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'Tied Up' Edition

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wasnt there a ritual poster that begged moka to get pregnant? cant believe he's getting his wish.
she failed to get pregnant
Man first Mousey slap anon got his wish and now pregnant Moka is getting his. I should keep posting about Mira taking pictures of herself in Mel’s bathing suit.
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does anyone want a Slurpee?
She walked into that one
Michi's mom is on her stream right now
I love it when their mom’s sound sound like them but mature and more sultry

Cute goth sticc!
where have you been. she is now trying again.

damn the amount of chubbas i want to fuck their models and their flesh continues to skyrocket. also i didnt know the imp was okay with showing her face.
Camila continues to be plappable and built for mating press
I agree
She needs a messy cream pie/facial pronto

Matara has some nice hangers
She is infertile and won't get pregnant.
Mira has been live.
yeah but not on the site that matters
Well, Silver's messaging her, so I'd say it's the right site.
No one cares unless she has her tits out.
I feel like she’s replaced her addiction from crack to FFXIV, I’m telling Mamavale she’s addicted.
Well, she'll have to wean both of them off.
Silver's on voice, by the by.
How did Silver and Mira meet?
That was cute, I love those two together as much as I love both their boobs
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Oh come on Techy, you’re killing me. How much of my seed do you need!
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Today is Sunday. Yoga day. Slow down and stretch out a bit. Make the most of today and clear your mind. Get up and get moving.
Zonetron live on CB.
please kill yourself soon.
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Cute and smol nerd has a cute and small chibi model now
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speaking of new models and chibi
Chibi's new model looks great and I think the jester look is quite fitting for her
holy hell now I want her to roleplay as a ukrainian mom with a ukrainian daughter icey snowpaws how to give a BJ.

Kek, can’t wait
damn i missed it. silver and mira are cute together.
>Jester look

Fits her, she’s not only a clown, she’s the entire circus.
that's why I said the jester look is fitting for her
Snuffy live
Mel live

Bao shaking her baobble butt
melware's bastard sister live
YFU live

Sex with Numi while she’s wearing her cosplay
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Onifu said she really didnt celebrate chirstmas. so she most likely was raised in a less official cult because LDS are heavily into christmas.
Jehovah’s witnesses?
do they have "ethics council"s
She's way too tall here.
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Happy Canada Day to this sexy Moose, and all the other hot Canadian vtubers.
I got a cake for America's hat
I’d rather eat Haruka and Cotton’s cake
Speaking of Canadians, I had no idea Cotton was a natural brunette and dyed her hair.

I don’t know what she’s changed but my penis is sure looking forward to it

Mel looks good in almost ever crossover she appears in
She's just so goddamn beautiful. It makes my heart ache knowing I can never wake up and see her face.
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>You will never put your toes together with Numi at a Burger King

Glowing very bright today
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I’m shut the fuck up with the meta talk, Jesus Christ
who are the others. only one i know is the adorkable cinnamon bun.

i agree. do hope she does find someone who doesnt mind childproofing fucking everything as well as having the stamina needed for her libido even with the debuff the epilepsy meds give her.
Mel’s biggest sex debuff is her depression. You can always tell she gets super horny during a manic episode but her libido drops when she goes through a depressive episode. Her depression meds probably fuck up her libido too.

Aw, look at baby Mira with Silver’s second model
I feel like Silver and Mira would probably get high for the entire time they hang out together.
I hope Mira get’s high enough that she wants to fondle Silver’s tits
Fillian live with Tricky, Sexy Shark, and one of the lesbians from Phase
Guess it took some time for the phase connect sperging to end here. Wonder if there is a time estimate for VAllure?
I don’t remember the Phase anon shitting on other waifus to raise VAllure up on a pedestal or posting misleading links
Oh shit, my kettle’s been live for an hour. I missed the alert.
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Pink cat playing New Vegas
She’s going to join Caesar’s Legion for the lulz isn’t she.

Kson’s boobs are the same size as Ai chan’s.
Is that the fabled #16? Burger King Footsies
What has Mira Pink been up to the last year?
Recently? FFXIV for 12 hours a day.
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not streaming on cb
Today is Monday. Happy Canada Day, for those living north of the border. Even if you don't have a national holiday today, you can at least get some cardio in. Run around, get your blood pumping, work on your stamina. Just remember to stay hydrated and keep cool. Get up and get moving.
Being /our/ #1 girl.
filling my heart and draining my balls
She’s been super cute with Silver recently
what type of game is this? are they really doing a collab with a porn actress?
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It's another lewd gacha, even made by EROlab
I tried finding gameplay stuff but man they really don't want you looking for that. Even what I did manage is only there for a few secs & it is truly subpar quality for the in battle stuff
Maybe you'll be lucky & have the guy who got CherryTales stuff do it again but
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>Mel Birthday Card, T-7 days
>Card dimensions MUST be a multiple of 200
>200x200 ideal, with some larger tiles
>(400x400, 200x400, etc) accepted as well
>Deadline 7 Jul 2024
>Examples: https://imgur.com/a/bblqT7D
I want Mel to fight my Tau against her Ork’s. 1K points!
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Tonight’s stream really showed us how Henya is Zen’s bratty little sister
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you know Mel can easily kick the shit out of you if she knows to close the distance and go into melee
True, I’m pretty sure she’s read up on ork tactics so she knows how to get in close quarters combat with her boyz. Made me realize that I might be lacking some anti infantry in my list.
Like every 40K player, Mel’s probably going to start collecting a second army.
any guesses on what's going to be her second Army?
Honestly, T’au Empire because of the mecha suits. But I can see Mel showing an interest in Sisters because of John Blanche’s thinly disguised bdsm nun fetish.
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cv live
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Dangerous Oppai foot job!
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Souchou live
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Kek, why do I feel like the person who sent her this did it for fetish reasons.
fucking kek
important information, now give me porn stars with those hip ratios
not usually a big asmr-fan but I hope Melody's new mind control and maid asmrs make their way out of patreon jail
Please mel do a real lewd stream PLEASE!!!
That's honestly not very big.
Mel is not your personal masturbatory aid. You WILL enjoy watching our favorite twitch streamer Melly belly's twitch streams along with the rest of the madlads that are the Science Team.
not big by burger standards or really not so big?
t. not an american
Really pretty average, only slightly bigger than average, but nothing to freak out about. 50 would be a proper dumpy.
ehh snuffys hip ratio is exactly mandy muse level and that is pretty big......50 or plus would be BBW level
Isn’t she short as fuck too
Midna/mewtwo build confirmed
Blackjack Snuffy hates you.
proof? video and written?
Arielle live for her debut
>he doesn't know
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Looks like she’s made some improvements to her 3D model. God Haruka’s friend is so hot.
her last 2d model was better. face on the new one is fucked.
I prefer this face
mira live
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his call-outs to work out every day is a /pmg/ tradition. a tradition started by the venerable "fitdad" and is carried on to this day by an anon

Gecko butt
This, bob may be a bit autistic, but he's keeping one of the few remaining /pmg/ traditions alive, and even the jannies realize that.
How would Haruka react if she opened the door to Ari’s room and saw me fucking Ari?
is arielle fat
I love that his name is Chester
It’s a cute name for a cute gecko, really shows how fap moe Zen can be. Naming her new pet after the lead vocalist from her favorite band.
>the tradition is stupid as hell

Wow, leave. I’d rather have Bob trying to be step fit dad than another day of meta talk and the other shit that gets talked about here rather than lewdtubers/vtubers
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Wonder if their friends are going to troll Vei on the 4th because she’s British.
Does anyone know a good way to get voice samples of buffpup, I tried her twitch but cant seem to download any of her videos
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cv live
Weird question but are there any Moka ass pics?
>simpcity is down indefintely
man, we had a good thing going on there with the lewdtuber thread
>Mel use to be super close to Nux.
>Mel is super close to El_xox who is basically just a female Nux.
Time to be an annoying faggot that also tries to cancel people to be super close to Mel next.
they will be down temporarily, they lost 3 months of data that went all the way back to April 8 to whatever happened. Maybe changing servers.
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She’s coming for Snuffy next
the notice seems to imply they're making a new custom forum.
but everything will be brought over from before.
You couldn't be more obvious if you tried.
The only thing I find funny about simpcity is they find blackjack annoying as much as we find him annoying here.
Athena live.
i know.
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How do you know?
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>i will have to migrate like 300 tabs from the old site to a new one

Kek, look at Kino’s little legs. She’s so cute! Vei post more Skippy and Koda pics.

Mel playing half life. She should be asking about the Ohio part of the game
What other site can we use while simpcity is gone?
I’m expecting a lot of Haruka edits when that deer anime comes out

Oppai’s pussy causing problems
It's weird because blackjack encouraged a lot of conversations on that thread
Go kill yourself bj
>First Filian turns into a Phase Connect orbiter and constantly collabs with a bunch of their /pol/-lite members
>Now she's collabing with the actual /pol/ vtuber Kirsche.
Fucking hell Filian's descent into being an alt-right leaning vtuber. No wonder why most of the vshojo waifus stopped collabing with her
Xbunker maybe?
Today is Wednesday. Middle of the week, time to work on your own middle. Leg lifts, side to sides, torso lifts and planks ought to do it. Hang in there - the week will end faster than you think. Get up and get moving.
lol nice try admin
Literally everyone collabs with Fillian, I don’t see this as a problem unless she and Kirshe collab a lot from after this
Congratulations, you're officially a paranoid retard.
Can you glow in the dark less, my doctor says tritium is bad for me.
SMG is the best alternative

lewd collab. sif, podge and others i dont know who they are.
Tell me you've never watched Kirsche without telling me you've never watched Kirsche.
You're not fooling me, back to >>>/pol/ with you
social media girls. I fucking hate that site but it has always been the bastard sister site of simpcity and its previous incarnations, and it's the site closest to it in terms of size.
Annj is going to cosplay as Kiara in her 80’s work out outfit. Hopefully she’ll do Mel’s bikini next.
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>Mira, Mousey, and Nyanabanyana love Cinnamoroll

What is it about that fucker that makes all the Puerto Rican girl love him?
Matara should join Bo/Cimrai, Vex, Lucah, and Milky for another mommy cast.
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Solid Snake looks different
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you forgot Coqui, she also loves Cinnamoroll
oh simpcity is back up,
could I get a bj from any of them if I wore Cinnamoroll boxers
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did you eat your greens today anon?
>read only
greedy fucks why didnt they at least let us take a day or two to reorganize
Just because your gay little forum is down (good fucking riddance) doesn’t mean you all have to migrate here. Fuck off!
Why do the vtuber’s /pmg/ wants to bang all addicted to FFXIV
YFU live with the succ
Henya’s pantsu

Wait she’s no pan, so Henya’s no pantsu!
If mim cancels again I'm gonna rip my dick off.
The mega folder for Melody's stream archives linked in the https://pastebin.com/xQVnUxCN pastebin is dead (and the other two are empty).
Hello Kitty is just popular among Puerto Rican girls. For some reason, there have always been a number of local shops that specialize in selling Hello Kitty merch, so it's fairly common to see gradeschoolers with school materials emblazoned with Hello Kitty and other Sanrio characters. A major-ish mall on the north coast of Puerto Rico had a Hello Kitty shop for a great many years in the 90s (it's apparently been closed for a while).

I did a random search and found this one pharmacy in Quebradillas (a small-ish municipality in the Northwest of the island) that apparently has a second floor dedicated to Sanrio stuff. Many such cases, as the kids say.

okay well i will have to use that till simpcity gets their shit together and speaking of

glad they are back but hopefully they can get their shit together soon.
just blackjack being a bitch. whats funny is vallure shill almost made him tolerable.
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I need to give momo a dose of freedom
snuffy looks so kissable today
silver is live.
and apparently shes a very heavy sleeper. making CNC all that more easy.
apparently this silver model she has for new outfits also has a spicy model variant. hope is renewed.

but to clarify only when and if she wants to and no pressure to her whatsoever.
>to clarify only when and if she wants to and no pressure to her whatsoever.
Jesus dude it's been 4 years she nor anyone else gives a shit.
rent free janitor
touch choice
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ironmouse would have a laugh
Zen is getting a Nendoroid
>It's 2020
>Silver gets a new model and teases lewd applications
>"Maybe she'll do CB!" She doesn't.
>It's 2021
>Silver gets a new model and teases lewd applications
>"Maybe she'll do CB!" She doesn't.
>It's 2022
>Silver gets a new model with lewd applications
>"Maybe she'll do CB!" She doesn't.
>It's 2023
>Silver gets a new model and teases lewd applications
>"Maybe she'll do CB!" She doesn't.
>It's 2024
>Silver gets a new model and teases lewd applications

I can't even use the "fool me once" bit because it's folks fooling themselves. She's gonna do the "You guys are looking at my necklace and not the miles of cleavage I'm shoving into the camera, riiiiiight?" bit during debut, and that'll be the end of it.
You forgot the
>Get's a completely separate 3d model with fully modeled pussy and ass
>only uses it for worthless MMD vids on Patreon
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Need bussy so fuckin bad bros
i hate that the trans community is taking all our femboys
Eh, I didn't want to bring it up because it's pretty obvious Silver is intensely scatterbrained and more likely forgets to do anything for Patreon because she ADHD hyperfixates on the newest shiniest thing she decides to work on. You're still right, Silver's gotten about four different "updated" 3D models and does jack-all with them after hyping them up for months and months. I dunno, I'm more bummed that Silver put time and effort into making a bunny girl model with actual ass-jiggles and finger tracking but used it for less than one week in 2022. Save me, Zen's Tits.
The shitters are really sperging out today huh
to the American anons happy 4th Or to the Brits that time they got their ass kicked by a bunch of backwater hicks with the help of the French
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Sorry Vei and Froot, todays the only day when I’m not going to watch a bri’’ish tuber
Fefe antis stay losing.
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>post fefe
Nyan and Aethel are looking very cute and patriotic
>Nyan wearing shorty shorts

Jesus Nyan, you where really hiding some nice thighs from us
God damn they’re cute together. I grew up on 4chan just like Nyan, where’s my /fit/ gf!
>Buffenya doesn’t exist, he can’t hurt you
Today is Thursday. Happy 4th for those in America. Enjoy your freedom and liberty. Do remember, however, that it is also yoga day. Stretch out and work on mindfullness, as well. Fireworks may make that difficult, but I'm sure you can think of something. Get up and get moving.
boybull got a new 2d.
>Mel Birthday Card, T-3 days
>Card dimensions MUST be a multiple of 200
>200x200 ideal, with some larger tiles
>(400x400, 200x400, etc) accepted as well
>Deadline 7 Jul 2024
>Examples: https://imgur.com/a/bblqT7D
that's not even her, you retard
that's tessa fowler
So why the fuck did she post it
because she's an attention seeking whore, anon
it's really not that difficult to understand
How do I go to a waifu’s booth at a con and not stare at her tits the entire time. I’d definitely do it if it was Silver or Sinder.
It always makes me laugh seeing how my bad gut feeling about Filian from like two years ago only get more and more turned into a truth.
look at their feet
Then they’d think I’m into feet

Kek, I love these two dorks
if it was silver she would probably be insulted with you not staring at her tits. but its easy, just stare at that smile.
however look at how much nyan has come. she went from not ever being on camera to being this comfortable.

First Matara and now Bao. Everyone wants a piece of Laimu
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cv live
silver live with mira playing chained together and drinking anytime they fall.
they are already pretty sloshed and their are shirtless irl.
I just turn all of them on but mute them and run in the background for a few hours.
So little time in a day to watch all of them, especially since I'm trying to watch more of my Criterion subscription, but that way they at least get the metrics.

God I would love to massage and squeeze and pinch and bite and lick and suck Silvervale's huge titties. I hope she's groping herself while she streams.

It's cool how sex positive Silver is.
I’m positive I want to have sex with Silver
Hooped into Silver's Mira co-op stream, watched them dote on eachother, reminded me of you guys. Love you, Hazmats.

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