need more mind swapping fun
This guy wants cock.
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Never forget the best mind-controlled characters
because i want to impregnate karkat
unreal that there wasn't more porn of crockertier jade, what a great design
No tits vriska is hot and having her be mogged by Areana makes it even hotter.
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>unreal that there wasn't more porn of crockertier jade
There was lots, but as usual not all of it was good.
>what a great design
Jade and Jane were never hotter, evil chicks are sexy
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I am asking anybody and everybody for lewd images of Renity. Please, just look at her.
like 10% chance anyone here has even read prisonbourne or whatever the fuck it's called, and 0% chance someone has actually drawn porn of it
Fanventure porn is already rare as fuck, I think I've only seen strilonder draw some.
We don't hope for the expected, we hope for our dreams.
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We need an artist that focuses on fanventrue characters. Any volunteers, I'm only really a 3d art is with poor character skills
do a flip
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Sweet Jesus that figures
Do you have screenshots or anything?
its been way better documented by both parties than i could both putting in effort to corroborate but their respective callouts are both entirely accurate
Stop trawling for drama you faggot.
Fuck off back to your twitter shithole

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