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File: GQsK_CibAAAFelb.jpg (380 KB, 2048x1535)
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Straight sexual content oriented for a female audience, typically made by women.

>the male(s) must be the main focus of the picture
>preferably, a female (not futa) must be present in the picture and have sexual contact with the male(s)
>the female(s) may or may not be attractive as well, or a faceless self-insert. She may also be the focus, but shouldn't steal the spotlight
>avoid posting girls with gigantic tits, ass, etc.; this thread is about the guys
>posting femdom is encouraged, but not necessary
>posting monster boys (non-furry) is encouraged

Reminder: since this is /aco/, either cartoon/western-style art regardless of origin, or anime-style art of western origin may be posted here. All Asian-made, anime-style femporn goes here: >>>/h/femporn

No yaoi (unless MMF/bi), no faceless dudes, no shota. Thank you.

Don't post /c/ or /cm/ content either (anything that's not sexual).

Examples of things you may post here:
>female self-shipping with a male character
>het ship porn
>your own femporn art
>male-oriented art that happens to have an attractive male as the focus instead of the woman

Tip: Make sure to use reverse image search sites such as Google Images, Yandex, or sauceNAO.com to find sauce, before asking in the thread.

Previous thread: >>8299842
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I agree with the anon last thread that likes Dexter’s dad, he’s so hot.
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he really is
about on the same tier as Father from KND
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don't know where else to upload this here you go
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This is so freaking good
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