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Sex but fill with happiness, smiles and snuggles

No NTR/Cuck/Cheating of any kind
No Raceplay
No Violence
No Rape
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This was made by M4rcyart.

I'll be putting the artist's name in the file name
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OP here, think I'm limiting it by having sex being a requirement. So as long as it's sexually explicit in some way, it's okay to post.
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you should've replied to the op post so people would actually see it
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For how tragic their relationship is, they seem to have the most wholesome and passionate sex and intimacy drawn about them compared to anyone else in the show.
Also, I love that everyone has agreed Betty is into gentle femdom while Simon basically will switch to make his partner happy.
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You're right, my mistake.

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this isn't wholesome
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>cock in face
Wander and Mono from SotC need more ecchi, dammit! Also, image had to be compressed to get it under 4 MB. God damn you, 4chan...
>image had to be compressed to get it under 4 MB. God damn you, 4chan
They really need to fix that.
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My own self insert art hehe
Bro looks like spock
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Stan and Wendy from South Park
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It is Spock :] I love him
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Is that Wendy?
Stuff like this makes me wonder, has anyone ever experimented with sex in zero g?

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