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A thread for farting and burping art of western origin.

Previous thread:
Onara/Eproctophilia Resources:
nyou.booru.org (Fart Image Aggregation)
gas.booru.org (vintage and rare onara art)
Pixiv tags: おなら , オナラ, 放屁, 屁
General Fart Discord/Roleplay Server:https://discord.gg/XkzsGwk

>No begging for kemonoparty updates or asking for unsolicited requests
>Don't post art that isn't of decent quality
>Keep up the variety
>No grotesque bodies (ie hyperslob, dorse, shadman)
>No furry/anthro (monster girls are allowed)
>No Yokai Watch/single series spamming
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Brap royale day 4, elimination 10: Cassandra hits Lucifer with a shrinking spell and decides she'd like her better as a butt plug

Yeah, I've had this one done for a couple of day but couldn't settle on the dialogue.
Also, AV version is going to be on my twitter @Satyrlord0
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>I might've shat my pants
Always makes me hard, it never fails
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Based HollowAH

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Yes! So happy to see my girl got at least one kill in, hoping she gets a couple more in the future days
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>franchise gets a seemingly decent amount of fart fetish art
>the best girls never get the most amount of art
It hurts so much bros
The picture you used is not applicable.
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Req'ing Fartoholics & "Blonde Cheerleaders Don't Fart CD rips.

Anyway, translation for this?
who made these?
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New artist cloverbugz
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has anyone got an archive of hailey flower?
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Came across this image and desperately wish there was a fart version. Anyone else get that? You find something that just begs for her to be farting? I know a couple images like that.
Do you prefer girls who let a loud one accidentally slip and are mortified, clapping their hands to their mouth as their face goes beet red?
Or ones that laugh mirthfully as they see your reaction after intentionally brapping it up?
I'm so fucking lonely right now guys. For those of you with gf's willing to indulge in your brap fixations, how did you do it? How were you able to admit you liked farts without fearing the consequences?
holy shit, shut the fuck up
dont include me in that shit
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I cant help but feel lonely. I cant even jerkoff im so sad. I just want some incite from people more fortunate than me.
This thread's slow as shit anyways. Here, I've attached some fart art so you can jerkoff whilst I suffer
based political commissar brap
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Never give up hope anon
As for your question, I've told my former 2 gfs about it and they had no problem, but then again it was after them pestering me about my kinks. The angle I took is that put a focus on me liking ass and that the fart side was enjoying (mostly) everything booties offer. They were pretty relieved that they could eat what they wanted and still get laid the same night.
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Hailey Flower wiki has the entirety of Gen 2 and Gen 3's tumblr is still up
Is the current berryfag psyop going to be spamming the thread with obscenely low quality posts? Got old a few threads ago, Lurker!
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>a brap edit request, a question about fart preferences, and a tfwnogf post
>implying these are so out of ordinary that they need to be trolls
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Thanks anon. My main concern is the fact that I could possibly be blackmailed for liking farts, if my hypothetical gf and I were to have a bad breakup. It used to just be embarrassment that was my concern, but now if I got exposed for liking farts/scat, it would put me in HUGE trouble.
Not to powerlevel, but I still live my dad and step mom, and [spoiler]I immediately step into the bathroom to jerk off whenever my step mom walks out after taking a shit[/spoiler]
She's pretty insecure about bathroom stuff, and I know she definitely notices that I always walk in whenever she gets off the pot. For now, she probably chalks it up to just being a coincidence, since she'd definitely say something if she knew I got off to it. But if my fetish was exposed.... yeah.
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>I immediately step into the bathroom to jerk off whenever my step mom walks out after taking a shit
Every fucking time with this.
holy shit i remember watching this scene in billy and mandy when I was a kid and thinking it was kinda hot that fortune teller lady farted. never in a million years did I think she would get art
Too old for me
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>it's almost done
i can't wait bros
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guy who bought the bar hopping dvd last thread, It arrived today
heres the clip: mega.nz/file/PBdAFT4b#5ihmTf-p9HhH6xhLokY7cuuRb-eWSUO-gXvtcO72vpw
came in with an open mind (& zipper) for this but damn what a trainwreck. Not one funny line the whole movie. While watching you really get a sense that the people who made it did not give a fuck. But sometimes, frends, that lack of giving a fuck & not having a sense of humour can create gems like this..
fun fact: this girl is john travoltas wife
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While the scene is nice, I feel like it'd be a chore to sit through just for it. Blessed be mediocre comedy movies, I guess.
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Oh yeah, apparently it was (admittedly kinda shit quality) on YouTube for a while, so I guess you kinda wasted an afternoon on this. Least you got more footage in good quality I guess, so be proud of that fact.
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who's the artist that drew this?
Lolotron6. He does some phenomenal work when he's commissioned for it and isn't busy hyperfixating on his weird flavor girls.
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This is one of this guy's best in a while. I love how swampy her ass looks.
Tell me more.
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Shrinking/fart fetish animation of Dexter's Mom by saxannas
as much as i like this guys stuff i can't help but feel he keeps making excuses just to get another month of sub money and put out just enough
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What's with fart artists? Why do they go schizo and randomly delete everything?

nevermind guess I'm retarded
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Wish you could post the full scene at the end of that bar hopping movie clip, kinda ended very abruptly
Anyone know if there is an archive of ValentineEsterToasty stories? DeviantArt account is deactivated and I can’t find a single reference to his stuff anywhere.
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His side account is still up for cyoa prompts
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He's done it so many times that I can't blame you. I use an RSS feed to see what shit he deletes.
Scene in question
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think he saw this post
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hell be back really this just serves as a reminder to always try and backup someones art that you like
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I try to as much as I can, been burned by artists randomly deleting their accounts and content in the past
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He just went back to the previous name zeenybutgross
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yeah it's locked right now, I'm still gonna archive everything just incase
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While yeah, the movie is crap, I can't deny that I love the way she twitches her ass before ripping that last fart. I don't know the context, but to me it seems like she's trying to hold it up only to release it in an inappropriate place.
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I like how it's inexplicably the Japanese dub.
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wow, forgot how much she farted in that scene. thought it was only once
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muh dick
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Earths Mightiest Heroes porn? In this day and age? Fuck me gently with a chainsaw
hope he draws more girls from that show
I miss his old style of animations, it's too cartoony to be hot now.
New The Boys episode referenced Cake Farts. It was Hughie doing it though.
jesus fucking christ out of all places to get spoiled
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>gas isnt green
one job
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As someone who throws shit whenever a OC comes up into these threads, I think GT's OC might be one of the best ones in the whole community by how unapologetically bland and simple it is. If you want people drawing your OC, you don't really need to write any lore or a funny quirk. Just a simple good design is fine enough.
>As someone who throws shit whenever a OC comes up into these threads
Why? What difference does it make as long as the art is good?
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Spoils artists not to leave their comfort zones. Why draw different existing characters that can be recognized worldwide when you can draw your own OC without fear of being criticized? The art can be good, but honestly, after a while, it gets tiring looking at the same thing. Tenn had it's Ophelia phase, Pola Pola mostly drew their OCs, etc.

Not to mention that in general it is something that ages poorly. Imagine if an artist closes his account and all that's left of his art are drawings of their OCs farting and shitting their pants, newer consumers would have no idea who those characters are.
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For me as long as the OC isnt ugly im fine if its all they draw but I get what your saying
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i can see the anti-ai filter on this image
The what
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The only people who criticize an artists OC vs Established ones are this thread. Nobody else cares that Samus or Peach is getting another mediocre picture to be drowned out with the others.
Not him, but even less people care if some lame oc gets another poorly drawn image
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But you gotta admit there's more poorly drawn images of popular characters than OCs
Pic unrelated
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Maybe, but that's more due to the fact that we didn't really have good brap art for a long time, and this era of quality sort of happened in tandem with everyone and their grandma, dog, and evil clone from space deciding they needed some quirky hair-dyed OC with a gimmicky fart scent.

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