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This general is for the discussion and sharing of western erotic games and visual novels.
All kinds of western erotic games are welcome here (2D & 3D).

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Previous thread: >>8306033
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My wife.
I'm playing Some Heroines Climb Up a Tower to Ask God Why the Game Has a Name That's So Long rn, It's kinda fun.
has anyone played Trouble at Home?
is it possible to fuck Kayla (your twin) in this game?
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gobbo waifus
WEGs have significantly worsened my quality of life as they deeply cut into what is supposed to be my bed time
Any good furryge?
this is why you should be reading wegs while at work
the only one that comes to mind is taboo stories
but thats just because it was made by the fella who made the awakening
New superhuman update just dropped. My body is ready
Holy quints
what are some good cuck wegs?
Hero Party Must fall and The Copycat. Pretty sure thats like all of them.

Some people like one called "A truth better left untold" or something like that but it was too wordy for me
I don't know why this seems to be so rare but does a lactation-focused game exist where most of the girls have smaller/medium/realistic-sized breasts? I love lactation but I also hate huge balloon tits and I feel like I'm cursed.
>has anyone played Trouble at Home?
>is it possible to fuck Kayla (your twin) in this game?
No incest tag but a netorare tag, anon. Take a wild guess.
I have nothing for You but I feel Your pain brother.
Worse I'm sure there are small breasted lactating femboys in the sissification tag but I dare not seek that out deliberately.
best and worst fetishes in WEG?
feet and futa
futa and feet
theres fuck all wegs with futa, stop letting it live rent free in your head
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idk about worst but best is pregnancy. Any more wegs like Haramase and Simple Days that have pregnancy mid-game and not just as part of an ending?
lol the expression on his face. Unfathomably based
The last superhuman update was awesome but I do feel a little cucked having SUCH a long fight scene where literally nothing happened. You don't evolve, or kill your enemy. Aren't we getting toward the end of the game here? Surely someone must fucking die at some point. Shonen anime ass writing lol fuck I still love it though.
necrophilia and graphic violence
i dont know why so many wegs spend time trying to get me to watch some background character get his dick stomped on then stabbed in the eye or whatever
Giant cocks and feet. Specifically, obsession with smelling feet
Depth's Revival
this is the broccoli cut of my generation
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It's pretty good, at this point I'm more invested in the plot over the porn lol. Interested in what's going on with all the characters we haven't seen yet see yet, halfway expecting everything went to shit
I honestly have no idea how he's going to solve all the remaining plot threads in just an update unless there's going to be a sequel.
Still, the update was fine and telling everyone how much of a pervert you are was fun.
I hope he is just going to keep adding decimal places. Next update will be 0.9857 or something
breastfeeding and pissing
BWNO shit and 10+ inch dicks. Both of these are retarded
U jelly of my 10 incher

I think it’s retarded when a woman sees a huge dick and instantly must fuck the guy as if possessed. But the idea of utterly destroying a woman so that she will never be satisfied with anything but my giant penis ever again is peak for me
Anyone got the Personal Assistant: Blackheart Edition V.8 update?
We are getting close to the end of the first part of the game. Maybe one of the HERO's big trio will get killed during the climax to show that things are super serious from now on, but otherwise I expect everyone to play a role during the sequel.

Also, Cole is going to get his shithole remodeled by Tanos and we maybe got a hint of equipment for MC, so it's wasn't entirely a fight with no consequences.
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>won't be able to breed Dalia in the next update
To live is to suffer
Devs should write it so that the woman is unimpressed by the cock and then gets her worldview rearranged. Much more satisfying really.
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Worst: pissing and enema.
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Not sure how I feel about Sera's time skip look. On one hand, it looks nice, but it's still a draft and subject to change. On the other hand, it makes her look more "soft", like she's given up fighting and embraced whatever peace Mars is promising.
I don't like it. There used to be some diversity in bodies, now he's just turning them all into titcows (thankfully not Vi). Hope Sera's design really isn't final.
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>There used to be some diversity in bodies, now he's just turning them all into titcows
I hear ya, but isn't that part of the curse that's changing their bodies? Like Ceci's nipples looking like ak bullets or Erin's penis shrinking to almost nothingness? I personally like the longer hair on Sera, but not the color change. Hopefully Sera will have some muscle definition added back on.
I understand wanting the diversity but muscle girls are gross and I always just clicked through the sera shit to get to my sweet Cece
Different strokes for different folks and all that. Cecille has definitely gone through some drastic changes. I liked her at first, but out of all the people involved in this story, I wouldn't care if she was the only one who ended up miserable when it's all said and done. Great character development, but I grew to hate her. Maybe that's going to change (doubt it) during the time skip seeing how the previous update handled her. We'll see.
I want to like this for the preg content and I've played a whole bunch of shittier and more generic HS games but the gobbos here don't do anything for me looks-wise.
anyone know some good CoC-likes?
I liked TiTS and Lilith's Throne but didn't really like CoC 2
Are you talking about the text based game corruption of champions?
Broken Dreams Correctional Center but there are some big differences and much less content than COC or TITS. In my opinion it develops more or less in the same heavy furryshit direction as later versions of TITS but with a stronger emphasis on BDSM and interactive and customizable sex-combat encounters.
AI games would be cool if they looked more like My New Girlfriend. Maybe with less cuckoldry.

screw the succubus rape to death and weird humiliation stuff
Star Periphery
Thats futadom tho.
femdom enjoyers have it rough.
which translation tool do people use to play LonaRPG? any guide for it?
Its the same thing. Does it really matter if its a strap on or she has a real dick?
There is The Shadow over Blackmore.
femdom is not strap on shit, though
anyone have the latest 0.91 dev build of Porn Empire?
dev hasnt released a public update in forever and when people ask for an update he tells them to go to fucking patreon
on F95 no one seems to be willing to share either
parental love, such a sharp pain but it's not there yet
i can't even name a single good GENTLE femdom focused game
Yes it is. Pegging is part of femdom.
Wut. Yes it, absolutely can be. And it can definitely be done in a more gentle, loving manner as well.
Go back to your bot containment.
Have some self awareness
This thread is absolutely pathetic
Both threads are shit. Separating an already small group based on stupid bullshit because you're too much of an over-sensitive fag to even hide posts you don't like is retarded.
>still here
I wouldn't want to be in that thread either.
did the dev say this?
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Are there any zombie raep wegs left? Not talking about zombie apocalypse wegs with vanilla lewd scenes. I know a bunch of devs pussied out because of Patreon rules
Can someone tell me if the new ravager update actually progresses the story any? I am retarded and don't know how to read the changelog
It's just more bloat and remastering chapter 1-4 shit
Devs are so fucking stupid remastering shit. They really don't understand how important momentum is for the experience. If a game goes for long enough without new content, people will forget the story and then never get back into playing/caring about their game again.
redrawn old scenes
added voices to old scenes
redrawn some character sprites
2 months of hard work. u rike?
What if early content looked like total shit?
Love Zombies
worst: alot, nipple fucking/'ass-to-mouth' play/scat/piss.
best: bestiality
Let it look like shit. Superhuman and Hero Party Must fall both have absolute shit tier early art. Nobody gives a fuck, they are successful games.
Sharing is the gayest fucking shit. Pineapple express and A couples Duet can go straight into the fucking trash. Not real NTR
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Anything similar to this?

Searching for the femdom tag gives me 70 pages of vanilla shit.
The same dev also made The Asylum and Captured by Dark Elves but the latter is extremely grindy. Both games are complete which is a big plus.
Karlsson Gambit has a lot of content and it's mostly hard-but-not-extreme femdom, though I'm not sure if it's the kind of "similar" you're looking for
>same dev
I tried Femdom City and couldn't get over how ugly and repetitive it was.

>Karlsson Gambit
I'll try that. Thanks.
Anybody play king of summer? Probably the best NTR game I've played. When the main guy just barely sees the edge of his gf sucking the other guy off, and gets blocked by the other bitch, was the hottest shit in the world
I need some recommendations, /weg/. I've realized that I really like the VNs where you play from the perspective of a MILF with a husband, kids, etc, and there's gradual corruption and cheating. So far, I've played:

>A Wife and Mother
>Her Desire
>A Perfect Marriage

Are there any more like that? Preferably where you actually have sex.
That's one of the biggest WEG disappointments I can think of. For along the lines of what you're looking for, I've played and enjoyed these:
>Anna Exciting Affection (MC has a bf but not married)
>Project Myriam (only one in the greentext with kids)
>Steps of Debauchery (still early on and light on content but does have enough to be worth downloading)
>Office Wife (IIRC, the husband is a cuck in this one, but that might be route dependent)
Fate and Life: The Mystery of Vaulinhorn might be worth keeping an eye on, but it's desperately lacking in scenes. Don't let the chapter count fool you.
any bdsm 2d games recommendation?
Think we'll see tribals added?
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Superhuman is starting to get to that point for me where I kind of wish it wasn't porn. It doesn't surprise me at all to find out the creator of it loves Fate Stay/Night since it's probably the only western property I've ever seen that even comes close to matching it in tone, never mind comparing it to most bottom of the barrel WEG content out there. I'm looking forward to his next titles where he can start from the beginning with his new levels of skills and polish. Early Superhuman was kinda rough.
Yeah I kind of feel like that too. Seems like he might have made a lot more money if superhuman was just a non porn visual novel, for sale everywhere.
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I think a part of the problem is that when he started his level of quality would be unacceptable outside of the porn scene, but now he's improved his art and writing to the point where that's no longer the case, but he's still working on and updating the same work that he started with. So now he's kind of just gotta keep up with the unnecessary porn bits due to it being expected. I am curious if 1.0 can get a steam release though, if Sex with Hitler can get on there Superhuman deserves a spot too.
If I were him I would have already broken it up into episodes and started selling on steam like doctor pink jew. I can't think of any reason why it can't go on steam. If he has to remove something that shouldn't be a big deal.
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Honestly from watching his Q&A he seems pretty chill, not really jewish enough to squeeze pennies out of people. He has what must be a fucking 60? hour long VN available for free with constant, big updates with decentish art, fun action and cool worldbuilding. The only content anyone has to pay for is slightly earlier access to new updates, and by slightly earlier I mean like a week??? Not to mention an update is several hours long, the fact the whole Cole fight and the entire intro to the next arc was all one patch blew my mind. Very generous compared to 99% of all western erotic content creators, who'll charge you 5 dollars a month for like a single page of a comic. Weirdworldz is a retard that works too hard.
I've found that the weg market really rewards prolificness. To the point where your game can be pretty dogshit with engrish and hideous renders, but if you just plow away with updates people will pay you.
Thank you, too bad that the game is dead
That's a quality fetish. Would you mind if I picked it up for myself?
Are there any interesting LIs in Superhuman or is it mostly a super-human game with some porn and gigatits in the backgroudn?
You can also go in th other ditch, hit a small niche fetish and have people still subbed after 4 years w/o an update.
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Kindred spirits. Superhuman feeds my chuuni cravings, from the battles, to the characters to the damn fine world building.
Dunno that lingo bro
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There are lots of fine girls, and they all get their own quests, but most of said quests are ok at best, only Bella and Alice get genuinely good focus. Also yeah, they are all titty cows and dont get as much focus as you would expect in a porn game(besides those 2 I mentioned), there is only 1 flattie, but she can end up as a trap depending of your choice kek
am I the only one here who's tired of ntr and interracial?
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Not yet
Thats reverse interracial
don't be an idiot anon, it's interracial, not blacked. If that is what you are looking for you prob want the netorare tag too you cuck
>reverse interracial
Dude what?
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What do you think of my game idea?
>you are a paparazzo
>you have a week's work (that's the whole game)
>everything is based on luck and RNG
>you stay near the entrance to a trendy nightclub, and there's a chance of meeting one celebrity a night (or none)
>if you meet a celebrity, you photograph her and make an album

That's the game, after the week, you see the photos and your score. Then, when you start a new game, you can distribute points you earned for things like "luck, charm, etc.", which will increase the chances of meeting celebrities and also increase the chances of them being receptive when you photograph them (if your charm is high, they might even show their tits or something).
But the point is that there are super rare celebrities, so you'll have to play over and over again in the hope of seeing Emma Watson or that girl from Lazy Town, in a slut outfit or something.
And each celebrity will have "levels too", so even if you photograph Emma Watson, you might get lucky and see her on level 2 in a new playthrough, where she's in more slutty clothes.

PIC: a test I did with Abe Shapiro, since she's kind of ugly, she could be one of the low tier celebrities
Looks like Sexbot is now as complete as it's going to get.

Pacing issues aside, it's probably one of the better wegs when it's not trying to be funny.
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>everything is based on luck and RNG
Good concept for a game but I can't see how RNG is an improvement over deterministic or skill level-dependent events.

See: RNG events in The Twist and Seaside Mystery. Yeah it's "realistic" to have characters show up over a time period rather than on a specific time in a daily/weekly schedule, but once you're down to a few undiscovered events left, players end up skipping days or a whole week anyway. It gets tedious and ends up being a complete waste of time unless you have REALLY engaging gameplay or have a bajillion distractions on the side (ie. lewd image collectibles)
Anyone know any games where people react to the Futa dick?
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Desert Stalker
>PIC: a test I did with Abe Shapiro, since she's kind of ugly, she could be one of the low tier celebrities
i like the idea, and it seems like a possible scope for one dev. try posting it in /vweg/, there's more anons lurking there, probably giving more constructive feedback.
>probably giving more constructive feedback.
>thread started last month with a handful of anons lurking for specific fetishes.
>anon pinches his idea that have nothing to do with these fetishes
>other thread has way more engagement, every day bump limit is reached (mostly due to this thread's OP, but whatever)
>more anons = higher probability for constructive feedback
>constructive feedback
You can only choose one.
>>you are a paparazzo
a promising start, everyone has a pokemon snap but with naked sluts idea
>>you have a week's work (that's the whole game)
little arbitrary, you could just use a weekly cycle with an infinite number of weeks if there isnt a real narrative reason for just being a week
perhaps add a budget function whereby you have to sell enough photos to continue the run
>>everything is based on luck and RNG
acceptable but lazy
>>you stay near the entrance to a trendy nightclub, and there's a chance of meeting one celebrity a night (or none)
why limit it to just one location?
you could have olympians hooking up at brothels and corrupt politicians doing blow off a hookers ass at their private residence
>>if you meet a celebrity, you photograph her and make an album
might as well just make an album(gallery) of all the saucy moments assuming you dont plan on the celebrity being the only person getting laid the whole game
wegs for getting rimmed while plowing?
is FeMC rimmed while pegging ok?
nah, needs to be cock wielder getting rimmed to work for me
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Why does OP love posting black cock all the time other than being a faggot??
I will never understand why people like blacked/cuck/ntr
>game released like 4-5 years ago
>rating is around 2/5 stars or less
>the dev keeps updating it every few months

The dedication is impressive but why would you keep developing something your audience considers trash? If you publish a game, you're hoping to get some positive feedback or even paypig subs. Why would you keep sharing your work with others if all you get is just 3 more 1 star reviews pointing out the awful player experience?
I don't see how its so hard to understand. Most people get off to women being bad. For many, a mother fucing her own son is peak "women being bad". For the most based, redpilled, and racist among us, a woman fucking a nigger is even more peak "women being bad". Most porn game fetishes are different flavors of the same thing fundamentally.
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Anyone know of any WEGs with male monster (minotaur, lizardman, etc.) MC x female humanoid (human, elf, etc.)? Mostly just been able to find female MC x monster games so far.
I don't care about women being bad in that sense but sometimes I find it kind of hot when they're being super naive. It's more about about them submitting to the biggest nigger in town and less about what they think. Women are sex objects, with all due respect.
there are several goblin mc games but big monsterguy mc games are rare as fuck. CoC or TiTS exist but I doubt they're what you're looking for.
Yeah, already played through CoC 1/2 and TiTS long ago. They were fine for what they were, but don't really scratch that "woman being utterly dominated by an otherworldly monster" itch.
I HATE footfags, please fuck off from the internet
Ravager you play as a dragon. Also has very high production value and is voiced. Last 4 or more updates have had no new content somehow so its kind of abanonded at this point though.
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Rise of the Orcs 2
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>amira rework in next update
tessa bros...
The old classics like elenas life, sarah's life

alansya chronicles: fleeting Iris, Lily of the valley, anna exciting affection

I love this shit too. A newer one called ms. denvers has potential. Unfortunately many of these remain unfinished
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Does anyone here know where one can get good-quality versions of all the old Zone-sama flash games?
I'm tired of having to look for them every time I wanna play one.
f95zone literally the website on OPs post
I have Sims 4 and I am going to mod it so I can be a degenerate

what are the mods I must get
I really like her new model desu
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Harem in Another World
Most complete eroge who legit feels like it's a proper quality game?
My only issue is the lack of blue hair.
Personally, I prefer the idea of giving up fighting and so she does become softer and motherly.
This is a "to each their own" scenario, so sorry you lose out.
Has he increased his art skills 10x or is there some kind of AI that he is using which does things like shading for you?
Blint, tell me, new mommy content when. I need her.
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sadly no telling if there's gonna be more tessa in the next update, think he's focusing more on the bartender and expanding the story
That is regrettable she is easily the best character.
I can work with that. Bless.
Tyrant, The
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The hair color change is weird, but I doubt it'll be black in the final build/design. I can see her being softer and motherly, but not while the "quest" is still active. Then again who knows if at this point in the story the group is still battling demons in the labyrinth.
Hero Party Must Fall
The art has improved if you ask me, the differences in quality from his early work and current are considerable. As for whether or not he uses AI, I couldn't tell you. I have seen an anon make that claim in a older weg thread over on /v/, but have never looked into it.
the fuck is this?
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Flashbang out.
man of the house
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That was my dumb ass not opening the full image
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i do too, she might be my 2nd fav next to the alien girl and the doctor.
hopefully the next next update has more
when did this thread become dickgirl general?
I'm planning on making a porn game that I want to have lolis in.
I had the idea that right at the start, you're shown one of the lolis, and asked what you think about this person. Your choices are:
>UOH, cute and funny. needs correction!
>She looks 18 to me.
>That's a child, get her out of here.

I know how patreon can get with that kind of material on their site, but Four Elements Trainer is still there, and they've got some very explicit loli scenes. They're all gated behind a few "are you sure"s though. Like they'd have six options that all say variations of No, and one that's a maybe, and that one can eventually lead to the scene.

Do you think I'd be able to get away with making a game like that, and monetizing it?
>3 futa pics out of 41
>futa general
pls, take your histrionic meds
I think the only way to get away with it on Patreon is to have the banned content buried in a mountain of normal content, so that it's basically impossible for censors to actually check your product even if it gets a few complaints here and there. Even so, if someone reports it and shows the censor exactly how to check the type of content, even if it's a 100+ hour game, the censor may well ban your game. So it's basically too risky.
Hot af
I want Elena's breasts to be way bigger when pregnant tho
Red heads and long hair are my weakness so Elena checks a lot of boxes for me.
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My game is in this pic.
only half decent femdom game and the dev just stopped
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>good sex scenes
>unique and sexy waifus
>great fetish content
>great visuals
>somewhat consistent updates
>update previews good enough to fap to
your fav weg's could never
The setting is also pretty good. The backgrounds are literally the best in the history of wegs.
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sad how such a good weg goes overlooked here cause of futa. the most tame kink here.
It's the second biggest futa game out there. After like a year. Shit's niche but successful. I just hope it won't get abandoned.
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Anyone playing Stray Incubus? New update came out today
Kind of thinking about trying it but it looks like very predictable harem shit so I havent done it yet
Male protagonist with futa fendom is just gay content with extra steps.
I'm looking for futa protagonist dominating or normal fucking other futas or normal female characters.
Futa on femboy is the best genre. I'm sorry your tastes are too pleb to see that.
But you are looking for Eruption Imminent. It's not as good as SP, but it's still pretty good futa on female VN with a similarly dedicated dev.
I agree with this. I think futa could be good if done right but I havent really encountered it.

>hot girl wakes up one day with a huge dick
>trying and failing to hide her dick in daily life. She is super embarrassed about it
>she is a lesbian and wanted to fuck girls anyway and now she has the tools to do so
>learns to love having a dick

Would probably enjoy this game. Eruption emminent comes close sometimes but its a little too goofy being set in a woman/futa only universe.
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It kinda is but there are plenty of lewd scenes for along sesh at least.
Random male protagonist reinacarnates into Futa-only fantasy world would be perfect.
Go make a game like that.
Which one is it
Any good NTR games...? I've tried Spellbook, Milfy City. Also, if it has incest
Pale Carnations is good.
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Is there a Reverse KP game where, instead the MC is a guy and has to keep himself from being sexually corrupted by all the women around trying to have their way with him?

Usually in this sort of game, the male MC just fights some sort of monter gir, succubus, or whatever, who then may rape him. But that often just leads to some sort of game over. I'm yet to see a game with an overall dynamic corruption progression for a male MC.
wow ur gay
Hero party must fall and good girl gone bad
>186 replies
>up for 17 days
a month per thread nowadays? oof
Maybe that'll change if someone spams 300 images a day
>he is still here
No anon, retard is you. Go back to your unusable bot thread.
i like futa but anal sex makes me sick
what makes a game good? arent they all just an excuse to look at porn images? what makes a game better than an image gallery?
For me, a good steady buildup is huge.
There is a game I quite like called My Little Angel but one of my criticisms of it was that it peaks too early, as far as the characters corruption. In porn, the characters are just trashy whores because all anyone wants to see is fucking and bust a quick nut, but with a game you can built titillation up nice and slowly
Can someone recommend me ntr games where the guy can kinda see what his gf/wife is doing but he's too dumb or blind to realize fully? Like the king of summer
context, while certainly you can tell a story with a series of pictures or even have enough cues in a single image to understand a situation it is more tangible to have actually read through the story and understand who is who to who and why such and such matters

its the difference between "an interracial boxing match between an old champ and some young buck" or "logan paul:corpse filming shitcoin scammer tries to beat up mike tyson: world famous boxer who is now so old his body is failing for some internet traffic"
you can enjoy the gallery without knowing the real story like incest porn with the sound off but knowing the context is just better
A Wife's Life

It's fully black shit though.
Recently tried this game and realised I kinda like NTR where it's just being cheated on. Not into the sharing/cuckold (literal definition of cuckold I mean) kind of NTR.


Any games similar to it?

I would rather recommendations weren't hentai but fuck it, i'll try them at least. I don't really care for the way Japan portrays women, have yet to play one that didn't either:
>rush to sex
>women squeaks like a 10 year old girl and acts like one too

I prefer that realistic slow burn, even if the game I posted here has some dumb "medicine". So any tips? I've not played most NTR games so i'm guessing there's a fuckton (hoping so).
Are there any other games similar to Ravager or Something Unlimited? I want to play as a bad guy amassing a harem and corrupting women
Anyone know any good shrinking/giantess games? Preferably without the focus being on vore/getting squashed and killed.
Desert Stalker
how exactly would a male MC corruption work? You start as a monk and then end up wanting to fuck everything that moves? Even old fat bitches? The only way male corruption works is for the partners themselves to change to a point where taboo turns illegal ie Loli or you just start railing femboys

Corruption works for girls because the progression is almost natural, go from kissing to hand jobs to blow jobs to sex to anal and then everything goes off the rails but doing that from a male perspective is both unrealistic and even worse, boring
I'd imagine it'd have to be something like a sister/mom trying to seduce the MC into incest he hasn't thought about before.
Or some super weird fetish he gets corrupted into trying.
That or you have MC lose something by having sex, but then it's basically just another succubus game.
NLTchads, give me the lowdown on Symphony of the Serpent. How bad is it?
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Which one of you gobbo bozo's was talking shit?
>how exactly would a male MC corruption work?
shy big dick noble paladin who doesn't fuck or drink > goes around questing and keeps running into slutty damsels that need his help > he helps them and they keep encouraging him to try fun things > he resists at first but eventually turns into an unshaven adventuring drunkard with an irresistible pussy magnet aura > people who used to respect him start calling him a disgrace or a fallen one but he just doesnt give a fuck anymore
no games
Basically that was what Milfy City was supposed to be about i think? but i guess it was forgotten by the second update lmao.
MC had options to act kinda weirded out by his horny mom at least for the first few choices...it didn't last at all thou.
Thats a closeted homosexual way of saying you have a fetish for black cocks
Oh shit this is what the art looks like now? It's fucking ass at the part I'm playing.
>>>hot girl wakes up one day with a huge dick
>>trying and failing to hide her dick in daily life. She is super embarrassed about it
>>she is a lesbian and wanted to fuck girls anyway and now she has the tools to do so
>>learns to love having a dick
You are describing "Having a Hard Time", it is literally what you wrote to a fucking T.

I genuinely thought you were baiting when I first read this.
for what purpose?
The Jap version of this can just be one big mosaic censor
Nice lol I didn’t know, I’ll try it out
I'm playing Hero Party Must Fall and I really can't see what's so great about the writing. The lead up to sex feels mechanical, like how Cecille lists off her "boundaries" as if she's reading an instruction manual. And the whole reason she's cucking the guy is basically because of "magic bullshit". The stakes feel low, and none of the characters feel like they care very much about what's happening, as far as the sex goes.
Bro it’s so good. Just keep playing. It’s like a 20 hour game and to me it feels like the dev was able to just keep improving over time
So what's the deal with this dev? He has like 5 different patreon accounts and he churns out 5 or 6 games simulatenously, and they all play the same.
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I just want to beat the shit out of her. Is this too much to ask?
>want to play corruption of champions because anons here always make it sound amazing
>literally impossible to play it in current day without using the wayback machine to download an old version of the flash player

how can this be so complicated lol I guess I'll never try it
I can play CoC 2 is it any good?
Yeah its pretty good. The game has the most content of any I know.
You might like SHELTER.
daughterwives are for breeding not for beating
after 6000 years harem hotel updated
play it on flashpoint.
And the update is garbage. Nice job blocking E&F content in the hotel until next update, probably in a year
The last two updates were bad.
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Maddie is made for beating.
These threads should be dedicated to sex mods for already existing games because those are actually good
This works thanks for the reconmmendation.

However after playing the game I don't see what everyone likes about it. Its so silly.
Main appeal is covering a variety of /d/ fetishes, which are rarely seen elsewhere (ex. urethra fucking). It's also really old, one the earlier popular porn games that inspired a lot of others. So it's recommended as a classic, like why every FPS fan should play DOOM.
DOOM is actually great however
Base doom is merely good. It's the 30 years of community content that make it great
Hero party must fall update FINALLY moves the story forward. I am too hyped, going to try to play it over several days to make it last.
Heroparty must fall update AND a new game by NTRMAN holy shit we eating good today. Not sure if "arrival of the goddess" is long enough to play though. Waiting to see what people say
When did ntrman get his patreon back? Last time I heard of him, he was demonetized and esl95 had removed all his shit and everything. Because one stated 18 year old character looked too youthful or something like that.
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>Hero party must fall update
Seems like it's just four cutscenes and then a black screen stating you've reached the end of the content. So no time skip content unfortunately.
>next update is tech/gameplay focused
Guess we're entering the mega milking phase of the game's lifespan.
>>next update is tech/gameplay focused
Yeah looks like its over. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Good 2d games never get finished
>I don't see what everyone likes about it
It definitely has its fair share of issues but for what it is, it's a pretty fun time and the writing still holds up for the most part. Especially if you play one of the modded versions that add more content and flesh out some of the existing stuff which was left unfinished. There's definitely better stuff to play nowadays but it's a classic for a reason.
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is there a way to fully unlock the star periphery gallery? my save got fucked
>revenge arc if you decide to take the Elena route
I think [spoiler]that goddess that appears before him in the Elena route is just Cecille using her magic to try and kill her competition aka Elena.[/spoiler]
>Haha time for the long awaited update, can't wait to see my waifu +9999 Sara
>it's just a scene of Guts and Erin fighting then Cecile abusing Erins balls
>This is the end of content subscribe to patreon
The real board.
I've busted so many nuts to that ending scene with Sera where you just keep filling her up and it cuts to Erin with Cecille shit talking him the entire time.
For me, it's Erin watching Elena get bred
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Is Hero Party Must Fall /weg/'s favourite BMWF game?
>Hero Party Must Fall /weg/'s favourite BMWM game
Yeah its god tier. Pretty clearly the best porn game on the market right now.
it is a bit gay
i liked the peepshow aspect of it but everything else was just an absolute slog to go through
It would have been better as a straight up VN but there is also some kind of dopamine thing when you have to search for new content and get happy when a scene triggers ya know. I think the 20 hours or whatever it takes to get through is a bit much, but because of the length it has the most well written and realistic seeming characters of any porn game.
I'm gonna go ahead and say it: I think a BLACKED game where you either play a rising bbc star or the jew-i mean producer in charge would be a god tier sim weg.
Damn youre right. The black nail polish gave her away. I thought it was pretty lame for the dev to pull another goddess out of his ass. Shame on me for not realizing this.
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Does it really count as BMWF when said BM is Schrödinger's nigger?
lol he might as well have had a lore reason for this. Some magic shit where mars can change his skin color as needed for the best looking porn
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Mars is supposed to be tanned according to the dev, but I can see why people call him black. Anon got a lot of (You)s last time he posted that.
It's just speculation, but the fact that there are two goddesses doesn't mean there can't be more. Personally I can see Cecille losing her shit if during the "pre-time skip check point" or whatever you want to call it, and then deciding to try killing anyone getting in the way of her happiness/goals. She reacts negatively in the cutscenes for Sera, Elena, and even Erin's routes. Even in her own route she mentions wanting nothing more than to kill Erin, holding back only because Mars forbade it. She's gone full fucking unhinged and I wouldn't be surprised if at some point you have to subdue her one way or another.
I think youre thinking of my post. I was posting that specifically toward vanilla fags that take it as a personal humiliation if a porn game has a black guy in it but yet enjoy HPMF.
Any sites other than F95 worth checking for wegs? I have gone through everything that looks interesting that is complete and would like something new. I try not to dive into anything unless it's finished because fuck waiting a year for an update.
It's funny because his skin color changes for each character lmao. White for the dark skin girl and dark for the white skinned girl
did the writing get better? I've played it when it was new and the scene just went of forever
If the thing that turned you off was
>words words words
then don't bother because it has changed much in that regard. You could always download it and unlock the gallery to skip the majority of the story.
LewdCorner was good since it hosts stuff F95 banned, but they've paywalled those threads so it's pointless going there now. If you want loli/shota then go to ATF. But otherwise most wegs worth checking out do end up on F95.
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I was hoping you were looking for male PC warden that runs around abusing his charges and employees in a female prison. Oh well...
>MC is a guy and has to keep himself from being sexually corrupted by all the women around trying to have their way with him?
Basically every incest weg has elements of this in it, some more than others. But I've no names to give you.
>they've paywalled those threads
I'll be damned, they really went and did that. 750 lc coins, let me guess, you can get them for free by posting and shit or outright buy them? Either way seems like a waste of time considering how often they ask for money to keep the site going.
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Actually, here's one, and it sort of illustrates the issue w/ those games: they almost require NTR to keep the plot interesting
> The Corruption of the Village
Innocent PC runs around corrupting everyone else. Unavoidable NTR, b/c what else are you going to have the other NPCs doing while PC gets corrupted? It would be boring af otherwise, plus you almost need it to showcase how pathetic all the NPCs are in the first place.
I didn't like it, waited so long for the conclusion, but the art is fuckin dog shit, I don't even know what's really off with it, but it looks AI generated with some tweaking done to correct it to certain style. For example the previous scenes of Sera breaking the seal in the woods looked thousand times different and better
Has he ever actually looked White? He seems to switch between ayylmao grey and negroid brown depending on the girl he's fucking.
>let me guess, you can get them for free by posting and shit or outright buy them?
correct, and it's usually on sale so like 300 coins, you can get them by shitposting for a couple of hours
What's this? Reverse search doesn't seem to bring up any results.
MY wife.
manjaw wife
The whitest he ever gets is southern italian.
best femdom footjob-focused game?
I find that these days, I'm more inclined towards text-based stuff than actual 2D/3D stuff for some reason. Of which, is there anything out there that's pretty good 'quality'?

To be fair, the number of weg games of this kind I've played is actually pretty small. The most I've ever spent time on, and is still spending time on even now, is Degree of Lewdity (DoL). I've also played stuff like TiTS, CoC 2 and Lilith's Throne, but if anything, especially with TiTS and CoC2, their focus on the more extreme side of /d/ like horse/wolf/dogcocks and bimbo-fying stuff is quite a turn off for me. I really enjoy DoL and Lilith's Throne mostly because they can be played either as a truly pure virgin, or slut virgin.
Siren of The Dead is still alive
Is the game only about cuck shit?
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yes and no
I don't know about femdom but Midnight Paradise has a ton of foot content.
her jawline is fine
That's way too much work.
is it any good?
As far as zombie wegs go, sure.
sometimes you need to work for what you want, anon
That is not the wegger way.
I think inner empire is great. It doesn't jump the shark with crazy sex shit. My character has been virgin through it and I still enjoyed it. It takes itself seriously enough to be respected. The only bad part is its not that long and the dev has been at it for years I believe so its likely a game that will never be finished.
This is why ntrpg and karry prison will be peak eroge. They can convey scenes without words words words
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I don't think so bud.
For the most part, yeah. Except you're playing as the brown dude who's cucking the white boy.
>For the most part, yeah. Except you're playing as the brown dude who's cucking the white boy.
And you can even sissify him!

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