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This general is for the discussion and sharing of western erotic games and visual novels, including incest and harems.

Western erotic games (2D & 3D) are welcome here with these content restrictions:
>No QoS/blacked
>No futa
>No gay dudes
Report any restricted content posted here, including anything about games that are exclusively for such content.

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Previous thread: >>8345765
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My wife.
MY wife.
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My wife.

Fuck off.
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OUR wife.
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I don't think so bud.
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>star trek kino
>last updated 5 months ago
this hobby is a fucking prison

reminder to vanilla enjoyers to go check out SexBot, just got updated
>>last updated 5 months ago
They can't keep getting away with this.
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Somebody knows the name of the game?
it's one of those summer titles
I believe it's The Wants of Summer?
who is this?
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Any recs for wegs that use Virt a Mate for visuals instead of Daz/HS? I need some gobbo variety.
Here's the wegs I know:
Cartel Simulator
Never Meet Your Heroes
The Bouncing Agency
The Gain Trials
Fattening Career
That one weg where MC has a twin and they're both trying to fuck their sister but I forgot the name

The common theme seems to be comically thicc gobbos but I definitely don't mind more normal proportions
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colonize all gobbos
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has anybody kept up with corrupted kingdoms? i stopped playing it around the time the new chapter came out and he introduced battles and stuff. is it still any good?
anything by dumbkoalla
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>Siblings who can't stand each other but somehow physically are each other's perfect type and have amazing sex
>Both gigachads who have the entire school lusting after the yet somehow they're stuck with each other because no one else fucks as good
>Full blood related incest
>No romance bullshit, just hate sex all day everyday between people who can't stand each other
weg like this?
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The Tyrant
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ty anon
no more money
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Is this any good? 5 updates out already and people are saying it's the next Milfy City...
gonna bump this because the faggot spammer that the jannies continuously let go decided to start right after i posted
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>it's the next Milfy City
So you're telling me that's the next weg to leave me hanging for several years and end up being a complete waste of my time?
this looks interracial take it to the other thread cuck
nothing happens in that one, in terms of quality, no where close to milfy city, it has like 1-2 scenes too, not sure what the dev is doing desu and I think he's even started that remaking shtick too
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Well, it's not. You can quit being so assblasted over nothing anytime.
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my wife
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It's just ahead of its time, anon.
I wish there were more games with this relationship dynamic, but without the incestuous elements. Like, give us a football captain and cheerleader captain who hatefuck each other or something.
why would a football captain and cheerleader captain hate each other? their roles are literally complimentary
They wouldn't.
big egos clashing?
bad break-up? going back to hatefuck your ex is no more absurd than hate fucking your sister
the football captain and the head cheerleader are usually dating while brothers and sisters usually hate each other
These games are made by russian nerds. They don't know how to write an american football captain.
some people just dislike each other anon
What's the difference between an american football captain and a russian football captain?
you take off his hat
wait, no..
bro what??
you guys are 14 years old fr
Son, you have to be at least 18 years old to post here.
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That doesn't mean the scenario shouldn't make sense, not everbody is a fan of subverted expectations bullshittery.
What game is she from?
pale carnations
motherfucker the pope joke rebuttal is a 90s classic. you're outing yourself as a zoomer
AIDS and vodka
>because no one else fucks as good
So she tried fucking everyone else? Disgusting cuck fantasy.
She's from Eternum
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most perfect girl
Even her dad thinks she is a whore.
What is easier for developer to use when making porn games, especially sex scenes, 2D or 3D?
If easy is what you want, using AI to render 2d images for you is easier than any of the alternatives, I guess.
im not a game dev just trying to figure out why people use 3D
Her dad is one of the worst persons in AVN history, so his opinion is obviously discarded
3D is way easier because the 2 largest platforms for that - DAZ and HoneySelect 2 - already have lots of pre-made characters and zounds of mods and filters you can use to change them. Also, animating 3D characters is quite easy nowadays (good animation is another thing, tho)
2D require dedicated artists adn animating 2D stuff isn't as easy as 3D.
okay, thanks! honestly i was just curious
On the other hand, 2D games usually have better visual identity - exactly because each artist has their own style. Most 3D games look pretty much the same (you'll certainly see the same girls being used in different games).
>Her dad is one of the worst persons in AVN history, so his opinion is obviously discarded
Still more respectable than his whorish daughter.
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Terrible opinion, which is also discarded
I just wish I could totally discard Alex from my playthrough.
You can. Just don't confront her father during the 0.2 arc and she'll barely show up
I'll keep that in mind if I ever pick the game up again.
I've never played Eternum for more than ten minutes but I've seen all the sex scenes
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Sally route when? Dev should just drop Josy, Maya and maybe Jill.
>Dev should just drop Josy, Maya
>and maybe Jill.
fuck no
Nah you'll forget, they always forget.
Eh, I like Josy. I don't like her +1.
Once you find out Josy and Maya are dating Josy becomes a background character who's only contribution to the plot is convincing you to go to the gym with her. Everything else is just MAYA, MAYA, MAYA. Even Josy's dad issue gets resolved without you doing anything.
While I do recommend No More Money, the MC and sister get along very well, don't hatefuck at all and is the routine
>you're so special I want you to be my first and only
romance with the only difference between morality being if you call her a slut in the bedroom or not. Oh and the MC isn't in school and you never meet anyone from the sister's college except chicks for the MC to bang
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>Weg is voice acted
>It's not AI
Jesus, could have fooled me. Makes me wonder which is cheaper, compiling AI lines or just having some Discord thot talk to a mic?
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Okay I just played it and yeah there's like 1 penetration scene for 2 years of dev time, and it's not even text-heavy like Color of My Sound or Far-Off Friends. The gobbos look alright except for MC's mom, ironically. She looks busted as hell
sexo the mexo
People like Josy, and she's been teased hardcore even stuck with her ball and chain.
Honestly I seriously hope they break up after Maya's stupid tuition drama is -finally- solved.
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>MC and sister get along very well, don't hatefuck at all and is the routine
There's like what, Summertime Saga where the sister doesn't get along with the MC even when lewd scenes start playing out? In most incest wegs the MC wins her over somehow via mind control or blackmail and she ends up liking him eventually. Though I do like the idea of that dynamic.
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What did the five fingers say to the face?

>hits neck and hear

anon, you finna kill the bitch at this rate
*ear, ffs
Anyone have the Personal Assistant Blackheart Edition update?
when did it update?
I don't like her that much but I gotta admit that scene where you fuck for hours in every room in her apartment is one of the hottest scenes I've ever seen
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>started in 2017 and still going
Kek I can't believe this never got a C&D all this time. Meanwhile Pill King gobbos got changed to look less like the actors the dev based them off of
This weekend, but it's only for $20 tier at the moment.
might have to give it a bit longer then
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bros... will i ever find an azraesha irl??

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